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Vilana (Stasia)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Level 0 Trait: Axe Expertise
This girl stands just over five feet, usually having to look up to most to stare them down. The first thing you'll notice is the silver-speckled green eyes eyes she has. The second thing, is the fiery glare they carry around. Her wavy hair is half-dyed in purple from her normal dark auburn hair, and she keeps it swept back behind her ears. Beneath those challenging eyes is a cocky grin upon her cupid-bow lips.
Gripping her bust is a blue tube-top that squeezes the C-cup orbs into place, holding them tight but revealing plenty of her cleavage. The top comes to an end just at the end of her ribs, baring her creamy mid-drift. The start of her hips are hidden at the edges of a black and white skirt.
The skirt hangs onto the widening hips, with horizontal strips alternating in colors of black and white, giving away to the layer that's beneath. The edges end just at her knees, and dance with a poofy volume. With her eratic and dancing movements, it tosses and turns, perhaps revealing too much if she jumps too high. With a shot from the rear, you can see that the panties cling to a rather pert and shapely posterior, that she is prone to popping out if she's caught dancing. Strapped to her legs are a pair of what look to be fairly heavy boots, black and chrome with an extrenuous ammount of straps to keep them on her feet.

Attitude: Vilana is the embodiment of impulsiveness and rebellion. Going in with gut and coming out with cunning, she weaves in and out of trouble. She can be overly cocky, but has a soft spot for helping others out, especially if she can show off her independance.

Bio:A girl that has come from as much trouble as she has created, she decides the egg experiment may let her set off some steam without involving local law enforcement again. Having multiple charges for destruction of property, arson, and indecent exposure (of others), she has been advised that she may soon find herself in prison for a long time.

Well, Vilana had gotten what she wanted, an invite to be a part of the EGG program and in her typical loud style she had danced her way down to the shining building that held the impressive VR experiment. A complete world tuned to you for you to be run through without lasting consequences, and that fit her to a T. Even Vilana had to marvel at the building for a moment however as it towered above her, an impressive structure of gently curling steel and glass that sparkled invitingly in the morning sun and as she got nearer, the group of other testers that were to be here at this time were already waiting around the door, talking to a blonde technician in a lab coat. "We can't start until everyone is here, and we're waiting on... Miss! Miss!!" He shouted from the stairs, recognising Vilana from the picture they had required she send in with the application, "This way please, we have some ground to cover and then we can get everyone started!"

It amused her to no end that he was jumping and waving at her like he was flagging down a jet, and the stares she gathered from the other testers. all waiting made her smile for a moment. She was here, it was time to get started...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana awed at the tall building, pausing for a moment. She then seen that she was being viciously flagged down! Wow, no patience! Well, even she was eager to see what the fuss was about. Maybe this can get her out of probation earlier as well, if she feigns that it changed her and made her into a better person. The scheming shined in her green eyes as she bounced her way to the front, thick boots thudding against the ground. "Well then let's do it!" She said eagerly.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"Excellent!" The technician said clapping his hands together, turning to open the door, "I agree completely. Right this way." Leading the way into an immaculate white lobby, with a single curving desk sitting there, he took the time to get everyone's I.D. and enter them into the system before standing up, as excited as everyone else, and starting to lead them through a hallway behind the desk. "Alright! As you all know, this is the facility for the VR EGG testing program! All of you have been selected for one reason or another, but we do hope you have a good time. It's all pretty simple, we'll get you into your pods and you'll be asked a series of questions, most on a sliding scale to dictate the experience you have."

As he spoke, everyone could see through large paned windows into rooms holding shining polished pods, each having a small glass window and a sliding door for their occupants, who all looked quite peaceful at the moment, there eyelids occasionally fluttering from their own games. "Now! We couldn't get started because I am Vilana's personal technician" He said gesturing as they walked through a set of double doors and were met by several other people in matching white coats, all looking quite happy to be where they were. "Everyone line up and get your technicians, Vilana, please come with me."

Smiling, he led Vilana into a side room and towards her own pod, working on a terminal nearby after getting her inside, the door sliding into place with a soft hiss, and as promised, everything darkened, and the glass viewing plate showed a list of questions to be answered. It was time to get started...

Monster Girls: (Y1-Y5, Usually denotes monsters in the form of attractive women, for example a mermaid or minotaur)
Monsters: (Y1-Y5, denotes non-humanoid monsters like tentacle monsters or slimes)
Mechanical Constructs: (Y1-Y5, denotes robotic constructions like milking machines or even mechanical enemies)
Egg Laying: (Y1-Y5, denotes the laying of eggs in yourself or enemies, usually done by insect monsters)
Yuri: (Y1-Y5, denotes sex with people of the same gender)
Hetero: (Y1-Y5), denotes sex with people of the opposite gender)
Futa: (Y1-Y5, denotes girls or women with dicks)
Slavery: (Y1-Y5, denotes enemies that may make you a slave upon defeating you or you defeating them)
Corruption/Redemption System: (Y/N, denotes a morality system)
Unbirthing: (Y1-Y5, denotes being forced into a enemies womb)
Vore: (Y1-Y5, denotes being swallowed whole by certain enemies, this is classed as soft vore as in you are not digested)
BDSM: (Y1-Y5, denotes bindings and bondage)
Body modification: (Y1-Y5, denotes changes to your body like breast expansion etc.)
Transformations: (Y1-Y5, denotes changing into a different species)
Roughness: (Y1-Y5, denotes how rough enemies are when they defeat you)
Anything else?: (Specify something we missed)

Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane.

Into the fire. An accidental trip into Hell
Warm nights and mazes. The largest Hedge Maze in existence.
Cold Knights. Medieval setting.
Pass the Ammunition. The Future really is now, Cyberpunk.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana blinked. Her own personal assistant? Maybe her reputation proceeds her. Oh, if there's a way to break this game, she will find it! She bounces after the man, looking around, then finding she has a pod in a side room. "This was pretty quick..." She said, snickering. "I'll find all the bugs for ya." She nodded, then hopped into the pod. She blinked, looking over the screen. "...? What is this?"

She selected the Normal difficulty, but quickly lost patience, selecting a random assortment of options. "Come on, come on! I don't have all day!"

Monster Girls: Y:3
Monsters: Y:5
Mechanical Constructs: N
Egg Laying: N
Yuri: Y:3
Hetero: Y:2
Futa: Y:4
Slavery: Y:2
Corruption/Redemption System: N
Unbirthing: N
Vore: N
Body modification: Y:2
Transformations: N
Roughness: Y:3
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

She could hear the technician snickering as he noted her options, and then... Everything blacked out. Waking up, she was in her pod, but the view screen was cracked and the door was slightly ajar. Looking out of the glass, Vilana could see that most of the pods were in different states of disrepair, and something furry and on 4 legs was slinking around, but it was almost impossible to get a good look from where she was. Among the things she could see and feel from in her pod, was that it was unusually warm, everything was cast in a light red tint, and the smell of sulfur permeated everything, stinging her nose and eyes. A few experimental pushes told her that she could open the door with a little effort, or she could wait inside her pod.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana blinked, looking around the pod. "I... didn't mean to break it already!" She rose upward, peering out of the sides, then seen the four legged creature. If I stay, I'm trapped... I wonder if I can sneak out... She pushed gently against the pod door, hoping it wouldn't shift too much, and she'd lean out, looking for a quick place to retreat to.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

If only that was possible, it was a good plan, a prudent one, but as Vilana pushed on the door, she heard the grind of corroded metal as the hinges gave way and the entire door slammed to the ground before slowly leaning forward, and crashing into the pod nearby, a chorus of smashing steel and glass heralding her exit from the pod. From her new view, it seemed that whatever was in the air was eating at the metal in everything, like volcanic ash and seawater, large yellow spots showing around her, the tiles underneath her cracked and worn.

The problem, or rather, the real problem, was that all the noise had gotten the attention of whatever was wandering around the room, and she finally got a good look at it as it's head snapped up and stared at her, baleful yellow eyes overtop flaring nostrils as a wolf with dirty red fur, impossibly large, it's lips curled back in a snarl, fangs showing where normal canines should be, ears suddenly pulled back as it crouched low.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana winced and twitched at every slam and groan and creak of metal as it created a metal symphony of loud smashes. She looked around, and found the four legged creature that she noticed earlier. She narrowed her eyes, then searched around her for a possible weapon. She sank low in her stance, bending her knees. If there was one thing she was good at, it was dodging and running, especially from uniformed people. This might be different, but if she couldn't find a weapon, there is no other option. She waited for it to spring, and would leap out of the pod.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

No one else would be sure it was a weapon, but a large 2 foot steel pipe looked pretty damn good to a delinquent for many things, and it was there within easy reach, having snapped off when her door had probably woken up everything in the building. There was a slight problem, easy reach meant 5 feet away on the ground, and the wolf looked a little upset every time she moved. She could tell it was getting ready to jump, and her early preperations paid off. Rolling forward for the pipe as it leapt at her, Vilana was rewarded by the sound of the snarling creature slamming into the pod behind her and her hands closing around the surprisingly warm steel of the pipe. Gods above it was hot. Already starting to sweat, it felt like she was in the tropics. Thankfully, the sound of continued crashing meant that the overeager creature had really slammed into her pod, knocking it loose and smashing it around as it tried to find it's feet again.

Hearing it snarl, she turned to look and it was glaring at her again, but it was either fight, or run... She could see two doors, each about 9 feet away to the north and south... Could she outrun it?
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana had to thank her free-running buddy for teaching her to roll like that. With a lunge out outstretched arms and tucking her head, she nabbed up the pipe and vaulted herself back onto her feet, pivoting around to face the wolf. She wasn't used to this violence, but she figured her best asset would to upgrade. She took a few bounding steps, holding the pipe low to the ground so with a twist of her torso she could fend off any attacks coming from her back. She headed south, and raised a forearm to hopefully push through the door.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Rolls! Escape is an opposed D6
Vilana 2
Hellhound 4
No good
Attacks are D20's
Hellhound 2
Vilana 18
Counter attack for the critical success!

Vilana made a break for it but there was something to be said about how intelligent the creature chasing her was, because rather then come straight at her, it bounded off the wall and landed between her and the door, snarling and lunging at her suddenly, its jaws snapping shut to her left with the sound of a bear trap slamming shut... Only to catch the backhanded swing of the pipe. Seemed Vilana had a knack for this as the hound snapped it's head back and yelped, eyeing her suspiciously, pacing back and forth to keep her from the door.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana gave a cry of surprise as the wolf shut her off from the door she was bolting to. The backhanded swing came from her trying to turn and run again. The awkward slam of the pipe was incidental, but she immediately rolled with it, Pivoting on her foot, gripping the pipe with both hands, and twisting her body to follow with another more direct strike! any baseball player would have been proud...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

HP 4/5
Vilsana 8
Hellhound 13

Any baseball player would have been proud, but the hound was watching the pipe now and dipped under her to snap at her arm, drawing blood from the close call. Vilana had no doubt the damage those jaws could do, but the snap at her seemed more threatening then a real attempt, turning her towards a corner of the room, like it was herding her into a tight spot...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana winced at the raking of the teeth against her forearm. She felt herself being cornered more and more. She looked to the other door, then back to the hellhound, and then bolted for the northern door. After two bounding leaps, She'd turn on her foot again, and hope to catch the hellhound, full force as it chased after her! This feint better work...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 8+2 for Feint
Hellhound 3

Vilana felt the shock of the impact travel up her arms as the hound leapt straight into the swing, the entire force of her body bent to the blow, rewarded with a bone snapping crack and a loud yelp as the hound turned away for a moment, hopping away. The blow had landed right across the creatures should and it had trouble standing on the damaged leg, limping slightly. It was slower now, but still dangerous and those eyes seemed to hold real hatred now...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Her skirt gave an impressive swish with her turn, and the sudden shock caused her to tighten up her body, wincing from the sudden impact. Her adrenaline was running, and her chest swelled with deep breaths, flexing the top tight against her frame. She gave another lunge, trying to give a downward swing at the retreating hellhound before it could turn around for another attack. Her arm ached from the first impact, and she could only hope that the second would fell it.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Her follow up attack seemed even more solid then the last, and the yelp that followed was full of pain and fear as the hound realised it was out of it's depth with the angry girl as she struck it again. She hadn't managed to drop it, but it was obvious it had had enough, bolting through the far door as fast as it could limp, leaving Vilana alone in the room, chest heaving and arm sore as the adrenaline left her shaking where she was. Blood still ran slowly down her injured arm but for the moment she was safe. It probably wasn't smart to follow the hound, but the other door was clear. Maybe it was time to look around and get some answers...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana caught her breath, looking down at the pipe. She winced at the cut in her arm and began looking around the room, searching on her quick steps to the door opposite of the large canine. "What happened, was I knocked unconscious? Or is this the game?" She whispered to herself. Her heavy boots weren't exactly the best for this, but she stepped as light as she could, scavaging and making her way to the next room.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

There wasn't much to find in the Pod room, most everything broken or badly rusted, she had gotten lucky in finding her pipe as a weapon. The next room was actually a hallway, the same one she had entered through, the large windows that showed the other egg chambers mostly smashed out, except one. The strange red light that flooded from the chamber was suspicious on its own, but when Vilana looked into it, her jaw dropped. Inside were two women, one tightly bound in her pod, hands above her, legs pulled out and to either side, bound with thin, but obviously strong rope. Struggling, it was the other woman who held her attention, large, batlike wings extending from either side as she walked, a thin, spade tipped tail lashing from side to side as she walked around the pod. The brunette tied down was completely nude, and obviously terrified, but neither had noticed Vilana yet. The winged woman was beautiful... alluring and fear inspiring all at the same time, long black hair falling to the center of her back across pale skin, her curves gentle and inviting even as her captive whimpered and squirmed where she was. The demon, she couldn't be anything else, was nude, but in a different way that made Vilana blush for a moment as lewd thoughts entered her mind unbidden... herself, locked in passion with the demon...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana perused the hallway, looking around, until she saw the demon. Her eyes widened as she watched the demon and the occupied pod. Her own face flushed as she squirmed. This wasn't what she imagined a demon would look like, but there was no denying it. She paused, watching carefully, attempting to duck out of the way. She looked down at the pipe, then at the demoness. There was no way she could take her out, but her eyes refused to leave the pair alone. She held her breath tightly, even as her body began to warm up.