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Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I was just teasing you Toxic. I was looking for a excuse to use toxic in regards to you. I get mild enjoyment out of shit like that... making fun of people is another bad military habit... we do it to each other all the fucking time.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I know, I was just responding in kind.

Don't worry wold, I've found that we're all teasers in our own ways
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

From the top!

Lust: Obviously, but it's well managed.

Wrath: I'm usually quite patient, except when I'm driving. I'm quite prone to road rage for some reason.

Gluttony: I have quite the sweet tooth, and will sometimes eat because there's nothing to do. I have not yet become a fatass, but the day is soon approaching...

Sloth:I do very little, and what little I do is done as effortlessly as possible. I sleep at all hours of the day, and have been credited with putting more effort into avoiding a task than it would take to complete it.

Vanity: I'd like to think I'm not vain, but that's not true. I'm just subtle.

Envy: I don't get jealous, I get even...

Wait, no. But I really don't get jealous.

Greed: I rent nothing. I don't know if that's greed or what, but if I'm going to play a game or watch a film I'm going to own it. I'm very protective of the things I own.

Summation: I'm very good at rationalizing, so people may have to point these things out to me or I ignore them into oblivion. Top sin is probably sloth, followed by gluttony. Bad combination, I think.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

With the sins probably my highest would be lust, but I think lust really kind of applies to all the others as well. I don't think of lust as just sex you can lust after food, drink, money, whatever else. Second highest probably vanity lowest would be sloth.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Lust not really my sin, unless you count alone time. Then yes it would be a sin
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

*Scratches head*

Isn't this topic pretty much what THIS topic is about?
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Only if you're Christian.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

My pride (and sometimes lust) makes me very susceptible to flattery, especially by women.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

That link that dark fire provided is for what we may be going to hell for. This thread is for vices, not something that we would necessarily go to hell for, but something wrong with our personalities. I only used the sins because of my nick name.

Also... if you don't believe in hell, how can you go?
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Well some religions believe that you still go for being wrong. What would be the purpose of hell if one wouldn't go there if they didn't believe in it? I mean, I understand how much greater the problem is of people who know evil and the consequences of their actions and still choose to do it, but we live in a moral enough society that, even without a belief of consequences, a person who chooses to be evil (and we know basically what evil is) should still be punished.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I didn't quite mean that... I meant that perhaps they believe in something else. And don't try and rebuttal by saying that if they don't believe then their going, cause I really don't want to get into an argument about religion after being called a whore and an infidel all day.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Oh I wasn't trying to say that they should, I'm just saying some people believe that. For instance, the same type of jackasses that would call someone a whore and an infidel.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)






yeah... dunno that it's a vice, but I get riled up whenever I hear that one of my friends got/is getting slurs thrown at them by ignorant assholes, even if the friend is more than capable of taking it and dishing it back in the form of bullets >.>
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)






yeah... dunno that it's a vice, but I get riled up whenever I hear that one of my friends got/is getting slurs thrown at them by ignorant assholes, even if the friend is more than capable of taking it and dishing it back in the form of bullets >.>


I lol'ed.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

yeah... dunno that it's a vice, but I get riled up whenever I hear that one of my friends got/is getting slurs thrown at them by ignorant assholes, even if the friend is more than capable of taking it and dishing it back in the form of bullets >.>

I would say that counts as wrath on the sins. Don't know if it would count as a vice though, unless you indulge in it.

I do indulge in lust so it would count as a vice for me, but none of the others would be a vice really.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Do toxic relationships count?
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Mine is probably the most healthy Vice.

Sam's Choice Orange Early Rise Powdered Drink Mix.

Damn, that stuff tastes good. Not to mention I drink maybe 8 quarts of that shit a day. Other than that, I enjoy watching explosions on Youtube and am a freaking huge anime addict. Dunno if those last two are vices, but I don't give a damn. It's the internet.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

But... I'm team Canada...
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

But... I'm team Canada...

Teams Canada and America all have agents under Team Tentacles, a.k.a. the ULMF Forums :p

We're one big happy perverted family :D
Come give your big bro a hug!

... oh, that? that's just a gun in my pocket.

... wait, my gun is in my other pants.... >.>