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Veselin Asylum

Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

He moaned softly as her tongue played back with his finger, before he opened up the bitchsuit, and pulled it away. But he made sure to force each of her limbs into their proper cuffs. There were 10. Her legs wound up folded just like they already were, one around each ankle, and thigh, while two went around her biceps and wrists, holding her arms and legs firmly out of the way an under the wolf, while a one pulled a muzzle over her lower face so she didn't disturb the other patients, and the last wrapped firmly around her hips while the wolf stood up fully, still fucking her hard and deep. Gods it felt incredible. Sasha had had a good long time to get her inventions right.

He left her tail in, just to torment her some more, which the wolf grabbed with another strap so it didn't get in the way, and just kept on hammering her cunt, his knot getting larger by the moment, before they were stuck, no way to get the motorized cock out of her cunt. And it started to vibrate furiously, while the first half continued to thrust, hidden from view inside her while the wolf started to patrol.

With each step, she swung underneath the automaton, and shifted the furiously buzzing cock and it's thick knot inside her, never letting up or giving her a break while she screamed in pleasure climax after climax underneath it, squirming uselessly.

She learned it's purpose quick enough though as it spotted another patient, a human woman with short brown hair and perky tits, sneaking around in her straightjacket. It opened it's mouth, and a long chain shot out, tipped with a pair of manacles, that snapped around her ankles, starting to reel her in while she squirmed, crying out into a thick ballgag. Giselle could hear the chain ratchet closer and closer, watching it drag the patient to it while she continued to suffer the incredible pleasure underneath it.

When she was close enough, Giselle could see her panting softly, blushing underneath her green eyes, while her folds quivered, slick and hungry for attention, which it quickly got as a hook rose in the floor to catch her shackles, pinning her legs in place, while the hunter unit shoved it's mouth between her thighs, and what must have been a thick tongue shot forward into her, the woman arching hard and screaming through her thick ballgag in forced pleasure and shock at the sensation, the hunter unit spending an hour just fucking them both hard and deep, before it left her chained to the floor, several women rushing her to pull her into a cell for their own fun.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana could do little to really stop Lupus putting her into the cuffs, so she didn't try. By the time she was fully strung up in the cuffs, Liana was nearly insensate, from the pleasure, the muzzle easily muffling her and preventing her moans from spilling out. Giselle was barely able to move by the time the knot had swollen enough to lock them together, not that she wanted to at this point. Her tail waggled around like crazy as the pleasure mounted, her pussy spasming around the knot inside of her.

"F-Fuck yes, it feels so damn good," Liana thought to herself as she was carried along by the metallic wolf.

When the wolf captured a second woman to play with, and chained her down, Liana could only moan softly as she watched her getting toyed with too, right alongside Liana. "Oh she's pretty hot. And she obviously likes that tongue, hmhm," Liana thought to herself as she watched with bated breath, curious as to whether or not the new girl would cum before even a minute passed.

With the muffled moans coming from Liana, drowning out her thoughts almost, Liana endured the next hour of sex as best she could, enjoying herself, but making sure she didn't falter like she had with her Midnight Visitor, the night before, and fall into a state of debauchery that was hard to climb out of. Then, Liana saw the girl she'd been fuck buddies with, get left by the wolf, and then swarmed by some ladies from another cell, where they pulled the poor girl inside for some fun, and leaving Liana with the big bad metal wolf here. "Where to now buddy, hmm?" Liana thought to herself as she watched where she was going, looking for anything of value along the way, and trying to remember where it, and they, were at.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana had trouble actually pinning down the route they were taking, but she did manage to see something fairly important as she was carried along during her rough robotic fannypack fucking. A large archway door, with a gigantic 15 stamped on it. The next ward. She also managed to spot a very heavily guarded elevator, but didn't see a way inside.

So, she knew what the exits looked like, and that they existed. And that she was cumming, really, REALLY hard right now as they walked by the elevator. After another hour of meandering aimlessly and taking her treatment, Liana was dropped off back at her cell, left on the floor as the door hissed open. Exercise period was done. It turned then and pounced one of her neighbors, dragging them into their cell to join them for their treatment period, whatever that was, while an army of tendrils descended from the ceiling of her cell carrying feathers and rope.

She'd be happy to see she had her very own Sybian now next to her bed, and that the slimes were all piled up and snuggling, all waving at her cheerfully. SHE HAD A CHOICE! Abandon her cell in this tiny window of opportunity, and risk a punishment of some kind for trespassing, or, step into her cell for obvious tickles, more fucking, even more fucking after that, almost assuredly countless orgasms, and then sleep until her next exercise period.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Spotting the door, which was really the only thing she managed to remember pretty much, cos good fucking is good, makes horny girl forget things easily, Liana saw the large number 15 on the thing and did her best to remember that. As she came, again, and again... and again for good measure, Liana finally found herself in front of her cell, being deposited on the floor just outside of it, after god only knows how long, she thought to herself, having lost all track of time. As the steel wolf let her be, and pounced on someone else, Liana caught her breath, and raised up a bit, looking inside of her cell and seeing what awaited her within.

It was very tempting, to just go on inside, have her fun with being tickled, and spanked some too most likely. But she blew a kiss to her little slime friends, and told them she'd be back shortly, that she had to take her chance here and explore some. Getting up to her feet, Liana stretched as best she could, and moved along down the hall, deciding to explore her ward as much as she could, thinking it best to do so if she wanted to escape.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Her abused folds were still wet, she had to wonder if her body had been drugged into some kind of physically permanently aroused state. Most likely. Leaving her cell to wander, she found several things had changed.

The hallway before her, as her door slammed shut, was now ringed with small sensors and cameras, and for the first time since she'd gotten here, she was Completely unrestrained, save for the muzzle still holding her mouth open for easy use, and the tail still stuck in her ass, which she could pull out if she wanted to she supposed. Reaching up she'd find the muzzle was held in place by a small padlock. Fucking... Lupus you Ass!

Still, the panel was closed on the muzzle, which meant that beside the ring, she had a thick fake cock in her mouth which tasted sweet to her, she hadn't noticed before, and demanded to be suckled on, her tongue rolling over it as she did so lightly without her even thinking. The muzzle itself was leather, and covered her from the bottom of her chin, to just under her nose, as well as a pair of thick straps going up either side of her face to meet at her forehead, and around the back to the muzzle, meaning it was Very firmly seated on her face. Still, the only thing keeping the panel over her face closed was a small catch, so if someone caught her, they could just... pop it open, and make her suck them off, instead of this... delicious toy! What was that flavor?!

She pondered that for a fed seconds while suckling on the fake toy made her folds twinge slightly in response to the obviously sexual act which was making soft, sweet little sounds, as well as very quiet whimpers when it happened, as she started to explore.

She obviously didn't want to touch any of the small sensors on the ground, and several cameras with some kind of launcher attached to their bottom were panning the halls, lasers tracing their path, set intentionally so she'd have some chance of getting passed them. Sasha Toying with her inmates.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana could only believe her body had been drugged somewhat, her legs trembling as she walked. Not that she really minded if she had been drugged to be permanently wet and horny, but it would hamper her ability to move around easily, without being found out, though... then again, that would make it more fun. Looking around, she spotted the cameras, and sensors, and shuddered, knowing that she would be found out quickly, most likely with these things now in her ward. She didn't bother with pulling the tail out just yet, nor the muzzle, though she did find the padlock on the latter, and figured that she'd remember that, so she could pay Lupus back later somehow, maybe strap him down to a milking machine for Sasha, which made her inwardly grin.

She sucked on the dildo in her mouth too, the sweet taste keeping her from being able to stop, as she walked, and she idly wondered if that would be something that would be to sustain her, in terms of food and or drink. Shaking her head clear after a few moments, and tried to follow the lasers paths from the cameras, so she'd learn them and be able to slip past them, to explore, while trying to keep the sensors from detecting her as well.

"A-Alright Liana, you can do this. You're a person, a flesh and blood person. Sasha's just an AI. She might be smarter, but your instincts are better, by far," Liana thought to herself as she set off as carefully as she could.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana had to wonder if she was just lying to herself with her thoughts on Sasha, but she moved carefully and quietly, slipping under the first camera and avoiding the sensors without too much trouble. Her ass bumped one in passing though and she nearly got caught as the wall opened where she'd hit it, and a writhing set of mechanical tendrils whipped out, missing her by inches and exploring the wall opposite, the cameras nearby turning to look just above her. She had to be REALLY careful.

As she moved, she made it to Terrance's cell without much issue, and found that the traps all changed based on where she was, though she had no idea what they all did. She was currently avoiding something that moved around like a small spider on 6 mechanical legs. It had some kind of small launcher set under it's body though. And several more rolled passed without seeing her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana crept along, idly thinking to herself just how right she was about having better instincts than Sasha, when she bumped one of the sensors. Luckily though, she managed to avoid getting caught by the mechanical tentacles that surged out of the wall at her. Just as she ducked away, she noticed the cameras spinning around to look in her direction, but she didn't get spotted thankfully.

After a few minutes, she'd made her way to Terrance's cell again, and found the traps, were all different now. It was likely because of her, Liana told herself. Avoiding the spidery looking thing with the launcher on it, Liana waited until it, and any others were gone past, before she headed on out to explore further.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

After WAY too many fucking rolls....

Making her way passed Terrances area, she got lucky and unlucky at the same time. She was unlucky because the little spider like robots apparently traveled in packs, and in odd places she wouldn't usually expect, as something thick, warm, and wet suddenly smacked around her ankle, as well as her wrist and lower back, 3 of the little creations sitting on the ceiling, and both walls having tagged her with what looked like strands of something synthetic. It was either a rubber or an actual silk. But rather then simply bind her up immediately, they started to drag her down a hallway, and to her Amazement, straight passed the ward door again, the one she'd been looking for in the first place. And since she wasn't getting fucked long and hard by a robotic hound, she remembered easily where and how to find the thing. Though she had no idea how to unlock it, or even if she Needed to unlock it.

Meanwhile, as the little robots continued to drag her, using magnets on their bellies to anchor themselves in place as they pulled on her, the lines all suddenly went slack as they started to revolve around her, starting to cocoon her in whatever it was this shit was made of, almost 15 more of them pouring out of the walls and ceiling to help out if she didn't manage to get loose very quickly. Which of course didn't happen as her ankles got tripped up in the now circling line, before they were pulled tightly together, and more smacked and splatted all over her skin, soon lifting her in the air slightly and anchoring her to the walls to hold her in suspension, before continuing to circle her, soon leaving Liana as a tightly bound up, squirming, completely covered cocoon hanging in the hallway... and then, they just left her there, a wriggling bundle. But she wasn't to be left unattended forever, they soon came back for her. She could feel them on the outside of her cocoon, tapping away on her skin as they crawled over her, before she felt her cocoon changing, the spiders pushing it into her lower holes little by little, as well as her mouth, soon coating all her holes in the material, before splitting it around her limbs to let her move about, having made her into a perfectly usable, fuckable, covered fuckdoll. She could feel the impressions inside her lower holes, and the way her lips were now pursed slightly, her teeth propped open to make her mouth easier to use. But of course they weren't done with her. Soon after someone clamped around her nipples, as well as her clit, starting to vibrate softly, tickling her subtly in just the right places to have her wetter then a river, and only then did they abandon her to her fate in the hallway, to wait for exercise period, lenses worked over her eyes to let her see at the very least, what or who would be using her until this stuff wore off.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Moving on past Terrance's cell, Liana crept along, moving as softly as she could. She was caught off guard however by the spiderling things on the ceiling, and let out a cute little yelp as she was grabbed by the synthetic webbing they shot out at her. As she was dragged along, she spotted the door to her ward, which coincidentally enough she'd been looking for anyway, and thankfully she was able to keep a better eye out and learned the way here. "Well step one is out of the way. Now I just need to... figure out how the fuck to get away from these things," Liana thought to herself as she went past it.

When they finally stopped, Liana thought they might let her go... for about 1 second, until she remembered where she was. "Yep... should have figured this. Alright you little bastards, bring it on, fuck me silly. I won't break," Liana said softly to the things, sticking her tongue out defiantly at them.

She was lifted up and cocooned into their synthetic webbing, whining softly as she squirmed about in their grasp as she was strung up in the air. By the time they were done, Liana was shaking her ass for anything behind her to come up and fuck her. When the stimulation came to her clit, and her nipples, Liana moaned aloud, her folds clenching a bit as she grew wet very quickly, letting anyone or anything know nearby that she was ready to be used. "C-Come on you little devils... don't leave me hanging like this," Liana whimpered aloud, if she could.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Whimpering into her sealed mouth, the only thing allowed in or out of that hole now was cock. Something she wouldn't mind really, though at least the little fuckers had removed her muzzle, lock and all, but it was likely just hanging nearby for someone else to put back on her, this place never played fair. Still for it not playing fair she'd still made progress. Sunny side of things and all that shit.

Moaning and squirming, wanting to be used, no relief came, no matter how Ready she was to be used, at least, not immediately as she hung there. That was for several hours, just... trapped on the edge, waiting. Still, it was actually a relief to see all the doors open for exercise period, and depending on how she felt about it, exciting to see she was in a predator hallway, as 2 women stepped out of the cell to her right and immediately grabbed her, before anyone else could, 12 inch, thick cocks hanging between their legs, both of them grinning widely. I told you they just left her here. Hey honey? You want a nice fat cock hun? And don't worry, Lisa brought your muzzle for you. she said as she kicked the door shut, the other herm woman grinning and holding it up for her to look at while they inspected the suit Liana had been sealed in. Her hands were too covered to use properly, her feet had been pushed into a high heeled position, she could move a little now that the tethers holding her were gone, but couldn't speak, and she was so unbelievably horny.

The girl that had grabbed her laid down, dragging Liana with her, grinning as she ground her monster shaft across her covered clit, still vibrating. Cmon hun, just give up and jump on this cock, if you do like a good girl Lisa will take you from behind, we'll keep you allll day. she grinned, showing a long forked tongue. Shery that isn't what she wants. She wants This. Lisa said, grabbing Liana from behind and throwing her onto the large bed in their room, holding her down from behind and immediately thrusting into her folds, starting to fuck her hard and deep, her head hanging just off the other side of the bed while Shery moved around front. Not everything has to be force you know. she muttered, though that didn't stop her from shoving her monster into Liana's mouth and down her throat, both starting to fuck her from both sides, Lisa holding her arms behind her firmly as they did.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana didn't truly mind if she got a cock in her mouth, and one in her pussy too for that matter. It seemed like it was going to be a while before she would get any relief, unfortunately. Squirming around like crazy for what felt like hours, Liana soon found herself presented with an opportunity to get some relief, as two herms came out of the cell next to her, as exercise period began.

Liana squirmed around a bit, shaking her ass at the pair as much as she could, trying to entice them to take her. Thankfully, they did, bringing her back into their cell, nodding when the one asked her if she wanted their cocks. "M-Mhm!" was all Liana could really mutter through her gag, as she nodded.

When Lisa grabbed her up and tossed her down onto the bed, where she plowed into Liana from behind, after Shery spoke. Liana cried out through her gag as she was split open, her tongue reaching out for Shery's cock, and lapping at the tip before it was shoved into her mouth. "F-Fucking hell, finally... fuck my pussy you b-beasts!" Liana cried out in her head, squirming around and squeezing tightly around both cocks as her head bobbed up and down the length in her mouth.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Both women had grabbed her tightly, pinning her, holding her tightly as they both started to fuck her, hard, deep, feverishly, hungrily. She hadn't been the only one pent up and neither one had anything to say to her right now, turned into a fuckdoll like she was. She was literally their moaning little cumdump and they were going to get their use out of her it seemed as she was quickly and immediately blown through a climax while she swallowed around the other cock working passed her lips while the cell door slammed shut and locked.

We should enslave her. We should. Just.. you know.. keep her for awhile. Lisa panted out above her as she worked her cunt, only fucking her harder while her sister nodded and bit her lip, pumping a thick load straight down Liana's throat.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana didn't really care how pent up they were, as long as they were fucking her, she would indulge their pleasures for the time being, if only to get her own. Liana squirmed around as they plunged into her over and over, repeatedly thrusting in and out, and making her moan around the cock in her mouth like nothing more than a whore. As she heard the pair talking to one another about enslaving her though, Liana did squirm around a little more, and thought to herself that she needed to try and reason with them once she could talk. Maybe she could persuade them to let her go, if she promised to come back a couple of times a week to let them have their way with her or something.

Either way, for the moment, she was unable to do anything but swallow down the cum that was pumped into her mouth. "God, it feels so fucking good," Liana thought to herself.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

This fun and vigorous fucking continued for the entirety of the exercise period, 4 hours passing easily until the pair had finally exhausted themselves, laying Liana down on the padded floor and both taking a rest after their door had closed and locked, trapping the elf with the horny herms.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

As the pair kept fucking her, Liana was slowly losing herself to the pleasure, moving her hips with theirs, and sucking harder and harder with both pairs of lips until the two were sucked dry, and left exhausted for the time being. When they had finished, Liana could only close her eyes to rest a bit, idly wondering just how long they'd keep her, though she had to admit that they weren't nearly as bad as some of the others, and wouldn't mind this capture for the time being, if they decided to keep her for any length of time, figuring it best to enjoy it at least, while she could get someone that wouldn't bind her completely.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

While they didn't go to great lengths to bind her up, instead requesting, And Receiving a chain from the wall, they did chain her collar to that anchor, allowing her only the ability to reach the door, not pass through it. She was trapped in this room as a thoroughly coated fuckdoll while both women pulled her between them as she rested, cuddling her from both sides while they all took a break.

When she woke up, her situation hadn't changed at all, Shery and Lisa both awake however, one reading a book, the other sipping on a cup of coffee. Obedience had heavy perks in here it seemed. as Lisa seemed to have half a library on the wall. Shery however was more interested to see Liana awake, grinning and patting her thigh. Someone's awake huh. I've been waiting hun, come here and suck me off while I finish my coffee, and then maybe i'll do something about the stuff coating it so you can speak. she said, while Lisa just shook her head and chuckled, thumbing another page over.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana didn't struggle, nor argue with the pair, and let them leash her up for the time being, knowing that she both didn't have the strength to overpower both, nor the stamina to outrun them even if she did, at the moment. When they snuggled up to either side of her, Liana nuzzled her face into the breasts of the one in front, as she laid on her side, and cooed softly as she did. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep with their warm bodies pressed up against her, and if she had the ability to move her arms any at all under her own power, Liana would wrap them around whichever one was in front, and nuzzle in deeper.

When she woke again, Liana yawned and stretched as best she could, before wiping her eyes with her wrist some, but didn't jump up too fast to try and escape, and instead she remained calm and obedient when Shery spoke. Liana nodded and yawned again and held up her index finger to tell her to give her a moment to wake up fully, where she then crawled over quite lewdly, shaking her ass back and forth enticingly to Lisa behind her, as she crawled towards Shery, and happily knelt down further. She pointed at the cockring gag in her mouth, as if trying to ask it to be removed so she could speak, and then she pointed at the coffee too and tried to smile a little, trying to ask the two if she did as told, if she could have some coffee too. Regardless, Liana reached out with one hand, took Shery's cock in it and began stroking it, and squeezing it lightly, as she pulled it into her mouth and began sucking her off eagerly, hoping to get a reward for obedience here, and doing her best to make Shery cum and feel incredible.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Lisa chuckled as Liana showed off, spanking her wagging ass as she passed while Sherry raised her eyebrow, before turning and pouring another cup for her as something of a promise for when she finished with her 'breakfast', groaning quietly as she knelt between her legs and smoothly slid her captor's cock into her mouth, bobbing slowly as she made an effort to pleasure her, Sherry laying her hand on the back of her head, guiding her up and down smoothly as she moaned, the chain clinking behind her softly as Liana moved.

It didn't take too long for Sherry to start throbbing and flexing in her mouth, and her hand grew firmer on the back of her head until she arched in front of her and came, her morning load thick and warm, pushing into her throat as she made Liana swallow it all. Liana didn't quite catch a break though as she felt Lisa settle behind her, before abruptly shoving into her folds, starting to fuck her slowly, her hands holding her hips tightly as she grunted with her first thrust, hilting immediately and moaned into the air behind her as she started to thrust.

When sherry was done, she let Liana back up, and reached back to get a small green bottle, and fingered a cream out of it, spreading it over her covered tongue, and around her lips, the coating inside her mouth melting away before handing her a cup of coffee.

There you go. Good morning. Try to get a drink in while Lisa is still going slow I think... she said, chuckling as she watched Lisa take her from behind smoothly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana let out a cute eep as Lisa spanked her large bubbly butt, which jiggled deliciously as she crawled along. Liana nodded eagerly at Shery, when she poured the extra cup of coffee, letting her know that was what she was trying to ask for, before she got started on Shery's cock. Liana reached up and gently laid her free hand on Shery's hand, giving it a little affectionate squeeze before it went down to fondle the sexy herm's balls, rolling and massaging them with her right, while her left stroked Shery's length while she sucked her off.

When she felt Shery's cock throbbing, nearing her peak, Liana grinned around her shaft and rolled her tongue across Shery's tip, coaxing her climax forth. When Shery came finally, Liana gulped her load down eagerly, though never stopped bobbing her head until every last drop of Shery's load was milked and sucked out of her, where she lavished the tip of her cock with a good deal of tongue worship, cleaning the entire length in the process. As Liana felt Lisa pushing into her from behind, she moaned around Shery's cock and her sensitive folds clamped down around the length as it hilted inside of her, her butt cheeks flexing to squeeze mightily on that large length.

As Shery let her up finally, Liana looked up with dewy eyes and pointed at her gag, feeling it would be very hard to drink with that still on, but not trying to demand it out so the pair didn't just punish her. Regardless, Liana would try and sip at the coffee some, before bouncing her ass boldly back against Lisa, forcing her to hilt inside of her a few times in quick succession, and moaning up a storm as she did, feeling her pussy twitching around Lisa's cock, indicating an imminent orgasm. "Morning to you too... y-you lovely... b-beautiful things," Liana would tell the pair, if her gag was removed, in between her moans.