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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine.

Alexandra didn't fall deeply into Aescila's hypnotic gaze, as she had back in the stream, but instead felt herself merely relaxing as the connection between them deepened. Aescila slowly moved around, remaining in Alexandra's lap but turning around and wrapping her legs around her waist, and softly pressed her forehead against Alex's. She remained that way for a moment, her hands on either of Alexandra's sides, their eyes locked together, but then, Aescila said; "I'm... Not entirely sure, if this will work... The last time was with another demon... But, I'll try."

Then, Aescila shifted slightly, her impure eyes closing and shutting off both their relaxing hypnotism and their soft glow, and leaned in to kiss Alexandra. Those soft, red lips parted and pressed lightly against her own, and after shifting slightly her tongue drifted between Alex's lips, pressing against her own and writhing against it for a few seconds before withdrawing. As she broke the kiss, she planted another, lighter one on Alexandra's lips, this time with her mouth closed, before she pulled away slightly, and whispered; "We're going to have to take our clothes off....." It was about then that Alex noticed that the shirt she wore beneath her armor and been hiked up to her armpits, exposing literally everything underneath, and now Aescila pulled it up further, until it was almost off, only covering the upper portion of her face. Aescila paused to kiss her again, holding the cloth over her eyes and giggling as her tongue danced in Alex's mouth.

After her shirt came off, Aescila's robe followed it, the demon's breasts pert and firm and perfectly rounded. In fact, her entire body was perfectly shaped, nothing out of proportion, and not a single blemish touched her pale skin. The demoness had only been wearing her robe, and had had to lift herself slightly out of Alexandra's lap to take it off, but rather than sit back down, she softly pushes Alex down onto her back, and straddles the half-dragon for a moment as she pulls her into another kiss. This one Aescila holds for a long while, her hands exploring Alexandra's body, and spending just as much time on her scaly sides as she did on her breasts, though that could be because her own chest was pressed against Alex's.

Finally, after once more breaking the kiss, Aescila's hand glided down, and slowly tugged off Alexandra's pants and underwear, the demoness moving down with them and trailed kisses along her body all the way to her belly button. Once she was totally naked, Aescila climbed between her legs, and kissed her again, this time deeply rather than the lighter, teasing ones she had been giving before.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Without that hypnotic charm no longer interfering with her mind Alex found herself blushing intensely when Aes brought their foreheads together. Her heart was starting to beat a little more rapidly then she would have liked with those arms and legs wrapped around her, but thankfully the relaxing glow from the demon's eyes helped suppress her growing anxiety. She didn't quite know what was going to happen, but a part of her felt like she couldn't remain too anxious and excited if this was going to work.

A couple seconds later that relaxing glow was cut, and Alex soon found herself engaged in a light kiss with the woman in her lap. For a moment she felt a bit of shock the moment their lips touched, but the longer Aes held them together the more her resistance crumbled away until something within her finally clicked. Alex abandoned whatever doubts and worries were holding her back and simply melted into the embrace, her mouth readily opening for the tongue that started to writhe against her own. She couldn't understand why she simply gave in like this or why she enjoyed it so much. But her body was responding on her own, her own tongue returning the affections from her friend, and her soul was simply basking in the sheer closeness she was starting to feel.

Was that what it was? Intimacy? Even with her more tragic past Alex didn't allow that to keep her from reaching out to people on occasion. She'd experienced closeness with a couple of people, one of them making her question whether she'd actually fallen in love or not, but nothing compared to this. This was beyond anything she could ever hope to explain, to anyone or even to herself, and it blocked out everything, even her own state until Aes pulled back and said they would need to remove their clothes. Only then did she realize her eyes were closed, and when she opened and looked she suddenly felt her shirt bunched up under her arms. Her chest and stomach were fully exposed, but even then she only let out a quiet "Mm-hm" in agreement before her arms lifted on their own and made removing her shirt an easy process. It slowly rose, her face and arms bound by her own clothing, but Aes being the mischievous little minx she is decided to steal another kiss from her helpless victim. Alex actually found herself grinning before she returned it as best she could until it was finally pulled free.

At that Aescila started to undo her robe, and she lifted herself from Alex's lap to do so. This left the dragoness with the perfect view, the robe opening and falling away to reveal the demon in all her perfect glory, and even without the hypnosis Alex found her eyes being drawn to those rosy nipples presented so openly right in front of her face. But before she could muster the courage to act Aes descended once more, and a light push eased Alex to her back before Aes straddled her stomach and lowered herself for another intimate kiss. Alex felt herself melt once more, her entire body going limp as Aes lay on top of her, their lips wrestling once more, their tongues writhing against each other, their breasts pressing against each other while Aescila's hands caressed and explored every inch of flesh that was available.

A light tug caught the dragon's attention when their kiss was eventually broken, but before she could turn her eyes down a pair of lips landed on her neck. It forced a small sigh from her, and when their landed on her collar Alex's instincts caused her to roll her body slightly as an offering. The trail kept moving farther down her body, her back arching at every new touch that teased and excited her, and when it finally landed on her navel she let out a quick gasp had her hip bucking up on their own. She barely noticed the sudden loss of her pants, and it would probably surprise Aes to find that Alex didn't wear anything else underneath, but whether she noticed or not was left unanswered as she rose once more.

Once again the demon rose to lay herself against the dragon trapped beneath her, and once again their lips met and locked the pair together. But this time Aes dove into their kiss, the deep embrace setting something off within Alex that started coaxing her body into action. Her lips returned the passion they were given, her mouth even moving to increase it a bit more while her arms started wrapping around the girl. One hand landed on the demon's back and pressed her closer. The other found its way to her shapely rear, a quick caress giving way to a more needy squeeze. This would make Alex's constantly shifting hips painfully obvious, and that became even more pronounced when one of her legs snaked around Aescila in an effort to hold her even closer. But even with her instincts taking over a part of her still held back. That part was focused on Aes, It waited to gauge her reaction, to see whether they could continue like this or it needed to reign in Alex's growing passion to let the demon show her what needed to be done.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

If Alex was doing anything wrong, or not doing something necessary for what Aescila planned to show her, she couldn't tell. "That's it.... Just relax..." Aescila continued the affectionate embrace for several moments, laying on top of Alexandra beneath the earthen tent, and kissing her and rubbing her hands all over their bodies pressed together. The demoness cooed softly as Alex's hand caressed and squeezed her shapely backside, and Alex felt a light pinch on her own bottom as Aescila's hand reached the bottom of it's motion along her side.

They remained like that for some time, caressing and kissing as the tension between them built, and Alexandra began to wonder what all this was leading up to. A sudden touch against her nethers, by something too direct to be Aescila's leg, which had glided against her sensitive lips several times, alerted her that things were about to change before Aescila whispered; "You're ready.... And this is the only way I know how to do this..." She sounded almost apologetic as she said it, but before Alexandra could muster any response, the demoness kissed her deeply again just as she felt something hard pushing it's way slowly into her moist flower, setting every one of her sensitive nerves alight with pleasure as her inner walls stretched around it until Aescila had hilted herself into Alexandra.

A few gentle thrusts into her, each almost painfully slow as Aescila moaned into their kiss, caused more pleasure to Alex than anything she'd ever imagined she could experience. Not only was the physical pleasure completely overwhelming, but she also felt something she barely had the words to describe.... It felt as if she were sharing something, like something was passing from herself to Aescila, and the the giving of it was so primaly satisfying that it was addicting almost immediately.

The odd new sensation, coupled with the physical pleasure, was pushing Alex toward orgasm far faster than she'd ever thought possible, but as she reached toward that precipice, Alex began to experience something else. It was as if she felt her own bodies reactions to their coupling, the pleasure going through her at the new sensation, and all of the emotion from what she'd felt over the last few moments.... But at the same time, she felt something else. She could feel herself gently pushing forward as a soft moist passage wrapped around her cock. She could feel the tension their encounter had brought upon Aescila, the frightened confusion that the demon was in at feelings that she didn't recognize and couldn't explain, and fear that was she doing would fail, and that she would alienate one with whom she had shared so much..... But all of those were dwarfed by an intensely gratifying feeling that was likewise alien to her, but just as primaly satisfying as the sensation which Alexandra herself was so enraptured by.

The connection began to deepen, and some part of her, likely the dragon in her, realized what Aescila was doing. Rather than purely feeding on her essence, as the demon normally would have done to her sexual partner, Aescila was allowing part of her own spirit to pass to Alex. Memories of things she had never done or seen flooded into her mind, but they were strangely disjointed. Half were of a land she recognized as akin to her own, while half were of a place that matched what she'd been told Hell looked like, a strangely serene place with a permanently multy colored sky. They blended together, as if both were happening at the same time, and at times Alex couldn't tell one from the other. The vision continued as the two of them seemed to have been locked within the moment, until Alex reached the beginning of the memories of her world. She quickly came to understand why Aescila had been so distressed, as she experienced what she'd done to the angel from the demon's own point of view.

She felt the angel's sorrow as she was taken, and pieces of her essence were broken off and consumed through what should have been an act of love, and then her sudden pain as the blade sliced through her throat. A moment of impotent fury, and then a sudden peaceful acceptance as not only her life, but her very existence came to an end. At Aescila's hands.

She felt the demon's ravenous hunger, brought upon her by days of having her own soul fed upon. She felt the inhuman, predatory satisfaction of having that hunger fulfilled. And the shame that came with it, as she realized what had been done to reached that fulfillment.

She had destroyed something beautiful. And she had been destroyed herself. But from that, she had become something different.

The memories began to fade as she felt her body reaching its climax, the culmination of their lovemaking about to commence as she felt Aescila's member throbbing within her.... And the pleasure of oncoming release. The last thing she felt before her soul parted from her partner's, however, was something that couldn't be felt from within. It had seemed almost like two souls were within Aescila a moment ago, but now, as Alex drifted back to her own being, those two souls seemed to be merging together, the immense amount of power she had drained from Alexandra's own spirit allowing them to join in full, rather than to merely coexist.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Termite said:
And I did it again. I can't control myself!


The moment it entered her she was lost. The last of Alex's stubborn will simply melted under the intense heat driving through her core. All she knew was the overwhelming sensations she felt as Aescila's length pierced through her willing flesh, every pleasurable little nerve she had igniting as they were touched, her own tightness gripping Aes as if it couldn't bear to have her pull out. But it wasn't enough, and when her body whimpered in need as Aes eased herself out Alex was soon crying out in joy when she felt that wonderful length driving into her sex once again. It forced her entire being to quiver in delight. Her spirit shivered under the intense pleasure it so willingly suffered, and when her soul opened itself and instinctively reached out, and when it brushed against the demon's presence it practically threw itself forward, the dragon's spirit wrapping itself around and within her lover's essence, a cry of ecstasy echoing throughout her as she felt herself giving everything she could to the demon that embraced her.

Alex was so enraptured by the pleasure and the closeness coursing through her that she barely noticed the new sensations assaulting her mind. But when her cock twitched within the delicate sheath that hugged it so tightly she found herself pulling the demon even closer. Some part of Alex still had some bit of self control, and when it felt like she was slowly loving her own pussy with the cock that she knew she never had it realized what had happened. Aes was sharing herself just as much as Alex was, and with both souls practically throwing themselves at each other Alex could only tighten her grip in an effort to share everything.

With both bodies sharing the same slow sexual bliss Alex could tell they were both climbing to their peaks far faster than she would have thought possible, and with each gentle thrust she could feel their connection strengthen until it almost felt like they were going to become the same person. But when the first image flashed across her mind it caused her to pause. She wondered what that was before Aes hilted herself once again, and Alex cried out once more under another burst of pleasure before more images were thrust into her. It took a little bit, but eventually the dragon within understood the memories that were starting to play, but even then it was still so confusing. The jumble of memories jumped from place to place, Alex in one moment experiencing someone's life within her own world then the next finding herself striving to survive in the deceptively beautiful wastelands that could only be Hell.

Alex was starting to have trouble telling who was who, but those memories suddenly began to converge. The intense pleasure of Alex and Aescila's coupling faded into the background, and Alex soon found herself focused on the scene that played before her. She could feel herself going mad at the intense hunger that was consuming her sanity with every passing second. She could feel the pain and sorrow of being captured and bound, her own body laid bare for the mad soul that was now approaching. She could feel herself feeding off the beautiful creature that was trapped beneath her, feel herself being consumed by the pained and tortured cries of the demon who was reduced to nothing more than a slavering monster. She could feel her throat open as polished steel passed through her neck, her body struggling to breath once more as her essence started flowing uncontrollably. She could feel that madness fading as a blade cut into the angel beneath her, her mind starting to question what was happening before she felt herself being engorged with the most powerful presence she could ever know. She could feel her own rage and anguish as her existence was fading, but the moment she saw the demon look down in confusion and fear she accepted her fate and swore to ease the suffering of one final tortured soul. She felt herself cry out as she was forcefully stuffed with a presence that was so much greater than her own, but when she felt it suddenly feed itself to her that last act of mercy made her question everything.

How... How could this happen? Why did this happen? Why was this allowed to happen? Why...why did she destroy something so pure?!

For a moment Alex was unable to honestly unable to tell just who she was as those memories played across her mind, but once they started to fade she soon found herself wrapping her arms tightly around Aescila's back as she nearly crushed the smaller woman within her grasp. Her face was laying side by side with the demon cheek to cheek, and a hand lifted to catch the back of Aes's head and cradle it as Alex strove to hold her lover as close as humanly possible. She couldn't say it right now, not with a few tears starting to stream down her face, but she hoped Aes would understand that Alex finally knew the pain the demon had faced.

But after a few moments she felt something stirring within her, and a moment after that she felt her insides crying in sweet torturous agony as Aescila's length once again buried itself within her core. It couldn't have taken more than a couple seconds, five at the most, but in that short time she simply forgot that she was being expertly fucked by a being bred for it. But her body had not, and that agonizingly slow entry reminded Alex just how close she had come to her inevitable climax. She was practically hovering over the edge, a piece of her wanting to simply give in and experience the culmination of their love-making while another fought to hold herself back, the struggle to keep from cumming creating its own form of pleasure that was intoxicating.

As she struggled to both hold tight and let go Alex could feel her presence starting to return to her own body. "No...!" Her body squeezed Aescila even closer as their connection started to break, her spirit struggling to open itself once again and envelop the souls that were now merging into one. Had she been less panicked she probably would have consciously noticed this fact, but at that moment she wanted nothing more than to have Aescila within her once again. She could still remember the events of Dina's death and how it defined what Aescila had become, and Alex was certain that Aes had seen that horrible day drove the dragon forward even when some part of her felt like it wanted to simply curl up and die. Both experiences were the defining moments of their respective lives, and both involved sex being used in quite possibly the worst ways one could ever imagine. Alex just couldn't stand it. She needed to reach out. She needed to reconnect and share how she felt this moment. She wanted Aes to know that this was what sex should be. She wanted Aes to feel that even with the underlying sorrow the connection they shared was the greatest moment of her life, that the love they were sharing was greater than their own checkered past. Aes needed to understand that this would become a new defining moment and that Alex would never be the same.

Alex tried to hold back, her entire body waiting for the connection to reform, but she could only wait for so long. In a few short seconds she could endure no more, and her body shivered just before the floodgates holding back her passion finally broke. Her entire body contorted itself, fingers and toes curling into claws that dug into flesh while her climax finally came. Her inner walls closed and pulsed, a rhythm forming that stroked Aes's entire length and urged it to release within her without any care for what that might cause. All Alex was worried about at this point was whether that connection was restored. She wanted Aes to share in the dragon's orgasm, to share that last bit of ecstasy and joy before her body and mind collapsed onto the roll that barely cushioned them both.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Alexandra couldn't tell what it was that forced the connection ease, but it didn't quite break entirely, as she held onto it. She felt not only her own rapidly mounting pleasure, but that of Aescila as well, though now it seemed limited only to the physical sensations, and the very surface emotions. As much as she might have longed for the depth of the connection between her own soul, and the uniting souls Aescila and Dina during their mutual climax, Alexandra couldn't achieve it again.

Physical sensation unlike anything she had ever imagined surged through her being, accompanied by the gratification of now one, but two orgasms at the same time. She felt her own, wonderful, shuddering climax, stronger than any she'd ever had as it was amplified by the demon's feeding upon her soul and the surge of liquid heat into her as Aescila's seed started ejaculating directly into her womb. She felt, from both sides of it, how the squeezing of her inner walls around her partner's member milked more seed from it and into her depths. She guessed that Aescila was experiencing much the same thing, as the other woman's face was locked into an expression of silent, blind ecstasy while they were both locked into their orgasms. It felt like it lasted forever, her own body quaking uncontrollably in pleasure while Aescila's jumped with every shot of cum from her cock, but eventually, all things must end.

The connection receded again as both of them came down from their orgasms, the dragoness' body filled to the brim with the demon's sperm, and utterly exhausted. Aescila had fed deeply from her essence, and Alex could barely retain consciousness at the moment, much less keep the connection between their spirits open.

Now that that shared perception was gone, however, she could notice things about the world around her. Even through her post-climactic haze, she could see that Aescila's face was wet with tears, just like her own, and Alex realized then that the sharing of experiences had been mutual. As she had been seeing the dual lives of Aescila and Dina, she, or perhaps they, had been seeing Alexandra's life, in full. Though the demon had seemingly brushed off her pain earlier, she had now experienced what Alex had gone through in first person.

Another thing that she noticed, was that Aescila's entire body was glowing brightly, violet light spreading from her body and filling the earthen tent. As she laid atop Alexandra while panting heavily, recovering from what had just happened, a look of shock and pain suddenly crossed Aescila's features. She recoiled away, her member coming free of Alex's womanhood and allowed some of her seed to begin draining out onto the ground. She clutched desperately at her back, agony warping her face as tears streamed down her cheeks once more, but before Alex could find the strength to lift herself to try and do something, something erupted from Aescila's back.

At first, Alex was sure that the other woman was dead, and that something horrible had somehow come crawling out of her, but as the growths took shape, the dragoness realized what they were. Black feathers quickly covered the area inside of the tent as Aescila's new wings grew from her back, not quite as large of those belonging to the angel that had inspired all of this, but close enough to them that Alex knew what sort of wings they were. An angel's wings, but with feathers as black as those of a raven, rather than the normal white.

Aescila's painful expression faded, and she straightened slightly, curiosity in her eyes as she stared back at her wings, and gave them an experimental flap. "That... Isn't supposed to happen to my kind. Especially not when we're awake." She said quietly, seemingly concerned. Something was different about her voice, but Alexandra also recognized that it was still most definitely Aescila who knelt before her, the incredible intimacy of the last few moments assuring her of that.

(Alex has earned herself a shiny new mutation.)
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Alex will sport a pair of short but thick draconic horns once she has a chance to rest.

It was...incredible! Alexandra felt every spurt into her core, her body convulsing as each wave of warm liquid encouraged her delicate insides to pulse and pull on the rock hard length throbbing at every touch. She felt Aescila's cock pulsing as it laid buried in her sex, the insistent massage from her own walls forcing it to fire again and again, each release causing her mind to explode in pleasure. And every time another shot entered her womb it forced the dragon's body to explode on its own. It didn't take long for both climaxes to merge into one mind-numbing sensation, and in only a matter of moments the warrior was trapped within her own world of sheer sexual ecstasy, the only thing that joined her being the demon enveloped by her quivering flesh.

For what felt like a blissful eternity Alex lay quaking beneath Aescila, but eventually her body and spirit could take no more. Her soul collapsed into her body, and her body collapsed onto the ground as an exhaustion unlike anything she'd ever known bore it's full weight across her entire form, her own panting becoming a chore as she fought to stay conscious. But even then she could still feel Aes buried within her, and her hips shifted slightly all on their own, her subconscious desires determined to milk every last bit of pleasure from their union no matter how tired she may feel.

For a while Alex continued like this, and after some unknown bit of time she felt small fragments of her strength returning to her weary muscles. The first thing she did was to reach up and cup her lover's face, her thumbs brushing by Aescila's cheeks to gently wipe away some of the tears just before she pulled the girl back down. Even then she felt her strength failing once again, and with that last bit she wanted to give the demon one final kiss, her own way of showing her gratitude before she finally laid down and passed out. But something changed. The light that was filling the tent was far stronger than she remembered, and as she took a more careful look the dragon noticed that Aescila herself was glowing, not just her eyes. But it was the look of shock and pain that caused Alex to snap awake, and when Aes pulled away she flinched when the demon's member quickly left and allowed some of the seed that was trapped within her to leak onto the ground. A part of Alex wondered if this would make her pregnant, but it was totally ignored in favor of the agony that suddenly tore through Aescila's body.

Alex wanted to rise and cradle the girl once more, but before she could Aes quite literally exploded, some mass erupting from her back and sending Alex into a panic. She couldn't believe what was happening. She found someone special, someone she could share herself with and themselves in turn, someone who connected with her on the deepest level that could be possible, and now she was just going to die?! This...this was sick! How could Fate do this! How could her love just be stolen like that?!

But a moment later a feather floated into her face, and many more started stretching out to fill the small tent. Alex was utterly shocked to see the wings spreading, and with the help of Aescila's violet light she could make them out for what they truly. An angel's wings, dark as the night but still as majestic as as its pure white cousins. It was awe-inspiring, and Alex just couldn't find the words to describe what she just saw. She knew she just witnessed a miracle, the creation of something beyond angel or demon, but she just couldn't seem to wrap her mind around it at the time. Instead all she could do was mutter a few words, her concern the only bit of herself that managed to voice itself. "Are you okay...?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

"I've been better..... Been worse too. I had no idea how badly that hurt. I guess that's why the alterations are only supposed to come in when you're asleep." Aescila replied, her tone surprisingly cvasual, under the circumstances. She looked at Alex, her body and eyes glowing brightly, but as she watched, they both began to fade slowly until the tent was barely illuminated. "That was.... Very sudden. I don't even know what that was, really.... But I have you to thank for that, Alexandra."

Aescila moved over to her, until she was kneeling next to where Alexandra still laid on her back. The dragoness felt her strength slowly returning, but she was still totally exhausted in both body and spirit. The after-effects of the sex, the battles from earlier in the day, the first person experience of all of Aescila's and Dina's memories, and the sight of Aescila's transformation had taken a lot out of her, but her worry kept her awake. The tent went dark, the glow from Aescila fading almost completely, until Alex could only see her outline, and her shining black wings.

"I'm sorry that I had to push you away like I did, before we were finished.... I was afraid that your soul would be damaged if it was in contact with mine, while I was.... I don't even know... Absorbing Dina? That doesn't sound right... The word, I mean... But I don't know how else to describe it, really. You're alright, right?" Aescila glanced down at Alex's womanhood, which was still leaking her cum, and said; "I'm sorry I didn't... Stop. But, ahhh.... I had other things on my mind....."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)


From where she lay Alex could barely make out Aes's outline as she knelt right beside her, but the dragon was still relieved to see her moving much more freely and casually than Alex would have thought at having your back quite literally explode.

"When two things combine to form one greater hole they merge." She was exhausted, her body recovering slowly while her spirit struggled to keep itself awake, but even then Alex felt like she needed to correct something. "Absorbed sounds like you were actively trying to consume her, and what I felt was more like two beings who were finally willing to become one. And as for this..." Her hand suddenly reached out and found Aescila's, and a moment later it was placed directly over her pelvis and held there. "I encouraged it, so you have no need to apologize. Besides, what we shared was a thing of beauty. I will gladly welcome any life born from that."

But am I ready? Doubts began to creep into her mind. How would she protect it in the middle of this warzone? How could she raise a child in the midst of battle? How...how would she keep herself from making the same mistakes that led to that day? A sharp fear began to flow through her, the fear that she was ill-equipped and woefully unprepared to care for the daughter that she somehow knew she was carrying. It made her body react, her entire frame tensing while her hand instinctively squeezed Aescila's in an unconscious effort to gain some comfort.

It took a few short seconds for Alex to realize what she was doing, and she mentally forced herself to calm down. But her efforts were in vain. Those doubts and worries refused to be ignored, and the dragon could feel herself starting to panic just a bit. "A-Aes..." She held herself back as much as she could, but even then she could hear the fear quivering in her voice and feel a few tears starting to form at the corners of her eyes. It took a monumental effort to keep herself from crushing her angel's fingers in her tightening grip. "Why am I so scared?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

"Merged, yes... That's a much better way to describe it." Aescila replied thoughtfully, and she could feel the demon-angel's smile as she grasped her hand and held it to her abdomen. As the doubts crept into Alexandra's mind about the future of their child, Aescila seemed unaware of them, and quietly said; "As would I.... And our child would be a thing of wonder indeed. I don't know if the world has ever seen the like of her." Aescila's hand pressed warmly against her belly just in time to feel Alexandra tense up underneath her, and she gasped as Alex's grip on her wrist became as hard as iron.

Aescila leaned forward, so that her forehead was pressed against Alexandra's, and her wings folded and wrapped around the dragon's body. With those black feathers softly caressing Alex's sides, and her lover's presence so near to her, Alex had to feel slightly comforted. "Alex... I don't..." She began uncertainly, but then Aescila's voice adopted a calmness and certainty that had never been present before as she continued; "Alexandra. You don't have to be afraid of anything. You are the strongest woman I've ever met, and I will be with you, every step of the way."

She kissed Alexandra softly on the forehead, and then quietly said; "Don't be afraid for her, Alex. She couldn't possibly have a better mother than you." Aescila's arms wrapped around her, and the demoness slowly lowered herself to lie next to Alex, her arms wrapped around her.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Her mother had taught her that simple contact could be the greatest comfort for a panicked soul, and Alex was reminded of that when Aescila's wings and forehead descended to surround her. The dark angel's presence was enough to deflect some of the worry rushing through the dragoness's mind, and as she started to relax she was actually a bit surprised to hear the confidence and conviction with which Aes spoke. She'd never heard the demon speak like that during the time they'd known each other, but now it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It started seeping into Alex's spirit, and she could feel her resolve starting to bolster itself as Aes was convinced that this unborn child could have no greater mother.

When Aes laid her body down and wrapped herself around Alex the dragon finally managed to get past her self-doubt. "Thanks. I guess I'm a little more frail than I thought I was." Her own arms coiled around the angelic demon, and as they held each other Alex noticeably relaxed. "Maybe I'll feel better once I get some rest." With ease creeping into her mind her body and spirit started to succumb to their exhaustion, and Alex could no longer fight the need to rest. Truth be told she really didn't want to, either. If she were falling asleep then what better way to do so then in the arms of your love?

Rest - Spend Experience
8 to purchase Natural Spirit: Psychic
--- Psychic Shield
--- Pyrokinesis
6 for +6 to Body (40 total)
2 for +2 to Spirit (20 total)

I'll edit my stat sheet later.
Last edited:
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Aescila seemed just as relieved as Alex when she calmed down, and smiled as she referred to herself as frail. "You? Frail? Hehehe! You're the strongest in the world, Alex...." She smiled down to the dragoness as she began to fade out, her exhaustion claiming her just as Aescila relaxed down on top of her and whispered; "Yes, rest..."


Alexandra awoke to find Aescila resting quietly on top of her, the soft hum of the angelic demon's breath indicating that she was asleep. She felt bloated and heavy, and a glance down revealed a tiny bump in her belly, but not nearly as large as it should have been, given its dual supernatural parentage. As soon as she began to move, Aescila's breathing sped up, and she murmured quietly just before her violet eyes fluttered open. Seeing Alex awake, she smiled broadly, and leaned down to kiss her once on the forehead, and then once on the lips, only brushing lightly unless Alexandra decided to deepen it further.

Light filtered through the earthen walls of the tent, and the sounds of people bustling about not far from here were audible enough for the two of them to hear, though if Alex wanted to have a slow morning, they wouldn't be disturbed overly much.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

When it was time for Alex to wake her eyes simply opened. She was greeted by the muted light filtering in through the earthen tent and the welcome pressure of having a body resting against her. The dragoness smiled to herself, and her eyes closed once more as she considered just resting like this for a few more minutes, but the unexpected heavy feeling sitting in her stomach made her lift her head to take a look at the slight bulge she was now sporting. Huh... I thought it would have been bigger... Alex knew full and well that a demon's child usually developed far more quickly than a human's, and considering how long she had slept she should have already given birth by now. Perhaps it was because this child would be a mix of four different races. Human, dragon, demon, angel... This was definitely going to be a first for this world.

A slight stirring caught her attention, and Alex soon found those violet eyes looking down at her. The kiss on the forehead was a welcome greeting, and when it moved to her lips she was a bit surprised to find herself raising a hand to cup the back of Aescila's head so she could hold her angel close and share a deeper more intimate kiss. It was only after several seconds that she finally let go, and once she did Aes would find Alex's emerald eyes beaming back at her. "Good morning."

With the new day starting Alex once again considered just laying still and acting the lazy lizard her race was known for, but even feeling heavy and bloated she just couldn't bring her self to do nothing. Every day of her life had always started the same. "All right, enough lazing around for me. Time to get some exercise." The dragon eased herself up to a sitting position to give Aes a chance to pull away, and after a quick look around she found her clothing nearby and put them on after brushing off the stray feathers from Aescila's transformation. Her armor came next, but just before she put it on she looked at her stomach. She was going to need to find someone to adjust it for her growing belly. Otherwise she would have to leave it behind. But for now it would fit.

Once she was ready to leave Alex stood tall and stretched her back a bit. "How about once I'm done with my training we go find Kimi and Creshnibon then grab something to eat? It should give us time to talk and think about how we're going to deal with Abariel. I have a feeling you're going to become the center of attention once she figures out what you've become."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Alex felt Aescila smile into the deepened kiss, and she didn't move except to shift slightly so that she laid more comfortably on top. She didn't move until Alexandra let go of the back of her head and ended the kiss, and then looked happily back into Alex's eyes and replied; "And a good morning to you too!"

When Alex announced her movement, Aescila giggled and softly shifted aside, allowing her to sit up, but kissed her softly on the cheek as she moved. "I was wondering if you would ever wake up! And I thought I was going to be the one that would need to get yanked out of bed!" Aescila said, giggling again as Alexandra crawled over to her clothing. As she brushed aside one of the feathers that Aescila's black wings had shed (there didn't seem to be many lying about,) Alex felt a sharp smack on her behind, the sound of which was almost certainly audible outside of the tent. "How could I resist?" Aescila said if Alexandra glanced back at her.

Her armor was slightly tighter than it had been before, but she could git it on without adjusting it so far. Hopefully, she wouldn't grow too quickly before she had to take it off again or found someone to help her adjust it. "Sounds like a decent plan to me. I just hope my... Changes go over well with everyone else." Aescila replied after Alex had spoken. The demoness had tried to get her robe on while Alex was getting dressed, but her wings made the task difficult, and after a few moments she simply gave up and tossed the garments aside. Aescila followed Alexandra out of the tent completely naked, her wings tucked behind her back and as inconspicuous as she could make them.

Which wasn't very successful, as the very moment she exited the earthen tent, those who fey had been nearby and glanced at Alex as she exited turned and stared at Aescila. More gazes went her way, but the demoness hardly seemed to be uncomfortable from all of the attention. There wasn't a lot of room among the tents, and Alex doubted that the fey would appreciate her doing her daily routine with her steel shield and sword in the middle of the path, so finding a roomier area to go about her stretching might be a good idea. There were certainly plenty of fey around to ask for directions, at least. Of course, with all of the stares that Aescila was getting, it might be better to simply find Kimizyrex and Creshnibon. "Center of attention is right..." Aescila muttered, glancing at all of those who had stopped to gawk at her. None of them seemed bothered by her return gaze, and after only a moment a crowd including over a dozen were standing about gawking at her and her black angelic wings.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

The sudden swat to her ass caused Alexandra to stiffen in shock, but a wry look behind her told her everything she needed to know. I guess some things never change.

Clothed and armed Alex left her tent and found the world bright and busy. Of course that was mostly because they were in the middle of a refugee camp, but considering what happened yesterday it was nice to see people moving about with a purpose. But that all came to a screeching halt once Aescila revealed herself. The dragon had expected some kind of reaction, but for everyone to gawk and stare like this was a little unnerving. At least Aes didn't seem all that bothered by it. "You'd think they fey would have seen a naked woman before..." While this was said mostly to her angel Alex didn't hide her voice in the slightest. She hoped that would be enough to break at least some of them from their trance.

Whether or not her ploy worked Alex eventually turned to the nearest creature and caught its attention. "Excuse me, but we're looking for Creshnibon of the Hidden Village. We arrived with her last night, and last we saw she was heading someplace to birth the alien spawn she carried along with a yellow dragon-kin." With all the attention Aes was receiving perhaps today's training could wait.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

None of the fey that were staring at the two of them seemed at all bothered by Alexandra's words, and continued staring at Aescila, who simply continued to ignore them. The nearest creature turned out to be a gruff who was carrying a buck over his shoulder. The faerie's gaze swiveled to Alexandra, but there was neither surprise, nor reproach, nor shame in his voice when he replied; "Yes. I believe that madame Creshnibon is within the Apple Orchard, communing with our leaders. The dragoness you speak of was with her, but looked very out of her depth. They had already had their spawn taken care of when I saw them earlier this morning. The place you seek is that way;" The gruff tossed his head to his right; "You will be permitted."

The gruff turned and simply walked away, and the rest of the fey who had been staring went back to whatever they were doing. Aescila sighed, exhaling as breath that the tension in the air had kept bottled up inside of her. "Lets get going. I know the way." The demon-angel said, and took Alexandra's hand in her own. She smiled slightly, before walking forward. They got no more stares throughout the camp, which was much larger than Alexandra had imagined even as it wound through the trees. She saw at least a dozen faces of people from the Hidden Village, demons and fey and even another naga like Creshnibon, all present. They glanced at her, and looked with confusion at Aescila, but the demoness pulled them past without pausing to speak to any of them.

Aescila led her into a grove of apple trees, the trees not yet even flowering let alone bearing fruit. It would have been dark beneath the trees, even in the morning light, but unnatural light filtered down through them. Alex couldn't tell where the light was coming from, but it came in a rainbow of colors, violets and reds and pinks and blues coloring the grassy forest floor beneath. Aescila's eyes around as she walked beneath the trees, her pace slowing as she adopted a contemplative look. "She had been here before. Dina, I mean. This place... It is important, to the fey. I don't think that one of my kind has ever been here before." She said, staring up into the glowing canopy.

The path was winding and grew darker the further that the pair of them went, but easy to follow, and they soon came upon a clearing. The sky above it was dark, and the stars shown above more brightly than Alex had ever seen them before, as though they had been brought closer to the ground. Two dozen beings were standing in a circle in the clearing. One of them was the angel Alexandra had seen, Abariel, who stood off to the side, her white wings practically glowing in the twilight glade as they wrapped around her body. Another was Creshnibon, and the naga was now clothed in a flowing blue robe that covered her humanoid torso. She was speaking when Alex and Aescila arrived; "We cannot do so alone! There are barely four score of us left, and our homes lie in ruins. You have already done a great deal for us, I know, and we will aid you in whatever capacity that we can, but our village is still in the hands of the monsters that the invaders left behind. We need your help!"

None of those assembled in the star-lit clearing seemed to notice either herself or Aescila, even those who were facing in their direction, and one of the golden-armored fey knights who had their back to the pair replied to Creshnibon; "We understand your plight, and we empathize. But we simply do not have the resource necessary to do as you ask, not without severe cost to ourselves. The creatures in your village will be picked off over time, in short raids that do not risk further loss to these monster." Creshnibon's response was almost a roar, so filled was it with rage and frustration; "There may be survivors, uncorrupted by the abominations who could yet be saved. Many of the beings that had been dropped there are already gone, taken back by the flying abomination that brought them in the first place. Every moment we waste could cost another person not only their life, but their soul! Some of those that are unaccounted for are your own people who chose to live among us!"

Abariel's eyes suddenly swiveled to them, followed by the rest of the village. Alexandra hadn't noticed it before, as many such lights were filtering into the glade from the trees, but a glance behind her revealed that Aescila had begun to glow slightly as she looked upon the gathering. "Now is not the time to hesitate. Action is required, now, lest more be lost to this catastrophe." She said, loudly enough that all within the clearing could hear her and with more confidence than Alexandra had ever heard from the demoness.... Save for that one moment the previous night, when Alexandra herself had been about to fall apart from fear over her child's future. "The Hidden Village must be retaken, but an army will not be needed. A pitched battle will only cost more lives. A small group should be enough to clear the village and the surrounding lands, piece by piece."
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Re: Alexandra (Termite)

As she was led into the Orchard Alex soon found herself preoccupied with the lights that hung overhead. There was something rather fascinating about them, something that made her forget about the fey's odd behavior once they saw Aescila and how it made both the demon and the dragon tense in response. It was almost enough to make her miss what Aes had said, but upon hearing that this was a sacred place to the fey Alex merely nodded her head as she continued to stare into the technicolor branches.

The deeper they went the darker the world became. It enhanced the awe-inspiring presence of the grove, but once the pair stumbled upon the meeting Alex found herself nearly humbled at the sight. The canopy opened to reveal a star-studded sky that shone far brighter than any night view she had ever seen. It was enough to reveal each and every creature gathered in the clearing, and Alex found those people far more interesting than the scenery. Lords and ladies of the fey had gathered, golden knights spread among the nobility, the angel Abariel standing amongst them while Creshnibon stood center stage. Even with the natural authority she held the pleading in her voice could not be ignored, and to suddenly hear that the fey had nothing they could spare to help reclaim control of the Hidden Village proved to be a bit distressing. While it was true that they were nowhere near the most prolific race in this world they have proven time and again to be its first and most resolute line of defense. To think that they could be this pressured...

But then Aescila spoke up, and that overwhelming confidence rang in her voice once again. Alex remembered hearing this voice before, and it was as resolute then as it was now even when Aes had never been known to hold such conviction. This had to be something she gained from her merge with Dina, and for a moment Alex wondered if Aes was aware of how much she had truly changed.

But at the moment the dark angel was making her presence known, and the dragon-kin felt she needed to offer what little support she could. Aescila was exposing herself for everyone gathered, and though she may be judged and condemned she needed to know that at least one ally would stand at her side. "Though it may not mean much I wholeheartedly agree. The Hidden Village cannot be allowed to fall any further. It's one of the few places in this world where even a creature such as myself can find solace. To leave that in the hands of those abominations seems like such a tragedy. Besides..." At this point she turns toward Creshnibon. "The Village has offered to take me in as one of their own. Honor demands that I offer my protection to those who have given me shelter."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

The attention of half of the glade shifted to Alex as she spoke in support of Aescila, the other half, including Abariel and an apparently dumbstruck Creshnibon, continued staring at the transformed demoness. The white winged angel seemed about to say something, but she was interrupted as one of the fey, an extremely tall and lithe woman with blue skin and dressed in a multicolored gown cut her off; "The Hidden Village is already gone, whether you would leave it as such is your business, Dragoness. Why ought we to gift them our hospitality further if they desire a return to their ruined cottages? Let them go, and send a handful with them to see that they do not burn down the forest when they become lost, I say."

The other lords and knights of the fey stirred, and Abariel, rather than look affronted, settled back and waited. "I agree, the outcasts have wasted enough of our resources on their presence. Let them have their dead places back, so that we can get on with things that matter!" An armored man with a stag's antlers coming from his head spoke, his voice utterly condescending as he glared at Alex. There was general ascent from a few others in the gathering, less than half, but then the motion seemed to gather in strength, including the ascent of a still stoic Abariel. Almost unanimously, it was decided amongst them that Aescila and Alex would get what they desire, and then the gathering separated.

Creshnibon slithered over to the two, and Kimizyrex suddenly joined them. Both women were dressed once more, and had flat stomachs. Kimi had come from off to the side, and was appraising the both of them, while Creshnibon returned from the center of the clearing. "Well, it was better than I could have hoped for, at least. Thank you for that, Aescila, but.... Are you alright?" The naga matriarch's question couldn't be called delicate by any means, but her concerns for the demoness was clear, and Aescila nodded with a slightly thin smile. "I'm alright. Better than ever, in fact. Thanks to Alex. I'll tell you about it when we have our homes back, but for now, it looks like we'll be having an additional guest or two."

Aescila nodded forward, but Alex had already noted Abariel, the blue skinned woman and one of the knights who had been hesitant to agree to the plan coming toward them. The knight reached them first, and said; "My apologies that we could not offer further aid, miladies. Times are not well, and we are stretched thin. These invaders cover the world, and have even attacked some of our enclaves. I will organize the ones who will go to retake your home personally, as the task has fallen to me. Good day." His voice sounded slightly bitter, but Alex suspected that it was more from general bitterness than any complaint about the task before him. He walked around them and left the clearing just as Abariel and fey woman in the strange dress came upon them at the same time.

Once more Abariel was cut off, however, as the woman spoke, her tone far less condescending than it had been previously; "I suppose I could have sought for better, but you can handle yourselves, I think. Twas a pleasure to manipulate my kin on your behalf, think nothing of thanking me! La! Tis a pleasure to offer you my acquaintance, Alexandra and Aescila of the Hidden Village! I have met these two before, of course, and tis always a pleasure to be able to irritate you Abariel. For those that don't know, Lady Albatross is my name, and though I'm sure that it pains thee so, I fear that I must take my leave. La! Good morning!" Her voice was melodious and high, and the woman simply vanished into a cloud of butterflies before Alex or any of her companions could offer any response.

Abariel rolled her eyes as the swarm of insects split apart and flew in all directions, and said; "Don't mind her much, if at all. She knows your names only because I told her, and I am honestly surprised that she remembered." She paused, and looked searchingly at Aescila for a moment before sighing; "I am sorry for my hopes. It is not a thing I am proud of, but you know as well as I that I am not as pleased at how things turned out as I would have been had Dina survived you, demon. She was a dear friend to me. Still, it is good to see that at least a part of her survives." Abariel had faced Aescila evenly as she spoke, and the demoness had returned the gesture without flinching, and when the angel finished, her black winged counterpart replied; "I understand, Abariel. I almost wished that Dina had overtaken me, at times, but I swear to you that I will not waste her gifts or tarnish her legacy. I owe her that much, at least."

Abariel stared at Aescila for another moment, and then nodded. "You will." She turned to Alex, and smiled softly as she continued; "You do not disappoint, Alexandra. Your courage will take you farther than you might believe among the fey. Just take care of yourself, you have much that you must protect." Turning to Creshnibon, she concluded; "I cannot say what the future holds for you or yours, nor can I offer my aid in retaking the village, but I will pray for you." Creshnibon, smiling, nodded and replied; "Thank you, Abariel. Be safe in your struggles." Abariel nodded in return and said; "And you as well." With that, she bowed slightly, and turned to walk away, pausing only to speak to another of the faerie knights.

Alex was momentarily distracted as she felt a tap on her shoulder, and found Kimi standing behind her, a confused expression on the yellow dragon's face. "So.. Ahhh.... What is going on now? And what happened to Aes? How come she has wings now?" Creshnibon sighed, and said; "This is hardly the time or the place, Kimi."
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Re: Alexandra (Termite)

As the blue lady spoke she seemed to be agreeing with Aes in a more roundabout way, but it was agreement. But the words of the antlered knight were another matter. His condescension was a palpable thing, and Alex felt like it was actually oozing over her as he continued to speak. She actually raised an eyebrow at him. Who did this man think he was? While it was true that she was an outsider Alex was still quite obviously the daughter of a noble dragon. It was a bit infuriating to be treated as a lowly whelp by such a stuck up imitation of an aristocrat, but instead of glowering or frowning the dragoness simply smiled. Even if he was from an established line his actions showed a lack of grace that clearly spoke ill of the man. It put one thought into her head, and she hoped that he was one of those that could read a person's surface thoughts. It seems that some of the Fey are not as noble as they make themselves out to be. Should any of the others overhear her she made sure her gaze was fixed on that condescending bastard, her smirk all the more of a sign to show where her own contempt lay.

With an agreement made and the meeting adjourned the two newcomers soon found Creshnibon and Kimi approaching. The question the naga let loose wasn't exactly the most diplomatic approach, but her concern was appreciated by both parties present. Soon after another knight approached and expressed his regret for not being able to help further despite his earlier hesitation in ascending to Aescila's request. "Worry not. Having seen the creatures that ransacked our home I fully understand how your forces could be strained. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated." She bowed her head toward the man as he took his leave.

The knight's departure signaled the arrival of Abariel and the blue lady in the technicolor dress, and hearing the woman openly admit that she manipulated her brethren into action forced another smirk to land on the dragon's face. She was a bit of an oddity, but those eccentricities were quite refreshing in the face of the still sour feeling she felt from the contemptible knight, and Alex found herself wanting to simply listen to the woman speak. But Lady Albatross had other duties to attend to, and as such she dispersed into a swarm of butterflies that spread in all directions before disappearing. As the last of the dainty insects passed by Alex once again bowed her head as she watched it pass, but this time she dipped it far deeper. The ability to manipulate your brethren was a powerful one, and a boon such as that demanded respect.

With the noblewoman gone Abariel was finally free to speak, and when faced with the new Aescila she quite freely spoke. Alex listened quietly as the two angels spoke, a few moments taken to try and sift through the jumble of memories that belonged to Dina to get a glimpse into how close the two were, but when Abariel mentioned how Alexandra has much she has to protect the she-dragon's immediately ran to the woman at her side before shifting to the slight bulge in her stomach. Just how much did the white winged angel know?

With her mind preoccupied with its own thoughts Alex didn't realize that Abariel had left until Kimi had caught the dragon's attention. The angel could be seen walking off with yet another knight, and her cousin's curiosity got the better of her. Creshnibon had offered a rebuke for Kimi's question, but that wouldn't do. The yellow dragon deserved at least some answer. "It's a complicated tale, one that only Aes can tell. But I will say that she has finally awakened to her true self." A hand came out to support her fellow dragon-kin, and thought it wasn't by any means forceful the fact that Alex was walking forward would encourage her cousin to join her side as they walked away from the clearing. "What about you two? Aside from the meeting did anything interesting happen while Aes and I were preoccupied?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

It was difficult for Alexandra to sift through the memories she had acquired from her... Experience, with Aescila. She had the memories, but many of them lacked proper context that was incommunicable even across the most intimate link that the two of them had shared. And, what's more, she had only received a part of Dina's memories, much of which was not in any sort of order. Eventually, after a moment of concentration, the image of Dina how she might have looked in life, beautiful as all angels were, sat beside Abariel. Images flashed of the two doing many things together, though as far as she could tell, the two had only ever been friends, not lovers. Still, the emotional ties were strong, exceedingly so even.

Kimi looked, if anything, even more perplexed by Alexandra's explanation, but Creshnibon looked relieved at Alexandra's word. Aescila, for her part, smiled warmly to Alex as she spared her the details of explaining what had happened in full, at least for now. "Oh, well.... Creshnibon and I... We were taken to place, where the fey waited for us to give birth. Mine... Tried to rape the attendant. So, a man in golden armor killed it. Creshnibon's looked almost normal though.... Well, normal for a newborn naga, at least, and the fey took it for study. Other than that, we didn't do much. Creshnibon talked to a lot of the fey, and some of the survivors. Most of those left from our village are faeries or demons, but there was one other naga.... No others like the two of us though."

The grove had lost none of its beauty as Alex and her fellow refugees passed through its lighted path, but it seemed less precious somehow with the increased size of their group. Kimi hung on Alexandra's arm the entire way, and Creshnibon slithered along next to Aescila and directly behind Alex, while her black winged lover paced silently across from her, a satisfied smile on her face. They emerged back into the daylight a short while later, the change from the twilight of the faerie's meeting grove dramatic as they came out into a dim spring morning. Despite the lack of light, all of them had adjusted well to the near darkness within the enchanted forest, and they all had to blink the blindness away for a few moments in order to function properly in daylight.

"How do the fey deal with that? I bet miss butterflies didn't have a seconds worth of trouble when she got back out into the light." Kimizyrex muttered darkly as she blinked the spots out of her eyes. "Well, we're all together now, at least. I don't know how long we're going to remain that way though, as we'll be leaving shortly to try and retake the village, thanks to the two of you." Creshnibon said, her words coming out slightly harshly, but the naga immediately looked regretful of that fact, and solemnly continued; "I'm sorry... I know that the two of you meant well, and you got us better than what the lords were likely going to give me.... But we haven't even collected ourselves after what happened yesterday. What few are left of us are scattered throughout the valley for miles around, either in fey camps or wandering or in the hands of the monsters that attacked us.... We aren't ready for a full scale battle against an unknown enemy."

The naga matriarch settled back somewhat, her expression melancholy. When Aescila spoke, no one was expecting it, and it was barely a whisper, but even though it was quiet and utterly serene, it carried with it the kind of power that could shake the world itself. "You fought the slaves of the lich king for your people, once. Why do you despair now, against a foe with neither minds, nor souls to call their own? Why have you abandoned your fury now, when it is needed most?" Had she had heels, Creshnibon would have settled back upon them. As it was, the naga looked as though she had been slapped, and stared in shock at Aescila for a moment before her eyes lowered, and she nodded with a low sigh. "There is much yet to do. Someone has to organize our people... Or at least those of them that can fight. We also need to keep in contact with the man organizing the fey who will be leading their kin in retaking our homes... And going amidst the ones working here at camp, and trying to drum up some support couldn't hurt either."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

As Alex walked from the sacred grove she found Kimi practically latching onto her arm, but it really didn't faze her. Even if she wasn't the kind of person to actively seek out any sort of physical contact she wouldn't just brush away someone she knew, especially not a fellow dragon. So she listened to her cousin recount the time where the group had split. Kimi's birth had gone about as well as Alex would have thought, and Creshnibon's had a rather interesting twist when she bore a seemingly normal newborn naga, but hearing that most of the refugees from the attack were either fey or demon gave her a rather sour feeling that stuck in her throat. Even with her brief time in the village she hadn't sought out every single citizen, but there were a couple other dragonkin there. To think that her brethren were either killed or enslaved by those abominations...

With her mind elsewhere the sudden transition from darkness to light caught the green dragon off guard, and she visibly flinched as it took a few seconds for her eyes to finally adjust. But her cousin's complaint actually put a smile. "Maybe she did, and all those butterflies ended up crashing into each other." It was a rather absurd thought, and even though it was probably the farthest thing from the truth it still made her spirits lift a little.

But the Matriarch proved to be the master of sour moods. Of course it was to be expected, a leader never has any easy time when it comes to the affairs of her people, but she could show at least a little tact. She almost sound defeated as she apologized, but when Aescila spoke in her newfound commanding tone Creshnibon actually looked shocked. After that the naga finally regained some of her senses and laid out what still needed to be done. Three tasks were laid out, and Alex considered each before she laid out her thoughts. "Matriarch, I think it would be best if you organized our people. The monsters that attacked us are nothing more than mindless abominations, and I'm certain that the only reason we were routed was because they caught us unawares. Had we been organized I'm certain they would have been crushed, and you're the best one to make everyone understand that. Aes, since the Fey seem to be fascinated by you I think it best if you speak with those in the camp. Kimi, I'd like you to go with her. The Fey's fascination can be a little unnerving, so it would help to have a friendly face nearby just in case Aes needs some support. I'll go speak with the knight who will be organizing the Fey's volunteers. I'd like to know more about the invaders so we can consider strategy. I'll also try to buy us all some more time. Even if it's only a few minutes it should still help everyone be a little more prepared for the upcoming march. Sound good?"