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RPG [Vanja] Witchcraft II

Re: Witchcraft II


The forum rules does prohibit the posting of links or link requests for her games, however, her games aren't the only ones that cannot be posted as that list shows.

reddo said:
They actually don't seem to have really a pirate protection.

It seems to be more of a "if you pirate it, it will work, but I will find the original sharer", like a watermark in the code or something. Sharing is nice and all, but it's not correct to ask people to put their asses on the line, it's just entertainment.

So she has all the personal details (since people paid her) and she has a way of knowing which member shared the games. Would you risk it?

So it is very unlikely links for these will ever appear.

I remember she did take legal action against some site for sharing her material, so yeah, sharing her stuff anywhere isn't exactly without risk.

People may complain about how "bad" her games are, but there's always a lot of people who want them and obviously a lot of people who like them. Like ZhouTai and Papanomics mentioned further above in this thread, buying a 1-month membership gives you access to all the games she's created so far, and isn't exactly breaking the bank. And if you don't like her games.. well, why bother anyway? I'd recommend sending her an e-mail with constructive critique, though, if you believe you've found some bugs she haven't fixed yet or other things that should need fixing. She's always open for that, and even thankful.
Re: Witchcraft II

You know, maybe this thread should be ABOUT THE GAMES instead of what it's recently become, hm?

Personally, I enjoy her art, including the art in the games. I'm wondering if someone who has played Medusa's Slave can tell the rest of us what the game's like?
Re: Witchcraft II

I joined Vanja's site recently. I join every few months to pick up the latest games animations and pics.

I've been keeping in touch with her sporadically over the last year or so. She's a sweet girl, but this is her way of making money.

Good or bad one can't deny that they are curious about her games.

The latest one with the medusa I enjoyed. I expected a bit more, but it wasn't a disappointment. I like her games and her art so I have no problem supporting her. I won't share links.

The games are sometimes frustrating though, especially witchcraft 2.

I can confirm, from a very reliable source, that the free game she was working on, is being worked on regularly, so that project isn't dead. Can't say much more than that.
Re: Witchcraft II

You know, maybe this thread should be ABOUT THE GAMES instead of what it's recently become, hm?

Personally, I enjoy her art, including the art in the games. I'm wondering if someone who has played Medusa's Slave can tell the rest of us what the game's like?

In Medusa's slave you take the role of a male you get to name, mine was inexplicably named Robb. Not like that's my name or anything.

Anywho, you traverse through the level, opening chests, shopping, and evading monster girls.

If you are touched by a monster, you have to input a command, Up, Up, Down, Left for example, before time is up. If time runs out, you engage in some sexy times, reducing your health. You do this until the boss. At the boss, you select from fight, escape or fuck, damage is reduced until one person beats the other.

A cute game with her best artwork yet.
Re: Witchcraft II

I joined Vanja's site recently. I join every few months to pick up the latest games animations and pics.

I've been keeping in touch with her sporadically over the last year or so. She's a sweet girl, but this is her way of making money.

Good or bad one can't deny that they are curious about her games.

The latest one with the medusa I enjoyed. I expected a bit more, but it wasn't a disappointment. I like her games and her art so I have no problem supporting her. I won't share links.

The games are sometimes frustrating though, especially witchcraft 2.

I can confirm, from a very reliable source, that the free game she was working on, is being worked on regularly, so that project isn't dead. Can't say much more than that.

Even if so, her over protectiveness of the piracy on her games still makes her come off as an arogant high and mighty money grabber, even if she's not.

...ok, that might've sounded exaggerated from me on maybe any other place, except that in this place specifically we request and pirate priced games, that's the first thing almost any of us do on any thread(except for free games of course).

Ok, there are rules and exceptions to that, such as the obvious loli rule. But guess what? Not only do we end up openly breaking that rule too on occasion. We also PM request games that can't be openly requested.

If after we pirate much better games and higher company stuff(monster girl quest), vanja for some reason get's the exceptional sheild(or makes for herself an exceptional sheild). She and her products will come off as way overvaluing herself, even if that wasn't her intention.

The fact that her games can't be sold separately doesn't make her case look any better.
Re: Witchcraft II

But thats her right. It's HER copyright, she legally OWNs those works. Yes we pirate games but the moment an artist requests you to remove their work you can refuse, but would ultimately lose if taken further and be subject to damages. Its why hongfire went crap, it become THE place to pirate hentai games and works which ultimately made them U-Turn because of DMCAS and potential legal action.

Im allowed to draw Mickey Mouse, put it online.
Im allowed to draw Mickey Mouse eating a pizza.
I can attempt to draw Mickey Mouse eating a DOMINO's Pizza, but Disney would be able to remove it as they dont wish to be affiliated with DOMINO's nor their copyright promoting other goods.
I can attempt to draw Mickey Mouse in an erotic situation, put it online, Paid content or not. Disney would have the right to demand its removal as it could be damaging to THEIR product and depict in a way they dont want him to be used and you are profiting from their work.

Another thing, Say Vanja draws Naruto fucking Sakura and you were to put it online and she requests you to remove it, You would have every right to refuse as she does not own Naruto or anything relevant, Only Kishimoto, Viz, Shonen etc could demand that.

Morals or what we do dont matter. If it's their copyright you have to respect it.
Re: Witchcraft II

But thats her right. It's HER copyright, she legally OWNs those works. Yes we pirate games but the moment an artist requests you to remove their work you can refuse, but would ultimately lose if taken further and be subject to damages. Its why hongfire went crap, it become THE place to pirate hentai games and works which ultimately made them U-Turn because of DMCAS and potential legal action.

Im allowed to draw Mickey Mouse, put it online.
Im allowed to draw Mickey Mouse eating a pizza.
I can attempt to draw Mickey Mouse eating a DOMINO's Pizza, but Disney would be able to remove it as they dont wish to be affiliated with DOMINO's nor their copyright promoting other goods.
I can attempt to draw Mickey Mouse in an erotic situation, put it online, Paid content or not. Disney would have the right to demand its removal as it could be damaging to THEIR product and depict in a way they dont want him to be used and you are profiting from their work.

Another thing, Say Vanja draws Naruto fucking Sakura and you were to put it online and she requests you to remove it, You would have every right to refuse as she does not own Naruto or anything relevant, Only Kishimoto, Viz, Shonen etc could demand that.

Morals or what we do dont matter. If it's their copyright you have to respect it.

This isn't about right or wrong, this isn't about her actions being wrong, this is about her actions coming off as wrong, probably in a sour looking manner.

It's also about comparison, like I said before, we've pirated better games of higher prices and that she has special protection over her games makes her come off as a high and mighty above everyone person, even if that's not who she is. Because she might be implying her products deserve immunity despite the fact that companies doing better work on bigger games have not done such a thing. Even if the implication isn't true.

Hell, it even get's to the point where those who specifically tried far more protection like ubisoft ended up earning nothing more than a popularity decrease as their games still got pirated.

And we all know how well Microsoft's plan with the xbox one turned out, they ended up being made fun of by sony and almost everyone else and later had to take off the stupid console security system to avoid too many loses. It might've sounded like a nice honest groundbreaking plan in theory, but the whole thing went to hell faster than a suicidal man standing at the edge of an active volcano.
Re: Witchcraft II

I have to agree with ZhouTai because I love me some Dynasty Warriors.


We should continue talking about the games. I can answer questions if you like. I'm sure someone else has the games also.
Re: Witchcraft II

ZhouTai said:
Its why hongfire went crap, it become THE place to pirate hentai games and works which ultimately made them U-Turn because of DMCAS and potential legal action.
Piss off the wrong kind of people and you're finding yourself in a legal conflict before you even know it. (And despite that all the filesharing stopping there, Hongfire is still a big board with lots of people posting. )

Papanomics said:
We should continue talking about the games. I can answer questions if you like. I'm sure someone else has the games also.
It would be nice if we could :)

I enjoyed Medusa's Slave too, it was fun and cute, with a more interesting escape system than just pressing the same buttons over and over. The mix of both sprite sex animations and bigger animations during battle was a nice touch also, it gave a bit of everything :)

The name input was nice, I hope she'll make more use of that in some later projects, especially if she makes more games with a male protagonist. She did create that Quest for sexual experience game some years back, where you play a male, but that is more an exploration kind of game and not a platformer/sidescroller.
Re: Witchcraft II

This isn't about right or wrong, this isn't about her actions being wrong, this is about her actions coming off as wrong, probably in a sour looking manner.

It's also about comparison, like I said before, we've pirated better games of higher prices and that she has special protection over her games makes her come off as a high and mighty above everyone person, even if that's not who she is. Because she might be implying her products deserve immunity despite the fact that companies doing better work on bigger games have not done such a thing. Even if the implication isn't true.

Hell, it even get's to the point where those who specifically tried far more protection like ubisoft ended up earning nothing more than a popularity decrease as their games still got pirated.

And we all know how well Microsoft's plan with the xbox one turned out, they ended up being made fun of by sony and almost everyone else and later had to take off the stupid console security system to avoid too many loses. It might've sounded like a nice honest groundbreaking plan in theory, but the whole thing went to hell faster than a suicidal man standing at the edge of an active volcano.

I'd agree if it was an invasive DRM embedded in the game. That shit is disgusting.

It's not. It's just a little mark that identifies the customer (and even that might just be a bluff). It is virtually meaningless to actual customers (their experience is not changed at all by it), but curbs piracy completely. It actually works off pretty well.

I'm not going to play these ever. But I can't say I'm not impressed with her being able to create all this "shield" without hurting the real customers. It's a shame such protections would never work on the big releases, but it is the objective they all should have: stop piracy, but not at the expense of your actual customers.

Whatever Vanja's failures may be, this was a pretty big win.

Bottom line: you are wrong. DRM is just dandy so long as it doesn't hurt your actual customers.
Re: Witchcraft II

I'd agree if it was an invasive DRM embedded in the game. That shit is disgusting.

It's not. It's just a little mark that identifies the customer (and even that might just be a bluff). It is virtually meaningless to actual customers (their experience is not changed at all by it), but curbs piracy completely. It actually works off pretty well.

I'm not going to play these ever. But I can't say I'm not impressed with her being able to create all this "shield" without hurting the real customers. It's a shame such protections would never work on the big releases, but it is the objective they all should have: stop piracy, but not at the expense of your actual customers.

Whatever Vanja's failures may be, this was a pretty big win.

Bottom line: you are wrong. DRM is just dandy so long as it doesn't hurt your actual customers.

The reason this method isn't more widely used is because it is very resource-intensive on the publisher's part. It pretty much requires someone scouring the internet full-time for copies.

I do agree, however that is is very effective and has virtually no impact on paying customers.
Re: Witchcraft II

The reason this method isn't more widely used is because it is very resource-intensive on the publisher's part. It pretty much requires someone scouring the internet full-time for copies.

I do agree, however that is is very effective and has virtually no impact on paying customers.

That's not what really ended the sharing, that only made it harder. What ended the sharing is knowing that once a single pirated copy lands on Vanja's lap, she can trace it right back to you, whose personal information she has on her database. She only needs one, and once you put it out it'll go everywhere (thanks to the guys making money through cash shares).

Though, yes, she did do the whole scouring it full-time before and it was somewhat effective.

The reason "marking" things wouldn't work on big releases is that as soon as you get two of them together, you can quite easily remove the mark by just looking for differences. It is also somewhat impractical to make 1 million different discs.
Re: Witchcraft II

Why don't we talk about the games now?
Re: Witchcraft II

We should continue talking about the games. I can answer questions if you like. I'm sure someone else has the games also.
I actually have a question. How good is movement when referring to fighting older enemies for the fun of it / sex? I remember in Witchcraft & Witchcraft II you had to painfully walk all the way back to a level if you wanted to fight a certain enemy which was incredibly annoying considering every enemy still attacked you. Is the movement generally faster than her previous games? Now that I really think about it, she tends to create games where the character moves at a snail's pace.
Re: Witchcraft II

I actually have a question. How good is movement when referring to fighting older enemies for the fun of it / sex? I remember in Witchcraft & Witchcraft II you had to painfully walk all the way back to a level if you wanted to fight a certain enemy which was incredibly annoying considering every enemy still attacked you. Is the movement generally faster than her previous games? Now that I really think about it, she tends to create games where the character moves at a snail's pace.

It's not too bad. Actually I feel it's much faster than Witchcraft 2. The stages are bigger than sections in WC2.
Re: Witchcraft II

well let's get this clean.

1.there will be no links or torents because vanjas loyal,
money-grubbing anti-pirate predators hunting them all down.

2.so to only acces to her games are a 25$ nemperschip with monthly bill,
payable only by credit card at verotel to. (and she won't change it).

3.her members here on ulmf also do not share only talking about the games.
which here hardly anyone has (that does not make much sense)

after all this i'm thinking my opinion about vania and her stuff has changed so:
what a dam fuxxing schxx :mad: pice of mad crap
Re: Witchcraft II

well let's get this clean.

1.there will be no links or torents because vanjas loyal,
money-grubbing anti-pirate predators hunting them all down.

2.so to only acces to her games are a 25$ nemperschip with monthly bill,
payable only by credit card at verotel to. (and she won't change it).

3.her members here on ulmf also do not share only talking about the games.
which here hardly anyone has (that does not make much sense)

after all this i'm thinking my opinion about vania and her stuff has changed so:
what a dam fuxxing schxx :mad: pice of mad crap

Low-level Cryptanalyst, Learch, here. I am incapable of recovering the entirety of this message, but I believe I can provide hints at the underlying ideas.

Translation said:
Well, let's get this straight:

1) There will be no links or torrents, because Vanja's employees take them down.

2) Because of 1), accessing her games requires a monthly subscription of $25 payable only by credit card.

3) Because of 1) and 2), there are few people who have the game. Those who do will not share it. Those who have it are discussing it. This makes no sense to me.

Due to 1), 2) and 3), I dislike Vanja more than I did before.
*Expletives go here*

Back to the discussion:

Papanomics: How glitchy are Vanja's games lately? From what I've been able to come across, they're pretty bad in that department (in the sense that no self-respecting programmer would release them except as a beta).
Re: Witchcraft II

Soo my question: Is there anyone that i can PM him to get vanja games or not?
Re: Witchcraft II

Papanomics: How glitchy are Vanja's games lately? From what I've been able to come across, they're pretty bad in that department (in the sense that no self-respecting programmer would release them except as a beta).

I don't exactly agree with what you have in parenthesis, but the games are still glitchy in some ways. The most obvious one of course is the character movement. It feels slow and dragged, she is improving little by little. I don't feel like it's too bad, not bad enough to ruin the game. As far as being self-respecting, she respects herself enough to work hard on her games on her own, and makes sure they don't get out to the public.

As for Ryuzaki and Lajevda, maybe you can find them somewhere, I wouldn't count on it. And definitely don't PM me asking for them. I'm not going to distribute her work.


I am not going to distribute Vanja's games in any way, shape, or form.
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