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VN/TEXT [vanadis-soft] St. Monster Girl Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

can pm me the link to please?
thank you.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Ruh roh. Keep getting this error. Any idea what to do?


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Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Duh, guys try googling for a while, there's a lot of site that give the DL link
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Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Ruh roh. Keep getting this error. Any idea what to do?

You're supposed to run the other file you got with the download as well.

Run that exe and keep it on and then try to run the game.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

i would very much enjoy a pm of the download link too if that would be ok? thank you very much
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Ruh roh. Keep getting this error. Any idea what to do?

I seem to be getting the same error. I've tried running the other file (the alpha disc one) and keeping it open while running the game but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? =(
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

I seem to be getting the same error. I've tried running the other file (the alpha disc one) and keeping it open while running the game but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? =(

it wouldn't work for me until i threw it in the installed folder. I don't know if it's a definite need but you can try that also.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

I'd really appreciate a PM too.
Thank you in advance.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Here are the steps to follow to get the crack/game to run properly. If you've already tried to run the ALSIGNUP and had it error out you need to uninstall/reinstall the game prior to doing this.

Step 1 - Install the game. IMPORTANT - Do not attempt to run the game yet.
Step 2 - Remove the game media, if you are mounting the image unmount it. If you burned it to a disc, take it out of the drive.
Step 3 - With the game media unmounted/removed attempt to run the game once. You should receive a small moonspeak error window that lists Error 1200.
Step 4 - Take the alsignup exe and put it in the following folder

Win Vista/7 - C:\Users\*USER*\Documents\SETTEC
XP - C:\Documents and Settings\*USER*\My Documents\SETTEC (Assuming on this one since I'm on Win7.)

Step 5 - You should see the AlphaDiscLog.txt file, run the alsignup.exe and it will modify that file.
Step 6 - Run the game and you should be good to go now.
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Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

can i have a pm to please. i would very much appreciate it.
Thank you:)
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

Chance I get a pm as well?
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

can i get a link for the game please?
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

can i get Pm of this too?
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

For actual conversation, what is the consensus on ratings? I have to go Comet at the far top, for the fact that she's the most lovable. Not sure how I would rank the others under her, though...
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

I've been doing some research on the "inter-net" using a well-renowned search engine in order to find out whether there is a translation for this game or not.
However I could only come up with machine translations.

Is this correct, or has in the meantime a Saint other then St. Monster taken pity on us imbeciles and translated the game?
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

I don't believe anyone has ever translated any Vanadis game. A few people tried the Lamia game, but no one finished it.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

For actual conversation, what is the consensus on ratings? I have to go Comet at the far top, for the fact that she's the most lovable. Not sure how I would rank the others under her, though...

Comet is number 1 for sure. After that it gets pretty hard.
Vivi is just plain hot and the trouble maker we all know so when she goes dere it just seems unfair.
Sirene is your basic tsundere and also your idiot strong character. She's so stupid you can't help but love her.
Rin...is seriously unfair. She like the childhood friend character, the weak pretty girl character, the cute girl who's always been in love with the MC character, and the sexually active girl all rolled into one. Pretty one scene, cute the next, and sexy the following.
Kyute...is well the hot teacher.
Vera can be annoying but damn do they give her some cute lines every now and then. Especially when you're on her or Mirita's route.
Mirita is that girl you never really think about but then BAM you realize she's actually VERY attractive! Seriously, I've liked her from the beginning (could be cause I like Lamias in general) but once you go down her route...oh damn.
Fam....is just awesome, enough said.
Re: St. Monster Academy (聖もんむす学園)

So lemme ask y'all this - assuming you are using a machine translation (which one?) and aren't fluent in Japanese.

Is it recommendable or may it be a mood killer for a sensitive wallflower such as me?