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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Question is, should I use Nightstalker (0 slot) or Athame Blade (2 Mag, 1 red essence)...
Well, both are kind of useless and generally you should trash them both and find something better, but... if I were to chose out of these two weapons I'd take Athame just for the fact that it at least has silver(holy) on it and stalker doesn't have neither silver(holy), nor enchanted(plasma).
p.s.s. right now my chest holds 25 slots, when will I be able to expand that?
Endgame dungeon, you probably shouldn't concern yourself with it as of right now.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Description isn't clear, so it depends on whether you can make better use of the default Nightstalker's ice shards attack compared to the impact damage from the Athame Knife when the PC is buffed. Note that the Nightstalker shard damage is ice damage while the Athame Knife impact damage when buffed is holy which only 2 monsters have resistance to.

No surprise the alchemy screen doesn't say anything when the Granite blade you have likely has two slots or more. You might want to re-read some of the posts a few pages back on how slot expansion works, others have figured it out on their own but I put in my own explanation which no one bothered to read.

Want to expand the chest? Progress to the final dungeon and start saving the sacrificial offerings otherwise you'll have to put up with 25 slots in the chest and 100 in the donation box for the time being.

From what I understand I need to use either base weapon with 1 more red essence slot (Long Sword for Granite, Short Sword for Athame) or the same weapon with the combined red slot equal to base's +1 (i.e. 2+1 slot to expand to 3)

My only gripe so far with Athame is its base damage is so low :v so it hits like noodles (Clock Engine sorta help slightly)

And orz on final dungeon to expand them chest, guess I won't be doing any item collection for a while.

Well, both are kind of useless and generally you should trash them both and find something better, but... if I were to chose out of these two weapons I'd take Athame just for the fact that it at least has silver(holy) on it and stalker doesn't have neither silver(holy), nor enchanted(plasma).

'A ' any recommendation for melee magic build then?

(random question: I know Invoker's essence is good because it adds to weapon attack, but what about elemental essence? those also do Mag 20% as well, resistance aside)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

@lazycat I was referring to those specific items you've found (i.e. no-slot item & useless-red-essence-1-slot-item), not to the weapon type in general.

'A ' any recommendation for melee magic build then?

(random question: I know Invoker's essence is good because it adds to weapon attack, but what about elemental essence? those also do Mag 20% as well, resistance aside)
They don't. T3 elemental adds elemental impact, converts 50% of damage to specific element and add silver(holy).
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

From what I understand I need to use either base weapon with 1 more red essence slot (Long Sword for Granite, Short Sword for Athame) or the same weapon with the combined red slot equal to base's +1 (i.e. 2+1 slot to expand to 3)

'A ' any recommendation for melee magic build then?

(random question: I know Invoker's essence is good because it adds to weapon attack, but what about elemental essence? those also do Mag 20% as well, resistance aside)

Not the weapon category, but the exact weapon. If you want to expand that granite blade, it has to be ANOTHER granite blade with 2 or more red essences. Only exception is if you find one of the 4 red essence rarities which allow expansion regardless of the base.

Elemental impact damage is calculated as 15% of the player's magic stat, this is independent of the main weapon damage. As Monceber has already mentioned, it's a different kettle of fish for those who want strong magic-based builds.

Pester Dragonpaladin to finish his character description and you'll have a more detailed answer on what to find.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Refer to above folder for the documents under your name.

Note, here is a reminder that you have to reset to Lv1 in Makai so we are all on the same playing field. (Remember to make a makeup, or avoid saving)
Hence I suggest making your way to PC's room, save, swap to Makai, records stats, and then start writing guide.

Take my word for it, from Lv40~50ish down to Lv1 is a pretty noticeable drop in your stats. I could get up to Mag 112 back in my Lv26 save file in normal, now, 95 is like tops. (And that's wield burial blade)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Urgh, those pictures. I'm not that skilled with paint and able to cut and paste part of the interface the same way you can.

Why did you not use your +30 gear which is the main reason for presenting the guide in the first place? Weren't those your standard equipment before you decided to upgrade more stuff to increase the repertoire?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

^ Download above
ctrl+shift 4 (Grab screenshot url now in your clipboard)
Paste into browser address
Right click copy picture
Paste in document

Why did you not use your +30 gear which is the main reason for presenting the guide in the first place? Weren't those your standard equipment before you decided to upgrade more stuff to increase the repertoire?
I am mostly using my old +30 gears, rest I didn't finish with +30 yet. Makai etc is pretty hard to farm due to repair cost. Even if I do spam city ._.

Also, this is the reality of a Makai Lv1 PC. Your stats gets significantly nerfed even if you are using +30. You will see that huge drop once you change to Makai in PC's room and become Lv1.

Main thing is I only want 3 screenshots.
1) No weapon magic build
2) Melee/magic build
3) Ranged/magic build
You can see my gears on the bottom.

Update: Found a useful little section on Inscriptions/Japanese

首なし卿      :周囲の敵を凍傷で足止めするのに便利。また増殖コラプションも数ターン隣接放置で自然消滅可能。
ベル        :周囲の敵をスタンで足止めするのに便利。子宮は無いはず。
大いなる猟人    :周囲の敵に感電をばらまけて、スキル封印するのに便利。活性率高目なのがネック。
ミノスデーモン   :周囲の敵に火傷をばらまけて便利。あぶらじごくで自分も火傷するのがネック。
ブラックゴート   :ブラックハンドやブラックゴートの痛い遠距離魔法を半減できて便利。

キドゥ       :ホーリーヴァイアルの暗闇付与効果が高まる上、裁きの巻物など各種巻物使用時にも暗闇を付与できる。
アラクネー     :ホーリーヴァイアルや裁きの巻物など各種巻物使用時にも封印を付与できて、グールなどの召喚封じに役立つ。

オーグル      :気力ゲージがたまりやすくなるので一部スキルが発動しやすくなる。また攻撃補正20%も大きい。
ディケイド     :陵辱耐性50%と媚薬防止はいざという時の保険として心強い。媚薬のデバフ扉も怖くない。
コボルド      :装備全体の耐久性が倍加する。超高レベル帯の敵と戦うと破損が激しいので便利。
タッツェルブルム  :転倒耐性。先述の首輪で説明した理由で便利。クラムジネスのデバフ扉も怖くない。
アラクノス     :縛り耐性。先述の首輪で説明した理由で便利。
ファントム     :透明な敵の位置が確認できるので便利。呪いの木馬のワンドでインビジブルを奪いたい。
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I've posted a basic writeup. I just have the one screenshot on Makai mode with no weapons equipped. Because my build uses weapons depending on which enemy I'm facing, I won't put up examples unless they are specifically requested.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve


Found Vanguard Lancer/Gunner's Broom on the dwarf's craft list and decided to try them out...(Mithril bullets of course)

VANGUARD LANCER (the main and, not Detonator) PIERCES?!
(and gunner's broom fire a boatload of shots '. ' muh ammos tho)

Btw '. ' For all the gunners out there, how many bullets do you pack along per hunting trip?

Btw btw, does each hit proc elemental effect (more on Force Detonator I guess)? If so having elemental proc might counteracts the damage reduction from long range on the bullet.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

VANGUARD LANCER (the main and, not Detonator) PIERCES?!

Vanguard pierces, it's pretty fun stuffing Vanguard with Scatter bullets.
Force detonator has 3x3 splash from center of impact.

gunners out there, how many bullets do you pack along per hunting trip?
0, just the stuff within my guns. I am at 2/3 bullet per kill due to high damage. Therefore, whatever I pick up from the ground works.
Usually, I end up using Mithril and plasma bullets.

Btw btw, does each hit proc elemental effect (more on Force Detonator I guess)?
Anything that gets hit proc elemental effect, however, the splash of force detonator does not stack Elem impact.
The most you will get is 1x Elem impact from main-hand weapon, and another from off-hand weapon.

Please add the below build guide to the first post.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

here is a reminder that you have to reset to Lv1 in Makai so we are all on the same playing field.

Take my word for it, from Lv40~50ish down to Lv1 is a pretty noticeable drop in your stats. I could get up to Mag 112 back in my Lv26 save file in normal, now, 95 is like tops. (And that's wield burial blade)

I strongly disagree that we have to go to Makai to take stats. If I'm not mistaken, we're writing these builds for beginners/semi-beginners, and not for experts - and I doubt that any of the beginners will start in Makai mode from the get-go (at least none of us three did that, right?). And if we use Makai stats to make an example for Normal mode, the numbers will be wrong (just like you've mentioned, Makai nerfs stats). And I find it strange that characters have to be Lvl1 while all the gear is nice and shiny +30 items. I know that it's Makai and stuff, but it's kinda strange, IMO.
I'm still going to convert to Makai for screenshot, because I do agree with you that we need to be on the equal terms.

And one more thing, I wanted to mention. This is kinda my opinion, so feel free to ignore it, but... we're writing builds in English for English-speaking players (I suppose?) so wouldn't it be better to actually use English screenshots? I know you guys (Dragon and Harley) play Japanese version because you can read it and I've played it long enough to understand it (though I'm using English version anyway), but what about other people? You provide screenshots with Japanese interface, yet in your build you provide English names. Be consistent.

Aaand... that's it, I'm pretty much done with my build, just need to grab few screenshots when I'm home.

P.S. And one more thing - Dragon, Harley, do you need these status-chart thingies which I've mentioned before?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I strongly disagree that we have to go to Makai to take stats. If I'm not mistaken, we're writing these builds for beginners/semi-beginners, and not for experts - and I doubt that any of the beginners will start in Makai mode from the get-go (at least none of us three did that, right?). And if we use Makai stats to make an example for Normal mode, the numbers will be wrong (just like you've mentioned, Makai nerfs stats). And I find it strange that characters have to be Lvl1 while all the gear is nice and shiny +30 items. I know that it's Makai and stuff, but it's kinda strange, IMO.
I'm still going to convert to Makai for screenshot, because I do agree with you that we need to be on the equal terms.

And one more thing, I wanted to mention. This is kinda my opinion, so feel free to ignore it, but... we're writing builds in English for English-speaking players (I suppose?) so wouldn't it be better to actually use English screenshots? I know you guys (Dragon and Harley) play Japanese version because you can read it and I've played it long enough to understand it (though I'm using English version anyway), but what about other people? You provide screenshots with Japanese interface, yet in your build you provide English names. Be consistent.

Aaand... that's it, I'm pretty much done with my build, just need to grab few screenshots when I'm home.

P.S. And one more thing - Dragon, Harley, do you need these status-chart thingies which I've mentioned before?

I don't use the English interface, so I translate what I see in Japanese to what it means in English. For some of the terms, I've simply used the Japanese but most of these relate to the status categories so if there are any readers they can just refer to the screenshot I put up.

I thought the point of using +30 gear was to illustrate to readers how far they could go with a particular combination, obviously at the beginning stats will be so much lower with equipment at its base levels.

Last I remembered, DragonPaladin is the only person here who actually restarted a fresh game in Makai mode (i.e. from the new game menu). Hence some of his equipment has the Makai-exclusive stars which reduce the negative penalty inherent in some equipment.

I might have to put up multiple screenshots with ALL of the equipment I use just to make sure there isn't any confusion, but it's a bit of a pain since I use more kit than you two.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Anything that gets hit proc elemental effect, however, the splash of force detonator does not stack Elem impact.
The most you will get is 1x Elem impact from main-hand weapon, and another from off-hand weapon.

What about Gunner Broom's multi hits? It actually use up that many bullets afterall :v
(Would love to test it myself, but I've yet to get an elemental essence so far 'A ' been getting Agi/Dex/Str)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Elemental impact per volley, not per bullet.

._ . Awww....

Well, it still hit like a truck.

Btw ' ' / another thing, I see any build that uses element only list E3 of one.

What about using 2 different elements? Or you can only proc one element impact per attack? (which would make Athame able to skip using elemental essence because of its holy impact)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

You can't combine two elemental essences together in the same weapon, the latter will override the former.

For example a lightning3 athame knife is given a fire3 essence, the result of this would be the impact damage changing to fire. (Trust me, I've tried so this is from personal experience).

The athame knife is special since its holy impact damage activated when the PC is under some form of buff is dealt with separately from elemental impact damage. One reason I like the athame knife is for use in monster rooms. Upon entry I almost always use quick-swap to equip the athame knife and then consecration to reduce weapon wear, grant holy damage and at the same time activate the holy impact damage.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I strongly disagree that we have to go to Makai to take stats. If I'm not mistaken, we're writing these builds for beginners/semi-beginners, and not for experts
Monceber, you have already wrote a wonderful guide for the beginners.

Our guides are not meant for beginners, at least that's not my intention. They aren't viable until past the mid-game (Harley's viable mid-game)/end-game stage. In other words, these builds are meant for mid-game players looking to settle into a build for end-game.

As I mentioned before, and you accepted as well. Makai is really useful in that it zeros in our stats so they can be relatively compared.

Just a reminder as Harley said, we are all on +30 gears, and Elem 3 to us are common drops. Post-mid game and aimming for endgame is when people are farming those and piling up the upgrades. (Reminding both of you and myself how difficult it was to collect the first set of Elem 3. *shivers*)

Also, level 1 Makai and level 1 Normal are pretty much the same in stats.
LV HP MP 体力 魔力 抵抗力 我慢 正確さ 敏捷性 攻撃回数
1 70 22 16 16 11 16 26 16 1
1 70 22 15 15 10 15 25 15 0

Hence some of his equipment has the Makai-exclusive stars which reduce the negative penalty inherent in some equipment.
One of the reasons I used mostly old gears. While the highest I got is about 16 stars on the new gears. The highest I got on the gears I am wearing is 1~4. The only negative on those clothing are - endure. (I double checked) Which I have a 1 anyways *sweat drops*

That automatic aside which is at 6 stars. It reduced my -2.2 Str/Def/Res to -2.0 and my shoes which is at 8 stars but doesn't have a negative stats to reduce.

And one more thing, I wanted to mention. This is kinda my opinion, so feel free to ignore it, but... we're writing builds in English for English-speaking players (I suppose?)
Consistency is indeed an issue, nice catch Monceber. I will go retake the screenshot.

P.S. And one more thing - Dragon, Harley, do you need these status-chart thingies which I've mentioned before?
*raise hand* if it's not too much trouble. I will go attach a screenshot of my own PC at the end.
Update: Done, but we should be using the raw stats (first screenshot) for your status-chart thing if you don't mind. It's kinda unfair that I use my Burial (which shoots up my magic to 100)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I read in the wiki that players who didn't start in Makai straight off the bat didn't get the benefit of stars to their equipment. Was this a recent change or something I'm missing?

An example of the status chart would be most appreciated, I'm not quite sure what you would like me to provide.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I read in the wiki that players who didn't start in Makai straight off the bat didn't get the benefit of stars to their equipment. Was this a recent change or something I'm missing?
Players who are in Makai mode acquires star when they are repairing gears past the yellow stage. In other words, as long as you are in Makai, regardless of what difficulty you started in, you can acquire stars.

Note, normal -> makai is one way only. And they only apply to negative stats. ... in my case it's all - endure, and since endure is at 1 anyways, I don't stand to gain much from my old gears.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Ok, charts done. I couldn't download the screenshot though, so I had to cut it out. And it resulted in smaller version and so I scaled it a bit, but that led to it looking slightly (?) blurred >_<
If you give me screenshot directly I should be able to make it cleaner >_>

Anyway, I've done 4 types of screenshots - w/o equip, w/ granite & w/ automator. I'm going with spine and falcon for myself. 4th chart - combination of above three for comparison sake.

I'm also dropping in Harley's base chart, though it's without Roland.

Update: and for some reason I can't put screenshots in my document anymore <_<
Well, I guess I'll have to wait until it allows me to do so...


  • Draa charts.zip
    679 KB · Views: 3
  • Harley (base).jpg
    Harley (base).jpg
    97.5 KB · Views: 0
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