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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Okay, thanks. So I decided that because I liked the demo, I'd buy it anyway. So I have it, and it isn't 2HP'ing me anymore.
Now, on New Game, it's giving me a Syntax Error. Guess I have to decode the author's pages and find me some patches.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I have all the other previous patches in the folder along with the 2 on the getuploader site. Should I delete the previous ones and only have the 2 most recent active?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

In the interest of clarity, I've taken a screencap.
And sorry it's huge. Can't quite figure out the attachment system.

Syntax Error
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Could you guys give me the walkthrough of this game, please? I'm stuck at graveyard of rails =.=!!! I've tried so many times to get out of that damn area.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

In the interest of clarity, I've taken a screencap.
And sorry it's huge. Can't quite figure out the attachment system.

1) Delete current game
2) Change region settings to japanese (this includes unicode, date/time, and everything else)
3) Download 7z and install it (english is fine, but install while under jap locale)
4) Download maidensnow_eve
5) Extract using 7z (this guarantees that the jap unicode isn't messed up)
6) Install maidensnow_eve.exe (self-extractable) to desired location
7) Download patches from the blog and add it to patch folder
8) Run it without changing it to english settings
9) Check if you got any error
10) If not, change it to english (by removing underscore with the 2 _english files)

Could you guys give me the walkthrough of this game, please? I'm stuck at graveyard of rails =.=!!! I've tried so many times to get out of that damn area.
You are going to have to read japanese for this walkthrough:

In terms of getting out of the damn area, every time you arrive at a black door, you see a text.
Make sure the text you see (outside of the bracket) is the same (this guarantee you head toward that specific area) and you should be out of there around floor 7~12.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Could you guys give me the walkthrough of this game, please? I'm stuck at graveyard of rails =.=!!! I've tried so many times to get out of that damn area.

What you have to do is to remember the patterns of words. Once you did, you will find it is quite easy. Just go through the door with the same patterns of words will guide you to the next destination. I think someone had made a map for the game. No Japanese words though.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I'm assuming the patches are the ones labelled "fix" in his SkyDrive.
I may have spoken too soon, forgot the ones in the uxloader (or whatever), and it seems there's a new "Graphics.zip" in there too.
Thanks, DragonPaladin.
Okay, weird. Works in Japanese just fine.
But when I try to use the English file, the initial display options work, title screen loads, the configuration menu appears just fine, but new game still delivers a syntax error. The SAME Syntax Error.

So, why are there two underscores before the files in the "_default dialogs" folder? I know I shouldn't touch them, but those underscores look a little shady.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

If you're not using a current version of Maidensnow Eve (i.e. the one downloaded from DLSite), do not use patches - they'll be assuming a different version of the game and could cause problems. If you are, then the patches are on uploader, not SkyDrive. And finally, the English version certainly did have crash issues before, not sure if they got fixed (I use the Japanese version).

As to the _dialog.txt file, that's normal. The leading underscores are just so that the game doesn't load it and uses defaults. In principal, one can use the dialog.txt file to set some of the heroines dialog, but in practie it seems to be just moans and screams...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Thanks. I bought and downloaded this three days ago; so it's current.
*deletes the fixes from SkyDrive and loads fresh new game with English rvdata file*
Yup, still crashes. Probably something to do with porting VX to VXAce and the tools used. Or I could be talking out of my hat.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Hmm. Well, I just double checked by getting the latest update and trying a fresh game with the English language option, and it works, so I'm not sure what's going on for you. I suppose try deleting the contents of the save folder (not the folder itself) redownloading the game (may be corrupt) and/or ensuring that you're using a Japanese code page - other than this general advice, I don't think I can help you.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Identified the problem. Starting in Beginner Mode seems to cause the error.
Not quite sure why that should be, but how and ever...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Starting in Beginner Mode seems to cause the error.
Well, that's a new one. I never played beginner so I wouldn't know ._.
Don't think even the author notice there's a bug in english/beginner mode *orz*

Yup, reproduced it, that's a new one for sure. Play in normal, it's the only way to actually enjoy it. Beginner's "you won't die" does three horrible things to game play:

1) PC's helpless when surrounded (this isn't true once you get used to it. Experience in escaping is vital in this game, especially when carrying important loot (essence) that and carry scroll in emergency. Which runs out quickly if "emergency" happens often)
2) Since it's beginner there's no point building up gears (gear building is the main point of the game, and is imo the most enjoyable part of it - refer to my endgame screenshots, PC is a monster once past +10~+15.)
3) Game play experience doesn't matter, I just want to finish it (again, not one of those games. How well you play your PC changes everything. Every room's like a puzzle, the less mistakes/step/items you make/take/need the more enjoyable and rewarding combat becomes)

(Alternatively, start in Japanese beginner, start at the cliff, and then change to english interface)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

i have a few questions:

1) how do i get new skills?
2) how to meet/find a boss?
3) one side of the dwarf makes weapons and the other fix armors?
4) can i use essences as much as i want or it gets replaced?
5) repairing armors makes them small and it does less protection against rape and such attacks?
6) so i can repair them back at the dwarf and with full repair scroll?
7) where is the craft/enchant place?
8) where i can find a cure for oversensitive debuff? (can be cured with "morph")
9) and why the vibe trap does damage to her HP? it looks like some sort of robot monster, why he doesn't kill her then? lol
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

i have a few questions:

1) how do i get new skills?
2) how to meet/find a boss?
3) one side of the dwarf makes weapons and the other fix armors?
4) can i use essences as much as i want or it gets replaced?
5) repairing armors makes them small and it does less protection against rape and such attacks?
6) so i can repair them back at the dwarf and with full repair scroll?
7) where is the craft/enchant place?
8) where i can find a cure for oversensitive debuff? (can be cured with "morph")
9) and why the vibe trap does damage to her HP? it looks like some sort of robot monster, why he doesn't kill her then? lol

1. No new skills ~lol. Skills are different up to the weapon. Basically, Sword and guns
2. There are 5 bosses in the specific maps. They are on 7 or 8 floor and upper
3.I don't really understand but dwarf can repair, upgrade and fusion your weapon and clothes.
4. There are slots on weapon and clothes take a look. Maximum is 4? maybe
5. Long skirt has more protection against penetrate, but higher chance to be knockdown when monsters pull your skirt.
6. Yes
7. Dwarf
8. Doctor from London can helps you. Can be access from underground stream, City high road and Sleeping cemetery, He is in the house with watermill.
9. You can get to restart if your vitality is already 0 when you get raped.

better wait for someone else for more details and correction XD.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

How to search for traps ? I tried it in tutorial but didnt manage to do it :/
This game is hard .. or either it is my unability to understand it well : p
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Trap search is double tap W; the area that is highlighted blue will be searched for traps. In general though, you only need to trap search in rooms which already have visible traps (as rooms either have traps or they don't, and normally a room with traps will have at least one trap that is already visible, so a room which has no visible traps probably doesn't have any - although this isn't foolproof, it's pretty reliable!).
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

try to find the Cat merchant going to the cave... yeah look for the same door in maps... starting from snow go to cave...
you always have 3 doors. back, forth and a safe area or something like this.
now why the cat? he sell bread food potions and repairs...
then you can advance or go back to fight the boss...
tips: go search for all small areas before going to the next map this way you will avoid the bigger monster arena...
...after fighting some you need to go to chapel to unlock 3 more maps.
tips: at chapel you can find another hidden Cat.

that was what i did...
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Got a question here. Which one is better? A burial blade or crossfire x8 ? haven't got a hand on burial blade so I have no idea.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Got a question here. Which one is better? A burial blade or crossfire x8 ? haven't got a hand on burial blade so I have no idea.

Pick your poison, either ranged or melee. DragonPaladin has shown that with sufficient 体力 the burial blade is surpassed in damage potential by the granite blade, however the special ability of the blade is effective if it is active. The guns are less damaging but safer to use.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

k,thanks for tips : )
One more thing i am not sure of .How to replenish vitality ? I get like 6th level only to die because of my vitality got reduced to zero.
I know i am supposed to get vitality up from food,but i didnt manage to find any ? I got plenty of items,but no food .. : /