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Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

(In the endless quest for treasure, Skye has found a bottle of elven wine, a dagger and 10 denarii in the chest, and Korelin turns up a chest filled with money and a silver spyglass and compass. Don't worry, silver doesn't hurt Skye :p)

The chest took a moment to rummage through, but eventually Skye managed to dig out the bottle of elven wine. There were mostly worthless nick-nacks besides the bottle, but she also found an ornamental dagger that looked fairly old but showed no hints of rust, and a small bag filled with coins as well.

Korelin nodded at Skye's orders, and began opening the drawers and sifting through them after she'd packed up the maps and charts. The aging navigator, ever the multitasker, talked while she worked; "I've never heard of or seen any of the islands marked on these charts, but the nearest one at least is close to a shipping lane. It should have been seen by someone, and the fact that it isn't marked worries me. There could be reefs or some other natural hazard around it, so we'd best be very careful as we get closer to it. With your permission captain, I'll make sure the men on night duty are kept away from the booze we've no doubt just acquired until we can be sure that it's safe to approach."

In her search, Korelin turned up a silver case containing a matching spy glass and compass, which she promptly turned over to Skye, as well as a small chest that was filled with neatly stacked rows of coins. "Looks like this man's personal payment. Should I put this in the crew coffers, or would you like this bit for yourself captain?"

Once that had been decided on way or another, Korelin announced that she was finished, gathered up their loot and headed out of the captain's quarters. Back on deck, Skye's crew were carrying crates and barrels across the gang planks, rum and ale aplenty along with some food. Her first mate quickly came forward and said; "Captain, we found excess stocks of food and other supplies, but few valuables. It almost looks like an exploratory voyage rather than a merchant vessel. Anyway, I took the liberty of having a good portion of it carried over to the 'Seawolf,' along with all of the drink we could find! We should be good to sail for another six months so long as it all holds out, at least at our present rations. Though, I doubt the booze will last that long!" Davek smirked as his comment brought a round of raucous laughter from the sailors around them.

With her first mate right there, Skye could easily inform him of the change in course, and once they had scuttled the 'Daedelus' she would be free to retire to her private chambers, where Lady Alvarien and all of her secrets awaited the pirate captain. "We've got a powder charge rigged in the cargo hold captain. We're ready to sink her as soon as we've got everything carried over, just as soon as you say the word."
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye pulled out the elven wine and the dagger each with one hand and glanced down at them with a triumphant smirk. "Special occasion indeed Captain, heheh." Perhaps I'll save this for a happy day, like the day I sink my fangs into Lorelai again. The Captain tested the dagger in her hand, appraising it with the keen eye of the blacksmith she was originally meant to be. Not much use for battle but surprisingly durable. This steel should be more than suitable to add to my collection... to help craft my legendary sword of the ages.

After slipping the dagger into her sash, Skye dropped the bag of coins into the chest Korelin was holding. She took the spy glass and looked into it curiously then put that and the compass into her pocket. Skye walked over to Korelin and squeezed her shoulder, grinning. "My navigator that's seen it all is scared of a mysterious island? Remember you have me, my dear. There is no monster who will stand against Skye Seawolf and live to tell the tale!" As they turned to walk out, Skye looked back, "Put it all in the crew's coffers but make sure some of it goes to the upkeep of our lovely ship. We must take care of her if she's to lead us to glory."

Skye nodded to Davek, "Aye Davek! It was an exploratory vessel indeed. It seems a journey to mysterious islands and lost treasure has fallen right into our laps!" When Skye finished relating what she learned from the journals to Davek, she grinned, copper eyes gleaming excitedly. "Finally a real adventure. This should be far more interesting than Viorica. Korelin of course worries of coral reefs around the island, so make sure the night sailors don't get drunk. Anyone responsible for damaging my ship will answer to me. Adjust the course with Korelin, and sink this ugly thing just as soon as everyone is back on the Seawolf."

Skye jumped up on the railing of the 'Daedalus' and grinned at her crew.

"We have a new mission ladies and gentleman! It'll be a dangerous quest to unmarked islands, but the reward is said to be mountains of treasure! I do not know what manner of beasts or obstacles we might find on our journey, so stay ever vigilant. Only the heartiest men and women can acquire the greatest treasures, and that's what we are. These sailors of the Daedalus were unworthy and pampered brats fed with a silver spoon. We are the strongest, and we'll take all of the treasure they yearned for. We'll bask in the gold and gems and share the glory. Because we are pirates! Not just any pirates either, we sail under the flag of the Seawolf, and NOTHING STANDS IN OUR WAY!"

Skye pumped her fist into the air and grinned then hopped down from the railing of the ship. She walked briskly through the gangway, swaggering confidently. "Now let's sink this bitch and find us some treasure!" She called out as she returned to her ship. She scooped up her overcoat, putting it back over her shoulders as she headed straight for her quarters where Lady Alvarien awaited. This was going to be a fun day, indeed.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Korelin, at Skye's reassurance, smirked broadly and replied; "Oh I'm quite sure we could handle any monster, captain! I'm just worried about having to clean up all of the goo and body parts when you're finished chopping the thing up! The ship will stink of fish for weeks afterwards!" Upon her command to distribute the discovered coin to the crew and the upkeep of the ship, Korrelin simply nodded her assent and proceeded to carry the chest under her arm. Davek smirked broadly, clearly enjoying the idea of a real adventure more than a quiet return to port as well, and quickly replied; "Aye captain, the night crew will be kept off the drink."

As usual, when Skye hopped up onto the railing of the defeated vessel and began to speak she received her crew's full attention. Predictably, at the mere mention of treasure every one of them grinned broadly, and the mention of unknown dangers seemed to hold no sway upon the experienced crew of the Seawolf. Each of them raised a fist and cheered as Skye's speech reached its concluding crescendo, and as she hopped down and strode off of the Daedalus Skye received a number of thumps on the back and several lesser rounds of cheering.

As she retrieved her overcoat from the bridge of her own vessel, the last of her crew cleared from the Daedalus, and Davek lit the long fuse he'd rigged to the other vessel as the gangplank was lifted. The Seawolf started moving again while the Daedalus remained in place, and just as Skye was about to head into her private quarters she might pause to watch as the powder charge went off. A tremendous BOOM that caused the Seawolf to rock back and forth sounded, nearly deafening at this range, and the bottom of the Daedalus exploded in a shower of wood shards. Water flooded into the massive hole in the ship, and within moments the vessel had sunk beneath the waves, the last two portions to disappear being the ship's mast, and the statue of the vessel's former captain, which still stood exactly where it had when Skye's gaze had turned him into it, the stone sword still clutched in his grasp.

Entering her cabin, Skye found Lady Alvarien seated in a chair, her hands folded in her lap as she waited for the captain of the Seawolf. The noblewoman opened her eyes as Skye strode in, and she looked both confused and slightly uncomfortable at the vampire's presence. "What are you doing here? Does your captain fear to meet with an unarmed woman alone?" Her words might be a bit more brazen, but from her tone and the tension in her body it was obvious that she was still uncomfortable around Skye.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye swung her overcoat over her shoulders. The crimson fabric billowed out behind her in an arc as she veered straight for her captain's quarters. The only reaction the exploding ship got out of the captain was a crooked smirk. It was quite a scene behind her with fire, smoke, and a cloud of wooden shards erupting from the explosion. Even though most of her crew turned to watch, Skye just smiled as she headed for her quarters. She had the look of a woman who'd seen it before a hundred times. The Daedalus, as impressive as it looked, was just chump change to Skye. Just another ship fallen at the hands of her insatiable bloodlust and quest for power. Her smirk was the sign of of her victory. Other than that, the captain had already moved on to bigger and better things. She was focused now on her new adventure to the hidden islands for hidden treasure. And the pretty little treasure waiting for her in her quarters where she was heading right now.

Pushing the double wooden doors of her quarters open with a thrust of her tanned arms, Skye walked right inside, leaving the sinking Deadalus behind. The redhead only slowed when she found Lady Alvarien seated in a chair. Skye smirked mischievously. Now that she'd won the battle, she intended to have fun with her prize. A juicy prize it was too, sitting there in an expensive dress with her wavy brown hair.

Skye could just taste the fear in Lady Alvarien's eyes as she set her other trinkets down on a desk at the side of the room. She could barely contain herself from laughing at the woman's response. Skye turned and arched an eyebrow at Lady Alvarien. "Any good captain sends someone to scout out their guests before showing themselves. Can never be too careful ya know? Of course as a novice at sea and a dainty little girl like yourself, I wouldn't expect you to know that..." The bandanna clad redhead grinned and walked straight to the lady. She pushed Alvarien's hands aside and sat down right on her. Skye invaded the lady's precious personal space, straddling her lap with her own leather-clad thighs, staring into Alvarien's eyes with her smoldering copper irises. Skye's face was just centimeter's from Alvarien's, close enough that the woman could feel the captain's warm breath as she spoke, the gleam of her golden nose ring flashing before her eyes almost hypnotically. "What's the matter my dear?" Skye's voice was like a low growl as she taunted her new guest. "Are you afraid?" The vampire whispered, opening her lips to show Alvarien her fangs, snake like tongue whipping across the tips of her ivory fangs. "Going to cry out for the big bad captain to save you from the scary vampire?"
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Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Alvarien watched with guarded eyes as Skye set down her assorted prizes from the fallen merchant vessel, but she scoffed in an affronted manner as Skye referred to her as dainty and inexperienced. "This isn't my first time out at sea." Of course, when Skye strode over and casually planted herself in the noblewoman's lap, Lady Alvarien's expression became carefully neutral once more, but as close as she was to the woman Skye couldn't help but notice the slight loss of color in the woman's face. And, with her superhuman senses, she could hear the woman's heartbeat speed up just slightly as her nerves rose.

Even with her evident discomfort and fear at Skye's proximity, however, Lady Alvarien still met Skye's copper eyes with her own deep blue-grey ones. She remained perfectly composed even after Skye whispered and gave a show of licking her fangs, at least outwardly, and her voice didn't tremble when she replied; "Am I afraid? Yes. Yes I am afraid. I would have to be stupid or insane to not be, after what I saw you do to those men on the deck. Doesn't mean I'm going to collapse into a helpless weeping sot like the witless sheep that make up the majority of noblewomen, and it won't turn me into a constantly cursing, rum swilling nitwit like it does to some others either. I'm not stupid enough to attempt to harm the one man on this vessel that I can reasonably expect to keep me away from you, especially when all it would gain me is being fed to you or thrown off of the ship after the crew had their fill of my body anyway. I'm no more a threat to him than I am to you, and you have Lady Felicia Alvarien's word on that."

She paused to glare at Skye after she'd said that, but out of the corner of her eye Skye noted that the woman's hands were clenched on the arms of the chair that she was sitting in, to the point that her knuckles were white. Her heartbeat had quickened further, though it couldn't yet be called racing. Though she had kept her face largely composed, even looking back at Skye with a defiant and angry glare, her body language was enough to tell the vampire in her lap how frightened she truly was of Skye. Of course, she still didn't know that Skye was the captain of the Seawolf, and that no help would be coming for her. She did seem to understand just how helpless she was, however, and rather than attempt to protect the pristine flesh of her neck should Skye decide she didn't like being spoken back to, Alvarien had effectively chosen to try to look like something other than food to the hungry predator before her.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

As Skye sat atop her captive, straddling her thighs, she could sense the woman's heart thumping more quickly. The beast within her sundered soul relished the sound of the thump-thumping pulse. Even though she hid it well, Skye could just taste the fear emanating from the lady's form. Quickened heart beat, pale skin, white knuckles - it all meant that sweet blood was rushing through her veins. Delicious, decadent blood of a pampered noble. It didn't taste any different sure, but Skye loved to feed from soft, lofty people like that nonetheless. Their realization that they were totally under the vampire's power made it ever more entertaining.

Skye smirked at Lady Alvarien as she began her defiant, preppy show of confidence. The vampire's predatory eyes slowly moved down the woman's face and to her pale neck and shoulders. She brushed the lady's chestnut hair behind her shoulder slowly, totally exposing her captive's neck. Skye's fingers stayed laced within the hair as she held it behind the woman's back. Her eyes scanned across Lady Alvarien's shoulder blades, over her neck and to the other side, as if feasting on her with her eyes. It was like the vampire wasn't even listening to her! Lady Alvarien might have even wondered what Skye was thinking as her whip tongue snaked along her lips.

Finally Skye replied, though her gaze was still on the lady's neck. "A pity... quite a pity. I had thought that by letting you live, you might entertain me..." Suddenly Skye's fingers gripped Lady Alvarien's hair and tugged backward hard. Her other hand shot forward and gripped her captive by the jaw. Skye's smoldering copper eyes bored into Lady Alvarien's as she held her head tilted back, exposing her throat even more. This time, Skye's voice was venomous. "I do enjoy a helpless weeping sot you know?" The vampire leaned forward so their bodies were pressed together and her face was just inches from Lady Alvarien's. Her smirk was as crooked as ever but there was definitely a glint of malice in her eyes. "What do you think I am my dear Felicia? The loyal first mate? A brawling brute adept at bashing skulls but little else? Or maybe a mercenary on a contract for the captain? A humble ship's blacksmith perhaps? ....Or am I monster on a leash?" Skye spat out the last words angrily. "Bound by some primitive oath to the glorious captain?"

Skye leaned forward and dragged her whip tongue all the way up Felicia's cheek slowly and then stared right back at her, copper eyes burning with fiery hatred. The vampire whispered, low and malevolent. "Let me tell you something little girl. You aren't in your little Badarian estate anymore. You may think this is all some game, some fantasy world where you get your little treasures. Is that right? Hmm? In the real world, pirates are dangerous, people die, prey is eaten by the predator." Skye leaned even closer until their foreheads were touching and she could feel Felicia's heart racing against her chest. "Learn this and learn it well. No one. And I mean no one. Puts Skye Seawolf on a leash!"

Without warning Skye suddenly growled ferociously. Her fangs bared in their ivory white glory, and her copper eyes seemed to glow like the fires of an ancient forge. The vampire grabbed Felicia Alvarien and whirled out of the chair. She spun in the air with the poor woman in her arms, with the grace of a panther and the ferocity of a bear. Skye slammed Felicia onto her back on the wooden deck and pounced on top of her. Her hands held the woman's arms over her head, pinned to the floor. Her thigh pressed between the woman's legs, pushing right onto her core as her other leg curled under one of Felicia's legs, trapping her like prey beneath a predator. Skye hissed viciously, making a display of her fangs right in front of Felicia's face. "Answer me!"
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Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Skye felt Felicia Alvarien tense beneath her as the vampire's fingers brushed the hair away from her neck, exposing the soft pale flesh of her throat fully for Skye's predatory inspection. Her eyes, as sharp as those of a hawk, could see the veins of her neck throbbing in time with the beat of her increasingly frantic heart. The discomfort in Felicia's features continued to slip through her attempts at stoicism as Skye's inspection of her neck continued, the woman no doubt feeling like a piece of choice meat about to be devoured.

Felicia opened her mouth to speak just before Skye suddenly shot into motion, her poker face break completely into a look of terrified panic as the vampire yanked her head back by her hair and gripped her by the jaw. The woman's own arms came up to paw at Skye's chest and sides seemingly in an attempt to push her away, but she wasn't even particularly strong for a human, her attempts having no effect upon Skye. Despite the venom in Skye's voice as she spoke, however, a hint of the panic in the noblewoman's incredibly wide eyes gave way to thought, and in a position that would have seemed so intimate were it not for the terror present on Felicia's face Skye could practically see the woman connecting the dots in her head.

As Skye's long tongue slithered across the girl's pale cheek, she felt the woman shiver in horror and revulsion and attempt to push her away again, proving no more successful this time than the last. In pain, horror, and terror now, Felicia was utterly helpless beneath the seemingly enraged vampire. And she most definitely knew it, Skye could tell that much in any number of ways, from the frantic pace of her heart to the emotions evident in the depths of her blue-grey eyes. The intense closeness between them only seemed to make the noblewoman even more uncomfortable, and the addition of her chest pressing against Skye's, resulting in her hands being stuck between the two of them as they pressed against Skye's bare belly, caused her to try for another futile push. She'd begun to whimper weakly, and tears had formed at the corners of her eyes.

Skye's captive noblewoman let out a weak choking gasp as she was lifted from her seat by Skye's powerful arms, and it was followed by a loud cough as she was slammed onto the hard wooden floor. Gasping desperately to replace the air that had been knocked out of her lungs, Alvarien couldn't muster much in the way of resistance as Skye maneuvered her right into the position that the vampire captain wanted her in. Seemingly coming back to her senses as Skye hissed and demanded an answer from her, she stared at the sharp fangs evident before her eyes for a moment, her heart still racing and her eyes wide with near blind terror as tears streamed openly down her cheeks. Felicia's thighs clenched weakly around Skye's leg as it pressed up against the meeting place of her legs, the defensive act almost completely nullified by the fact that she was shaking with fear and one of her legs was wrapped in Skye's other limb.

Lying helpless beneath Skye, Lady Alvarien was the perfect picture of prey. A helpless, terrified, quivering mass of flesh utterly at the mercy of the predator that had claimed her. It took her a while to muster up the courage to answer Skye, but during that time she never once stopped squirming. Though her efforts were weak and completely hopeless, she didn't stop trying to struggle even as she finally replied in a loud but trembling shout; "Y.... You're the captain of this ship, aren't you!?"
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Pinning Felicia to the ground, Skye's rage seemed to subdue at the noblewoman's revelation. Her fangs stayed extended, but she smirked so that one of the fangs stuck out the corner of her crooked grin. "What a clever little girl you are!" Skye stared into Felicia's eyes for a long moment before leaning close to slowly lick up the woman's salty tears, whip tongue slithering on Felicia's smeared cheek. Even Felicia's crying served Skye's whims. "Why yes I am... Aye. And you, my dear Felicia, are at my service. You have the rare and distinct honor to meet me and live to tell the tale! Impressed?"

Skye stared into Felicia's weeping eyes with her malevolent, victorious gaze. "It has been a long time since I had cooperating, delicious meal like yourself. I suggest you don't ruin my appetite." The vampire moved her head down to Felicia's neck and nipped at the side of her throat, just barely puncturing the woman's flesh enough to draw out a rivulet of blood. Skye wiped the blood onto the tip of her finger and then held it for Felicia to see. "Looks exquisite doesn't it? ...No?" The captain slowly wrapped her lips around her finger. As she sucked up the small drop of Felicia's blood, Skye groaned and her eyes rolled up under her lids. "Mmm... You certainly are a tasty one." She muffled out as she continued to suck on her finger until finally pulling it out from between her lips with a soft pop. "We have much to discuss Felicia, and you have much to tell me. All of it... with no holding back. But right now, I'm hungry, and you are my meal."

The redhead slowly grazed her fangs along Felicia's neck and offered her captive one last comfort. "Do not fret my little weeping sot. You will not come to harm in my care so long as you cooperate fully and totally. I want to feed from you again and again after all." Skye laughed to herself as she continued to tease her new guest's throat. "Welcome to my beautiful ship. You can start your cooperation by stopping this amusing squirming and give in to me." Skye purred before sinking her fangs into Felicia's neck. The vampire pirate captain didn't waste anytime to start sucking up that delicious human wine. Groaning in pleasure like someone tasting a decadent meal for the first time in a long time, Skye's hands slowly trailed down Felicia's arms, releasing them and sliding her hand beneath her captive's neck and scalp to support her. Once again, her eyes rolled under their lids as she set herself free in the wave of delicious sensations. Felicia Alvarien was her's.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Felicia continued to squirm weakly beneath Skye as the pirate held her down against the floor, giving a particularly violent shudder and a squeak of revulsion as Skye's tongue came out and licked the tears from her cheek. A hint of anger at being so humiliated briefly touched upon her features following the vampire's brief explanation of her new position, pushing past the fear and despair that Skye had so far inspired within her. Letting out a choking gasp, she managed to incredulously retort; "Impressed?"

She bit off whatever she was going to say next, her face becoming an impassive scowl as her struggles ceased. She shivered lightly when Skye nipped at her neck, but that was her only reaction and she wore a scowl when the vampire presented the small drop of her blood before her eyes. Skye was momentarily unable to see as she put on the lewd display of sucking the blood from her finger, but found that Felicia's blood was unusually rich and sweet, and though the taste of blood did vary slightly from person to person Felicia's was the most unusual she'd had up until that point. The only blood she'd had up until that point that held a candle to it had been a high elf she'd tasted once and Lorelai, the latter of whom had been the best she'd ever had up until now.

When Skye looked down upon Felicia next, the woman had mixed disgust into her scowl, no doubt in response to the show that the pirate captain had just put on. Though she was still obviously afraid, afraid enough the tears still occasionally dripped from her eyes, the woman's pride had seemingly reasserted itself enough that she could maintain control of herself. When Skye said that she would say all that she knew without reservation, Felicia's expression hardened but she said nothing in response. The feel of Skye's fangs against her throat caused her to start squirming slightly, the beat of her heart rising steadily toward the level that it had reached before as panic welled within her, but she recognized now that there was nothing that she could do to resist the powerful vampire who had taken her.

Only when Skye's fangs sunk into Felicia's flesh did her countenance finally break, the brief pain of the vampire's fangs sinking in causing her to gasp and her heartbeat to rise. After the initial pain of the bite came euphoric pleasure, however, and not only for Skye's victim. Feeding like this, on a seemingly willing subject, was always more pleasant than satisfying her hunger in a more violent manner was, the sensation that it brought up within her almost as euphoric as she knew it to be on the other end. Felicia quite apparently hadn't been prepared for the pleasure she experienced after those ivory fangs pierced her neck, as she let out a soft gasp and shuddered lightly beneath Skye. Her thighs squeezing more tightly around Skye's knee while her hands, released from Skye's grip so that the vampire could better hold her quivering prey's neck steady, scratched desperately against the floor at her sides.

The rush of delicious carmine into Skye's mouth was sweet and delectable, swiftly sating the gnawing hunger that her damaged spirit had cursed her with in exchange for all of her supernatural abilities. What little strength that her feeding upon the fool who had dared to come between Skye and the prize currently lying helpless beneath her hadn't restored was granted in full by Felicia's delectable blood, the rush of her heart from arousal and terror causing her to deliver plenty of that which Skye savored so into her waiting mouth. As Skye continued to feed, Felicia began to emit a soft sound somewhere between a moan and a gasp, her eyes widened and heavily dilated from the arousal inspired by Skye's bite. Her hips began to squirm lightly, and rather than keeping Skye's knee away from her core the woman's legs now seemed to be trying to draw her closer to it.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Her fangs buried deeply in Felicia's neck, Skye kept sucking up the woman's blood slowly. Unlike her binge on the sailors a few hours earlier, the vampire drank more slowly this time, not only savoring the taste but also preserving the life within her captive. She didn't want to suck Felicia dry after all. Besides, this blood was to die for! One does not simply guzzle down such delicacy and spit it out. At least not unless one is unusually stupid. Skye knew to savour something like this when she found it. She was a civilized pirate after all not some barbaric brute. Sort of.

As she continued to feed, Skye's fingers clenched tightly in Felicia's hair. She groaned hungrily and sank deeper against Felicia's body, her thigh driving against the woman's core tightly, occasionally grinding up and down from Skye's movement. The euphoric taste drew Skye in more closely than even she intended. She curled her other arm under the curve of Felicia's back and pulled the woman up in her arm, holding her tightly so that Felicia's neck tilted backward against her first hand. Her lips sucked hungrily on the lady's neck, encouraging more and more blood to flow into her awaiting lips. The blood tasted so good, better even than Lorelai. So good that a moan of ecstasy escaped Skye's lips as the blood kept rushing onto her tongue. So good even that she wanted more, all of it. Luckily for Felicia, Skye knew better than to trust those instincts.

Just as she felt herself start to spiral away, gradually losing control to her beast within, Skye pulled back slowly, drawing her extended and bloodied fangs from Felicia's neck. The redhead set Felicia back down...sort of... lightly and pushed herself up onto all fours. Skye sucked up the last of the blood that remained in her mouth, a couple drops falling down from her lips and fangs to Felicia's nose. After Skye sucked up the last of the blood, she gasped and panted heavily. Her eyes looked wild like an animal, staring off into some other world until she finally looked down at the woman laying beneath her once again. Skye actually looked a little bit awed, as if she found a new treasure that she didn't know about before.

"Holy shit lass...what...are you?"
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

As Skye continued to feed from Felicia's delicate throat, carmine red flowing freely into the vampire's hungry mouth and filling her with a deeper sense of satisfaction and power than she'd ever received from feeding, the noblewoman seemed to break completely. She offered no resistance to the vampire's hunger and the only sounds that she made were ecstatic cries of pleasure. Her hands ceased to scrape against the floor only to claw into Skye's back, tiny pinpricks of pain easily drowned out by the pleasure that the blood flowing into her system provided. Her hips began to shift back and forth as the piratess dug her knee into the noblewoman's groin, effectively grinding her petals through their clothes against Skye's leg.

When Skye withdrew her fangs, however, Felicia collapsed limply against the floor, her breath coming in great heaving gulps. For a long while she laid beneath Skye as the pirate captain cleaned up the last of her blood, the wounds on her neck already healing due to the magical nature of the bite. The question that Skye presented the noblewoman with initially went unanswered, but she could tell that it had stirred something within Felicia as she opened her eyes and stared up at Skye, seemingly formulating a response. Her pupils were heavily dilated at first, but as she recovered from the vampire's embrace she could sense as much as see the woman calming as her eyes returned to normal.

Or almost normal, at least, as those deep blue-grey orbs seemed to have brightened slightly since Skye had last seen them. "I....." she began in a weak quiet voice, her words slurred as if she were heavily drunk. "I am...." she continued a few seconds later, and her voice had gained back some of its strength. The second pause was longer, and just before she opened her mouth to speak Skye saw something else break loose within the trapped noblewoman's eyes. Suddenly, Felicia was shouting up at Skye in an angry and defiant voice, "I am Lady Felicia Alvarien, daughter of Elric, god of the sea!"

An invisible hand suddenly grabbed Skye around the waist and wrenched her upwards, slamming her into the ceiling of her cabin hard enough to dent and splinter the wood. She was flung diagonally into the corner of the cabin, smashing through everything in her path, and then lifted again and smashed into the opposite wall. Felicia had risen to her feet, and was stretching out her hand toward Skye in the shape of a fist. She moved her hand, and like a puppet on strings Skye moved as well, slamming into the first wall again. All of this was causing a great deal of damage to anything she had in her room, not to mention putting dents and cracks in the walls that would probably let rain in unless she got them fixed immediately, but though they were painful and jarring the rough treatment wasn't doing much to Skye herself. Or, at least not physically.

"I will not be bullied and terrified by a base creature like you!" Felicia roared furiously while clutching at her neck, power radiating from her body as she continued to manipulate Skye around like a ragdoll who, despite all of her strength, was helpless against whatever was being done to her. She seemed about to say something else, but just then, Skye saw Felicia's eyes suddenly drupe, and the pirate dropped to the floor purely under the effects of gravity as whatever magic had been made to work upon her was released. Felicia stumbled, her eyes closed, and then she fell sideways back onto the floor of Skye's cabin, apparently unconscious.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Bind Demon ritual: cost 50 Denarii Purple haired demon is named Tonja. Pink haired is named Sonja

Skye pushed herself up after crashing into a wall for what felt like the thousandth time. Her eyes were blazing with hatred. Her growl, inaudible, was apparent on her vicious scowl as she stalked over to the slumped...thing... on the ground. The pirate unsheathed her scimitar and held it over the unconscious Felicia's throat, glaring down at her for a long moment. This was certainly not how one repaid the captain's hospitality if one wanted to live, she thought to herself. Skye probably would have killed her right then. She wanted to kill her, and she would have until she remembered the journey she was on. She cursed Felicia, her quest, and her stupid secrets as she withdrew her scimitar and put it back in her sheath.

Grumbling to herself, Skye strode over to her bookshelf and slid free an old black book with strange markings on it. The bandanna clad redhead flipped through the pages until she found what she wanted. A ritual to summon hellish sorceresses. This situation called for supernatural intervention, Skye was sure, and the pirate was more into the demonic side of things. Demons were more fun. Besides, they were more likely to identify with her ways. Who knows, maybe they'd get a kick out of playing with this demigod. More importantly, Skye hoped they could spare her from having to look at this wretched woman ever again and without endangering her crew.

The ritual was complex, but demonology being one of her main hobbies, Skye had everything she needed. Votive candles, parchment, blood, five onyx stones, and a hint of ancient ashes that the captain kept within her skull pendant she wore around her neck for just these purposes. Skye sat at her desk, setting the parchment in the middle of the table. She arranged the onyx stones in five points around the parchment like a pentagram and placed the votive candles around the stones in the same fashion. Skye then punctured her wrist with her fang and let her blood drip into an ink goblet until there was enough to use to write with. As she pulled her fang out of her wrist, the wound resealed itself. Skye began writing on the parchment with her own blood, scribbling the ancient language of the ritual in vivid crimson letters on her yellowed parchment.

When Skye finished the last word and dotted the sentence with a period, the parchment suddenly set aflame with a supernatural purple flame. Skye got up from her desk and stepped back slowly. She sprinkled some of the ashes from within her pendant onto her palm and hurled the stuff into the flame, causing the purple flames to jump and rage wildly as Skye watched with interest. The flame didn't harm the wood on the desk or her ship, but it grew larger, consuming all of the parchment and growing to cover the whole desk in the shape of an upside down diamond. When the diamond flame grew to its full height, a purple haired demon sorceress with an eyepatch stepped out of it and hopped down from the desk. Right behind her was another sorceress, identical in appearance except that her hair was a more vibrant shade of pink, also hopping down to join her twin sister before Skye. The two stood together, a hand on their hips as the three supernatural beings stared at one another.

The twins, Tonja and Sonja, looked like this.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Resistance (Tonja) : Enemy wins.
Resistance (Sonja) : Skye wins.

Felicia lay inert upon the floor at her feet as Skye stood over her, blade in hand. It would have been a trivially easy thing to do, to plunge her blade into the woman’s flesh and take her life, but Skye chose not to do so and instead retrieved a grimoire from her book shelf. Such things occasionally fell into her hands when they raided a vessel, particularly if that vessel contained another practitioner. Such people were always exceedingly dangerous, particularly at sea when such magics could easily damage a ship enough to sink it if one wasn’t careful, but those few magi who were willing to brave the seas were rarely attached to the crews they sailed with and thus often willing to make a deal for themselves when Skye and her crew attacked.

The materials needed for the ritual were always on hand, and soon enough the violet flame burned upon her desk as Skye stood back and watched her handiwork take shape. Two demons stepped forth from the temporary portal she’d created, which then sealed behind them and left her desk unharmed but the materials she’d used consumed utterly. The mental battle for control that always came after such a summoning began immediately, Skye forced to test her will against that of her summons as a part of the ritual itself. Truthfully, it wasn’t necessary. She was not wrong in thinking that demons were more likely to identify with her methods, and so long as she kept them happy and fed no demon had ever complained about Skye’s summonings. Besides, it wasn’t like they could easily go elsewhere. They were out at sea on a vessel controlled by their summoner, any misbehavior on their part was liable to end in a nothing more than trip to the afterlife for them.

And thus the dual battle of wills commenced, Skye battling the two sisters for dominance in a brief invisible struggle as she stared at them and the two eye-patch wearing demons stared right back. Few wounds could permanently claim the eye of a demon, so the patches were most likely purely cosmetic, but that didn’t stop the two sisters from smiling and squinting their sole visible eyes at Skye in a manner that resembled the looks often worn by members of her own profession readying themselves for battle as performed by amateur stage actors. Perhaps because she had to fight two battles at once, Skye felt the brighter haired sister’s will slip from her grasp before she could take hold, but the darker haired girl remained purely under the half vampire’s control.

Her lips upturning in a cocky smile, the one whom Skye had been unable to control via the summoning contract rolled her eyes at the pirate captain and said in a mockingly reverent and sarcastic tone of voice, “What are your desires, oh great and powerful master?” The girl tittered to herself for a moment, but went silent as her sister threw her a reproachful glare and said; “Now now Tonja, you must be properly respectful! It’s not often we get a trip to the mortal plane, and you don’t want to go ruining it by angering our mistress now do you?” Tonja rolled her eyes and replied, “Always the obedient servant Sonja! Honestly, how you ever manage to have any fun when you’re always so busy brown-nosing is beyond my ability to comprehend!” Sonja haughtily ignored her sister as she instead looked to Skye and said, “What are your orders, master?
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye gritted her teeth for the briefest of moments as she felt the purple haired demon, Tonja, break free from the invisible tendrils of control Skye was attempting to lasso her with in their supernatural mental battle of wills. Fortunately for Skye but perhaps not for Sonja, the pink haired sorceress was not so lucky, entwined in an intricate knot of Skye's controlling tendrils so to speak. Confidence bolstered by her at least partial success, Skye walked right up to the two until she was just inches away. She smirked at the pair of twins, lingering her coppery gaze on Tonja. "You're a sassy little one aren't ya? That's fine. You may be as saucy as you like... so long as you do what I say in the end, we'll get along juuuust fine" the pirate declared with finality to lay the ground rules for their cooperation.

"But where are my manners? I suppose introductions are in order!" Skye announced, moving between the two sorceresses as she spoke. The vampire wrapped an arm around the shoulders of each one, pulling them closer as she spoke. "I am Skye, captain of my glorious ship The Seawolf for which you two are now members of its notorious crew. Judging by your admittedly stylish attire, I'd say you'll fit right in!"

The captain gave Sonja a grin and Tonja a decidedly more crooked grin. "Like every member of my crew, you will have an important duty..." Skye's copper eyes darkened as she looked toward the slumped Felicia on the floor of her cabin, voice trailing off. "Your duty will be perhaps the most important. See that little strumpet there? The bitch claims to be the daughter of a god of the sea... ridiculous I know, but I have learned first hand that it's true.... or it may as well be true if it isn't. You're chief responsibility above all else is to protect me from her by any means necessary short of killing her." The captain grinned darkly enough to show her fangs to her new demonic bodyguards. "Don't harm her too badly now though unless my life is in danger."

Images of being hurtled about in her cabin still swirling in her mind, Skye's grin waved and curled into a frown. "She might not look like much, but you best not underestimate her. The lass packs a vicious punch." The vampire paused for a long moment with a scowl until she managed to shake the memories from her mind, arching an eyebrow at the twin sorceresses. "Feel free to do whatever the hell you want with her really. So long as she is on this boat, alive, and providing the information I want, I care not."

Suddenly the vampire's expression turned thoughtful as if a light went on in her shadowy mind. "Ah yes, that reminds me." She said as she let go of the twins and walked over to a table on the other side of the room, picking up the unfortunate former captain's journal and flipping to the last three entries as she walked back to the demons. "See these here journal entries? We have... co-opted... this man's quest to find these mysterious islands, promising to be filled with great treasure and power! If you could persuade her to be less tight lipped about why she is so interested in these jewels as well as the origin of our map, that would be a great boon to our mission."

Skye moved closer to Sonja, wrapping her arm around the pink haired demon's waist with her signature smirk. She gazed into her eyes and winked.

"And great boons provided by loyal friends please me immensely~"
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Tonja seemed to take Skye's words as compliment judging by the cocky grin that came over her, and she rolled her eyes and replied, "Guilty as charged! Understood~" She paused and quirked an eyebrow at Skye, and her sibling smiled meekly and awaited Skye's word as well as the captain proclaimed that introductions were in order. Despite her supernatural nature, something that the two demons could no doubt sense in some manner, neither of the strange girls seemed anything but delighted when Skye placed an arm around each of their shoulders, and upon being introduced to their new leader the two replied with their own names in turn, the more rebellious sister first, "Tonja's the name, and trouble's my game!" Followed by the more agreeable one, "I am called Sonja, my lady."

They both glanced as one toward Felicia as Skye glanced toward the fallen demigod, following the half-vampire's gaze and regarding her with appraising looks. Tonja grinned broadly while Sonja looked speculative, but they turned back toward Skye and waited for her to finish outlining their responsibilities while on board the SeaWolf, and after Skye released them to retrieve the captain's journal Sonja said, "It would be my pleasure, my captain!" Tonja quickly added, "This'll be fun!"

They each glanced at the diary in Skye's hands for a moment before shrugging, and Sonja wore an apologetic look while her sister explained, "We don't know anything about the islands ourselves, obviously. Still, we can try to get it out of her! That sounds like good times! Do you want us to make her scream for mercy, or...." a sly grin crossed Tonja's face as she completed her question, "Scream for us to do more?" The purple haired twin frowned slightly as Skye embraced her sister closely and gave the other demoness a wink, jealousy stamped blatantly on her features for a moment. "It would be my greatest pleasure, my captain!"

She pointedly didn't specify what her greatest pleasure was, and Tonja frowned and moved over to the unconscious woman and examined her for a moment before proclaiming, "Well, I don't know about half god, but she's definitely half daemon. She's got none of our blood in her, and no faerie blood either. Doesn't look to have any dragon in her lineage either, so some sort of daemon is probably the most likely candidate. She's certainly no human!" She glanced back at Skye, "Do you want us to wake her up and start interrogating her now? She's powerful, but not too powerful for us to control. You don't have to be present for that if you've got more important things to do... Captain." Skye's title was added somewhat hastily at the end of Tonja's sentence, but it still held enough respect to indicate that the demon wouldn't betray her orders.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Arm still wrapped about Sonja's waist, Skye pulled the sorceress against her hip tightly. The redheaded vampire quirked her eyebrow and gave the woman a crooked grin. “You bet your pretty little ass it would be!” Skye said with a playful growl before releasing Sonja from the embrace. The half-vampire turned, walking toward a wardrobe on the side of the room, offering Tonja the same crooked grin. “And your's too lass.”

“That is, if I don't have to pound it into line first.” The redhead snickered as she untied her tattered tunic and tossed it onto the ground, standing in front of her wardrobe. After considering a new outfit for a moment, Skye bent down to remove her combat boots. Her toned back and arm muscles rippled, powerful but still sexy as she went on to remove her leather pants until the captain was clad in just her black bra and panties, along with her customary bandanna, golden nose ring, and skull pendant of course.

Not seeming to care in the least that she was in plain sight of the demons, Skye turned to Tonja. “Impressive analysis, but she may as well be half-sludge as far as I'm concerned. She is no longer a guest on this ship. As such, you shouldn't make her feel welcome. How you go about doing that... is up to you.” Skye smirked with a hint of malice in her fiery copper eyes. “I trust you'll have some fun, hm?”

Turning back to her wardrobe, Skye found a pair of rocker black cargo pants. She stepped into them and hiked them over her hips snugly before tying a studded leather belt about her waist. A couple thin chains hung loosely from D-rings about her thighs, various zippers hiding pockets that she didn't intend to use beneath her knees and down her calves. Bending down, Skye pulled her combat boots over the ends of her pants, fastening the buckles tightly over them. She completed her new outfit by hanging her scimitar and badarian revolver on either hip before pulling on a black t-shirt. It fit snugly over her b-sized breasts, ending just at the top of her studded leather belt. The t-shirt declared “Fuck the Rules!” to the world in big red block letters, and that's just what Skye intended to do.

“I thought you might appreciate the zippers.” Skye remarked off-hand as she turned toward the exit, only stopping just before the large wooden double doors. “Just remember to clean up your mess. I have to sleep in here.” With one last scowl and a nod to the demon sorceresses, Skye pushed the doors open so hard that they rebounded back and slammed shut just after she strode out of the cabin, leaving Felicia to her fate. She had uncharacteristically restrained herself for the sake of the mission for long enough. It was time to to get out some pent up frustration.

A crazed, malevolent glint in her copper eyes, Skye headed straight for the prow of the ship. Her heart thudded in her chest from adrenaline, breath coming in angry heaves. She would stop for no one. If anyone was in her way, they would get out of it if they knew what was good for them. Breezing past anyone along the way without so much as a glance, the vampire leaped up the stairs leading to the prow. She strode up to the prow, hopping onto the very tip of the boat with the agility of a cat and stared fiercely into the oncoming wind. Holding on with one hand, Skye unleashed a furious, blood curdling roar to the heavens. Mouth open wide from the roar, fangs extended, and eyes totally crazed with rage, no one on the SeaWolf would have missed the piercing screech, even within the depths of the ship as it echoed outward over the sea.

Skye stayed on the prow for a moment longer, panting from the horrible scream and relishing the feel of the air rushing over her, red-orange hair fluttering with the wind until slowly, she looked over her shoulder with an ominous glare. The redhead hopped down from the prow and glanced around like the predator she was. “Anyone who wants to challenge me, STEP FORWARD!” the captain shouted almost as viciously as her feral roar just a moment earlier. She was practically daring someone to challenge her, but if no one did, she would growl softly, “No?” and then slowly stalk over to her first mate. “Davek, find me something to kill.”
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

Sonja smirked broadly at Skye's remark as she broke away to change, but Tonja, not even missing a beat, offhandedly remarked, "Oh I'd never bet my ass against you captain. I'd be too tempted to lose on purpose!" The casual assertion that she'd pound the darker haired sorceress into line if need be was met by a giggle and a fairly teasing response, "Stop trying to excite me captain~ I might be tempted to earn a "pounding" just to see what you can come up with!" And, last but probably not least, as Skye bent over in her panties the purple haired demoness wolf-whistled at the pirate's back, her lewd grin unmistakable and unhidden. Sonja merely frowned at her sister's back, but at her command to treat Felicia as anything but a guest it was the pink haired girl's turn to smirk, "We'll see it done properly, my captain!" Tonja nodded in agreement and added, "No foolies! She won't be troubling you anymore."

Both of the sorceress sisters watched without even a hint of shame as Skye dressed herself once again, taking in the details of the muscular woman's physique hungrily as only a demoness could. When she turned and gave them a complete view of her new outfit, they both responded as once; "We do!" They watched her depart without moving from their positions, and at her pause at the door to deliver her final instructions regarding Felicia they both responded, but separately this time. "We'll leave it just like it was when we found it Captain~" Sonja said somewhat solemnly, "You won't find her the way you left her though, not after we're done with her~" Tonja continued with a malicious giggle.

When she left her cabin and strode angrily across the deck, her crew very quickly made sure that they were out of her way. Many of them had sailed with her before, and those that hadn't had been present for the month in which she'd been without anyone to feed off of, so they all knew when she was in a foul temper. As such, Skye was largely left alone as she strode across the deck and leaped up to the forward upper deck of the SeaWolf before finally climbing onto the prow. Her crew had pretended to ignore her up until that point, even Korelin who had looked as if she'd had something to say to her, but her loud, powerful, heart stopping roar banished that facade completely.

When she spun about and leaped onto the deck a moment later, Skye found some of her crew staring at her in awe, some in fear, and the rest simply dumbstruck save for her officers, who both managed to keep a level expression even in the face of her truly frightening rage. Unsurprisingly, not a soul stepped forward at the chance to challenge her for captaincy, and once she had turned to Davek and issued her order to find another vessel to prey upon she heard them go back to their assorted tasks. "Yes captain!" Davek replied evenly as he turned the wheel of the SeaWolf, turning the ship back towards a shipping lane so that they could hunt down some more prey.

Unfortunately for Skye's boiling anger, it was another four hours before they spotted another vessel. By then, night had begun to set, though the sun still hung low in the sky off to the West, a brilliant bright orange that turned the black clouds over them into a deep bloody red. It had started to rain, the storm that had been over their heads for some time finally breaking, though the clouds didn't stretch far enough to block out the setting sun. The winds had risen, and the tossing of the waves had the SeaWolf bucking wildly. Davek kept the vessel under firm control, however, and by now the merchant galleon they'd spotted was close enough that they could see her with the naked eye. The sea was ocher from the reflected sunlight, its glassy surface occasionally lighting up as lightning flashed overhead and was followed shortly thereafter by a rumble of thunder. Skye could see the sharks gliding beneath the waves in those moments when lightning split the air above them, their eternal hunger visible even from above the waves as the promise of the seas becoming as red as the clouds above the two vessels drove them to flit around both vessels.

The merchant vessel, somewhat bigger but not nearly as well armed as the last one they'd targeted, had seen them but wasn't visibly reacting. They were flying the colors of a Badarian noble house that Skye didn't recognize immediately, but she heard Davek mutter the words, "House Gerestral..." under his breath as he caught sight of the flag at the top of their mast. Even from here and in the somewhat dim lighting Skye could see the men scurrying about on her deck, at least twice as many as she had on hers. They hadn't wheeled out their guns yet, but that didn't mean that they weren't going to if the SeaWolf got any closer. Esmeraldis was printed in shining golden letters on the side of the ship.

At this point, Skye had a number of options. She could try to slip in further to board the vessel without opening fire first, or load the cannons with grapeshot to thin their crew or chainshot to cripple their sails, or even standard balls to aim to sink the thing. Of course, with the storm brewing over them, it might be prudent to call off the attack without breaking her cover, as they likely just thought that the SeaWolf was another merchant vessel or perhaps a pirate hunter, judging by the way they weren't yet preparing for battle. As with her guns, she could have her crew prepare to unleash a volley of rifle fire over the side of the ship to weaken their lines before boarding, or perhaps try to pass off their approach as looking for news or somesuch rather than an attacking pirate vessel. "Your orders captain?" Davek grunted quietly as he steered the SeaWolf towards the other ship.
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

As soon as Davek went about setting the new course, Skye began wandering the deck of her ship impatiently. She paced back and forth, stood at the bow and starboard railings, dragging her finger along the wood of her ship, a ship that she helped build with her own hands. It was one of the few remaining shreds of her former humanity. She even relieved Davek of his spyglass, hopping back up onto the prow and looking off into the horizon with it.

It wasn't until much later when the Sun had begun to sink toward the awaiting horizon, wind and rain kicking up, when Skye finally spotted the ship. Seemingly unphased by the storm around her, Skye was standing on the prow once again. Seeing something shimmer in the distance, she pulled the spyglass to her eye and focused it ahead. "A-ha! There!" Skye called back to Davek, pointing as she hopped from the prow. Davek likely already saw the ship. He had a way of these things, but Skye informed him of the news anyway, handing him his spyglass back.

Seeing the shining golden letters and flying colorful flag, the Captain of the SeaWolf twisted her lips in thought. She turned to Davek with a smirk. "I bet they're holding some interesting cargo! Do you know them, the House Gerestral?" The redhead considered all the possibilities as the ship bucked and swayed in the storm. With a ship carrying such interesting possibilities, there was no sense in sinking it. Nobles were a bunch of dandies, but if anything could inspire them, it would be to protect their gold. Despite that, Skye was sure that her experienced and dastardly crew could take them, both in a sea battle and a deck skirmish. On the other hand, this was one vicious storm, and they already had one victory under their belts this night. The captain knew that some of her men might be superstitious about such things. They were pirates after all.

Skye turned to Davek, rain dripping from her red-orange hair, a hand at her hip. "I have an idea that I think may just work, but I want your honest assessment of the situation. I might perhaps be a wee bit overzealous..." The captain leaned close and told him of her plan to disguise herself as an ordinary peasant, using a tattered brown hooded cloak. She'd hail the ship while the crew lies in hiding, informing them that her poor captain and crew is dreadfully ill with scurvy or some such, and do they possibly have a doctor or medicine that could cure her woeful crew? Once they'd boarded, a signal from Skye or Davek would trigger the ambush.

"Well, whatdya think my friend? Use the ambush plan, fight them head on, or turn around and wait for a better day?"
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Skye: HP = 74, PP = 38, EP = 64, Status = Fine

"By reputation only captain," Davek replied when Skye questioned him on House Gerestral, though something in the man's tone suggested that he wasn't being completely honest with her. "They produce mostly military goods, 'tis how they made their fortune, so I'd be surprised if they didn't have some fine toys onboard. Problem is, they might have 'em ready to use on us if we come up looking for a fight!"

Korelyn came up to stand beside them as well while Skye explained her plan to disguise herself as a beggar and approach under no flag. "We'd have to get everyone we didn't need belowdecks right now, before they get a good look at how many we have on deck. The three of us and one other can crew the ship well enough in the short time it'll take us to get close to them, and that way we don't have to worry about any cannonfire tearing a hole in our ship!" the navigator said once Skye had finished telling of her plan.

Davek considered for a moment and said, "It's a good plan captain, I'd much rather we find out what they've got in that ship when we're stealing it than when they're wheeling it out to shoot it at us!" He pulled his own somewhat ratty cloak off of his shoulders and offered it to Skye, "Go with Mindrot, they'll believe that taking down a whole crew over scurvy. Causes a nasty fever and pustules on the face, spreads wicked fast in a cramped deck too. We'll be ready to advance on your orders captain!"
Re: Unsavory Types (Ranger Princess)

Wrapping Davek's ratty old cloak around herself and pulling the hood over her head, Skye smirked at her two officers. "Yes that's the idea," Skye said patting one of the masts of her ship before clapping her hands. "Let's get to it then, get everyone below decks and prepared for the ambush!"

Once they were ready, Skye walked toward the railing of the SeaWolf. She looked out through the rainy night sky toward the ship as they drew slowly closer, rocking against the sea. The vampire stared down at the railing for a moment, a malevolent smirk on her face, rain drops dripping down her hood. With one arm, Skye made sure the ratty cloak was wrapped around herself tightly, hugging it to her body as if she was cold.

When she finally looked up toward the approaching ship again, Skye's smirk was gone replaced by a beseeching expression. The disguised captain waved her free hand wildly toward anyone she could see on the approaching Gerestral ship.

"Oh thank the gods! Hail! Hail good strangers! Please we need help! Our captain is sick! Please help us! Oh gods I don't want to die out here alone! Please!"