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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Nevermind," The mistress sighed, before she reached into the cage and grabbed Seras by her hair. "You're disloyal enough to ignore my questions. For your information, your friends are waiting in another room, and can't wait to see how much you love doggies. Are you going to keep them waiting? Or shall I just go see how they can entertain me?" she asked harshly.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras yelped sharply from the sudden grasp, barely able to hold her tears. At the very least her friends were alive... "I'll do what you want, just don't hurt them." with her submission the girl looked down sadly and easied up in the mayors grasp. At this point in time, she was completely helpless...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The mistress went from grabbing her hair, to patting her on the head. "Good girl!" she praised Seras, before she put a collar around Seras' neck and attached a leash to that collar. "On all fours now, come on!" she instructed her before opening the door to the cage, and snapping her fingers. "Now... Do you like doggies?" The mistress asked with a more strict tone, one that carried warning that a lack of answer would provoke punishment. Meanwhile, if Seras obeyed, the mistress would walk slowly while bringing Seras along on the leash, watching the girl walk on all fours with a twisted grin.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The womans voice carried a certain glee to it with each and every command she gave the girl. Now was not the time to be stubborn or anything else, but submisive really. Seras flinched lightly as the cold collar fastened around her neck.

Her eyes lowered the girl at the very least placed herself away from the spunk and got to all fours, her eyes shivering in embrassment as she felt her cute ass arch out.

"Do you doggies?" the girl gulped sadly "I-..." her lips shivered strongly likely knowing all too well what she'd resign herself to "Y-yes." Seras could almost hear a wicked laugh escape her 'mistress', though it was only in her imagination it was all too clear.

With a light tug Seras would be lead away, her C--... DD's?! if it wasn't for the situation already the girls shock could be palpable. The girl felt her newly enlarged cups sway side to side, her ass arched out, only spotlighted by her cold droplets of sweat.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The mistress hummed. "I wonder if that was an honest answer, or if you're trying to say yes to please me. I actually preferred you had said no... But, we'll see soon enough... How much you love man's best friend." The mistress giggled, leading Seras into another room across the mansion. "After all, the villagers in my prison all escaped, and their white cloaked hero did quite a number to my doggies... There's only a few left now, isn't that a shame?" she asked, before giving Seras' rump a smooth stroke, letting her fingers glide along her folds that still yet oozed of the demon's cum.

She led her on further, until they ended up in some bizarre windowless room that had many candles along the walls and from a chandelier in the ceiling to keep the room lit. There were many cages in the room, and three of them were in the back, each holding one of her three friends. Leo, Mason, and Madison. "Seras!" Leo called out. "Just ignore everything she says!" he instructed her to be defiant.

The mistress only clicked her tongue, before directing Seras' gaze to the three hellhounds that were in the room. They were in their own cages, and has leashes around their necks to keep them secure. "See? Aren't those doggies cute?" the mistress asked, kneeling over Seras and rubbing a finger around her clitoris to stimulate her. "They need a reward for fighting so well for me during that last little fight you sparked... Wouldn't you agree?" The mistress cupped her other hand under Seras' much larger breast, before groping her while continuing to masturbate the human girl. "They can't wait to mount a good bitch... Like yourself... And a whore of your quality is perfect for a dog." the mistress insulted her, before directing her eyes back to her friends. "They don't understand you, Seras. Why don't you show your beloved Leo... How much you prefer these hellhound's dicks over his."

"Tell her off, Seras!" Leo shouted.

The mistress put a hand to her lips in mock surprise. "Oh! Don't do that, dear Seras! Anything but that! Why, if you insulted me, and lied to me about how much you really love doggies... Then... I might have to play with your friends instead." The mistress giggled, before pulling out what seemed like an iron tool used for branding in the form of torture, and using magic to cause it to heat up to the point of becoming red hot before Seras' eyes. "Starting with your goat friend, I think..." The mistress threatened.

"Don't... Don't worry about us!" Madison tried to encourage Seras to disobey. "Don't give her what she wants!" Mason added, before Leo, who seemed to be looking to the cages in fear that Seras would go into them and willingly mate with a hellhound, added his own words. "I... I'm not scared of that little toy...!" he stated, though clearly the thought of being burned and tortured made him hesitate. "Seras...!" he called her name out, wishing that the three of her friends suffer for the sake of Seras' pride, so that she isn't humiliated and violated.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras obediently followed her new 'mistress', there was no rush in her pace. The woman indulged herself in dreaded thoughts and fantasies only known to her, while Seras could only follow and wonder in what state she'll find her friends... 'alive' by demon standarts, may be worse than dead.

At the very least the girl learned a little on how the escape went, seemed white hood stayed with the civilians and aided their break out. They may have helped some strangers out, but at what cost to themselves... not to mention how long did the mistress toy with her. While not quite as dismayed by the 'hero', Seras still couldn't help, but blame him for all this.

The room was as dreadful as most of the areas Seras had seen, just how big was this underground complex. Not to mention what was it's original purpose...

Whatever the case, the moment the doors opened Seras heard one of her friends call out to her "L-Leo?" the girl surpressed her urge to stand and run, instead continueing to follow the mistress. It was a question whether the girl should be thankful her friends were all here and alright, whats to follow could not possibly be good.

Whatever small glimer of hope seeing her friends alright, was swiftly extuinguished by the mayors sudden touch. Seras gripped the ground below and defiantly looked away as the mayor continued to taunt and humiliate her.

suddenly escaped the girl... "I won't." her body tensed up instantly, knowing just how bad of a move it was "You'll hurt them no matter what I do. I won't listen!"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The mayor sighed. "You're awful, Seras. You'd prefer to see them suffer in your stead. Oh well." The mayor said with displeasure, before tying Seras' leash to a wall, much like the dogs had been. "Enjoy watching your friends suffer, Seras." she said, before stepping across the room... Whether she watched or not, the mayor made good on her promise. A loud sizzle could be heard, followed by Leo's piercing scream as the mayor took her torture device and began to burn him with it. She'd take a knife and begin cutting along his flesh, seemingly decorating his body with future scars as Leo's blood began to spill out onto the floor. "Oh-show some resilience, goat! I barely had any fun and you're already crying!" the mayor mocked Leo in his suffering.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Ofcourse she didn't look, but Seras didn't even need to. While she suffered through the branding rod and the echoes of her friends screams, the moment the mayor reached for her knife and began her decorations, was the moment Seras snapped!

She only had a leash on her and was free to do whatever she wanted! Seras quickly looked around for any weapons, perhaps even the damn branding rod! Though as the plan was swiftly mapped out, the cold realisation hit her. Her futile resistance would only bring forth something much worse... if she was this cruel toying, what would the woman do if she was pissed.

The girl flinched as her tears began to roll freely, she couldn't stop the woman... nor save her friends. If only she was stronger! Seras clenched up her fists and instead of reaching for a weapon, the girl ran as fast as she could out the room!
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

When Seras was about to reach the door, her leash caught, and she would be reminded that the mistress had ensured she wouldn't be going anywhere. Her friends only looked at her with pity as she tried to make such a pitiful attempt at escape. Leo was badly burned and seemingly unconscious before the mistress was done. Then Mason was next. He suffered and screamed, eventually his mind could take no more than Leo's as he fell unconscious as well from the suffering. Then, came Madison. "My original problem still yet remains unsolved. You seem to have a working pussy, so since Seras cares more about herself than you, you can play with the doggies in her stead." The mistress announced, taking Madison along on her own leash, who did as the mistress had Seras do, walking on all fours along the floor. Except she did not fight her mistress, instead opting to go into the cage, and get raped in place of Seras. The first dog was rough with her, putting it's maw around the back of her neck and slamming itself down on top of her, and raping her ferociously. It's knot would swell and lock it's cock inside of her, allowing it's seed to spill into her womb unbothered.

Madison's body was shaky when the beast drew it's knot out with a loud pop, though the mistress gave her no time to relax. "Come on, into the next cage." she instructed. Barely able to move, Madison slowly crept along in order to bend over for the next hellhound and get violated by it as well. By the time she was done with the third hellhound, Madison wasn't moving at all.

"Well, this ended up turning into a normal day. Shame I couldn't get a more selfless slave." The mistress said with mock sadness in Seras' direction. "Come, back to your cage. We'll try again tomorrow~" The mistress announced, taking Seras' leash from the wall.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

As the leash snapped and stopped her in her trails Seras choked for a few brief minutes, gods such an oversight! Though the fact that the mistress didn't even react to her attempts just showed how much in control she truly was.

There was little else to do, but endure her friends tortures. The girl closed her eyes and covered her ears, the echoes of her friends scream still all too loud. Later replaced by Madisons moans and cries, before she too fell unconcious and abused. A chilling vision of what should've happened to her... though Madison had oxes mount her. The hellhounds would've broken Seras...

As the torture concluded Seras eyed the sight of all 3 of her friends with wide eyes and quickly got on all fours as the mistress took the leash. While she still felt guilt, somehow the girl clinged to hope her friends would forgive her.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The mistress walked out of the room with a smile, before there was a sound of sliding metal. The mistress fell over without a single word, and given the blood spilling profusely on the ground combined with the four stab wounds present around her body, it was safe to assume she was dead.

Possibly unsurprising, the man who did this jumped down from where he was hanging onto a mounted head on the wall and landed in front of Seras to reveal himself as the man in white. "You are a very foolish woman." the man announced, freeing her of her collar. "You are not suited to be doing what you tried to do. There is room in this village, stay here and do not pursue danger." he scolded her, before making to step into the room where her friends were held.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras heard the slice, the punctures and even saw the body fall, but she still couldn't believe it. Even after some blood ozzed from the body the girls shock was still palpable.

Looking up to the victor it was none other than white hood "Y-you?" the collar would click away and fall to the ground near the cruel woman. All the disdain for the man was swiftly pushed aside as finally a smile appeared on the girls face, before disappearing in a instant.

Seras quickly rushed past white cloak, not even exchanging words with him and rushed to her friends! The cut and burns all too clear on them "I'm so sorry everyone!" she quickly looked over for ways to get them out of any bindings they had. The growls and howls of the hellhounds next to her almost ignored.

"Thank you, hero." she turned to the man "Please they're badly wounded, help me get them to a doctor."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I am a doctor, of a sort." He replied, before stepping into the room, and made short work of the dogs using a bow and arrow. He picked the locks on the cage Madison was in, and stepped in, putting his hand to her body as a magical light would envelop her. He'd repeat this magic until everyone was healed, albeit they were still exhausted from the torture. "You're free now." was all he said, before making as if to leave them, heading for the door.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras could only smile widely as the wounds healed right before her eyes just from a mere touch. The white hooded hero a seeming guardian angel now... but there was still something she wanted to say "We thought you went after her alone. It's a shame you were held up by the hounds, it was almost our victory." be it her cared or not Seras just wanted to share that with him, as he seemingly finished his task here.

"Wait. What's your name?" for the first time in what seemed days Seras smiled earnestly. Be it he told her his name or not, the girl continued "Well could you atleast help me drag take them outside." she looked towards Leo's massive body "Please?"

Don't let him leave quite yet, there's still something Seras needs to tell him :p
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"This place is of no danger anymore," the man stated. "I've done all I need to."

With that, the man seems to overlook her request for his name entirely, and seemed to have absolutely no interest in staying unless Seras did something a little more assertive to make him recognize her.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"No you haven't" With both the shock of her sudden freedom and the memories of torture fleeting rapidly Seras once more regained a bit of her confidence. The girl approached the man eyeing him with a light frown "We've come all this way for you, we've fought that demigod bitch just to try and assist you. At the very least!..."

The girl sighed "You say for us to stay here, but we can't. We have nothing, no money, no connections... not even all that great fighting skills." Seras would even stop him by his shoulder if the man ignored her "Don't we atleast deserve some acknowledgement!"

Seras eyed the man hopefully for a brief moment, her breathing uneasy. It was all too clear he was more than just some adventurer... but still "Please, stay a bit."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The man turns to Seras in a fury when she remains determined not to let him go. At first he seemed as if he was ready to strike her, but such wasn't true as he threw his arms up into the air before gesturing at the insistent woman. "Let me ask you, why?" He insisted on knowing. "I will hear no tall tales of dreams or prophecies. Why do you seek me?"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras flinched lightly as the man turned to her in anger, though somehow she knew or hoped the man would not strike her, atleast not in a way to truly harm her.

"Because I have noone else to turn to." Seras lowered her gaze sadly. If the reason had no effect or the very least sparked the mans curiousity, there was nothing else Seras could do to keep him here.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"No one else to turn to for what? If you have some problems in the land you hail from, then I'll take a request and look into it in the future; however, I will never help you if all you make are selfish requests. If you want my help, it has to be for more than just yourself. It has to be for the good of everyone." he stated firmly, ready to turn and leave yet again even if the very first word she spoke wasn't satisfactory.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras frowned lightly at the man, but this was not a time for temper "I can barely say a sentence to you before you leave. If you wish I can tell you the whole story. Everything." she looked to him "But I won't tell it to your back."

Be it foolish or not, the girl still clinged to some of her pride. Turning to help her friends be more comfortable where they rested, if by some miracle was still in the room she'd sit down and tell him her story.

About the man she crossed, his clear power in the city and over demons. The girl didn't even exclude her conversation with the trickster demon "It's not about just getting back to him, if this happened to me. I can't be the first, not when he has such 'allies'."

She looked down casually "At any rate, here we are. Looking for a fabled teacher that could help all of us out."