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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I was," he answered. "That demoness blindsided me while posing as the mayor. I made the mistake of thinking this place wasn't corrupt down to it's core," he explained. "You're free now, and you don't have to worry. Escape and I'll take care of the demon."

With that, he freed all four of those captured, but then he turned and made as if to walk away. Somehow, Seras would get the feeling that if she let him go now, she'd never see him again.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Thank you so much!" Seras looked to her allies all free and ready to wreck havoc! Though as the man turned to leave the girl quickly ran up and clinged to his hand! "We came here to rescue you and that's what we'll do whether you like it or not. We owe you atleast that much." she smiled up to him widely.

"Besides she's bound to have guards, if we can't defeat her driectly we'll help you clear a way to her!" facing the mayor again after their tragic loss just seemed a horrendous idea, but somehow Seras was sure sir White Hood, would not back down no matter what they said.

"But last we fought she had some sort of shield or speed. If we want to beat her we'd need to ambush or cripple her somehow." the girl looked up to White Hood for ideas.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

When she grabbed his hand, the first reaction from the man was annoyance. Then, he met her face with calm, his eyes hidden constantly under his white hood. "What do you mean, rescue me? We do not know each other," he argued. "Besides, you are just a girl. Stay out of this."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Shit... Seras blinked at her own actions and quickly let the man go. Looked like being constantly pampered by Leo and Mason changed her attitude for a brief moment. The girl quickly cleared her voice and looked to the man with strong eyes "Would you believe me I was told by a greater being to come and find you."

" - I - may be just a girl, but I'm quick on my feet and wit. Not to mention I have quite the group with me." she smirked confidently nudging her head towards her little troop. A beefy gruff and two demon mages "I came for you because I need your help, but perhaps first let's fix this mess first m?" she winked to him and smiled. Hopefully not to be met with his back... otherwise. Well...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The man looked at her for just a moment, and shook his head. "You are crazy..." he dismissed her, before marching off. His back was indeed to her, and one of his next moves involved him vanishing from her eyesight.

"That guy. Is an asshole." Madison said flatly.

"He's a talented asshole, and he knows how to make Seras strong." Mason replied.

"Let's begin by proving our worth." Leo announced, grinning.

"How?" Mason asked.

"We are gonna beat that mayor before he does!" Leo announced boldly.

"How?" Madison inquired.

"I don't know yet!" Leo announced confidently.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras frowned at the mans disappearance and turned to her group, overhearing the conversation "M~... Leo I really don't think that's such a good idea. Remember out last attempt" the girl tapped her lips thinking "But he said he'll attack her. We could draw out some guards or maybe even her out of her comfort zone." she nodded firmly "Even if he doesn't want our help, we can still assist indirectly!"

The heroine looked around and smirked "How about instead we wreck havoc in this dungeon and free as many people as we can."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Leo shook his head vibrantly. "O-or we could do that! Maybe we can get them to help us!" He announced. Then it was fairly obvious what would happen next. The group of four would search out a method to free the other prisoners. Seras and company would head towards the watchman's office, and find a crude looking man with a chest wound. He was rather dead, likely killed by that man from before, and said guard had all the keys to the gates behind him on various keychains. Everyone gathered their own sets of keys, and were rushing about, demon twins and satyr freeing whoever they could, looking at their keys and the cells to try and find the right ones, until they had what seemed like a good fraction of the village coming out of their cells. "Ugh... Thank god." said a young man with a blacksmith's apron, likely an apprentice. "I'm so glad I never have to be bewitched by her magics again."

"Don't be so quick," Mason announced to the young fellow. "She still yet lives to bother your town, and won't be going away anytime soon. We have a rather talented fellow helping us out, so why don't we do him a favor and aid him in getting this witch out of our hair?" Mason asked of the prisoners. "You won't need to face that witch yourselves, do not worry. Let us simply just cause a distraction for our fellow to take care of her."

The population of the prison seemed rather quick to agree, raising arms and shouting their hatred of the woman who has been terrorizing their town. It didn't take long before one of the mob roused the others with a gesture, "LET'S GET HER!" he shouted, before Seras and company would have to step out of the way as the group charged out with whatever they could use as weapons, even simple clubs torn from wooden furniture about.

"And now is 'our' chance." Madison announced.

Leo made a gesture as if to slow Madison's roll. "Wait, are we helping those people fight or are we going to go after that mayor?" the satyr inquired.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"No-no-no, wait!" Seras eyes went wide in fear as the crowd bolstered its courage and went out after the mayor! "Don't go after the mayor! She'll kill you! Just get out!" the plan was to lure her or her guards out through distraction, not use the civilians as fodder! "Only those that CAN fight and fight well should go! The rest of you get out of here now!" the girl screamed out as loudly as she could, hopefully reaching some of the braver fools ears.

If she effortlessly defeated her crew, simple civilians stood little to no chance. Not to mention they might likely be used against white-hood! Be it directly or working on his conscience!

Either way it needed to be done "Aye! Let's go overthrow a mayor!" there was just little choice to do anything else, they couldn't run, nor negotiate "Everyone! Don't die!" she smiled weakly at her group as they ascended...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 40/40 EP: 30/30 PP: 30/30
Status: Fine

Leo: Fine

Madison: Fine

Mason: Fine

"WE CAN ALL FIGHT!" came Seras' answer, before the mob stampeded past her. They unfortunately didn't listen to her, but fortunately they were not engaging the mayor herself. Instead, the group rushed out and met with the demon guards of the mayor's mansion, demons, goblins and hellhounds. The hellhounds and demons were skilled, but smaller in number in comparison to the mob of freed prisoners. Presumably, it was an even fight. This allowed Seras and company to march off in search of the mayor.

It didn't take long, as they'd go towards one of the central rooms, and discover it to be the demon mayor's office. She was sitting behind her oak desk, in a fancy chair that almost looked like a throne. "You again, eh? I half expected my sweetheart in white to appear before me first." The mayor gave a 'hmph' at them. "Oh well... I'll just get rid of you and wait for him to follow," announced the mayor, before she stood up with a menacing flow.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

A chill ran down the heroines body as the sight unveiled itself, they'd have to fight the mayor without any help?! Where was white hood?! Seras cursed silently and got into her combat stance, her shortsword drawn.

Each step the mayor took forth, seemed to subconciously inch Seras back. She was scared, more scared than ever before, her stance desperate to just run away. Though her subconcious retreat was suddenly stopped by cold steel at her back?! Glancing back it was Leopold, Mason and Madison, all three of them clearly ready for battle. All of them, not doubting their victory.

The girls eyes widened for a brief moment, if everyones fighting then so shall she! Even if the woman seemed omnipresent in their last encounter, even if they didn't stand a chance! Seras will give it her all! Whatever happens, happens!

"Right behind you Leo!" She cried out and took her blade in two hands abbandoning her defenses and charging right behind the Satyr "Let's end her!"

POWER STRIKE! -5 dodge; +5 damage/attack roll
[Simple attack]
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 5/40 EP: 30/30 PP: 30/30
Status: Almost unconscious

Leo: Unconscious

Madison: Unconscious

Mason: Badly injured

Seras charges at yon mayor!

To-hit: 50+19=69 vs. 60
Damage: [6+2](Weapon)+15(Body)+2(Duelist)+5(POWER)=30

Madison and Mason cast spells, they both miss.

Leo leaps forth with his mighty weapon and strikes the mayor for 25 damage.

Yon mayor unleashes hellfire in a cone, exploding everyone in front of her.

Seras takes 35 damage
Leo takes 44 damage and is knocked out
Madison takes 43 damage and is knocked out
Mason takes 34 damage and plays dead

Courageously they went to fight the mayor again. They had more progress than last time for sure, as Seras made a powerful slash against the mayor, and Leopold bashed his blunt weapon against her head, but it still was not enough. Madison and Mason launched their hellfire at the woman, but she made quick steps, dodging both of their attacks, making it seem hopeless to even try it against her.

"You call that hellfire?" The mayor inquired. "I've got more hellfire in my pinky," she boasted, before letting forth a sudden explosion of fire from her pinky that engulfed all four of them. Madison and Leopold hit the floor hard, their bodies unmoving, while Seras and Mason were sent to the ground as well. They both were facing each other when they landed, and Mason looked at Seras while constantly glancing at the mayor, as if wanting to tell her some plan he had, before closing his eyes as the mayor got near, pretending to be among those unconscious. "Honestly... The peasants put up more of a fight than you." The mayor sighed, stepping up until she was standing over Seras. "If only you were awake, I could make you feel what I'm about to do to you." The mayor giggled, seeming to think everyone, including Seras, was out cold as Seras would feel her knees gripped by the Mayor, and her legs spread open. Then, she'd feel a thick demonic length with various bulbs along it's frame rubbing against her crotch, the fat and corrupt length threatening to plunge into her, stopped only by the fabric of her panties. "I'll enjoy this feast~" she giggled.

Seras' arms were loose, only her legs held. Her sword may not have been in her hand, but it was but an inch away, easily acquirable.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Curses! Seras felt herself flung back from the fiery explosion, her conscience still with her by sheer luck. The girl fel to the cold floor and slid a short distance, her blade dropping nearby. Seras twitched lightly in pain before opening her eyes to meet Masons! Looked like she wasn't the only one to still be in the fight.

With his gestures Seras looked to him a little confounded, did he have a pla--? Before she could finish her thought Seras felt her body turned on her back, the girl closing her eyes and playing very much a similar possum as Mason. Unfortunately it didn't work quite as planned.

She heard her voice, but the meaning of the words would only come later. Suddenly Seras felt the womans cold touch on her knees, forcefully pushing her legs apart. The girls red dress sliding up her long luscious legs as she was spread, rapidly revealing her cute panties.

What was this woman doing?! Seras eyes shivered with embarassment, when suddenly her breath stilled at new sensation. It couldn't have been?! Though she didn't want to believe it her body recognised the form upon touch.

Each teasing grind against the girls treasure unwillingly stirred her body, each bulb keen to slide between her and gently spread her folds even through the fabric. The heroines body quickly tensed as she felt the cruel mayors hand slowly begin to slide up her inner thigh, keen to remove the final obstacle to her claim.

DAMNIT! She was going to be raped! Seras eyes quickly shot wide, she knew her blade was nearby... but Mason had a plan. She'd just need to win him some time. Then again her blade was right there...

Trusting Mason Seras would need to win some time! The girl no longer playing possum assumed a different plan... It was time to put on her best act and hope the mayor indulged in struggling victims.

"AAAH!" The girl cried out and hopefully pushed herself away from the potential rapist!

Try to gain minor distance away. [not enough to be a threat of getting away or to seem like a attempt to really run]
Show no hostility... damn.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 5/40 EP: 30/30 PP: 30/30
Status: Almost unconscious, Naked, Helpless

Leo: Unconscious

Madison: Unconscious

Mason: Unconscious

Seras does distraction things!

Mason sneak attacks the Mayor and gets a free Hellfire off on her! He deals 81 Damage!

Mayor retaliates with a quick bolt, knocking Mason out.

Seras is unable to beat Mayor's grapple rolls, and is helpless.

The mayor proceeds to give chase, and pin Seras down, before Mason leans up, and fires another rush of hellfire from his hands that strike the mayor in the back, causing severe damage. "W-why didn't you attack too!?" Mason cried out, before they heard the Mayor snap her fingers, and a quick bolt struck Mason's head, and knocked him out cold.

"Because she's a good little bitch~" The mayor cooed, tentacles extending suddenly from her shoulder blades, which wrapped around Seras' arms. The Mayor put her hands behind Seras' knees, and stood up, holding Seras suspended in the air. Her eyes flashed for but a moment, and Seras' clothes were turned into mere threads, falling off of her body and leaving her completely nude, while allowing her a better view of what would be plunging into her. It was long enough to go from her entrance, and up to her belly button, and it looked about three inches wide in diameter. Fat enough to stretch her a good deal, while small enough to fit into a normal human... Somewhat.

"I'll allow you a choice, whore." The demon Mayor announced to Seras, while holding her suspended in the air, with her tip against Seras' pussy, helpless to fight against the demon's strength. "Become my slave, or have your soul swallowed into my own. Either way...!" The demon grunted, and impaled Seras on her cock without warning, slamming herself in to the hilt, and stretching Seras open wide. The corrupt cock and it's bulbs hit every pleasure sensor in Seras' body, and some magic made the pleasure increase tenfold, causing Seras' body to quiver with a powerful orgasm simply from insertion. Her pussy was twitching around the Mayor's cock, and lubricating it with her fluids, as if her body was begging for more of the Mayor's demonic cock.

"You're just another unnoticed victim! No one will come looking for you whether I kill you or not!" The Mayor laughed.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

This had to work! The girl barely had to act as she genuinely tried to gain some distance away from the mayor and te cruel womans gaze away from Mason. Her blade gleamed lightly from whatever light was available as it was getting further and further away, it was all up to Mason now.

It would be mere moment before Seras felt the woman cold graps on her, the mayor clearly indulging in her dominance over the helpless girl beneath. Her hands firmly held the mayor smirked cruelly looking over the girls dress, the open laced front giving a very good idea of her body below--

Though instead of looking to the mayor in shock the heroines eyes were locked right behind her as flames suddenly lit up the room! The plan worked! Seras eyes sparkled with hope... only to give way to despair. The woman shook her head of the smoke and narrowed her eyes at the sneak! B-but their plan worked...

With one swift spell Mason soon hit the floor again, his last cry of perhaps mirrored disbelief or genuine frustration echoing out "Mason! I-I--" that was it. Their last chance... Seras felt the mayors tentacles coil around her arms, her body lifted and presented to the victor.

Now the fun could begin. With one swift spell Seras felt her clothes shreded and blown aside to reveal her body in full. She quickly looked down her body to the mayor as if one last attempt to beg, but only met a rapidly growing smile on the cruel womans face as she looked over her nude form. Placing one hand to hold her up the mayor as if admiring gently began to trail a few fingers along the heroines body, a lewd smirk on her face throughout. The surprisingly gentle touch continued it's descend along her belly, her soft skin and surprisingly well worked body all too pleasant to the touch. Though as the mayor did so, Seras exchanged glances aswell, the huge cock towered before her unlike anything she had seen. Her shocked glance trailed up the mammoth cock, her gaze looking over each bump and ridge. The girls body stirred to the touch, just as much as her treasure stirred to the sight--!

Using two fingers the mayor suddenly spread the heroines pussy, sliding two more of the same hand as if testing her. Whatever the test was, the mayor licked her lips lewdly and spoke up.

It was clear she didn't care if Seras listened to the 'offer' or not. As she spoke the mayor with surprising glace guided her hand along her rod and gently pushed it down with one finger, guiding the tip to spread the girls folds. Be it fear, shock or anticipation Seras remained frozen, her body quivering lightly as the mayors hand slid across her leg to position and spread her wider.

"...Either way...!" Seras eyes widened as suddenly mayor shifted her weight--- "HAA~!!" subconciously the girls legs quickly even forcefully tried to wrap around the mayors exceptional frame, her mind almost going white just from insertion! Each bump teased and echoed across her folds, each ridge forcing her petals inside!

The girl gritted her teeth for a moment, clearly fighting a losing fight to ecstasy. Though no matter how strong her will was, her mind and body were in unison. She wanted more.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 5/40 EP: 1/30 PP: 30/30
Status: Almost unconscious, Naked, Helpless, Enthralled, Horny

Leo: Unconscious

Madison: Unconscious

Mason: Unconscious

Seras is getting enthralled by the Mayor
Resistance: 15+20=35 vs. 35+1=36
Seras is Enthralled

Mayor exchanges saliva with Seras.
Seras becomes Horny as a result.

The Mayor drains Seras EP down to 1

Her juices were dripping to the floor like a broken water faucet, her pussy was beyond her control as it clenched and sucked the fat cock stuffing into her, and her mouth as well moaned and treated the demoness to pleasurable songs of her human pleasure while being made to endure the Mayor's otherworldly dick. Though the mayor responded to none of that. It was when Seras wrapped her legs around the mayor's hips that the demoness gave a wide and wicked grin to the human she was impaling on her phallus. She cooed, smoothing her hands along Seras' legs, moving them up to pet along her hips, before resting just above her legs, using her hips as grips. "You made the right choice, my dear~" The mayor cooed, before Seras would feel something entering her. It was a spiritual presence that not only dove into her mind, but her heart as well. Emotions were toyed with, and love was made the demon's prisoner. Suddenly, Seras felt overwhelming love for the demon raping her. Only it ceased to be rape. Seras felt herself a willing participant in the act. This demon was her love, her master, her everything. It was such a glory to service her cock with her mere human cunt. Her pitiful folds weakly squeezing around her master's dick, Seras would feel that she would have to learn more about how to please if she wanted to make her mistress happy.

The tentacles holding her arms pulled her up, and Seras found herself wrapping arms around her new master's neck. One of her two tentacles went to wrap their bodies together around the waist, and the other dove and violently stuffed itself into Seras' ass. No matter how forceful or unbearable it was, it was just a powerful gesture of love from her master as far as Seras could tell. The Mayor Wrapped her arms around Seras as well. One cradled her head, bringing it in closer before the lustful mayor forced a kiss upon the subdued human girl. The mayor's saliva was sweet, and the moment it began to mix in her mouth, Seras nearly came again, despite the fact that she was no longer moving along the demon's fat dick stretching out her pussy to it's limit. The other hand went to grip Seras' ass, and generally get a handful of the rump she was stuffing herself into. The saliva she was now ingesting more and more was filling Seras with so much lust that she was driven to the point of insanity. Love, on top of lust, and on top of madness. Seras ceased to be a human being. She was the embodiment of corrupted lust, and all she desired was to cum on the thick meat stuffed forcibly into her body. The mayor's lower body was soaked in Seras' love juices, and the ground beneath them was a large puddle of Seras' liquid lust. She made a horrible mess, and the continued issue of not being fucked was one that would drive any rational being out of their mind. Seras would be pressed to say anything, do anything to get her mistress to move, and fuck her, and the mayor would hear her, granting her wish.

Pulled slowly up, Seras would feel the pleasure rush through her and liberate her to the point that she might as well be sprouting wings and ascending to a heaven of pleasure. All the corrupt bumps along the demon's cock rubbed along Seras' inner pussy, and send almost deadly shocks of pleasure through her body. Her genitals were such a precious recipient of pleasure that she may very well become broken if the mayor moved with even a normal pace. She felt the tip of her cock kiss her outer lips once more, before sliding back in. She slid down, her pussy eagerly swallowing every little bump on the demon's purple cock, coming down towards the hilt, and a powerful climax. The last few inches, the mayor thrusted in without warning, and Seras was made to suffer another powerful orgasm. The mayor drained Seras of her energy, sucking the power out of her, as Seras would feel pleasurable sensations of herself being emptied into a mightier being. Her senses became dulled, but she'd discover that this was for a purpose. The slow momentum no longer was too much to bear. Seras lost her ability to think and speak, but she could still feel pleasure. Her body went limp backwards, hanging loosely before the tentacle wrapped around her waist held her up. Then, limp like that, it began.

The mayor pulled Seras up, and slammed her back down, moaning as she did so. The tentacle in Seras' ass was plunging itself in and out of her anal fuckhole while the mayor used her strength to make Seras bounce on her crotch rapidly. The pleasure became overwhelming once more, but now she was able to pleasure her mistress as well. Seras was fucked ruthlessly. Her whole body shook with each powerful and quick impact of the savage and demonic ritual of debauchery. Her sweat and vaginal juices sprayed everywhere as the demon's crotch slapped against her ass. Seras wouldn't even know that her eyes were rolling back. All visual sense was gone, replaced with white burning pleasure. All she could do was see through her mind's eye, and visualize her mistress' ugly... Or perhaps beautiful cock, lovingly smashing into her, and stretching her body. It would fill Seras with joy via the magic in her heart, to know that her body could stretch to fit her mistress. Then, knowing she could stretch so much more, she felt it coming. Her mistress was getting ready to lay her seed inside of her! Seras' heart would flutter with excitement, making her flushed and in disbelief that her mistress was going to pump her load inside of the pathetic Seras. The magic in her heart lied to her, making Seras feel like she was rising up in the world, being granted the opportunity to be filled with the mistress' royal cum. It was a glorious gift others could only dream for, and it was for a mere worthless bitch like Seras. Perhaps via the mistress' doing, that's what Seras suddenly began to see herself as. A mere bitch.

The mayor slammed home, and the large cock twitched with such force inside her that it made Seras jolt a little higher into the air. With each twitch, each jolt, a huge amount of warm and corrupt semen was dumped inside of her. In but a few spurts, Seras' belly quickly rose, until she looked impossibly pregnant. Four or perhaps even five babies could fit in the fat belly she sported. It would be a shame that all of that cum would empty out of her when the mayor pulled out. "Such a shame!" the mayor sighed. "I can't impregnate your egg. Oh, but I do like the look of a bitch fat with my children~" she giggled, before one of her tentacles fetched a slip of some sort of magical imbued tape, and slipped it over Seras pussy. The mistress easily drew her cock out of Seras' now gaping vaginal hole, and gracefully she slipped the tape over so that not a drop of her vile cum would spill. Seras felt magic imbue with her body, and the tape sealed itself over her pussy hole, lining between her ass cheeks, while leaving her still able to go to the bathroom of course.

With that, everything would go black. Seras fell unconscious.

(Seras receives 374 corruption, meaning she gains one corruption and is left with 174 remaining out of 300 to next corruption as per new rules by Sassy-dar)
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The girls whole body shivered as the cock impaled, each bump pushing against her sensitive inner walls. The sensation of each bbulge spreading her still echoing across her body. For all her willpower Seras couldn't deny the sheer bliss she felt, her body long betraying her as the girl clinged to whatever shreded presence of mind she still had. Seras kept her mouth shut as her moans got stifled, her hands meekly grasping at the tentacles in feign defiance as they pushed her deeper down the cock meeting the apex.

It was a sure and slow creep, moving across the girls body like dark clutches inching towards the last vestiges her mind had taken. A darkness that deftly enveloped the girls heart and mind, leaving her atleast for the time beying - the mayors. Mind and body.

Her prey still impaled the mayor smirked cruelly raising the girls upper body up by her hands, keeping them seemingly cuffed and locked above her head as she was dragged up. The tentacles swiftly slithered off to make Seras drop into the mayors embrace her hands meekly landing on the mayors shoulders.

The simple act seemed to reinvigorate Seras as she pushed back just enough to meet the mayors sharp eyes and wicked smile, at first seemingly surprised, the girls expression quickly changed to a lewd smile, her gaze locked to the mayors. One of the tentacles swiftly coiled around the duo tightening around and pressing the two exceptional bodies together, in turn making Seras arch her ass even more as she was pushed forward-- only for a tentacle to forcefully slide to the offered entrance "KYAAH~!" Seras cried out sharply, looking back as if worried, but everything was shunned aside as she turned back to the mayor.

There was no need to force her, Seras hands quickly finished their wrap around the mayor and pushed her close as she dove into a lusty kiss, her lips effortlessly spread by the mayors tongue to dance with her own. Her hands tightly wrapped around the mayor, pushing her close. Seras felt the mayors own gentle touch slide across her sides and up her back, across her dark curly hair, the touch stopped behind the girls head to push her deeper into the kiss. Their exchange now leaking down onto the two girls pressed beauties, their bodies pushed strongly together to feel each others soft skin.

Seras tightened her hold around the mayor, both lower and upper body. Her lower body nudging the cock, begging for the fuck to continue. Begging to feel each inch slide inside her once more. Seemingly ignoring her requests the mayor continued the kiss, Seras eyes shivering in ecstasy just from the intense embrace, her cunny twitching and tightening needy for the mayor to continue. Her fingers running eagerly across the mayors platinum hair.

Soon the girl felt the mayors other hand slowly begin to slide down her body, her simple touch making the girls body tense up wherever it passed. The mayor guided her palm down to the girls ass, just indulging in the round tight mound already impaled by her, before she grasped it tightly. Her nails sinking into the sensitive flesh, the grab almost greedy in it's nature. Seras tensed her body up even more, but then she felt herself being lifted once more...

As the first bump slid out it was already too much for the girl to take as she pushed away from the kiss and almost locked herself back, though after her first cry out the girl couldn't even moan as she only whimpered finally feeling the cocks form grind across her inner walls. Each bulge spreading her outer lips as it slid out, a thick trail of the girls juices sticking to it leaving a trail each and every time.

Seras felt all too clearly as the cock made it's exit, the tip spreading her widely once more as it popped out utterly soaked by her juices. Before the very same tip, began to push her soaked folds apart once more her lips tightly wrapping around the cock as it seemingly stuffed her folds back inside her "AAAHH~~!!" she knew better, it was the only reason Seras resisted sinking her nails as deep as she could into the mayor. Though even with that knowledge the final thrust was just too much as she unwilling tightened her grip on her lovers shoulders, her juices shooting out onto the mayor in primal bliss. Her body growing weaker and weaker. It would not be that very bliss that rapidly made her feel more lightheaded by the second, known or unbeknowst to her, the girls essence was rapidly drained, consumed effortless by the cruel mayor. Whatever the case may be, it was of little concern, not in this state. Seras tightened her legs and let her tongue roll out freely, her body seemingly giving up as she almost fell back caught by the tentacle that held them together.

Getting into angle the mayor continued her fuck, though now fucking the girl with everything available. Each thrust making Seras weakened body bounce up and down her C's swaying widly from the alterating or tandem fucks to her both holes. She wanted to grasp her C's pinch them, even pleasure the one tentacle that held her up, but as she was right now the sensations had overwhelmed her.

The fuck continued for some time, before Seras could feel the cock begin to bulge even more. It's form becoming even more accentuated, it's length becoming hotter and hotter. Excitement began to ravage the girls already corrupt thoughts as she braced herself to the best of her abilities. Seras only felt the spunk rush into her before her mind completely broke. Not even her corrupted state fully recalled what happened next.

The girl would only get her presence of mind back the next morning...

Seras gains <Massive Titays~>: C to D+ [or DD if not enough]
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras would awaken to find that she was in a cell once more, but not the dark and moist prison she found herself in when she first entered this accursed building. It was a smaller cage, and part of a much larger room of luxury. The cage she was in seemed fit for a wild animal, with only hard steel to sleep on, warm stale water to drink from a rectangular wooden water bowl, and another rectangular container of wood filled with bland looking goop. Curtains hung over large windows that displayed a night sky, candles and a chandelier kept the room bright, and there was a large bed fit for royalty in the center of the room, complete with a vanity and bath on the side.

Seras was on her back, belly bloated still, and awfully fat with the sickening cum. The magic of what charmed her seemed to have faded away, allowing her to at least not feel any sick sense of joy at ending up like that. Instead, she was allowed to hate the woman who did this to her, who just happened to be sitting on a chair facing the cage, looking down at Seras with a grin of superiority. "Good morning, my pet." The demoness cooed. "Sleep well?"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The girl awoke ever so slowly, her mind still dizzy from the events, her body utterly exhausted and surprisingly heavy--- as Seras hands slid around her body, the misproportion was a tad too prominent! The girls eyes snapped open as she quickly felt herself in sheer shock! So it wasn't just some sort of nightmare!

Unable to really snap to her feet, instead the girl sat up to look over herself in horror. What was this?! Her hands ran around in panic, before her mouth gagging no food to throw up. Still with where she was placed perhaps not having eaten would end up for the better.

The girl was kept exactly like some animal and from beyond the bars sat the culprit, one hand gracefully resting her head as she looked over her unnoticed victim. So white hood never came...

It wasn't hate that spurred Seras onwards, but sheer fear! The girl quickly shuffled to the back of the cage looking to the mayor with shivering eyes. What else was she to say? "Y-yes, mistress."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Oooh! Obedience!" The mistress giggled. "I thought I was going to have a woman of will to break down, but you seem awfully quick to tame."

The mistress snapped her fingers, and suddenly the bind over her genitals came loose, allowing all of the fluids that were trapped inside Seras to flood out and create a rather large and lewd puddle that soaked her cage. "Tell me~" the mistress giggled with lewd intent. "Do you like doggies?"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

With a snap of the fingers the seal was undone, the girls body shivering as the lewd contents spilled out. Seras crossed her hands and held onto herself tightly, a single embarassment and humiliation filled cry ringing out. It took but a few seconds, before her body was surprisingly restored. The mayors cruel gaze unmoving and unnerving as ever.

There was no real answer, what would happen to her if she said no? The mayor showed her cruelty on more than a few occasions. Then again if she accepted... the girls hands on her sides tightened as she didn't dare face the mayor now.

"W-where are my friends?" her heart shivered with fear, from the looks of it she was alone here. What happened to her companions?