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Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Auralice: HP = 45, PP = 43, EP = 56, Status = Fine

The cold mountain whirled around Auralice, blowing the freshly fallen snow from the night before around her in a sparkling vortex. She was off on her own this morning, both of her parents and all of her friends busy with their assorted daily chores, and allowing Auralice free reign to do as she pleased with her day. Looking down from the gateway of her castle home, Auralice surveyed the expanse before her, the wild forest nestled around her home coated in white. There would be hunters about from the village nearby, and her more mischievous fairy kindred often amused themselves by teasing the mortals, leading them in circles for hours without any hint of prey that they might capture. The village itself was a good ways away, the trails of smoke curling into the sky far off in the distance the only thing that Auralice could see of it from here.

Alternatively, a recent avalanche had revealed a hitherto unknown cavern not too far away, up in the mountains. No one had explored it yet as far as Auralice knew, and that might make for an interesting diversion until tonight's events.

A visitor had come a calling for her mother (the fey one) from the Academy, far to the North West. She had elected to throw a feast for the human woman, in order to make her feel welcome, and Auralice was expected, as her mother's daughter, to attend.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani)

Auralice wasn't up for prancing about in the village or potentially getting shot by some half-blind hunter and quickly slithered away to that cave, not wanting to spend half the day to make her way there she rummages through her pockets and sips from one of her vials.

Transformation in Body where X = 4.
Changes to stats are as follows:
Body: 34
HP: 79
EP: 52
Speed: 9
Dodge: 44
Armor: 13
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 46
Re: Unleashed (Aurani)

Auralice: HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 52/56, Status = Transformation 4

(45 + 16 = 61, not 79. Not sure where you got that from.)

Draining one of her concoctions along the way, Auralice moved through the rocky hills near her home with swift ease and soon arrived at the entrance to the cavern. The hole in the earth was dark, and the mountain winds howled into it almost deafeningly as she stood before it. The path into the darkness slanted downwards and into the mountain. What lay within was a mystery, but she wouldn't be able to see it without either some way to see in the dark, or a source of light.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani)

Right... dark cave, why didn't I think of that. Well I'm not going back down now that I'm here.
Transformation, 2EP to gain mutation Night-Eyes *2
Auralice pops another potion and soon her eyes got a light glint in them as a path in the darkness unveiled before her, minding her movements as she slithered into the cave while scouting the surroundings.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Auralice: HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

With her new enhancements in place the snake woman found it far easier to maneuver through the newly discovered cavern. Her exploration went smoothly, and soon enough Auralice would find that as far as caves were concerned this one was, well, boring. The earth and rock that formed the walls show no sing of being disturbed, and considering that this place was only recently uncovered it looked to be nothing more than a simple hole in a mountain. The most exciting thing to find would most likely be some mountain animal using it as a temporary shelter.

As Auralice delved deeper she began to notice something odd hanging from the wall. At first glance it looked like nothing more than a spider's web, but a closer inspection showed that the webbing itself was rather thick. Some strands appeared to be as thick as her fingers, and had she been clumsy the naga would have found herself with an impossibly thick strand of silk clinging to her arm. A few quick glances showed some rather normal looking spiders hiding amongst the nooks and crannies of the cavern, but none were anywhere near large enough to spin a thread that thick.

Perception: Rolled a 19

The webbing started to become thicker and more dangerous, Auralice having to tread carefully lest she end up getting her tail entangled, but a few moments later she spots the cavern starting to open wider. A chamber opened before her eyes, and there she found webs hanging from every possible corner. There was still room left to wander, but the sight of a number of cocoons may make her think twice. The bundles themselves looked rather large, some even enough to contain a large animal, and though no bones litter the ground one of the cocoons starts to twitch slightly as it hangs from the ceiling. It's impossible to tell what lies beneath without cutting into it, but the vague shape suggests that something resembling a human may be trapped inside.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

The cave proved to be much duller than she had expected, not a sign of anything interesting by far. Her thoughts changed as she almost slithered into a thick cobweb, noticing arachnids far too small to have spun it.
Big web, but no big spiders...
Auralice continued further and soon found what she had presumed, big webs and cocoons adorning the interior, carefully scouting the room and its dark corners as she walks inside and stops next to the wriggling wrapping.
Live food? No, well, I guess one could call it that, given this room's nature. I guess the caretaker will show herself soon.
Done with her pondering Auralice decides to take it easy, having a pretty sure idea of the cocoon's contents, still keeping an eye out in case something tries to sneak up on her.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Auralice: HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

Though not a word was spoken the slight shuffling from Auralice's scales still filled the room, and whatever was within the cocoon reacted. Light groans could be heard as it starting swinging back and forth lightly, whatever was inside struggling to get some attention. Those groans became frustrated screams as Auralice backed away, and though the bundle twisted and turned as the captive creature tried to break free all that it managed to do was shake the web where it hung. Only after a few seconds did the struggling finally end, a frustrated snort escaping as a small puff of heated breath rose through the air. At least whatever was trapped could breathe.

Perception: Rolled a 4
Stealth: Rolled a 7

The time spent waiting revealed a couple things to the naga. One, it was cold. The wind didn't penetrate this far into the cave, and that made it far better than being stuck outside, but it was still cold. Two, even as old as this cave appeared a number of torches can barely be seen hanging on the walls. Perhaps one could be lit to give herself some heat? Three, some gear could be seen hanging from one of the less conspicuous webs. It didn't look like much, a few throwing knives and some heavy cloaks dyed white to allow someone to hide amongst the know, but the leather armor that rested nearby was clearly shaped to fit a woman.

"Dammit..." The nearly whispered curse that was barely noticed was far more important, and Auralice pulled herself to a small alcove to try and keep herself hidden. "Why do I have to be out here..." The voice was definitely coming closer, and a few seconds later a previously unnoticed cave that opened into the ceiling started to bear a little light. "I should just go back home and forget this stupid assignment!" Eventually the light entered the chamber, and with it a night elf lowered her head and looked around. Thankfully Auralice remained hidden for the moment, and the night elf started to crawl down. "This place is too cold..." Flowing white hair gives way to an exquisite body barely hidden by the odd leopard skin furs she wore, but as more of her came into view the beauty suddenly turned into a nightmare. Two massive legs pulled themselves free as her waist started to turn black, the feet gripping the cavern's walls as six more popped into view, and following those legs was a rounded body that should only belong to a spider.

"But at least I have you to keep me warm~" The spider woman cooed as she planted a massive thread of silk to the ceiling, and she slowly lowered herself to the now thrashing cocoon that was soon gripped by her lower body. "Such a shame I couldn't find your partner. He would have made this all the more fun~" A finger flicked over the space where the bound person's chest would be, and the silk splits to reveal an enticing line of cleavage just waiting to be set free. "Such a lovely little girl... Let's light the place up so we can see that tight little body of yours~" A small ball of fire sprung from the arachne's free hand, and a moment later it split into a number of wisps that each sped toward one of the torches. Unfortunately for Auralice one happened to be waiting right behind her, and to avoid getting blasted in the face she needed to move. This immediately caught the arachne's attention, and she jumped down to the floor with another ball of flame in her hand. "Who are you?!"
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

In the midst of it all it would appear as if Auralice's assumptions had been only partially accurate, the hollow seemed indeed to be a breeding or holding ground of some sort but apparently the person in the cocoon hadn't had the pleasure of becoming impregnated yet. The serpent silently stalked the pair from the shadows, feeling a light throb in her chest as the arachnid exposed the captive's bosom, her words were seemingly true and the arachne herself wasn't a bad catch either.
Auralice snapped back to her senses as she almost had her face melted, throwing herself flat onto the cave floor to avoid the flaming orb from hitting her square in the face, letting out a groan as she got up again whilst the spider woman dropped down in her eyesight prepared to fight, Auralice skips backwards in surprise to try and put her innocently cute looks to show, feigning a timid and frightened look.
"Aah, I-I was j-just looking around, I h-haven't seen o-or touched a-anything."
Her simple ploy was probably far from perfect, but hopefully the environment would help cover for it with the insufficient lighting and acoustics. Either way she would take the arachne down into submission, possibly with the help of her Death Whip if she didn't come closer. Unless the arachne were to make an interesting non-hostile approach of course.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

Arachne casts Fireheart: Success

As Auralice played up her innocence the arachne appeared to relax. The fireball she held was released, but the flames bled into her body and seemed to broil underneath both her skin and her shell. Most likely that spell had been used to strengthen herself. It was probably why she didn't appear all that worried at the moment.

"Just looking around..." Though she took careful steps toward the naga her eyes were appraising the wayward woman. And judging by the smile that started to appear she liked what she saw. "So you're an explorer! It must be hard for such a lovely little snake to wander through all that snow..." The spider-woman stayed where she was a mere few feet away, but she seemed far less threatening now that she had a good look at her visitor. In fact she seemed rather smitten with Auralice, and her arms crossed just under her bust to highlight just how plentiful she was, the very top of her cleavage starting to poke out of her fur as if it were struggling to be freed. "You could stay here for a bit. I'd love to help you stay warm~"
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Auralice blushed lightly as the arachne perked up her chest, causing the naughty thoughts to return to the naga's mind.
Oooh, jackpot, I didn't expect her to be so open and actually fall for it, though she is right, it is cold and that bosom sure looks cozy~
"I... y-yes, it is r-rather cold."
Auralice slowly slithered up to the arachne to embrace her and rest her head against the arachnid's breasts, hoping this will be a pleasurable experience.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

As Auralice neared the spider-woman leaned down, her lower body nearly dragging across the floor so the naga could ease her way toward the bounty she sought. The moment she arrived she found her head welcomed to the glorious pillows that cradled her head, and she would be surprised to find that body feeling pleasantly warm, almost hot even considering where they were. It would be a soothing welcome to the woman's snake half, and should she choose to bask in that warmth for a bit she would find a pair of arms cradling her as she did.

But that wouldn't last long, and the arachne quickly picked Auralice up and held her upper body before she rushed forward and bound the naga to a web. Aura's tail followed behind her, but it was quickly trapped under the spider's body and caught between the cold cavern floor and the warm spider's underbelly. A moment later a mouth descended on the bound snake's neck, and she could feel two fangs brushing against yet not quite piercing her tender flesh. "Don't you worry, I won't hurt you. Not unless you want me to..." A rather wicked smile lit up the spider's face, but she went back to teasing the naga's neck, her mouth tracing a path that was quickly diving toward her prey's impressive bust. But before she arrived she pulled back, and her hands finally released Auralice only to pull the naga's top away and expose those massive tits to the cold air. "Oh my... You may be larger than me!" The arachne parted her own furs to expose herself, and though she may be quite the sight Auralice could tell that she was slightly bigger. But once both pair were pressed together it didn't matter, and the arachne was content to simply sit and rub her entire body against the naga, her mouth descending to steal hungry kisses from the lovely little fly trapped in her web.

((Will Auralice fully submit, or will she fight back a little?))
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

"Mmm, comfy~"
Auralice's expectations were not disappointed, the arachne's bosom was pleasingly warm and soft to the touch, no one in their right mind would want to willingly part with such a treasure. The serpent was however quickly interrupted in her joyful adoration as she was hoisted into the air and pushed into a nearby webbing, her back and arms sticking to the thick texture as the spider mounted the base of her serpentine half, firmly pressing her hot body against the cold scales with rubbing motions. Auralice remained silent apart from a brief surprised yelp as she was strung up like a wall-trophy, choosing to play along with the arachne's little game as she felt comfortable with the warm arachnid molesting her soft flesh, wiggling slightly in her bonds as their lips locked together in passionate kissing.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

Perception: Rolled a 12

Arachne drinks some milk
--- Aphrodisiac Fluids: 4 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 13
------ Arachne's Resistance -13

With their lips locked together both creatures can taste each other. But Auralice would find her partner far more excited. The woman was practically drooling into the naga's mouth, and with their mouths sealed all she could do was swallow the odd tasting saliva. But with the arachne's excitement building so quickly a passionate kiss just wouldn't be enough, and she once again started kissing down the nape of her lover's neck, the trail moving down until she hefted a massive tit it one hand and carefully started to knead that pliant flesh. The razor-sharp tips can be felt along Auralice's skin, but the touch itself is measured and soft, and not once does the arachne even scratch that perfect mound as she pleasures it with her hand.

After a few moments of simple touching a slight pinch caused a small trickle of milk to leak from the trapped nipple, and the arachne was instantly enthralled with the drop rolling over her hand and fingers. She even pulled back a bit to watch it roll over her finger, and as it collected at that razor sharp tip she offered a naughty little grin before taking that finger into her mouth and quite clearly sucking it clean. A low, lusty moan was given as it was pulled free, and once it escaped she used the back of her knuckle to trace a path down the very center of the naga's body. "You don't mind if I indulge, hmm~?" She didn't give Auralice a chance to answer before her mouth descended on that now lonely nipple, and a small little flick from her tongue was all the warning she gave before she started to suckle from that massive teat. The arachne let out little coos of delight as she continued to feed, and even when she seemed fully content to stay and draw the milk from the naga's chest her hand continued to slide lower and lower, her finger carefully poking and prodding between the scales as she searched for the opening that held an even greater delight.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Auralice slowly rocked in the webbing from the arachne's wild kissing, her mouth being quickly overflowed with the sweet drool and forced to swallow it down to keep herself from drowning.
It was not surprising that the arachnid would be going for her bosom next after having leaked out so much saliva, the razor sharp digits somehow caused a strange tingling feeling, being on the tip of feeling pain mixed with pleasure.
As the arachne fed on the milky jugs Auralice was quick to burst out in lewd moaning, wiggling mad in the sticky webbing from the pleasure. As she felt the spider woman trace towards her nether in search for a dripping cunt Auralice knew that the arachnid would find something else first, something which was longing for long and rough attention.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 50/56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2, Paralyzed (x2)

Aphrodisiac Fluids: 6 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15
Arachne Resistance = 0
Arachne is now Horny

...But she already was before this started...

The lewd moans that quickly fill the air only encouraged the arachne to continue nursing, and she did so quite happily. Her eyes would open on occasion to give a long and lustful look into the eyes of the naga that fed her, and little by little they started to glaze over with need even while her hand continued to massage and search for that treasure she sought. But the moment her fingers brushed against something long and firm her eyes opened in curiosity. She suckled one last time before the nipple was released with a small pop, and while her fingers started to explore what they found her face slowly turned down to get a better look. "Huh...?" When she finally realized she was holding a cock a little life returned to those glazed eyes. "Oh..." She looked genuinely intrigued at her little discovery, her fingers exploring every inch of Aura's exposed cock before she found another starting to sprout even lower. "Oh my..." Her other hand fell to copy its sister on the two male organs sprouting in the air, and as she continued to fondle and grope she noticed the naga twitching within the web. "Oh you ARE a delicious little treat!"

With a new target in sight the arachne crouched low and brought her head down far enough for Auralice to feel her heated breath washing over her twin cocks. They twitched a bit under the attention, and it caused the spider woman to lick her lips. Then she put that tongue to better use. It reached out and teased just under the head of one prick, the touch teasing yet firm as it caused the head to bounce under the assault, and after a few seconds it parted only to do the same to the other. It returned to the first to lick up and down the prick's length, and once again it left only to do the same to the other. The arachne seemed determined to give each of Aura's members the same attention, the tongue worshiping each and every inch, expertly gliding across their surface and lightly poking at their slits before acting as a guide while her head slowly sank and consumed the entire length in one shot.

Her lips clung to Aura's rod as her head started to bob, and with equal attention being paid to both it wouldn't be long until the naga felt herself starting to swell. She could feel it building within her, a geyser just waiting to erupt in the woman's mouth while its twin would bathe the energetic spider with her release. But the arachne felt those members throbbing as well, and just before Auralice could no longer hold back both of her cocks were brought together. They were quickly brought to the spider's mouth, and with it open wide they both erupted into a pair of streaming jets that quickly filled her mouth. But the arachne didn't stop there. Auralice would hear her swallow that first load before her lips sealed as best they could around the twin cockheads, and as the second blast filled her once again she did her best to swallow as much potent seed as she could without losing a single drop. But Auralice was quite the potent lover, and eventually a small bit started to run down the spider's face no matter how enthusiastically she was.

The arachne did surprisingly well in swallowing what she was fed, but even then a small mess still spilled onto the naga. But the woman didn't mind. Her head descended and went to licking and sucking at the spilled spunk as if she were a starving child whose only meal was laid before her. But as she cleaned her body repositioned itself, and though her tongue never failed in its work Auralice would soon find the spider woman's lower half looming over her body. A moment later she understood why when the pair of back legs immediately gathered the silk from the spinnerets and stretched it out enough to wrap around her mouth. A few more bindings were added to her wrists and arms, and a couple more trapped her waist before she was finally done. While her orgasm had left her stunned that wouldn't last for long, but if she tried to fight or struggle she would find that her body refused to respond as she asked. Her fingers would open and close slowly if she concentrated, and her body would rock back and forth slightly, but beyond that she no longer controlled her own self.

Meanwhile the spider had finished cleaning her prey and was now collecting what remained on the tip of her fingers, and once the final drop was consumed she turned to look at the still present dicks that seemed to be sitting there waiting for some attention. The woman was simply panting as she stared at them, and while Auralice couldn't quite see what she was doing she could see a small opening twitching on the spider's underbelly as a previously hidden tube of flesh gently poked itself in and out of that spider body. A slight movement off to the side revealed the still bound woman struggling to somehow break herself free while her captor was distracted. As the arachne saw this the tube started to poke out further and further, and though it resembled a cock in so many ways Auralice would instantly recognize it as an ovipositor much like the one that had yet to truly reveal itself.

A war for control was being waged in the spider, this much could be seen by the way her attention seemed to shift between the naga and her other victim, but eventually a decision was made. The arachne climbed down and pulled the webbing away from Aura's mouth long enough to give her another drooling kiss, and once the naga was forced to swallow a second helping of the spider woman's saliva her body refused to even struggle any further. "Don't worry, I won't be gone long. I just need to give that orc the egg I promised her. Then I'll be back and finish what I started." With that promise made she quickly scuttled over to the bound woman dangling in the air, and after a quick swipe a hint of green can be seen poking through the silk. That was as good a sign as any to show that the trapped woman was an orc. Of course the arachne climbing over the body was far more interesting, and after she used her legs to prevent her prey from bucking any further the ovipositor could be seen coming into full view. "Time to put that pussy of yours to work~"

Stopping here for now so this doesn't end up too long. If you want to post a reply you can, but if you don't then let me know on my profile or something.

And just in case you're wondering how Auralice became Paralyzed it was the drool she was forced to swallow. The arachne was literally pouring her venom down Aura's throat, and that Perception check in the previous update was to check if Auralice would notice the poison or not.
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Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Much to the serpent's expectations the arachne soon found Auralice's little secret, a pair of phallus right next to her wet cunt which were craving attention.
The arachne still didn't disappoint as she was greatly successful in sending Auralice into a long hard orgasm with her skillful blowjob and sucked up every little drop of precious white gold from the serpent's members.
After she had recovered from the pleasure and had her senses usable again, Auralice realized that her body had been further shackled by webbing, as she tried to struggle against the bonds the naga found that her body refused to obey properly.
W-what, m-my body... h-how, when did.
Her thoughts were disrupted as the spider woman tore off the gag and once more flooded her mouth with the sweet fluids, Auralice struggled to not choke as she could barely prevent her lungs from getting flooded.
As the arachne finished the not-so-passionate kiss Auralice let out a strenuous cough, her body felt heavy, breathing was hard to do and her mind felt numb.
Is, this... the end?
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2, Paralyzed

While Auralice was left to ponder her fate her host was free to plunge her length straight into the the bound woman. A muffled scream could be heard from within the silk, but the arachne didn't seem to care. In fact she seemed to rather enjoy it, a sadistic little smile on her face as she thrust herself deeper. "Scream all you want, honey." Even as massive as she was the spider managed to crane her body and cradled her little victim's head, and though Auralice wouldn't quite hear what was whispered it caused the bound orc to start bucking furiously to escape. But that only lasted for a second as the rod still buried within her was pressed even deeper, and the arachne let out a loud gasp of ecstasy. "Oh god, do that again~!" When the body stopped struggling the woman looked rather disappointed. "Well you're no fun..." Even then a small smirk could still be seen on her face, and a moment later she placed her hands on the cocooned woman's shoulders. "But if you insist..."

That was all the warning the bound woman received before the arachne nearly pulled herself out, and once only the very tip of her length was nestled between the orc's lips she thrust down with all her might. A muffled scream of agony filled the webbed chamber, and it was soon joined by another as the arachne pulled back just to slam herself down again. It couldn't have been the least bit comfortable, the tube looked like it was nearly as long as the spider woman's arm and as thick as her wrist. It would stretch any pussy to its limits, and by the cries of pain Auralice could hear it looked like the orc was being stretched beyond hers. But little by little those cries began to change. The faintest hints of pleasure could be heard as the muffled voice bounced around the room, and with each thrust the spider's cock started to glisten as the orc's arousal coated its length. Her body was starting to enjoy the rough treatment, and the spider picked up her pace as she watched her victim surrender to her own pleasure.

Eventually the pair were bouncing up and down, the web they sat in stretching slightly and straining to hold them in place. For minutes they continued, the spider pounding into the orc with reckless abandon while the orc could do nothing more than moan as her body was violated at an almost blistering speed. And Auralice was forced to watch. Even if her body felt heavy and didn't listen to a thing she said she would soon find herself reacting instinctively, the sights and sounds of sex stoking her arousal and causing her body to burn with need. Then she finally heard it. The orc could take no more, the last of her resistance fell, and she let out a feral scream that signaled her climax just as the spider bottomed out. "Oh FUCK~" The arachne had reached her limit as well, and she buried herself as deeply as she could before letting out her own moan of pleasure. As the two came the tube lodged so deeply in the orc's pussy began to throb rhythmically. Something was being pumped into her, and the webbing that trapped her stomach started to swell as she was continually filled. A pair of harried groans could be heard, and as soon as she heard them the spider used a finger to cut into the cocoon and expose the swelling belly to the world. A moan of relief and ecstasy was given in thanks, and soon enough that body started to inflate as it was continually filled.

But a few moments later the arachne let out a loud moan. She threw her her entire body back, her own hands nearly manhandling her chest as a bulge started to slowly work its way down her length. Once it hit the orc's stuffed lips it paused for a moment, but eventually it started to slip inside. This started another round of moans from both women, and once it finally worked its way into the orc the spider thrust a little deeper before letting out an ecstatic scream and quickly pulling herself out. The ovipositor spilled a few clear liquids onto the floor as it retreated, and soon enough it was safely hidden within that massive spider body once more. The elven half practically collapsed on top of the cocoon, and as she rested she cut open a bit of webbing to reveal the trapped woman's panting mouth. It was soon smothered in a rather passionate kiss, and once it ended the arachne started to crawl off of the now pregnant body.

While she may have looked winded the glazed over look in the arachne's eyes showed that Aura's aphrodisiacs were still pumping through her system. The fact that her attention was once again centered on those twin cocks would only strengthen that thought, and as the spider approached she couldn't peel her eyes away. Only when she was finally near did she notice how weak the naga appeared. A hand reached down and stroked the snake's head almost lovingly, and the spider lowered herself over that weakened body. "Don't worry, Love, it'll pass. I just didn't want my new favorite guest to run off before I was done." The spider's body lowered even further, and as it did Auralice would feel a warmth envelop her lower cock as it slowly slid into one of the softest pussies she had ever known. It felt like slick velvet had surrounded her length, the walls massaging every inch that disappeared.

As the arachne fully impaled herself her body completely rested against Aura's tail, one cock nestled within the spider's exquisite folds while the other pressed against a flat elven stomach. But even as the spider adjusted herself on her paralyzed lover Auralice would start to feel a trickle of energy flowing into her soul. The more she shifted the more the naga felt that energy flow, and when the arachne forced Auralice to hit a certain spot she could feel a spike of power wash over her tired form. Her strength was starting to return bit by bit, and as the arachne started grinding herself against the cocks both in and against her body she showed a little shock. "You... You're a... Su... Su... Ah!" While the spider mage may have realized what she just stepped into her body refused to keep itself still. In fact it reacted quite strongly, those soft inner walls starting to somehow pull and swallow Aura's length. It felt like that pussy was trying to inhale her, and it only caused the spider to grind herself even harder. Her moans started filling the air once more as she lost control, and soon enough she was bucking against her bound lover. She was desperate to milk the naga's precious seed, and though her soul weakened with every thrust her body never once lost its pace.

Auralice could feel that body tightening on top of her. It was reaching a climax, its soul nearly tearing itself apart with the pleasure it felt, and she didn't have to wait long for it to finally burst. The arachne screamed in bliss, her body clamping around the one cock and squeezing it for all its worth. It longed for the snake's release, every motion designed to coax it from its length, and eventually she felt a warmth exploding into her very core. The first jet that filled her only set her off even harder, and as she came her soul simply fell apart and fed itself to the succubus. Auralice could feel her body being rejuvenated, her spirit willing her muscles to move once again as she was filled to the brim with the arachne's energy, and just before the spider collapsed she could feel a bit of herself reaching out. It wound itself around what remained within the spider, what feeble defenses she held unable to resist as the naga imprinted herself within her rapist's core. From this point on the spider could do nothing more that would harm her mistress in any way.

As the arachne collapsed first against Aura's body and then to the floor Auralice would notice that her own release was dripping quite wonderfully from the spider's lower body. She could also see some splattered against that toned stomach, and she could feel it against her own. Her other cock was unable to contain itself, and it had exploded as it was trapped between the two women's bodies. It left a rather lewd little mess on the both, but that was of little concern. Auralice was still bound to the web, and though her strength was returning she could still feel bits of the spider's venom still flowing through her veins. If she chose to she could rest, her body was exhausted from both rounds of sex, but her spirit was practically bursting with energy. She may even be able to use her powers to break herself free. Or she could just wait for the arachne to awaken and order her around. But she wasn't the only person there, and as she pondered what to do a tired voice called out. "Hey, what happened?" Though parts of her were released the orc was still bound far tighter than Auralice. Maybe she would be thankful for being freed.

Good god, that was longer than I thought it would be. Oh well, Auralice defeated the spider even if she was defeated beforehand, so she should get something.

Auralice gains 2 Exp
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Auralice's hazy mind couldn't interpret what was going on anymore, her eyes were shrouded in darkness and faint whispers fell on her ears, she couldn't even feel her numb body anymore, surely, this was how death feels like.
After what felt like an eternity, Auralice suddenly felt a presence, and her spirit reached out to embrace it, a soul, pulsating with ripe and vivid energy. As it came closer Auralice's inner beast unleashed and quickly latched onto the force, fiercely gripping a submitting hold on it like a predator catching its prey. She plunged herself into it, and began to feast on the vigorous soul, eagerly sapping away its life while fueling her own essence with it.
It didn't take long for the serpent to feel stuffed, her being pulsating to the brim with delicious fresh life, the hollowed soul twitched as Auralice thrust into it a final time, her climax tainting its core and sealing her position as its master.

Auralice snapped back to her senses, feeling the arachne dropping on top of her and then rolling off to the side of her serpent form, although her body was seemingly radiating with energy the toxin still had a decent grip on it, trying to free herself wouldn't require too much effort, but without proper control of her actions she was very likely to cause harm to herself in the process. No matter what she'd be able to get free eventually, the toxin would disappear with time and when the arachne awoke she could undo the bindings.
"Ah, sorry, I'm a bit tied up at the moment, don't worry though, everything should be fine, just take it easy."
The serpent slowly coiled her tail around the arachne and pulled her up against her long body, the floor was still chilly and the extra body heat would allow her to rest her worn body with a bit more comfort.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

HP = 61 (45), PP = 43, EP = 56, Status = Transformation 4, Night Eyes x2

Paralysis check: 23 - 4 + 14 = 33 vs 30, Resisted

As Auralice gathered the unconscious arachne and pulled the monstrous woman closer a few seconds of silence were all that was heard from the bound orc. "Great..." That word came out as a groan more than anything, and though she wasn't speaking to anyone in particular it was still loud enough for anyone to catch. "First I'm caught by an overgrown spider, then I'm made it's bitch, and now I'm forced to listen to bad jokes. Could this day get any worse?"

After a few more minutes of rest the sleeping spider started to snuggle against the warm body curled around it. "Hey, listen." The orc decided she was done being quiet, but she also kept her voice low so as not to draw too much attention to herself. "I don't know what's going on, but I can tell that spider hasn't done anything for a while. I didn't hear it leave, so I can only guess you did something to it. If you can get me out of here I'll make sure I give that bitch what she deserves. Deal?" A slight shifting signaled that the arachne was still sleeping, and as she snuggled even tighter she looked like the happiest thing in the world. At the same time Auralice would notice that the feeling was returning to her fingertips and the end of her tail, and that signaled that the poison had finally run its course. She was free to do whatever she wished.
Re: Unleashed (Aurani) GMed by Termite

Noisy... is it too much to ask to be able to enjoy a good cuddle after a fuck.
Auralice didn't like the orc's idea at all, even though she didn't know the full picture the arachne belonged to her now and would not be disposed of that quickly. The naga was inclined to shut that noisemaker up, but first she had to undo the bindings.
The toxin had apparently been filtered from her system and Auralice attempted to break free with her regained strength and mobility.
If or when she broke loose she would secure the arachne on top of her back and slither up to the orc, once there she would reshape the webbing to once more gag the noisy mouth.
I would write more, but it feels stupid since Auralice isn't actually free yet and may not be able to partake in such actions, even if we both know the webbings would be easy to break.
I'm guessing reshaping something as small as a mere mouth-gag would still cost 1 EP despite being much smaller than human-sized.