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RPG Patreon Ryona [unknownsoft] Magic Hunter


New member
Jul 15, 2019
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Hello everyone, please excuse my English.
Finally managed to recreate the whole thing with proper material with the right license
Here is some changes :
- Work now will be available in the hunter building
- lewd number wont affect enemies anymore, instead after you succesfully seduced them, it will unlock the new moves
- when grabbed you have 2 option (break free and mblast)
- breakfree wont consume mp but there is failed chances
- mblast is 100% succesfull and will damage the enemies if they are near you, but consume some mp
only 2 enemies for now

here is the link :

as usual feedback and bug report are expected.
Ps : i forgot to take new preview pict, so please ignore the old one

i guess thats it, i hope to see the feedback. screen1.png screen2.png screen3.png
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uh oh, it seem there is a little bug in the game, when you select to break free when the main heroine is grabbed and you hit the "a" button multiple times, the sound and animation will repeat.
so just push the button once for now, it will be fixed in the next update.
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It has promise, it's not entirely bad.
I'd work more on the use of english and especially on the art. Not only character art: for example, the battle menu is very basic and the solid blue color kinda hurts your eyes after a bit.
Hey, sorry for not having given any feedback, i tried it but then just forgot to write. A few things: movement feels very stiff and the overall game feels VERY slow. Unbearably so. Both combat and movement. Art could be better, but i am always happy to see more ryona themed and containing game being made.
Better late than never, increased overall speed...noted Thank you. Well about the art part.... learning to draw really is not so easy for me, so it will take time.
I notice that the combat, when you finally do get above the threshold for lewds, is basically that you are going to die. By the time you break free from the grab attack they just jump right back on you and you can't really counter in any way. If you can mess with the timing a bit so that you can fight back some, I think you could have something great going forward.
owh...silly me, i forgot to set the enemy speed back to normal from the testing phase...
noted, Thanks for the feedback.
It looks good I think, there definitely needs to be more games of this type, so I wish you the best of luck. the one thing I kinda dislike though is that the animations for the lewd stuff is only like two frames, the walk animation looks great, and I think the lewd stuff doesn't need to be quite as complex as that, but the game I think would be much better for it, but the art looks original, and the concept is rare in alot of games so I look forward to your future content
Thank You for the feedback, i realize its a rushed one. And i messed up :(
some of the graphics i used are not with the proper license, thankfully someone told me about it. Now i need to replace everything with public domain materials.
Mean the next update will be a while, hopefully the next one is lot better.