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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

can someone post a save game?
I'm sorry if I'm suck in this kind of game. ;)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

If I'm not wrong
It can use Chat Engine to freeze life:rolleyes:

Use it.....
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Is the only new enemy the giant armor? I don't find anything else new.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Don't expect it to be uploaded anywhere; the author explicitly stated that if the game was posted anywhere he would block foreign IPs. It was in the first post and was being discussed only a few posts before you asked, which is probably why toxic was irritated.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Well, it seems some other site or more are already sharing it seems. Just a matter of time when he will notice and start blocking. But even so I still hope he won't block foreign IPs. Games like this are bound to get pirated sooner or later, but either way it shows how awesome his game is and he is probably getting high sales already... Maybe.

Well...here's to hope he won't block, cause I am damn well looking forward to his future works if he is still continuing.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I really hope this comes on the English DLSite soon - I really want to buy this but I can't get the Japanese DLSite to work for me. >.<
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Don't expect it to be uploaded anywhere; the author explicitly stated that if the game was posted anywhere he would block foreign IPs. It was in the first post and was being discussed only a few posts before you asked, which is probably why toxic was irritated.

I've seen it on chinese sharing sites and all the big cash share ones too.

It seems it's actually being uploaded everywhere, which is the fate of any game that gets any attention whatsoever on DLSite.

If the guy is going to block foreign IPs, that also won't change a thing. So long as he uses DLSite to sell them, they will get shared eventually.

It actually seems kind of insane and xenophobic to blame this on foreigners when the copies might even originate from Japan. Are you not confusing it with his old stance from while the game was on beta and free?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Don't expect it to be uploaded anywhere; the author explicitly stated that if the game was posted anywhere he would block foreign IPs.

You can find it on google... just search rj118625.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Odd, my save from the first room wont load. It just takes me back to the start of the game and not the fight before the first boss...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

The "block foreing IPs" threat was from back in the days when the game was for free.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

The "block foreing IPs" threat was from back in the days when the game was for free.
That's what I thought. I've got no idea why somebody said it was about this paid version. Nobody is that naive (I would think.)

In any case this is one game I definitely don't mind supporting considering the incredibly amount of work he put into the first one for free. Hopefully it'll be on English DLSite soon. Not that I can't buy it off the JP site, but it'd be nice to show the creator we aren't all just a bunch of freeloading hicks.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

So how do we unlock the alternate paths? I found closed doors I couldn't go through.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

So how do we unlock the alternate paths? I found closed doors I couldn't go through.

See page 76/77. God, is anyone not reading anything anymore?

Here's the actual quote, word by word in case you are THAT lazy just to browse a few page back...

Well Dlsite let me use my card so I picked the game up and did a playthrough. There's a few changes. The insects in the sewer now have a rape scene, and the green zombies have a slightly different one, where one fucks her while another jacks off right above her face. The new voiceacting is great, and there's some remakes to the map, and some different paths to take. There's also these doors that are shut that I'm assuming are hidden areas, and there's some way to open them after beating the game, I just haven't figured it out yet. Worth the money, I think.

Edit: I figured out how to open those other doors. In the area after the dinosaur boss, there's a room with 3 sets of downward stairs and a bunch of leeches. At the bottom, go to the right until you come to a room with a blonde woman laying on a slab. She'll wake up and talk to you, you'll get some text and the first door after the dominatrix boss will be open. Go up the floaty stairs to the rooms, and you'll have to fight the first and second boss, and get to a room with the necro dude and I'm assuming the main character's sister. (I think.) You fight this big-ass armor (WITH ANNOYING FUCKING ATTACK RANGE. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-), and when you kill it she's rescued. Doesn't really unlock much besides enabling a sort of cheat mode that lets you pretty much one hit almost everything, and the other one lets you start at the hidden areas. Was kinda hoping you got to play as the other two, but oh well. Still awesome and worth every cent. (Specially that insect scene. Oh be still, my throbbing.......heart.)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Yes, its a New Game+ feature.

It is also a sort of "hard mode" as other people have been saying. Less save points, harder stage design, more demons, ect.

Its a brilliant level design. You get to see both the endings, a small (would be an improvement with a bit more) amount of extra content, and difficulty scales well.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

If you mean in the main menu:
The 1st one is the area selector
The 2nd is the number of lives/retry you start with
The 3rd are the blue gems you start with.
The 4th not yet sure, but you can select from 2 possibile names, Charlottes (シャルロッテ) or Charlotte+Constance (シャルロッテ+コンスタンシェ).
The 5th sounds like Duelist mode, didn't try yet.
The 6th make you start in a Warp Portal Room, from there you can go in every levels/sub-levels.

Yeah, I understood what all of them were. 5th one is the one that seems to give you superpowers.

The 4th one only works if you turned the portal room off. They are just off or normal with that first option, the smallest one characterwise. The second option is puts you right after saving Charlotte. The third puts you right after saving Constance.

So I thought you used to be able to find like something significant about a dead person somewhere. You don't find blondie anywhere in the game if you don't save her? I saw her in a game over, but not in the levels

Also, Jesus fucking Christ you lazy bastards, goddamn read if you actually want something. Chances are someone tried to help.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

damn less save points D:? but i have to die to see the H-content lol
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

It's only the matter of time til someone goofs up and gives the link regardless of what the author have said. That DID happen today, but on a different forum site which I will not give to anyone, so don't bother asking me.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

It's only the matter of time til someone goofs up and gives the link regardless of what the author have said. That DID happen today, but on a different forum site which I will not give to anyone, so don't bother asking me.

Then why say anything at all?