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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Yup, it's a conspiracy, and everyone else has figured out how to keep their mouths shut EXCEPT YOU!

And yes, I've been reporting you.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I honest to god never went into those threads, at least no more than to make a silly comment and leave. I don't keep up on game progress.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Oh for the love of the internet, lets just all truce and wait for the next update and enjoy the game, if your not here for the contents then 'gtfo'.
I wonder why these people (You know who you are, i'm not gonna reveal) even enter it at the first place.:(

Killing off a good game's thread with trollish arguments like this is pretty much killing ppl in this forum's expectation on the game. :mad:

Anyways back to the topic ... ;)

From his blog , 5/10/12 post
Correct me if i'm wrong, but it seems he has some program relating to game content addition to his game, and not due to time constraint. :/ Long wait ppl. As all good games are :D imo
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I'm totally down for another playable character for the next update, in lieu of a new stage. Though, that poll makes me feel like it was set up as a joke from the author who had already foreseen the results...

I mean, dat haircut.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I say both choices should be combined into one character:

Old man in loli mage outfit. And der haircut.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I say both choices should be combined into one character:

Old man in loli mage outfit. And der haircut.

Geh... Please no, if that ever happens I'll knock on his door~
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I say both choices should be combined into one character:

Old man in loli mage outfit. And der haircut.

You sir , have ruined my dreams , but since this is Japan-made material, I'm ever rdy to welcome that idea.. :D
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

You sir , have ruined my dreams , but since this is Japan-made material, I'm ever rdy to welcome that idea.. :D

Well...this IS Japan.
Maybe something like this will happen:

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Hilarious =)

But don't you think it'd be 100x worse with an old man in the dress?

The mind recoils from such an abomination...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Hilarious =)

But don't you think it'd be 100x worse with an old man in the dress?

The mind recoils from such an abomination...

You would think so, but an old man in a dress is the PRETTIEST OF THE EAST


On-topic: I'm actually not a huge fan of mages in Ragnarok just because they don't really leave much to the imagination. Wizards and Professors, on the other hand...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

You would think so, but an old man in a dress is the PRETTIEST OF THE EAST


On-topic: I'm actually not a huge fan of mages in Ragnarok just because they don't really leave much to the imagination. Wizards and Professors, on the other hand...

Your profile picture is the one that creaks me up all the damn time
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy


New Char Found :D :D :D :D
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

On-topic: I'm actually not a huge fan of mages in Ragnarok just because they don't really leave much to the imagination. Wizards and Professors, on the other hand...

My memory's kind of bad but weren't the professors the ones that could create homunculus?

Not too sure on the mage. Given that the default char, I guess she's supposed to be a high priestess? I'm pretty sure regular priests couldn't cast offensive spells, but again, I didn't play Ragnarok too much. It might be more of a thing to make her play more 'Castlevania' though. Anyways, getting back to the point, she can already cast magic herself, I'm not too sure what kind of skill set they'd give to the mage, because of that.

So, I'm not sure what the mage's gimmick would be even if she's put in, probably having most of the priestess' sub-weapons minus the cross things and replaced maybe with, I don't know, something silly like Meteor Storm, either that or she might play more like the secondary/unlockable characters of the Castlevania games, maybe like Maria or certain other examples.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

My memory's kind of bad but weren't the professors the ones that could create homunculus?

Not too sure on the mage. Given that the default char, I guess she's supposed to be a high priestess? I'm pretty sure regular priests couldn't cast offensive spells, but again, I didn't play Ragnarok too much. It might be more of a thing to make her play more 'Castlevania' though. Anyways, getting back to the point, she can already cast magic herself, I'm not too sure what kind of skill set they'd give to the mage, because of that.

So, I'm not sure what the mage's gimmick would be even if she's put in, probably having most of the priestess' sub-weapons minus the cross things and replaced maybe with, I don't know, something silly like Meteor Storm, either that or she might play more like the secondary/unlockable characters of the Castlevania games, maybe like Maria or certain other examples.

Alchemists/Creators made homunculi. Creators had nice outfits. =w=

The outfit is the Priest's, but the skills don't all correspond with that line of stuff. All for gameplay reasons, I'm assuming, since it'd be pretty boring to spam the same three or four things the whole game with no viable melee options (unless it turned into RBO or something).

I'm expecting something like Charlotte or the mage's moveset in RBO for this mage since... MAGICNESS. Maybe with regenerating MP to offset a lack of melee?

....Aaaah I hope a game update comes soon so new fap material can be had. D:
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I'd be totally down for the regenerating MP for the magician. Fuck those hearts & cards man, just let me spam my spells. Also, maybe make her have a forward blink spell and a better backwards dash than the priest. Seriously, have you ever tried using that to dodge attacks? Don't bother.

That said, Unholy is still one of my favorite h-games to play. I will wait patiently for whatever update will come next.

And if anyone still isn't sold on the fact that the character poll was a joke, just take a moment to close your eyes and picture the H-scenes of the priest, except instead of the priest you have some old fart with his spiky JRPG protagonist haircut instead. And his geezer grunts.

Yeah, didn't think so.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Just checked out the last blog update. Looks like the mage fight's going to require some lightning-dodging.

I hope the next boss is more of a glass cannon than the death-analogue. It would justify attack patterns that would be harder to avoid, and I think that would be pretty fun. The dark priest fight is cool, but drags on a little too long for my tastes.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Just played through the game to the clock tower wizard. It's a great game and obviously has gotten better with time. With the spider monster we have finally gotten some good old fashioned monster breeding too.

I hope it's less then eight months before the next addition though :p
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

i'd put that more into the laying egg category rather then breeding. i wish she got really pregnant with atleast 1 GOR scene. though the spider scene was hot without a doubt.