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ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Ah! You two! Come on, we can only get out back the way we came! Let's go!" Suzy yells, a flush in her face as she begins to panic, putting her spare hand on Sam's shoulder, while firing at the fresh U-9, starting to pull the girl towards the open service hatch.
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Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila hesitates for a moment, looking back. She is slow due to her small size, but she runs as fast as she can back toward the shaft, following Suzy and Sam.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

My throat is meant for this damni- WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING REACHING UNDER MY CLOTHES! Sen mentally exclaims as she once again tries to use her legs to lever off either the tentacle in her mouth or the ones around her hands.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Growling angrily, Sandy tries to arch her back a bit, moving to either get the scientist off her, or at least get some leverage to work herself out from under her, not that the tentacles were helping much...


A shriek comes from her as her legs try to kick the beasts away. "BAD DOG! BAD DOG!!!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael does indeed crush the head of the Licker, and perhaps because he may have been a little more enthusiastic with his attack than he thought he continues to fly past the decapitated body and collides with the wall behind it, brain bits and juice covering much of his lower legs.

Using the opening that Michael gave the rest of the creatures the other two Lickers leap over him and run towards the girls, their intent to catch them and drag them to god knows where to do god knows what.

The bullet does also connect with the U-9, injuring this one much in the same fashion as Suzy did to the other one. Seeing the Lickers chase after the girls though it withdraws and instead focus's its attention on Michael along with the second U-9.

As the girls dash back into the elevator they'd notice that the door was open slightly, and light was pouring in from the opening. This most likely would lead them back out of the elevator and into the complex proper.


As Sarahs leg connects with the Alpha Wolf it lets out a whimper of pain and backs off slightly. Lowering its head down it bears its teeth and growls at her while the head tentacles wrapped around her arms tighten. Then, without warning the Alpha Wolf charges at Sarah, its head connecting with her stomach, knocking the wind out of her to show her who's in charge.


Sen wouldn't have to worry for too long about the tentacles invading under her clothes, as with one quick movement the tentacles tear her clothes apart. Shreds of material hang off her body as the tentacles now invade under her underwear, gently touching and fondling her ass and breasts.

Sen would find the tentacles that are binding her hands are holding her too tightly to try and remove, though she almost succeeds with forcing the tentacle out of her mouth, though with each almost-succession the tentacle pushes itself back in with increased force.

Sandy's movements seem to be doing something, until the tentacles tear off Sen's clothing, the force pushes her backwards slightly, the crotch of Sen's panties now resting on Sandy's mouth.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael groans as he stands up from his collision, raising his guard and looking at the two U-9 samples, then to the lickers, growling as he looks from one monster to the next, trying to plan what he should do. "So. You'd kill your own maker? A fitting deed for rejects like you." he says, planting two of his tentacles behind him and using them to attempt a jump past the U-9 samples and stop the lickers before they could hurt the girls.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Gah. Couldn't make itself easier by being open properly..." Suzy mutters, slamming her free hand on the button to open the doors, looking over her shoulder back at the service hatch worriedly, hoping that the Lickers would be easier to kill than the tentacled U9's.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila rushes for the elevator, hopefully letting Michael help in letting her get a head start. She ducks her body as she rushes, peeking behind her. Her crimson read eyes in a panic. She then looks to the elevator when she gets close.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

BLOODY FUCK! Sen mentally cries out in frustration. Trying to ignore the seeking tendrils, Sen continues to maneuver her legs about in an attempt to pull the tentacle from her mouth again. This time, if she can manage it, she will close her teeth together once she gets the tentacle out. In the mean time, her wriggling has the distracting side effect of causing her panties around Sandy's face.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sarah, restrained as she was, could only let out a gasp as she felt the monster connect. However, it'd take a bit more then brute strength to stop her, and she tries to kick at the brute again, not willing to give herself up again.


"Get your snatch outta my face you whore!" Sandy yelled, though it sounded quite muffled, fighting with her own bindings as she tried to squirm free, wings flitting feebly as she not only tried to get free of her bindings, but the fat broad on top of her!
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As Michael passes over the U-9's several tentacles shoot towards him, and as he reaches the service hatch the appendages grab him, winding tightly around his arms and legs as they pull him towards them. Another one coils around his waist, entering inside his labcoat.


The elevator doors grind loudly as Suzy hammers the buttons, though they only manage to open up several more centimetres before the panel dies completely. Though now the Lickers are frantically clawing at the hatch, too small for them to pass through they instead decide to try and tear it open to get at their victims.


The Alpha Wolf lets out another yelp followed by a deep growl as Sarah's leg connects with its face yet again. This time two more Wolve's enter the circle and ensnare Sarah's legs with their head tentacles. Pulling her to the ground and forcing her to sit down they part her legs, the Alpha Wolf moves to between her legs and sniffs at her before forcing its tongue deep inside her sex.


This time Sen manages to remove the tentacle from her mouth as well as stopping it penetrating her mouth again, though it was all part of the plan. The next moment her underwear are torn from her body, what was once her panties rubbing against Sandy was now her vagina, and a second after that she is hoisted up, now she straddles Sandy's face.

The tentacle that had forced itself down Sen's throat then wraps itself around her neck and tightens its grip enough so that she'd eventually lose too much oxygen and need to open her mouth to breathe properly. Another tentacle slides between her legs, coming down between her buttocks, gliding over her slit until finally it forces its way into Sandy's mouth and throat.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael gasps as the U-9's grab him, struggling against the bindings that now restrain him "Damn you! Let me go!" he yells, his own tentacles flailing about and slamming into both monsters "I have experiments to run! Release your maker at once!" he screams, his own arms now pulling with all their might, which, to the U-9 samples, would feel much stronger than a normal human.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Mashing her palm against the pad a final time, Suzy exclaims loudly, "GAH! And here I was thinking these bastards were rolling in it, they could've at least maintained their own elevators. Fuck it. You two!", gesturing in turn at Sam and Lila, before continuing, "Think you can do anything about this bloody door? I'll try and stop them. At least for a little bit..." her confidence wavering slightly at the screeching and scraping up the hatch. Shaking her head, Suzy stepped just a few inches away from being directly underneath the hatch, waiting for the first glimpse of Licker, and firing at the disgusting things as soon as they appeared.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila looks to the elevator. She thinks hard for a bit before nodding, turning to Sam.

"It looks like an improbability, but we can possibly open this elevator ourselves if we work together, instruction.wav."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sandy barely had time to yell, "Get your fish hole outta my face-MMGH!" before she got silenced, the tendril wriggling inside causing her to growl in anger, still struggling to get free of her perdicament.


Squirming as the Alpha goes down on her, Sarah gave a yell as she fought the best she could in her restrained position, whimpering at the way things were going...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

GHHH! Is it going...? Kah... at least it isn't trying to go where it isn't supposed to, even if it has stripped me. Damn, why are these things so smart? Sen wonders as she tries to figure out how to get more air. Trying to prevent anything from entering her mouth again, she opens her lips while keeping her teeth clinched shut. Then, using what little air she has, she tries to hum out a few notes to get the tentacle on her throat to loosen itself.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam mutely nods and walks towards the doors, trying to help Lila get them open as she looks back at the lickers warily, she wished she hadn't taken the job, she wished she could wake up from this nightmare...

But that wasn't going to happen, was it, so for now she decided that she wasw going to try her best to get the hell out of here... and well, if God says she dies in this godforsaken place, then so be it...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

The U-9's tighten their grip on Michael, their intent obviously is to kill him. As Michael flails his own tentacles around they connect with the monsters, tearing open their flesh, though they continue their attack. However when Michael pulls at them with his own arms he lifts them off the ground. Shocked, they loosen their grip on him for a second. The elevator shudders suddenly, dropping several inches. It's only a matter of time until the elevator gives way completely.


Eventually the Lickers tear through most of the roof of the elevator and as one of them pops their head in the bullet penetrates it's brain. The beast, howling in pain as it dies falls from the roof and onto Suzy, knocking her down.

As Lila and Sam force open the door they eventually get it open though a crashing sound behind them signals the Licker dropping down onto Suzy. The elevatar then shudders suddenly, dropping down several inches though there is still enough room for the girls to climb out of the elevator.


As Sen tries to hum a tune she'd hear an angry hissing noise far off in the distance and a second later the tentacle around her throat tightens up considerably, as if to warn her that it could kill her at a moments notice. The tentacles begin to coil around her body, snaking along her until they found their way to her breasts. Taking them in their grip they tighten around them, as if squeezing Sen's breasts. The tips of the tentacles rub up against her nipples.

The tentacle in Sandy's mouth continues to pump in and out of her throat, its movements erratic as it slowly builds up to its climax, Sen would also feel it rubbing against her ass and pussy. Much like with Sen the tentacles trapping Sandy begin to inch their way over her body, rubbing against her breasts and sex.


The Alpha Wolf continues to pleasure Sarah with its tongue for a few minutes before pulling out of her. Going for her breasts this time it greedily licks at them, even taking one into its mouth and coils its tongue around it. This lasts for another couple of minutes before it stops again. It then steps backs and barks commands at the Wolves that had trapped Sarah. In a flash Sarah would find herself forced on her knee's with her arms and breasts pushed down onto the floor. With Sarah's ass in full view the Alpha walks back up to her, licks her once and then hops up on its hind legs, a second later Sarah would feel its front legs on her back as the tip of its penis rubbed against her vagina.

A little way down the corridor a door opens up, a naked and very busty woman steps out of the room and the door closes behind her. Karen would see the group of Wolves 'attacking' Sarah up the corridor though they haven't noticed her yet.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

DEAR GOD! THOSE ANIMALS ARE ASSAULTING THAT POOR WOMAN! But....... what can I do? I'm completely naked and would only suffer the same fate if I tried to stop them. Is there anyone here I could even ask for help? Would anyone even listen? What IS this place, Hell? Karen thought as she beheld the hellish scene of Sarah being attacked by a group of wolves. NO! No matter what this is so many levels of wrong it can't be measured! I have to help her! She finally decides as she looks around for something, anything that she might be able to use as a weapon and hopefully remove some of the wolves or get their attention away from their unfortunate victim.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Too slow to jump out the way as the lifeless Licker tumbles down, Suzy yelps as she is flattened, ending up on her front. "Gah! Ugh... that's gonna hurt in the morning..." She mutters, moving her hands to push herself up and to the side, tumbling the corpse off to the side of the elevator with a muttered "Off boy..." Leaning against the wall, she moves a hand up to clutch at her side, "Ugh. Give me a sec to catch my breath, but I think we should be going..." she calls to Lila and Sam, flicking her gaze back up to the hole in the roof, watching for the other Licker, and using her other hand to wipe the blood off of her.