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UK's porn pass law


Nov 26, 2009
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I'd thought they'd abandoned this plan and just tried to quietly sweep it under the rug, but no it's still going ahead.

On April 1st (an appropriate date given what a fucking joke it is), all adult sites will be required to verify that visitors are over 18.
Not with a simple 'Are you over 18? Yes | No' but by providing your credit card or driving license details, or alternatively buying a wank license from the local corner shop.

This applies to all adult websites, not just ones hosted in the UK, lest they get blocked by "Great British Firewall" (which is currently already in use to block piracy sites).
Which I suppose includes here.
Guess we're going to be blocked in the UK, cuz ain't nobody here providing shit and losing our UK members is better than losing everybody.

Alternatively, just spoof your IP and no bullshit.
I'm honestly surprised they even passed it
Surely someone, somewhere down the line this stuff had to go through could have told them that this is about as stupid as requiring that all water be moved in wicker baskets?

But then I suppose British law as a whole is a joke anyway
*insert something about licences for licences here*
Ah yes, I remember a time when some "free" porn sites had some kind of age verification thing that required you to show your credit card information (think it was called sexkey or something like that), but that's the nature of the internet when you have a bunch of parents failing to monitor what their kids are exposed to and then whine to their government officials for regulation because they're too dumb or too lazy to be responsible and figure how to get the parental controls to work. I suppose people will just be using a proxy or vpn to get around this bullshit anyway and maintain their anonymity when browsing for porn.
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credit card information...
is UK now run by Nigerian Credit Card Scammer?

gonna be fun when you give your porn license instead of your driving license when got pulled over by the police...

my advice for the Brits Horny Boii and Gurls: use VPN

Sincerely SEA Horny Boii
Stop with this VPN bullshit. I see it everywhere in the piracy scene and it's getting annoying. You're pissing away money for no reason. Spoofing your IP is quick and easy, though you may find your speed lacking VPNs charge by the amount of data anyway. Besides, a VPN can still be compelled to provide your data to the relevant authorities, it'd just require the right amount of leverage be held over them.
Stop with this VPN bullshit. I see it everywhere in the piracy scene and it's getting annoying. You're pissing away money for no reason. Spoofing your IP is quick and easy, though you may find your speed lacking VPNs charge by the amount of data anyway. Besides, a VPN can still be compelled to provide your data to the relevant authorities, it'd just require the right amount of leverage be held over them.
Assuming that VPN provider stores such data. There are countries where such thing is not required. So unless certain VPN stores it for profiling a customer, there is generally no point in wasting storage space for such thing. But yeah, it is a possibility so best option is to do a little bit of screening. If there was any case of police demanding from VPN provider such data and they provided - not a good place. Then again, good luck with US cops trying to gather data from company operating in russia (not recommended country though).

Out of curiosity... What do you mean by "spoofing"? Just want to hear your definition of it to make sure I think of same thing (and doesn't seem that I do). If you can't, just share how you do it since it's quick and easy, there shouldn't be many steps to it. It may help some sad, porn depraved brits :D
Connecting to a proxy server that's running software which masks your original IP when you send it requests.
Connecting to a proxy server that's running software which masks your original IP when you send it requests.
Wait... but that's basically how...
hides face in hands and does a loud, sad sigh of lost hope
Never mind, forget I asked.
That's the sketchiest thing ever. Someone quick, give me your license number so we can all acess our open.
It's dangerous use your own ip-adress nowadays I suppose, But I still can't understand why they think it's gonna help them. Most of porn sites users are teenagers and they will not provide their personal data anyway. Ofcourse it would help to avoid porn beyond children. Nowadays there are so many apps like Nord, Veepn or even opera to hide your own ip and visit porn sites untracked that people just do it without any questions..
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