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Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Proceeding forward and turning, Elea continues along until she reaches another crossroads. There is a tavern nearby with a large flower sitting in one of the windows, and she sees a dark aura far down the road to her left. In that direction lay the center of town, she guessed.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The dark aura in the distance surprises Elea, but the large plant sticks out among the otherwise unnatural buildings of the city. Since the flower does not look familiar to the woodwise elf, she decides to investigate that first. Sword drawn, she moves in closer to the plant, ready to strike should the demonic corruption have turned it hostile.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

As she approaches, Elea realizes that the flower is wilting, and has likely been dead for an hour at least.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The sight of the wilted plant surprises Elea, as it's the first corrupted or demonic being she has found that was already dead. Obviously someone else must have killed it. The idea was a relief to the elf. At least she was not alone in the demon ridden city with nothing but the odd, but powerful, daemon as her only ally.

Although the prospect of finding more people to oppose the demons is an attractive idea to Elea, she knows that searching for them in this large city would be difficult. Deciding instead to continue her hunt, she notes to location of the tavern, then heads off towards the city center. She moves cautiously, keeping her blade drawn as she continues in the direction of the looming dark aura.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Success.

Elea creeps silently down the city streets, and only a few houses away from the tavern spots a pair of the small, black skinned, clawed demons.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Smiling to herself at the sight of her new prey, Elea continues to creep towards them, preparing herself to strike at the back of nearest demon with her sword.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 8 + 10 = 18 x 2 = 36 damage.

Sneaking down the street, it isn't long before the pair of demons are close enough for Elea to strike at, as they were going in the opposite direction. Her opening swing cuts the small demons head off, and its companion turns to her at the sound of the demons head and body falling too quickly for Elea to hide in the shadows again. The demon crouches, growling at her, and Elea knows that this one was going to put up a fight.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Despite how small and weak the creatures seem, Elea knows better than to underestimate them. They are demons, and all demons are dangerous. Even so, Elea knows she holds the upper hand in this fight, with the demon taken by surprise by her sudden attack. Not wasting any time, she lunges forward, in an attempt to impale the crouching demon on her blade.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

To-hit: 20 + 40 = 60 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 9 + 9 = 18 damage.

The demon isn't quick enough to completely avoid Eleas masterful thrust, but it manages to keep the blade from killing it outright by retreating a step and throwing its weight to its right. It rakes its claws at Eleas face as she recovers from her stab.

To-hit: 6 + 20 = 26 vs 36 = miss.

Elea tilts her head back slightly, narrowly avoiding the demons savage claws.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea pulls her head back with a gasp, the demon's claws missing her by inches, and steps back. She watches the small wounded demon, waiting for an opening before finally stepping towards it, bringing her sword around for a strong slash.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

To-hit: 5 + 40 = 45 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 10 = 15 damage.

Eleas slash strikes the demon in the other shoulder, crippling it. It collapses to the ground, slowly bleeding to death and no longer able to put up a fight.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Staring down at the defeated creature, Elea pulls a small cloth from her bag and wipes the foul blood from her blade. With the small demons dead and the street seemingly clear, she quickly sheathed her sword and set to work checking the corpses for something the merchant might want.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The demons didn't seem to have anything of value, as she hadn't seen their claws among the merchants treasures and they didn't seem to have any other distinguishing features.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

With a sigh, the ranger stands up, slightly annoyed that she had seemingly wasted her time by defeating the creatures. The feeling of annoyance soon passed however, as she reminded herself that every demon needed to be slain to ensure safety for the world. Standing once again, Elea adjusts her armor, then continues heading down the street, towards where she had seen the dark aura, keeping an eye out for more demons.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

After going a ways down the street, Elea hears a loud bang from up ahead. The sound was somewhat muffled by the thick buildings, but she could tell that it wasn't far off.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

At the sound, Elea crouches down, reaching for her blade. She stays still, searching the area from her hiding spot, before pulling out her bow and readying an arrow. 'That was close' she reasons, unsure of what the sound was, but sure she should investigate. She keeps low, and begins to move in the direction of the sound, heading from cover to cover, as well as she could in the street.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

After only a few seconds, Elea sees a dog round the corner, followed by another. What's strange is that the first dog seems completely normal, while the second is covered in chitinous black armor and over twice as large as the first.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

As soon as the dog rounds the corner, Elea's bow is aimed at it, ready to do to put it down just as she had the wolves from before. Just as she is about to release the arrow however, the second, strangely armored dog comes into view. 'The demonic corruption is worse than I thought!' Elea hesitates, staring, then moves her bow to fire at the second dog, letting the arrow fly before pulling another from her quiver.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 5 + 15 - 6 - 4 = 10 x 2 = 20 damage.

Eleas arrow strikes the creature in the shoulder, causing the creature to pause. Almost simultaneously, the ranger hears another loud bang, and the dog flinches forward. The first dog stops running once it gets just past Elea, ad looks back at the demonic, armored creature. Elea notes that its eyes don't glow, and it seems to be just like any normal animal.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The second bang, followed by the beasts reaction, gave Elea an idea of what the sound was. She had heard stories of human weapons that flung stones so hard they made a sound like thunder, though she had never seen one. A weapon like that though, meant someone using it, though before she could search for the source of the bang, a furred blur streaked behind her.

Immediately spinning around to face the creature she held her bow at the ready, only to realize that it was the first, normal seeming dog that the demonic one had been chasing. She looked it over quickly before deciding that it didn't seem corrupted, as the wolves had been, but she was worried that the dog might still attack her. With the demonic hound still alive and clued in to her presence however, Elea decided that the more important task was to put it down. Turning back to the evil looking creature, she knocked and fired another arrow, not wanting to let up on it.