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Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The knights had left through a door not far from the hole Matthias had burned in the wall. Heading through it, she finds that she now has a good view of the river as it widens and slows to meet the docks.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Stepping out of the warehouse, Elea breathes in the outside air deeply, glad to be free of the human structure. The smell of the river reminds her of the waterways in her forest, though it is larger and less winding. Though she had never boarded a ship, she knew the humans were fond of using them for transporting any and all things. She looks over the river, as well as the various piers of the docks for ships that look recently used. At the same time, her gaze wanders over to the other side of the river, back to the woods that she had come into this area from, somewhat missing the familiarity of the trees, even foreign ones.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The ranger can see a slight breeze ruffling the leaves of the forest, stiring the ancient limbs to creak in protest as they shifted slightly. All is silent save for the rush of the water and the patter of rain, which up until now Elea hadn't noticed. It wasn't much more than a sprinkle, and looking up she could still see the sun overhead, though she knew that in a few hours night would fall.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

As the first drops of rain fall down onto Elea's head, she looks up, closing her eyes and allowing the water to wash over her. It wasn't much, but the natural sprinkle felt like a cleansing wave. It refreshes her physically, but also washes away the remaining sensations of her encounter with the demoness. She sighs into the rain, then shakes her head and opens her eyes again.

Night. If the demons she had seen were comfortable walking around in daylight, she had no desire to see their energy in darkness. The ranger looks around at the buildings, the river, and forest. Her experiences in the human buildings lead her to feel that any structure she might take shelter would be unsafe. She understands the wilds, and feels she could rest easier there, but wonders if she would have enough time to reach them and prepare for the coming night before it arrived.

Walking out towards the river, Elea looks back and and forth between the city and the forest. If she could find a building that appeared defensible, she would clear and fortify it. If not, she would need to hurry and reach the woods before night came.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The river was wide and deep, and Elea didn't think it wise to risk crossing it without some kind of craft, none of which were in sight. That left the bridge, or perhaps trying to find a safe building to stay in. all around her were warehouses, at least at the moment, though she remembered that there were many houses along the road.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The warehouses being the last place Elea wants to spend a night, she heads back out to the street, heading back towards the bridge, looking for a defensible building. Though she wasn't very experienced fighting in a human town, Elea at least knew to look for a building with as few windows and doors as possible, to minimize the places an enemy could sneak in through.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Passing between two warehouses, Elea finds the street just as she left it, though now a bit muddy from the light rain. All of the housing is much the same, small one or two story huts, made of wood or stone or clay bricks. Some of them still have salvageable doors, and most of them only have a handful of small windows.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Picking out one house in particular that seemed a bit more defensible than the rest, Elea heads into it: a two story house with few windows, an intact though squeakily swinging door, and bordered closely by two other buildings, leaving only very small alleys on either side. Sword drawn, she enters the building as queitly as possible, keeping an eye out for any surprises.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success
Perception: Success

Elea slowly creeps into a house which she believes would be perfect for her, its door creaking slightly as she nudges it to slip into the small brick house. She glances around, and immediately spots the lone, small, clawed demon sitting in the corner, seemingly sleeping.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Sword held high, Elea creeps over to the sleeping demon, ready to bring an end to it's foul existence. 'Hopefully this is the only demon nearby, ' she thinks, preparing herself for a search of the house.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success
Damage and to-hit are auto kill.

Elea creeps over to the sleeping demon, the creature not budging until she drives her short sword through its skull. The demon spasms, but otherwise remains still, quite dead. A pool of blood slowly extends from it as the ranger turns away.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea takes a second to wipe the demon blood from her blade with a scrap of cloth on the floor, then moves through the house, stalking quietly from room to room to make sure the rest of the building is clear.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The bottom floor being clear except for the demon she'd already killed, Elea head upstairs. The second floor has only two rooms, the one with the stairs in it and another room, which she guesses must be a bedroom as she approaches.

Upon cautiously entering it, she is startled by a quick, deep laugh coming from her left. She spins to her side, expecting an attack, only to see a lone, black robed man standing placidly in the corner. All she can see of him are his eyes and his pale forehead, the rest of him covered by his black hooded robe, a bandana around his mouth, and gloves on his hands.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Remembering her encounter with the demoness, Elea chooses to keep her distance. With her blade between herself and the masked stranger, Elea stays by the door, and says, "I've had my share of surprises today. Name yourself, and what you're doing here, or I run you through."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

The man just laughs, and opens his coat to reveal a strange array of items beneath, including what she recognizes as darkhearts held in a clear sack, and says; "What are ya sellin?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Staring at the man, Elea tenses as he moves to open his coat, ready to attack. She waits though, and after a moment realizes what he is: a merchant. As she looks over the various items inside his coat, she keeps her weapon between them, though lowers it and takes a more relaxed stance.

"Selling?" she asks, looking back at the man's face. It occurs to her that he must be seeking items left by the slain demons, probably to sell to wizards in foreign lands. "You wish to profit from this catastrophe? Despicable." While the elf did take the strange skin from the demons she had killed earlier, that was to return to the elven scholars, to help find ways to fight the demons in the future. "I think you're asking the wrong person for patronage."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

"Stalker skin! Twenty coin a piece, what'd ya say?" The man replies, seemingly oblivious to her distaste for the idea. "Or are ya buyin?" The man continues, after a moment of silence, opening the other side of his coat to reveal dozens of weapons of varying types.

Elea is surprised by the amount of stuff he can store in his coat, and wonders how he keeps all of it in there.

Shop Inventory:
Stalker Skin - 20 denarii
Darkheart - 20 denarii
Goblin Fang - 5 denarii
Knights Blood - 50 denarii
Lords Blood - 100 denarii
Shorn Nectar - 30 denarii
Darkwalker Venom Gland - 20 denarii
Frost Spider Venom gland - 20 denarii
Gruffs Horn - 25 denarii
Trollbone - 30 denarii
Hellhounds Fang - 30 denarii
Ammo x 50 (any kind) - 20 denarii
Any Basic Weapon - 50 denarii
Any Basic Armor - AV x 10 denarii
Koons Revolver - 8 shot revolver, reload speed is 10 per round, range 40 feet, d12 + 18 damage per shot, +6 to-hit, 200 denarii
Blackwood Shortbow - bow, range 60, reload 10 - speed, damage d8 + Body/2 + 6, +4 to-hit, 280 denarii
Elven War Torch - shortsword double edged, all attacks deal an additional d8 x 2 damage, + 4 to-hit, 200 denarii
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Raising an eyebrow at the man's apparent lack of interest in her disinterest, Elea shakes her head until her eyes happen upon the rather spectacular elven sword and bow hanging in his coat. She takes a step forward to take a closer look at the weapons as her own blade falls down to her side. "Those weapons," she says, incredulous, "They are elven relics!" As she studied the weapons, her imagination began to run wild with fantasies of her using their power to destroy the entire demon army with ease. The thought of running through the demoness who had abused her earlier brought a grin to the elf's face.

Despite her previous objections, Elea asked the man for the price he wanted for the weapons, though looked dismayed at his response. "I'm afraid I don't have enough denarii to purchase them," she said, backing away with a look of obvious disappointment on her face. 'Perhaps if I slay more demons, I can buy them from him later' she thinks to herself, biting her lip at the thought of leaving the weapons behind. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in trading at this time. However if I find you again later, I may be," she said to the man.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

"Pleasure dealing with ya, stranger." The man replies, and closes his coat. He stands placidly, apparently not going anywhere anytime soon.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea eyes the man quizzically for a moment as the man stands in place. She had actually been expecting him to leave after his offer to trade had been turned down, though why she thought that she has no idea. For a second the elf was about to ask the man to leave as she had no desire to spend the night in the building with the strange man, but reconsiders. He was in the building first, after all, and it would be presumptuous of her to ask him to leave just so she could feel comfortable in what she assumed was a safe haven that he had found. "Well then, some other time then," she says nervously before stepping out of the room and down the stairs.

Upon reaching the first floor, Elea bites her lip nervously as she considers her options. The man seemed to have no interest in her beyond trading, but would that change if she dropped her guard? On the other hand, with the daylight rapidly diminishing outside, could the ranger find a more suitable place to rest for the night before the demons became more active? Deciding to err on the side of the lesser evil, she resolves to spend the night in the house she was in.

Elea steps over to the still squeakily swinging door and closes it, while looking for a lock. Anything that tried to enter through there would not be able to surprise her. She also finds anything sturdy and slides it up against any windows, to try to block them off if possibly. Finally, she moves back into one of the farther back rooms, a bedroom, and shuts the door before removing her armor and weapons. As the last bits of the leather and metal suit fall to the ground, she gives a sigh of relief, followed by a shiver. Being free of the restrictive suit felt good, but at the same time, made the elf feel vulnerable. She removes the cover from the bed the looks at it. 'Sleeping in the bed itself feels like asking for trouble," she thinks, before wrapping the cover around herself and moving to the far corner of the room and sitting down against the wall, lying her blade down by her side. Trying not to think of the things that had happened to her today, Elea tries to fall asleep, while at the same time keeping an ear open for any strange sounds.