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Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 27/36

The woman grasps Eleas hand firmly, and suddenly yanks the elf toward her, her eyes filled with hunger.

Grapple: 19 + 22 = 41 vs 34 = Enemy Wins.

The woman easily pulls Elea down onto her, and then flips her over so that she is on top of the elf, holding her arms behind her back. Suddenly, she gives a whooping shout, and Elea hears scrambling from above her, as though something is coming from downstairs.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

"What the-," Elea yells as the woman pulls her to the ground. The sudden sound of footsteps sending a wave of panic through Elea as she looks up at the woman, shocked. A second later though, and the look of shock is replaced by anger. "Damn," Elea mutters, just before she heaves with all her strength against the woman holding her.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 27/36, Grappled

Grapple: 18 + 30 = 48 vs 16 + 22 = 38 == Elea wins.

Elea is easily able to pull herself from the womans grasp, and regain her footing. She faces the woman as she rises, sword in hand. The footsteps seem to be coming closer, and whatever is coming should be here in a few seconds.
The woman lunges at her, her eyes glowing madly.

Grapple: 15 + 22 = 37 vs 34 = Enemy wins.

And Elea is unable to bring her sword in line before she is tackled once again.

(Just FYI, you can attack while in a grapple.)
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Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

"Damn!" Elea mutters, as she once again hits the ground under the woman. Although the ranger had hoped to help the woman, it iss obvious that she is beyond help. The demons had corrupted her to the point of madness and, just as with the bear, Elea's only option is to put the woman out of her misery. "Forgive me," she says, gripping the hilt of her sword tightly, before swinging it up across the woman's face, hoping to at least knock her out, if not kill her.

(use sword bash attack)
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 28/36, Grappled

Grapple: 1 + 30 = 31 vs 17 + 22 = 39 == Enemy wins.

The woman doesn't respond to Eleas statement, but as she raises her sword to strike, the womans hand snakes up and grabs her wrist. She tries to get a hold on the elf.

Grapple: 12 + 22 = 34 vs 19 + 30 = 49 == Elea wins.

But Elea pulls her wrist from the womans grasp once more.

The footsteps suddenly stop, and Elea sees a hint of black at the doorway before it vanishes, and a loud cracking sound, like breaking bone, is heard.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

With her attack foiled, Elea growls at the woman holding her down, but pauses when she catches a glimpse of something in the doorway. 'I need to get this woman off me, now!' she thinks, grimacing. Once again the elf raises her sword, this time aiming the pommel to hit the woman on the top of the head.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 28/36

Grapple: 7 + 30 = 37 vs 8 + 22 = 30 = Elea wins.
Damage: 1 + 15 = 16 damage.

Elea hammers the guard of her blade into the womans head, and she reals back in pain. She moves to attack Elea once again as the elf regains her feet, but she is grabbed from behind, and suddenly a long curved blade erupts through her chest. The woman goes limp instantly, and the blade retracts, bloodless, and its wielder re-sheaths it.

Before Elea, an incredibly tall, dark garbed man stands, his face entirely covered by a black mask, including reflective parts where his eyes should be. He wears a long black coat and a wide-brimmed hat, and every visible part of him is black save for the burning red skull on his chest.
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Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Despite the fact that the black-garbed man in front of her had assisted her and sheathed his weapon so quickly after finishing off the woman, his appearance causes Elea to remain wary of him. Her own blade stays free of it's scabbard, though held loosely and pointed to the floor. Eyes narrowed and breathing heavily, Elea regards the man suspiciously.

"You have my thanks, stranger," Elea says guardedly. She watches him carefully, wary of any sudden movement, and offers no other words.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 28/36

"You are welcome, elf. Though you probably didn't need much help, unlike the last uncorrupted mortal I came across. You need not fear me. Were I to try to kill you, you would be dead. So, you must assume that I mean you no harm. What are you doing in this place?" The man says, his voice hoarse and low. He doesn't move, not even his breathing or slight twitches of muscle are caught by Eleas sharp eyes.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

"I assume no such thing," Elea replies to his reasoning. "I've been fooled once already by seemingly innocent intentions, as you've seen," she continues, pointing her sword to the woman's corpse, "and I intend for it not to happen again." After finishing, however, Elea proceeds to sheath her sword, crossing her arms as she looks at the man. "But I will give the man who assisted me the benefit of the doubt."

Walking over to the corpse of the newborn creature she had slain before the woman attacked her, Elea motions to it. "I've come to investigate the rumors of demonic corruption in these lands. They are close to my own, you see," she says, looking back towards the man. "Now that I've witnessed the taint these demons have left, I seek a way to remove it." Taking a moment to look the stranger over, she asks, "And you?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 28/36

The man laughs deeply, his form shaking as his booming, hoarse voice fills the room. "Very noble of you, elfling. I am here to do what my kind go everywhere and anywhere to do: to feed. What think you, now that you have seen it, of this towns denizens? How would you remove the corruption from this place?" He replies.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

'Feed? A daemon,' Elea thinks, confirming her suspicions of the man's true nature. The ranger had never encountered a daemon before, but knew the stories. Powerful creatures who roam the world seeking spiritual energy to further empower themselves. Dangerous, but generally only to those that interest them. The demons in this town have attracted a formidable opponent. His laughter at her cause, though, disabused the elf of any notion that he might be some ally to her.

Shaking her head, Elea responds, "Truthfully, I am not so powerful that I can reverse such an affliction." She motions to the woman's corpse, it eyes still open and glaring balefully at the ground, the smoldering red coloration clearly visible. "I can only offer the people of this town a merciful end. But every demon that I slay can only impede any plans they might have for this world."

Elea is silent a moment, then asks, "I take it you have experience fighting these demons? Have you any knowledge of some way to save these people? Or at least to stem the tide of their corruption?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 28/36

(You'll regain another point next round.)

"Experience? Of course. I was there when the last portal opened. And the one before that. And the one before that. As to whether the corruption can be reversed, the answer is no. You are correct, in saying that you give them the mercy of death, since the mortals who were here are all warped, either into food sources, or ways of breeding for the demons. Industrious creatures." The daemon says.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

"Insidious," Elea mutters, correcting the daemon. The idea that the demons would use their victims as breeding fodder, as livestock, playthings, made the elf curl her lip in disgust. "And these other portals. You were there when they were opened. How about when they were closed? How were these invaders defeated before?" she asked, moving closer to the daemon now, inspecting him.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36

The daemon gives another laugh at her correction, and replies; "The portals close when whatever opened them dies, or decides to close them. They are workings of incredibly powerful will, few beings in existence can hope to create such things. Only a daemon, or perhaps one of the very powerful demon sorcerers could hope to create a portal to another world."

The daemon stood at over eight feet, his black coat coming down to halfway between his knees and his ankles, and he wore the curved sword she'd seen him holding at his belt in a battered green scabbard. His mask covered his entire face, and when she looked at his neck she saw only more blackness, looking more like fabric than skin. His hands had what looked like spiked steel gauntlets on them, also black.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea takes a moment to consider this information. A daemon or powerful demon sorcerer? The ranger only had experience fighting mortal soldiers and magi. Beings such as those suggested might be too strong for her to defeat. But this daemon might prove capable.

"So, you seek to feed on these demons. Will you also seek out the one who opened the portal? I suspect the energy of a powerful creature like that would be desirable to a daemon such as yourself? " Elea asks, both out of genuine interest in his intent, and an attempt to plant the idea in his head.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36

The daemon laughs again, and says; "Clever. I will tell you this. Every time a portal has opened, it has been by the same being, and every time, that being has evaded me before being forced to retreat. However, why deprive myself of so ripe a food source so soon?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

This time it it's Elea's turn to laugh, a soft, sweet sound in contrast to the daemon's booming voice "Perhaps he evades you because you don't sound very interested in finding him," she says, a smile spread across her face. She looks up at the huge daemon's face, at his reflective eyes, and says, "I must thank you again, for all this information. However, I intend to find this creature, and see if there is something that can be done about all this." Elea steps away from the daemon, then asks over her shoulder, "If I may ask one more question, just who is this being that has caused all this suffering?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36

The daemon only shrugs at her question, and replies; "I don't know their name, nor have I seen them. If I had either, they would no longer exist. Though, if you do come across any likely candidates, all you need to do is say my name, and I'll be more than happy to come deal with them for you. They're likely out of your league anyway."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

"A generous offer," Elea says, smiling again. "And what name shall I call when I've found our mystery villain?"