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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Hello, I'm in the cockpit!" Caitlin called back, staring at the screen a few seconds longer before turning, spotting who had come to visit. "Ah, hello again." She said with a smile. "I was going to ask earlier, but I had forgotten. Have you expanded on this technology at all? It makes a good power source, but I also use it for propulsion, it provides wonderful benefits."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

((Switching Kars' speech colour to basic blue I think, since no one else seems to be using it.))

Arriving back at the hanger also, Kars heads over to his ship where it was currently occupying a hanger space that frankly was far too large for it. But if that's where the docking drones thought it should go, why bother arguing. Perched on top of the tiny craft sat a comparably tiny figure wearing a vac-suit much like Kars, slouching back and looking rather bored. "So it wasn't a trap after all?" The figure calls to Kars in a somewhat deep and raspy voice that sounded a fair bit like a malfunctioning helmet speaker.

"I told you it wouldn't be." Kars replies flatly, pulling on a portion of the ship and kicking a small access hatch open. "And what are you doing out of your hole anyway?" He adds as he begins to poke about with the guts of the craft.

"I don't like being upside down that long. You took ages."

"Pfft. Quit whining and get -*ungh*- down, here, to empty the ammo feeds. I'm gonna go get those free munitions the ad said about." Said with a grunt and a clunk as he yanks out a sliding section of the ship with some considerable effort.

"What? Again? All of them? And in gravity?" Ko immediately protests, sliding down the hull of the ship to land on the hanger deck.

"Yep! Have it done by the time I get back. And don't forget to clear the chambers this time." Kars calls back in a casual and somewhat trollish manner as he heads off again to find the relevant station crew for obtaining the ammunition he sought.

His co-pilot merely grumbles and turns to the ship. Giving it a short kick before reaching into the hatch and going about unlocking the eight hefty ammunition feed belts.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven chuckled.

"We use subspace for travel, carving through it at speeds that most other ships would be torn apart by. To put is simply, I could leave this galaxy and reach the void in just about a day's time, and be back at my home planet in slightly more than thirty six of your hours. While in hyper-space, I can use the power generated by subspace to recharge everything on my ship."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I have no idea how the math adds up on that, but if it works, I can't really argue it." Caitlin replied with an odd look. "I meant at sublight speeds, however. It's possible to convert the energy from the power source to emit a different kind of field, as opposed to the subspace bubble. It allows for movement through realspace on it's own, with surprising dexterity." She explained, looking up at the large Ingrali as they spoke.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali paused for a moment, seeming to sift his memory of their sublight engines.

"Interesting, no I don't believe our own sublights work off that principle, the thought of using the energy to create a different field hadn't occurred to me either. I suppose it wouldn't be all that difficult to adapt our own engines to that, most of the groundwork for something like that already would be in place with the collectors."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Exactly, it's very efficient overall." Caitlin replied with a nod. "Do you have the schematics on something viewable? Depending on how deft your tech is at reading ours, I could likely show you how the emitter works, though it has some parts that are difficult to fabricate, and the range is rather low. From what i recall of your mention of your ship, I suspect you would need between four and six to extend the field over all of it."

Preetty sure her propulsion would be rediculously, stupidly overpowered on a better ship, probably safer to say he can't replicate it at teh moment.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded, a holographic image popping up of a wide array of circuits and the like, connecting to what could best be described as a storage unit. The material was unknown to her though, listed in some word she could only guess was in Ingrali. The collector device seemed simple enough to her, it seemed to constantly tap into the surrounding space and sub-space around the ship, drawing in a charge and storing it, trickling it in or stopping it when near full capacity, and capable of absorbing larger amounts when needed. The problem she would note, was because the material they were made of was completely alien to her, it would make creating the new devices next to impossible to properly mesh with his own systems without access to whatever the hell his ship and devices were constructed from. She might be able to create something for her own ship with materials to her, but to reverse it and create something for his own would be impossible without the right material. Given she'd never seen it, it was probably safe to say it didn't exist in this galaxy.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Mmm... Hmm..." Caitlin said slowly, leaning forward and manipulating the image, looking at specific components and from multiple angles. "I think... For the most part, our systems are incompatable, which is strange. What material is your ship made of?" She asked, pointing at some of the mounting on the schematics. "I'm guessing from the composition that it would be somewhat resistant to the field my propulsion runs on. It could probably still be done, but it would need boosted output, and most likely needs a very precise setting even then."

"I'm not even sure how much of this I can use to improve my own design. I'll have to spend some more time with it to know for sure, though." She explained, settling back into her chair, and the Ingrali could have sword he saw one of her legs twitch. "Can I keep this entire setup, or do I need to download the schematics to my own system?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven smiled slightly.

"We call it Kravochite, it's a durable metallic type material found, as far as we can tell, only in our own galaxy. It takes a lot to damage it, but it also is conductive to the type of energy systems we use, and contains it. So quite literally, it's not only a building material, but usable as conductive conduit lining as well. Keep that if you'd like, the technology exists here already, so sharing it would not be a problem."

She might notice a small eyebrow twitch at what he thought he saw, but the Ingrali said nothing, whether out of respect, or because he dismissed it was impossible to say.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Sounds incredibly useful. Thank you." Caitlin replied. "If I figure out anything that can be of use, I'll pass it over to you. Would you like me to send a copy to the station as well, since they also requested it, or do you have that handled?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven thought a moment.

"If you could, that would be helpful. I need to go set up a few extra power cells for my own weaponry since nothing this station has will be usable with my own armaments. Thank you."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The scientist nodded, starting to work on connecting the device with her systems, so she could broadcast the schematics to the station. "I'll do that, then, will give me something to do while I wait for the hitchhiker. See you on the station, then?" She asked lightly, not looking back at the Ingrali.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"You will. Actually, I will see you before you see me."

With a small chuckle, he started off, leaving her to her own devices.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell growls as he approaches the soldiers, exaggerating his footfalls as he stomps towards them, intending to shove his way past. "Wide load coming through." he says through gritted teeth, his left hand occupied with carrying his weapon crate as he uses his right arm to push some of the soldiers aside.

"Woah hey!" "Watch it-" "STARS DAMN IT!" Something shattered on the ground, and the entire hallway grew dead quiet in a heartbeat. A soldier with a big, hook-like nose grabbed Krell to turn him around towards him (and failing miserably at it). Still, he managed to stop the Pan Kor. "You spilled my drink, you stupid space cow," the man hissed from behind clenched teeth. The other soldiers behind him paled. "Uh Jared, I don't think this is-" "SHUT UP!" Jared turned around to him, making the mistake of taking his eyes off Krell. "First I have to lug that cripple around for half an hour so you dolts can search her chair, then the psitard shows up, and now this walking lawn mower spilled my Pepoca!"


Fletch was just fumbling his tool belt into his jeans as the comm activated. Cursing under his breath and half-hopping towards the console, he answered. "Well, what's the diagnosis, doc? I pray to the stars it's not the reactor, or I'll have to put on the suit." As a matter of fact, after the diagnosis app of Maria's board computer ran its course, the FTL drive seemed to be the problem. That'd be better. Not as much radiation.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell stops in his tracks when the Terran grabs hold of him, and fails to even budge him. He right hand began to clench into a fist as he growled, and when the Terran turned around, so did he, tilting the case back and sliding it along his shoulder so that most of it was hanging over his back. "You're lucky that's all you spilled. Most folks spill a much redder liquid when I decide to force my way." he says, hunching over even further to bare his teeth at the shorter being, the growths on his chin filling with blood.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

At that point, it had dawned even on Jared that this may not have been the brightest idea. However, out of some juvenile (and stupid) need to prove himself, the marine couldn't back down. "Stow it, tough guy," he sneered. "You're gonna pay for my drink, and you're gonna pay for cleaning my uniform," he added, pointing to a stain on his shirt. And then he grabbed Krell's goatee.
For some reason, Fletch suddenly felt like laughing his ass off.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell roars when the marine grabs his goatee, bringing his right fist forward for a punch aimed at the marine's abdomen, while simultaneously pulling back with his head to try and yank his goatee out of the man's grip.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

There was no need for Krell to pull his head back. If Jared would've had his shields up, he might have been able to take a full blow from an angry Pan Kor. But unshielded and unprepared? No chance in the void. Jared was knocked clean off his feet and actually flew a couple feet before he crashed into a wall, slumping down unconscious. Before Krell could go after him, though, the other marines swarmed him, blocking his path. "Hey man, that's enough." "I think he learned his lesson." "Duuuuuuuude." "Somebody call a medic. Jared's punk ass is out cold."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell opens his right hand and snorts, adjusting the case on his shoulder. "Maybe now he'll learn to respect others." he says, looking down at the other soldiers. "No worries. If he's built as tough as the marines I've fought beside, he'll walk it off." Krell begins to chuckle at this, the blood draining from his goatee as he turns around. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a flight to catch." he says, reaching his right hand up to rub his goatee as he walks off towards the hangar bay.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The other marines stayed behind to wait for the medic, and as Krell continued down the hallway, everybody gave him and his weapon locker a wide berth. Even with his mood cleared up, the Pan Kor still inspired respect and fear in those that just saw him punch a man across the hallway.