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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Since the day had been somewhat long and it was likely night-time at the surface world, there was little reason to decline the offer. Once again, it was a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity, to spend a night at the High Court of the Yamas. A silly and brief thought about starting a pillow fight with Komachi passed Byakuren's mind, but she held the silliness back, considering the location where they were. And there had already been enough hardships in the near history of the shinigami and Shikieiki, so it was likely for the best to not cause further chaos and test the patience of the denizens of Hell. "I'll be off to my boat soon, gotta drag the deceased over here to their final judgements. But here we are, the guestroom." Komachi announced as they were let in. The room was big as expected, with enough room and equipment to house some twenty people comfortably. There even was a pot and fireplace in the middle, but there was no real need for them, so the equipment would go unused today. After Komachi's departure, it was only a short while until all of them were snoozing away in the forever dusk that permeated the hellscape outside.

Still, some time later into the night, the mage was stirred from her rest. While there was no discernible reason for the happening, Byakuren still decided to go out and have a bit of fresh air. Sliding a door on the back open, she stepped out and closed the slider behind her. In the backyard, there was only a small pool of water to be seen in the reddish glow of the hellscape. After spending some time looking into the water, a vision began to form onto the surface. It showed a small group of nondescript souls waiting for something on a patch of land that was dominated by red, somewhat spidery flowers. No hassle or noise disturbed them, it was a totally orderly and serene scene to witness. Only a moment later, a small boat landed near them, a familiar person guiding them onboard. That is how the deceased moved onwards. Even in death, there was order to things. Following the events for a bit more, the former monk eventually departed back inside to try and carry on sleeping, seeing Komachi at work calming her down somewhat.

In what was most likely morning up over at the surface world, the group began to wake up. One after another, the individual members got up from their respective slumbers, having spent what was probably the most peaceful night in a long while in absolute quiet and serenity. Almost as if on cue, Shiki strode in to the room once there was a sembalance of readiness, looking totally fresh. A pair of shinigami followed in her wake, bringing some light breakfast foods to eat with them. "Sleepyheads. Do not overuse my hospitality." she snapped at them verbally, but the look on the yama's face showed that she was happy with the room having some use to house guests once in a while. "Was just coming over to ask if you guys wanted to follow the trial of our little imposter. You don't have to, but you can if you want, the whole scenario will be handled anyway." she asked them as the group nommed away.

A. Stay for a while longer and see what happens at the trial

B. Leave early and head towards the surface world

C. Things? Of other kinds?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Pineapples for the pineapple lovers ?

Anyway, A is my choice.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Turning the ritual into a sexually charged riot and watching it descend into a massive orgy would be fun though. Mah.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"As you wish. I just might have to ask a few things from you during the trials, just to get some additional weight to the things I am about to present to the rest of my underlings. There have been suspicions about someone attempting to rise above their position, and I feel this is where that will be revealed." Shiki told the group as they had their morning meal. Having confirmed the group's presence at the events, she left them to finish. "When you are done and happy with your breakfast, get to the main trial hall, time is of the essence." the small head yama called back to them as she moved out. It was not too long of a deal for them to reach a level of satisfaction with their meals, and only a mere ten minutes later, they were sitting at a set of side seats in the main hall.

Calling for order, Shiki started the trials as soon as everyone had seated themselves down. The imposter Nue was brought out, looking as she had looked at the time when Byakuren's group handed her over. Looked like the head yama hadn't gotten the chance to spend time with her yet, the significance of that happening to you being a thing that the mage herself knew very well. Maybe the whole trial process had still prevented her from doing anything from her playbook onto Nue. Once the questioning began in earnest, it was quickly revealed that there indeed had been an attempt of overthrowing Shikieiki from her position by another in the cadre of yamas, specifically a lady yama who sported a much more mature look. While there was a clear vision about the judges of Hell being orderly beings, this particular one didn't seem to be willing to maintain the order now that her freedom was compromised. The other yamas and the whole cadre of scythe-wielding shinigamis were totally ready to deal with her, but Shiki herself was not having it. Barking an order to the others to stop them, she got up from her seat, appearing in front of the potential usurper in the blink of an eye. Already having her arm partially held out, the tiny head yama straightened it out to full lenght right there, connecting the palm to the older-looking yama's midsection. Even this minor-looking impact was a soul-crushing blow, sending the rebelling judge flying towards the other end of the massive hall. "Hmph, such a pretentious individual... even this tiny hand could break you with such a simple gesture, and you think you can be the head judge of Hell? Oh please." Shikieiki remarked at the other, even as they were too far away to hear it. "Get her up from there and throw her into the cells with that imposter yama. I'll be dealing with them once the day is through." she issued and order to the security, having just completely taken their work from them.

With the possible threat to security dealt with, Shiki calmly walked back to her seat of power. "This case is finished, order is restored. Everyone, get to your own stations and start up with work, there's a lot of deceased people to go through." she urged the remaining group of judges, basically dismissing the court for now. The group had finished their business, so it was up to them what to do with themselves and Mamizou.

A. Have a look around the city

B. Head back towards the surface world

C. Things?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Let's look around for treasure! Certain red-headed treasure.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

There was no objections against the idea of investigating the city of the dead in more detail. Byakuren herself had been here before but never had the opportunity to see any other places besides the Yama's court and Komachi's humble home. It was actually weird to see that the one shinigami that was most famous among her kin lived in such a small place. Not wanting to spend any further time just standing there, the group moved on to look around.

After spending a few hours at the city, the group hadn't found anything particularly interesting in all their wanderings. The city was kept pretty clean, even if it was in place as secluded as Hell itself. All that really happened was that they had wasted their time in a society that didn't really have things that would be helpful to overlanders. Seeing no further reason to stay at the Yama city, the party departed towards their temporary home, their purpose of visiting fulfilled.

It was hardly any effort to return to the surface, just as the journey to the underworld had been. On the ship, the situation was looking pretty much the same as before, the fairy and friends had taken care of business. Still, there were random patches of ice here and there, but the things shouldn't prove too hard to get away. Now safely home, there were more everyday things to consider, like eating. But before there could be too much action, the still captive Mamizou spoke up. "Come on, ain't this enough already? Let me go, isn't all this naked parading and rape enough for one poor raccoon? Haven't you had enough fun?" she broke out in a verbal burst, not too happy about being dragged around all over the land in the nude and bound in ropes.

(Alright, double vote)

1A: Get your average fare from the surroundings as food

1B: Ask if Remilia is willing to share

1C: Something else?

2A: Release Mamizou

2B: Keep her captive still

2C: Something else here?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Plain food is fine too. As for Mamizou, perhaps give her some clothes, but keep her around. We can ease up on her slowly over time, and make her love us! Loyal pet raccoon!
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Plain food is fine too. As for Mamizou, perhaps give her some clothes, but keep her around. We can ease up on her slowly over time, and make her love us! Loyal pet raccoon!


Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

1A 2C (tiffanian's C)
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Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Plain food is fine too. As for Mamizou, perhaps give her some clothes, but keep her around. We can ease up on her slowly over time, and make her love us! Loyal pet raccoon!
Just for the fun :D !