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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Yuuka <3
Shame she didn't get to beat up Shiki for us.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I will not be satisfied until we have drank the blood of the yama and buried her deep.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Yuuka! She saved us. Let's go and be friends with her.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I am with Tiff on this one. And let's face it, Gensokyo's Ultimate Sadistic Creature is exactly who we need.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I still wish Eirin was on standby. It is Yuuka, after all. >.>
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Supremely unanimous A. Who would've thought....")

Despite not being completely sure about the safety of herself and the surrounding people, Byakuren gathered up the courage to sit next to Yuuka at her chosen table. The Flower Master's mere presence still had an uneasing effect on her, and what she had heard her say previously wasn't helping the matter. But the youkai lady seemed to be in good spirits, even going as far as pouring the mage some drink as she got down on the chair. "Oh, it's you. That delicious woman from a few days ago. Should we do that again, I'd be up for it once more." Byakuren was asked, but she politely refused the suggestion, drawing a brief frown from Yuuka. But she didn't seem to mind and turned back to her drink, savoring the rare moment of company and spirits. As the woman had her enjoyment, the mage asked her a question that was bugging her. "Uhmm... you surely don't mean to do what you said previously in case there is more "silly drama" in your presence?" The question made Yuuka release a brief, elegant laugh. "Of course I do. It's not like myself to break promises such as that one." she smiled happily after the answer, deeply disturbing Byakuren who hoped no-one else had enough malice to purposefully drive the flower youkai into a homicidal rage. There would be insane amounts of violence if she decided to go wild.

Instead she turned the youkai's attention towards the competition, as she had promised to act as a judge. The event started shortly, with each contestant receiving the first bowl of rice and eel along with the sake. Yuugi started strong, chugging down the drinks faster than anyone else in the group, not doing too bad with the food either. But the food department was completely dominated by the elegant, pink-haired woman in a blue dress. The way she was eating all that meat and rice soon made a few of the competitors give up, seeing as they didn't see their chances being too good against this hungry being who just gobbled down one meal after the other. The swordgirl Youmu seemed to be cheering for the woman from a nearby table, making it clear that the competitor was something of a superior to her.

Some twenty minutes later, only Yuugi and the blue-dressed woman remained, all others had either given up or consumed too much. Despite the legendary prowess of the oni at the art of chugging down alcohol, Yuugi was having a hard time keeping everything inside while the other female wasn't showing any signs of feeling bad or drunkenness. A few minutes later, the oni woman toppled from her chair and threw up violently, losing the battle to this pink-haired woman. Despite having won, the winner still insisted to be allowed to carry on, and Yuuka being the judge allowed her. Only after it looked like the party might not be able to supply the rest of the feasters if this carried on did the woman stop, looking dissappointed. "Ohhhh, I was just about halfway there. When will this hunger ever be completely fullfilled...." she muttered as Yuuka raised her hand to signal victory. The flower youkai could be heard asking her a question afterwards, for the reason of her participation as she knew no-one would be able to match that immense desire of food. After realizing that she had just answered her own question, Yuuka wandered back to the table, feeling like eel and rice herself. The fairies didn't want to make this guest start feeling bad, and thus brought her a bowl to eat, not sure if the elder youkai would fly off the handle when denied.

As Yuuka was eating next to her, the winner of the competition came over to their table, sitting next to Byakuren as she was curious about the mage. Youmu too joined them as the blue-dressed woman did. The woman showed no sign of drunkenness, despite having taken in at least four or five large bottles of sake. This could turn out to be an interesting table to be at.

A. Stay at the table and enjoy the atmosphere with these people

B. Go look for your companions instead

C. Something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Just make sure not to get beaten, chopped up or eaten by either of them by doing something stupid.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


The big wigs are here. It'd be nice to get to know them, don't you think?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


... But only because I'm too afraid that they'd be insulted and do terrible things to us if we left now!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Sure A!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(This will possibly be my last entry before the trip to Japan that starts at wednesday, which will likely result in a gap between the posts.... Wait, I'm already leaving huge gaps as of late. Carry on like I said nothing.

I had originally planned to finish the story before the trip, but my recent brain-failing has prevented this. Oh well..)

The two powerful females made for good company during the lovely night of feasting, even if Yuuka was an unpredictable one to have in a social gathering like this due to her sudden mood swings and the violent streak that might follow. Byakuren thoroughly enjoyed being with these two, as both had experiences and wisdom to share, having been around these parts for long periods of time. The blue-dressed woman identified herself as Yuyuko Saigyouji, a ghost princess. That explained her ability to eat without any hinderance, as she most likely didn't have a proper digestive system to make ill with all the food she scarfed down. Youmu held back on talking, despite getting multiple pokes from Yuyuko in an attempt to make her join in on the conversation. The two of them had what seemed like a very fun mistress and servant relationship, with a whimsical, playful mistress and a serious servant.

After spending some time with the trio and getting to know them somewhat, Byakuren thought about asking the ethereal beauty Yuyuko about helping them out with the future mission. The pink-haired woman replied with a smile, saying that she was not sure about her magic being the right kind for that sort of job. But still, she promised to counsel Yukari for an answer, as she shared a deep friendship with the Mistress of the Gaps. With that in her mind, the mage departed from the table, remembering that she had made a promise to a certain shinigami earlier. That promise was to be fulfilled soon....

As she went about looking for Komachi, Byakuren happened to pass by Eirin's tent. A brief idea flashed into her mind as she happened to think about the doctor's medicines. There might be something fun in there to further boost the upcoming meeting's pleasure levels.

A. Ignore the good doctor's tent

B. Try and get something from Eirin's medicines

C. Something equally crazy?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Trying to loot from Eirin will only lead to involuntary suppositories as we're likely to get caught. And drugs are bad mmmmk? And we don't want to keep Komachi waiting any longer than she already have, even thought we could go find a toy or something to use.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C - Enter the tent. Quickly look through the tent idly scanning for good things... Preferably something to really spice the meeting up. Leave a note detailing that she had been here and was willing to do a favour for Eirin when she makes a request.

Also look for - Temporary Busty Bursting medicine.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Do not piss off the medic. Seriously.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

To borrow a phrase from Aurani, Komachi's magnificent bosom is waiting for us.

