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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Time to buff our mobility and falcon punch her in the face.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Short range combat might get us further if she intends to use these things as shields... But rather than punching, I recommend a spellcard. Point-blank. Actually, make that several spellcards, point-blank.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

What Aurani said.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Why not both. Throw a spellcard, or several, at her. And then go in for a few knockout punches to finish her off.

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Her strategy was not working, and Byakuren could see the reason. "This is getting nowhere... those pillars interfere with everything. Only one hit so far.." she thought, moving onto another tactic to hopefully get some damage done. She started to move towards the purple-haired goddess, who had almost ceased any attacks, a few minor patterns being her only defense. Kanako had closed her eyes even, concentrating on some no doubt awesome spell. The pillars didn't move to block any attacks, but their ends kept tracking Byakuren as she moved towards her opponent. The mage closed towards Kanako the best she could, firing away few of her own spells along the way, which were alarmingly endured by the concentrating woman. "Just a mite bit more, then I can truly release my magic. It should be unstoppable at point-blank range..." Byakuren thought as Kanako was only a few dozen feet away from her.

But this part of the plan Kanako had seemingly anticipated as the distance was closing between them. The goddess suddenly snapped out of her meditation, the gathering of power stopping as she did so. "DID YOU PRAY? YOU SHOULD HAVE, FOR THIS WILL BE THE END!" Kanako called out, her voice amplified through some magic. Before Byakuren could react, all the stored energy was released by the opposition as the goddess raised her arms towards the sky, calling forth her divine power to boost the potential of this attack. A tremendously epic torrent of magically-powered amulets started to shoot out from Kanako as her body was engulfed in an intense light. "THIS IS IT. THE MOUNTAIN OF FAITH!!" she further announced her spell before all the pillars released a massive laser beam each. Being so close to Kanako didn't do Byakuren any favors as the attack slammed into her, the minimal distance making any evasion maneuvers impossible. "I.. failed...." were the mage's last thoughts as she was engulfed by a storm of amulets and lasers.

Once Byakuren came back to her senses, she was getting treatment from Eirin, still in the middle of the arena. Her group was there as well, casting worrying gazes to her as they watched the doctor do her work. The air around them was alive with the cheers of the spectators, as Kanako was celebrated as the champion of this year's singles tournament. Not long afterwards, the mage had enough strenght to get back to her feet, further assisted by Shou's helping hand. The main tournaments were now over, but there still was the challenge rounds were things could be done. But those were still waiting for the next day, as the hour was late. While her mind was a bit heavy about losing, Byakuren thought that she could still achive her ultimate goal at the tournament grounds, getting some powerful individuals to help them with the ship's enhancements. With that in mind, she pondered what to do next.

A. Go talk to Kanako

B. Retire back to your group's quarters and take it easy

C. Something else?

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Let's talk to Kanako and be a good sport. A

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suri this is your fault! You tricked me into agreeing with you!
For this vote... I agree with Suri. (A)


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Be a good sport and moles... thank her for the beating.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Be a good sport, tastefully inquire about her willingness to help us murder a certain yama, etc.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Once again, Tiffanian has his priorities straight.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yukkuri shittete ne!
I.e. I can't rightfully support returning Byakuren to the Shiki treatment. >.>
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Not wanting to be a bad sport, Byakuren thought she should give Kanako the congratulations she had earned. The woman had the right kind of strenght, and the mage found herself respecting the opposition. Gathering up her crew, she leads them to meet with the purple-haired goddess, who just might be willing to help them with the boat-related issue as well.

The worst hassle and congratulating had already subsided as the group closed towards Kanako, who saw them coming from a long distance away. Despite her rather smug grin, the goddess didn't act arrogantly, she was just like the last time Byakuren met with her. "Hey there, how are you holding up? Good match, though you were a bit too easy to read. Give some time to practising that unpredictability and you'll start doing well in high-skilled battles like this." the purple-haired woman was instantly giving out some friendly advice towards the future. After introductions were exchanged between the rest of the group and Kanako, the mage layed out the question without too much hesitation. "Kanako-sama, there is an issue I'd like your help in, if it's not too much to ask." she politely addressed the issue, giving out the basic idea and plans for the immidiate future. The goddess listened with a semi-amused look, not giving out too much in the way of expressions or body language. Once the explanation was over, Kanako took a short moment to ponder. "Sounds so idealistic, but no-one's really given a try at something revolutionary like that before. It could work, maybe not to the extent you're hoping but if it makes the majority of both beings able to tolerate and live with the other, it's an admirable thing to dedicate yourself to. I'll give it some thought, and let you know when the event is over." With her word on the matter said for now, Kanako turned on her heels and started going back towards the celebrations, the paper ornaments on her rope ring dramatically fluttering in the evening breeze as she went. As Sanae and Suwako caught up with the woman, Byakuren gave a deep bow in her direction. "Whatever your answer will be, thank you..."

Soon afterwards, another feast was started in celebration for Kanako's victory. Before any excessive feasting started, Shikieiki took the stand. With a rather harsh tone, the Yama gave out a warning that any further massive disturbances would result in severe punishments. Having made her point, the judge stepped down and retreated to allow Kanako receive the gathered Gensokyo's toast in her honor. The thunder of the crowd was as intense as it had been for Byakuren and Murasa, which the goddess took in with her easygoing manner. Now actually gathered in a group, Byakuren considered that she and her companions at least would be able to avoid any issues with the authority-driven Shiki.

After a bit of feasting and drinking, Shou came up with the suggestion of finding another person to speak with about their future plans. The powerful individuals might me more willing to listen now that the atmosphere was merry and relaxed. Immidiately thinking about a few possibilities, Byakuren gathered her companions, and they started moving among the feasters.

A. Ask Eirin

B. Ask Yukari

C. Ask Satori

D. Someone else

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Mhmm, (B) No one is better conected with the various youkai and important personae of this land than Yukari.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I kind of want to vote Satori because I feel that we could use a little mind reading (plus, that seems like the path to Koishi!). >.>

I suppose we should see how Yukari is doing though.

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Having witnessed Yukari's strenght firsthand at the pair tournament, Byakuren thought that the centuries-old elder youkai would be able to help, having both the experience and the magical power behind her. While she hadn't seen the Mistress of the Gaps since their unfortunate encounter with Shiki, the mage thought it might be a good idea to see how she was faring in addition to asking about the help. With that in mind, she gathered up the group and started searching for Yukari among the scores of partiers.

They searched for a time, but couldn't find Yukari in all the hassle and celebration that was going on. But eventually, Nazrin manages to catch a glimpse of Chen, who is going at the tables. The little catgirl is eagerly eating all the meat she can get her hands on, and is munching on a chicken leg as the group approach her. Though she looks a bit uneasy at first from being surrounded, Byakuren's gentle manner calms her down enough to talk with. "You want to meet Yukari-sama? Well, you'll have to ask Ran-sama about that..." the cutesy nekomata replied, taking up some barbequed steak to chow on as she leads the group through a path among all the partiers. "Yukari-sama's been quiet since the other day, but maybe you'll get her to speak." Chen told them along the way, somehow managing to talk among the eating of the delicious barbeque.

The group were lead to a large tent, which was looked over by the fox-woman from earlier, Ran. "It's you lot... Chen, you can go back to the party if you want, I'll take this from here." the kitsune told her little shikigami, petting her head before Chen vanished back among the crowd, no doubt on the hunt for more meat. With the nekomata gone, Ran turned back to the group. "I've been intructed be Yukari-sama to not let anyone besides Dr. Yagokoro, Miss Saigyouji or myself enter her resting areas. You may not speak with her at this moment, but I can relay any messages you might have. I can also be spoken to if there's something to ask. I might not possess the same awesome power Yukari-sama possesses, but I'm not some peon when it comes to magic." Ran quickly laid out the situation. Since she couldn't ask Yukari personally, Byakuren presented her case to the kitsune instead.

Ran listened intently to the plans she was presented with. Once everything had been said, the fox-woman gave the group a little bow. "Alright, I'll explain the situation to Yukari-sama myself when she wakes up. If the Lady is not willing, I'll ask her for permission to come myself. I'd be willing to help in such an endeavor."

With the possible further aid now confirmed, the group pondered their next move.

A. Join into the party and take it easy

B. Go look for someone else in addition to Yukari

C. Something else?