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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We'll keep on the defensive, better reserve our strenght as this might be a drawn out battle." Byakuren replies to Ichirin's quick question. "I have a plan, so you two try to keep her attention."

With this in mind, the three of them engage the creepy anchor girl. Ichirin and Unzan start to harry her the girl with attacks as Byakuren prepares for the strongest spell she's unleashed in a long, long time. Letting the scroll's power flow into her, Byakuren keeps moving as she gathers the magic into her body as the girl still aims some attacks at her. After some time spent gathering power, Byakuren feels herself turn weightless as she rises into the air.
"It's been a long time, but I can fly once again..." the magician thinks, the familiar feeling of flight back to her after what seemed like an eternity. Byakuren is snapped out from her reverie by Ichirin's plea to help.
"This is getting difficult, could use some help here!" she shouts, somehow managing to evade the anchor girl's danmaku and wild swings.

A few evasion maneuvers later, Byakuren feels it's time to release the spell energy she collected. Lifting the scroll over her head, Byakuren releases the magical object, allowing it to unravel and spin around her. As the open scroll keeps circling her, she starts to invoke the spell, an immense white light starting to emanate from her. The light quickly spreads, soon covering everything in sight.
"I need your help, this ship can't fly without a captain..." Byakuren thinks, seeing the girl shrieking as the light engulfs her.

Once the light clears, Byakuren can see it had the desired effect. They are all now onboard a ship that's been restored to it's former glory, purified from the anger of the drowned girl now on her knees. She looks up at the approaching Byakuren
"You wanted to one day pilot this vessel, didn't you? But those pirates, they sank your dreams with that very same anchor as they drowned you.." she says to the girl. "This ship can still be used, but it needs a captain to advance on the road of destiny set before it. Will you be the captain of this fine ship?" Byakuren continues, a friendly smile on her face as she offers her hand to the girl. The girl casts a long stare at her before taking the offered hand, breaking into tears as she is embraced by the magician.
"I get to live out my dreams properly... Thank you... so much..."

They spend the night in the captain's cabin, resting after the voyage and battle they had previously. Once morning comes, they find themselves sailing the calm morning sea as the girl steers the ship with skill. She's gotten a set of clothes for herself, a sailor's uniform with shorts and a captain's hat set half-heartedly on her head. Noticing the other two awake, she comes over to them.
"This ship is now yours to control Byakuren, I'll take it wherever my skill can. I, Minamitsu Murasa, swear this on my dear father's good name, rest his soul"

"So, where should we take this ship? My power alone can't make it permanently flight-capable yet, we need a place to shore it until we can find a few other powerful magic users to make it happen..." Byakure ponders aloud.
"I know a secret lagoon some distance away, could go there?" Murasa offers a spot from her knowledge about the seas nearby

Companion gained 4/4

A. Take the ship back to town

B. Go into Murasa's suggested hideyhole instead
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Might be for the better, but let's not forget to return to Komeiji after we're done here.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Townsfolk might be... Not so eager to welcome Murasa, methinks. Better go along with her.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B. For Boobies!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Byakuren nods at Murasa. "We'll take the ship there, the townspeople might not like seing you there, if they know that it was you sinking all those ships. Someone might recognise the ship as well, even in this restored form."
With their plan clear, they turn sail towards the hidden lagoon so they could leave the ship behind for some time.

A few hours of sailing later, the girls arrive at the lagoon that's concealed among quite a few twists and turns along a cliff face. Once the ship is safely anchored, they all take to the sky on Unzan's back once more as the old nyuudou seems quite happy to carry them around. Remembering the promise to she gave to Koishi, Byakuren instructs them to land near town first. Going in with Ichirin as they reach the plains nearby, the pair look for the girl in the vicinity of the port. They don't need to look farther than the previous meeting spot to find her.
"So, I take we are ready to go?" the yellow-dressed girl asks them. Byakuren nods in reply, taking Koishi along to exit the town once again.

They take to the skies again, now pondering the possible location of the tournament. "I heard the place would be marked with onbashira, but.. there's not been any in the nearby plains" Koishi tells them, offering the only thing she remembers. But as they fly near Yuuka's field of flowers, a red-dressed blonde girl takes flight from amongst the area, heading towards an unknown destination.
"Maybe this girl can lead us?" Koishi asks them, looking towards the direction of the girl

A. Follow her

B. Search for the area on your own
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Following random strangers. Works for me. (A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A yeah, pursue her : P
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) More girl chasing!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


You know... Don't we know someone who uses Onbashira? I can think of exactly one person in the entire Gensokyo who does that. We've met her already.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Wandering around aimlessly is fun and profitable.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Double update whoo, let's get this event started!)

If this girl was anything like most others she's encountered during her adventures, she'd be heading towards the event they were looking for.
"Unzan-san, after her please." Byakuren tells the nyuudou, who then goes to trail behind the girl as she instructs, keeping a safe distance from the blonde girl just in case she happened to be a volatile personality.

But following after her proves be a pretty meaningless thing to do. Some distance later they start to see other girls in the sky a few dozen at least, all of them flying towards the same direction. The top of the mountain seems to be the target, and that's where Byakuren and the crew head towards as well. Looking around them, Byakuren can see familiar faces along with some others she can't remember meeting.
"That's Marisa-san...." she thinks as the blonde witch girl zooms past them on her broom. Turning to look in the other direction, she gets joyous sight in the form of Nazrin and Shou heading towards their destination as well. It had been a while since she separated with the two, and Byakuren was happy to see the two girls again. Shou is now bearing a miniature pagoda on her other hand, still holding onto the spear she wielded so loyally during their previous adventure with the other. Nazrin looks like she was before, if a little bored, still carrying her pair of dowsing rods.
"Unzan-san, approach those two please. They are our allies." The nyuudou moves closer to the pair, turning the two youkai's attention towards them. Shou turns to face them, her face lightng up into a bright smile as she sees who's approaching them.
"Byakuren-sama! It's sure been a while! But this might not be the best time to catch up, we'll talk more at ground level!" the tiger youkai tells them, keeping in pace with the nyuudou as they close on the tournament grounds.

The tournament grounds soon open before them, a great zone of green amidst the mountain. Within the field, Byakuren can see a hexagonal area formed by standing faith pillars, with Kanako sitting on one and looking down at the proceedings below. In the middlepoint of this arena, a pair of women hold their hands together, chanting word after word of potent warding spells.
"Oh my, that is a freakishly strong barrier spell..." Byakuren thinks, detecting the power these two are channeling into the process. The purple-dressed blonde and blue-dressed, pink-haired woman keep going at it as another familiar face, Dr. Yagokoro goes around the arena. She casts some spell at each of the pillars in turn, something which Byakuren is unable to identify.

A crowd is starting to build around this arena as many comers are eager to get into the competition already. A few shinigami then manifest among the crowd, directing all willing contenders towards a curious stand. As her turn comes up, Byakuren is faced with another familiar person, the yama. A bad memory instantly returns to her mind as she steps up to face the judge and her assistant, a young girl dressed in a traditional yellow kimono. The girl makes Byakuren happy, seeing someone young like her being interested in the scholarly arts.
"Still going strong Byakuren. It's a good sign, you might score high on this tournament. But who are you fighting with? The double contestant entry will be first in line, followed by singles tomorrow."

Turning to her companions, Byakuren takes a quick thought about whom to pick as her partner.

A. Shou

B. Murasa

C. Ichirin

D. Nazrin
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B hmm... i dont knw really which will be the best option
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Let's find out what our newest ally can do.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm, tricky. I was thinking Murasa for a moment, but I'll vote on Shou. This somewhat seems her scene, and she has that new trinket of hers too.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Where's all the voters? This is getting bleh. Anywho, tiebreaker coin resolved this dispute to Murasa's favour.)

A good, thought later, Byakuren picks her newest companion Murasa from the crew. The seafaring youkai nods at her "If that is your wish, I'll fight them with you." Switching her attention to Shou, Byakuren puts her hands on the tiger youkai's shoulders, giving her an apologetic look "Sorry Shou, as much as I respect your abilities, I want to see how Murasa manages in a battle." Shou doesn't seem to mind, shaking her head a bit as she looks at Byakuren with her golden eyes. "No worries Byakuren-sama, I'll just enter the competition with Nazrin. We've been together all the time after we parted, and have developed a strong bond in fights. Watch out, if we face you two there'll be a match to remember." While she wasn't usually a competitive person, Byakuren feels like she should compete with the others in her group. Giving Shou a pat on her shoulders, she gives the tiger youkai a confident look. "I accept your challenge, Shou. It might be fun to battle you." With a smirk, the tiger youkai nods back at her "Nice to see that you're a good sport, Byakuren-sama. Now we just need to win until we are the ones on the arena."

With that settled, Byakuren enters herself into the tournament with Murasa, Shou taking part with Nazrin as her partner. Once done with entering their names in the books, Shiki takes a moment to tell them how things work. "Now that you've registered, you're free to wait wherever you want. I'd recommend keeping an eye on the other contestants, to ponder possible strategies against them. Since no attack can penetrate the Yakumo- Saigyouji barrier, it's safe to stand just outside the hexagonal area inside the onbashira. You also can't die inside the arena thanks to the good Doctor's blessings, so give the battles your all. Giving less than 100% to your opponent is not very polite if you ask my personal opinion. Once your name is called, enter the arena to begin the battle. After that, do whatever your strategy involves"

After a bit more time passes, a faith pillar rises from the middle of the field. The Yama leaves her spot, flying on the pillar to give out the first announcement. Casting a quick spell, Shiki's throat clearing can now be heard across the entire field. "Good people of Gensokyo, welcome to the Spirit of Gensokyo tournament. There is bound to be some excitement in this year's battles as we have new contestants from underground, not to mention from other places as well. This might shake up the power structures a bit if the newcomers are skilled enough." the yama tells the attending audience and contestants. "The order of matches will be the same deal as it has always been, today we fight in the paired battles, followed by a feast in the evening. Tomorrow, the single glories will be the order of the day. Once those are done, there's the challenge matches. You can call out anyone you see fit during those, to settle differences or other things. Here, you can do it so nobody has to die, as we've seen quite a few flaring tempers in the years now past. But without any further talking about it.." she continues, holding out her Rod of Remorse towards the sky. "LET THE BATTLES COMMENCE!" the yama finishes her opening of the event, getting a thunderous cheer from surrounding area.

Byakuren's team isn't given much time afterwards as she and Murasa get called in as the very first contestants. Holding her anchor up to her shoulder, Murasa starts making her way towards the arena. "This is it huh?"

The two of them are announced in with little background info, as most of the spectators don't know much about the two. Their opponents get a bigger cheer, as they seem to be known a bit better among the crowd. "These two fared well in the last tournament, but had the unfortunate honor of facing the Scarlet Sisters in the middle matches and dropped out. Perhaps all that misfortune is not helpful, huh? These two are Nitori Kawashiro and Hina Kagiyama!!" a male voice announces them, which Byakuren recognises as belonging to Rinnosuke, the man who found her in the cave. She remembers Nitori too, the inventor kappa had a part in the colorful Parsee episode she went through just a few days back. But the other girl is an unknown factor to her, a smallish person clad in a heavily decorated red dress and long, frilly ribbons in her green hair. All of them take to the sky, Byakuren opting for a defensive strategy first to see what the opponents have in store. The opponents already have a plan worked out, with Nitori using some of her fancy gizmos to boost up her danmaku, the repaired backpack spawning the mechanical arms to keep her protected in case melee happened. The other girl enters into a static pose, starting to spin around the others in a huge circle, some sort of magic starting to build in the area as the girl keeps her spin on as she simultaneously fires a few danmaku barrages to help Nitori.

A. Focus attack on Nitori

B. Focus attack on Hina

C. Split attention between the two
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Too much spinning can be hazardous, let's put a stop to it before anyone gets hurt.