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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"The ship sounds like it won't go away within the next few days, so let's take a look at this girl." Byakuren says to Ichirin, who is quick to agree with her. They head out to the common room, asking the few people there about the girl causing shame to others. One man knows to point them towards the seashore, the pier area being the spot where the girl has mostly been at. With that info in mind, the two of them head towards the port, the bright morning sun over their heads.

A short look around later, the pair find the supposed girl, being talked to by the chief of the town and two other men. The girl is dressed in a yellowish-orange, fancy shirt, a light green skirt and a black wide-brimmed hat with a yellow ribbon on it. A somewhat curious feature on her is the two thin, cord-like objects sneaking under her light green hair, making way down her back and dissappearing into her black socks. The girl stands on a pier's edge, looking towards the sea as she is addressed by the chief.
"Young missy, I'd like you to leave this town. You're being a bother to the good people."
"What good people? Every one of them has something dark inside their minds, I can feel it..." she replies before turning to face the chief, a strange orb attached over her heart. "As do you. You desire little girls, that's probably the reason you came to talk to me. You sick man." The chief's expression darkens as the girl exposes him right there.
"Isn't that the reason your daughter vanished? Deep inside, you still are feeeling bad about doing it. That might be the only good thing inside your subconscious."

The girl's words cut deep, the two men leaving their chief alone when the revelations are being poured onto them. The clearly enraged chief attempts to jump the smaller girl, but is stopped by a small display of heart-shaped danmaku.
"Unlike the other girls you've layed your filthy hands upon, I can defend myself." the girl says at him, making the chief flee. With the man running past them, Byakuren and Ichirin approach this girl. The smaller girl looks at them, then gives out a smile-like expression
"While you've been helping youkai for your selfish reasons, you are still a good person. I'd like to ask your help."

Byakuren thinks about the words, they were true. Initially, she was helping youkai to keep herself eternally young. She had lived for some hundred years after all.

A. Agree to help this girl

B. Refuse her request
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) You're going to refuse a cute little girl? Insanity.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Don't even know the request, but B is for Boring. So I'll go A for Accept.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Another side-quest? Sure, why not. Might as well get on her good side. Especially since she's so goddamn freaky. I see why she's not really liked by many.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A of course
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Sure, A.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

As long as it doesn't involve face stabbings, let's help this girl out! Really, she can see fate or read minds or something, how bad could she be?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Byakuren didn't know what the girl was asking for, but agreed nonetheless. Surely it couldn't be that bad, she thought.
"You've heard of the Spirit of Gensokyo tournament? It's a friendly competition held every few years." the girl asks her. Byakuren shakes her head, never having heard about such a thing. The girl looks a bit dissappointed, but continues. "I've been trying to find out the spot where it will be held, since I talked with my sis about taking part in it. Maybe we could find the place together?"

Such a request was something Byakuren would be happy to oblige. The tournament might be a good opportunity to meet a few of the most powerful beings in Gensokyo, as some of them were bound to be there. Shaking hands with girl, she agrees to go together with her.
"It would be a pleasure to help you, miss...?"
"Koishi. Koishi Komeiji."
"There's another thing I must do before we head out of town, so it has to wait for a bit."
"That's okay, take care of your business first, we'll meet when you're good and ready."

With that little thing looked into quite fast and easy, the pair retreat back to their room at the inn. The ship was still out there, and Byakuren had been brewing ideas inside her head for quite while now.
"If I'm going to take this mission of mine seriously, we'll be needing a method of transportation. A ship can be made to fly, but where to get one? And a person to captain it? This might be the golden opportunity to get at least a ship...."
With the all these thoughts rolling in her mind, she waits for the evening with Ichirin and Unzan.

Once night starts to fall, they make their way back to the port.

A. Ask around to see if someone would be willing to take out towards the sea

B. Search over the sea while riding Unzan
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Let's ask around, maybe someone will want to join the search. Then again, who knows if they'll have some ulterior motive, Koishi isn't around to mind probe them. If that fails, set out and search the sea.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Methinks that Unzan will be enough... I'd rather not involve more people. Keep it simple... Easy.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Let's ask around, maybe someone will want to join the search. Then again, who knows if they'll have some ulterior motive, Koishi isn't around to mind probe them. If that fails, set out and search the sea.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We'll ask around, someone here might have issued of their own to solve with this ship."

Not a long search afterwards, they find one of the sailors who was talking about the ship yesterday. The stocky man has joined another ship's crew, and wants to have a little payback for his drowned buddies.
"I'll put a good word on the captain, we'll head out to the seas in no time missy" the weatherbeaten man assures them. "If nothing else, I want to sink that floating heap of trash somehow. I lost a good few friends out there, and I don't want it to happen again." With that, the man boards the nearby ship. A few minutes pass in relative silence, before the man peeks at them over the railing of the ship.
"Get on quickly ladies, we'll depart for a search in a few minutes."

The two of them get on board, staying out on deck as the ship slowly makes off from the port. Once out on the open sea, they start keeping watch around the ship to detect the wrecked vessel in the dim light of late evening. Ichirin doesn't dare to send Unzan out since the crew might panic upon seeing such a being.

A few hours later, a call goes out as the main lookout has spotted the ship in the horizon. The ship looks like it's coming for them, moving quite fast against the wind. The captain manages to avoid a direct collision with the wrecked vessel, but the ships grind to halt still as the bow of their ship sinks into the wreck's side. The girls recover from the crash, getting up from the thump that rocked the ship quite a lot. The sailor from before comes to see them, holding a ladder on his shoulder.
"You two wanted to investigate that ship? Now's a good opportunity, we need to get our own ship free before the other can be dealt with." he says, going forward to hoist the ladder against the other vessel. Getting on her guard, Byakuren goes after the stocky sailor, climbing into the other boat.

The deck of the wrecked vessel is in horrible shape, gaping holes here and there, some of the equipment still there while most of it is lost. They make their way through the holed deck, arriving at the captain's cabin.
"You two go look at the room, I'll wait out here and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity." the sailor tells them, tapping a sturdy iron club against his palm. Giving the man a nod, Byakuren enters the cabin with Ichirin.

A short search in the once-gaudy cabin doesn't reveal anything at first, until Ichirin spots a hidden compartment in the corner of floor. Byakuren goes over to investigate, finding a cache of scrolls. What can be read out from them reveals that they are a log and diary of the ship's one-time captain. Going over them quickly, she stops to give the later ones a more careful read.
"..y daug.... shows ta...... nav...ion. ...ine .ap..tain so.. day." But the one she found half-open on the top gives Byakuren chills, as it looks like it was written with blood
"...rates... my da... they tied.... anchor... and... no...."

Her reading is interrupted by a loud scream coming from outside, followed by the crash of something heavy against the decking. A brief silence follows, soon stopped by the clinking of metal. The two of them stop for a moment to form some sembalance of a plan before heading to the door. Taking a peek before exiting, they see the friendly sailor, now reduced to a bloody pile all over the deck some distance away from the door. Ignoring the remains, they step out to the deck, ready for an ambush. Making way towards the ladder, they find out that returning doesn't seem to be an option anymore as the ladder is in pieces down on the other ship's deck. To make matter worse, the crew is nowhere to be seen.

But troubles keep on coming as a figure clambers over the railing some 15 feet away from them. It is an average-figured female, with long black hair over her face, a red gleam shining from the visible eye. Her naked body is partially covered in long strips of seaweed, but the most alarming feature about this girl is the huge boat anchor she wields over her shoulder.
"...hehheh... so.... ready to join those foolish men?" the girl asks them.

"So, Byakuren-sama, how should we do this?" Ichirin asks, grabbing her ring to summon Unzan

A. Offensively

B. Defensively
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Youkai Kung Fu Jesus time!
B) Actually, let's see if we can reach out to her, if not, bring out the chopsticks, because we're having sushi tonight.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A! Blood for the blood god!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Hit fast, hit hard, hit again for good measure.

On a side note, I think it's about time we start thinking seriously about combat magic. If you ask me, unless it doesn't let the grass grow again where it hit, it ain't good combat spell.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Defensive fighting styles usually win. Go with it.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition
