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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B, lets make some powerful friends, then we can inflict stabitty death on the them when they aren't expecting it and take their power for ourselves MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C! Always smooch up to the cook! Always. Food. Wins. Everyone.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Run around like a loon and try to do all three.

No, uh... A? No C! I mean B? No C!

Yes, C. This time I'm... certain? Maybe...
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Personally, I am curious about the new one... Perhaps we could recruit her?

Twenty shots. From now on, we're drinking rectified spirit!

Using mugs.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C it sound the choice that the character will do
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Since she was going to take part in a feast and did pretty much nothing herself to be invited to it, Byakuren thinks that helping Sanae out would make the miko happier to have them. She skips past the numerous powerful and less powerful personalities and slips towards the kitchen, secure in her thoughts that Parsee wasn't in need of immediate supervision now that there were several strong beings in the same room with her.

Sanae seems to be doing fine by herself, but Byakuren insists that she gets to help, which the miko happily accepts. The two are nearly on the same level in the kitchen department, but Byakuren admits that Sanae beats her by a small margin. With magician and miko working in unison, a grandiose feast is produced in a marginally short time. Soon, all the people currently there at the shrine are having a meal to remember. Even Iku, who's no doubt eaten all kinds of high-class foods for most of her time as an envoy is impressed by their cooking
"Have to admit, you surface people can make mighty fine food when you really want to."

After they've enjoyed their feast and taken a brief rest to discuss some minor things, the girl warms up to them a bit, introducing herself as Ichirin. Once outside, Iku brings the Sword issue up once more.
"Give it back to me please. I'd hate to start another fight" the envoy says to Ichirin, back on her business mode now. Somewhat reluctantly, Ichirin calls Unzan forth. Prodding her hand into Unzan's vaporous body mass, she pulls out a sword with a shimmering yellow blade and hands it over to Iku.
"Good, now the Palace can resume normal activity." the youkai lady says, tapping Ichirin on her head.
"Don't go stealing things again, it's not right for a young thing like you to be doing." Iku finishes with this piece of advice before she bullets into the sky at great speeds, heading towards the nearest clouds.

Three of them now left, Byakuren can detect her own destiny being tied together with this girl and her cloudy companion. She had Parsee there as well, but the bridge princess didn't have a similar aura about her. Byakuren steps up to Ichirin, offering an alliance with her. Ichirin accepts along with Unzan, who shakes a finger with Byakuren, as the cloudman is pretty big at the moment.

The three of them climb back to the top, taking a gander at the surrounding lands for the next place to visit.

(Companion gained 3/4)

A. Back to the underground entrance, try to solve Parsee's problem

B. A curious yellow spot amidst the plains

C. The port town at the sea
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Yuugi! Let's go and get Parsee drunk.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Yuugi! Let's go and get Parsee drunk.

Yeah! Let's displace her obsessive affection for the Bridge Princess for obsessive affection for us!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


We promised to help her, so now we help her. Maybe she'll be less crazy if we do.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A, for the above reason :)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I was kinda tempted to pick B, then I've realized what the yellow spot might be. BAD IDEA. Really. So, without further ado...


Because it can only end with a disaster.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yeah, A, we have things to clean up with our green eyed companion.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Turning to Parsee, Byakuren adresses the bridge princess.
"So, now might be a good time to seek out solutions to your problems. Let's head back underground, and see what can be done. Parsee nods back at Byakuren, both concern and joy detectable in her mind.

They start to walk, but Ichirin stops them.
"It'll take time to walk. Let's fly instead so we'll save time, and it's less tiring." she tells them, turning to Unzan then. "Would you be willing to carry us Unzan?" Ichirin asks the cloud, which nods at them and lowers his huge hand to ground level. Ichirin hops onto it, telling the other two to come on aboard. When all three females are on his hand, Unzan lifts them onto his shoulder. The three of them sit down, small pieces of the cloud wrapping around their waists to keep them from falling.
"Ok, just tell him where to go." Ichirin asks Byakuren, who tells Unzan to head to the foot of the mountain. The nyuudou takes off, slowly at first but picks up speed quite fast. After a few minutes of soaring through the air, the cave entrance is in sight.

The trio jump off from Unzan once he is at ground level. Before they can enter the cave complex, sounds of hushed conversation can be heard coming from down the path. Byakuren stays alert, a possible ambush on her mind already. They patiently wait for the sounds to get close, but ease up as the upcomers turn out to be Suika and Yuugi, both looking quite down in the dumps. A strong smell of alcohol hangs over the disheveled oni pair, as if they had been drinking for a few days straight. Once her emerald eyes spot Yuugi, Parsee starts to slowly lurch toward the shapely oni.
"If it isn't Byakuren. Did you find Parsee somewhere?" Yuugi asks Byakuren as the bridge princess grabs her.
"Yuu..gi.." Parsee manages to say as she holds onto the oni lady.
"Where'd you vanish into? Since we saw you nowhere, Suika and me decided to head out and look for you..." the oni asks the clingy Parsee
"Yeah, we were having a drinking bout. Took us a few days to decide who won. Did you think I abandoned you or something?" Yuugi asks back with a silly grin.

For a minute, it seems like the whole world goes silent as Parsee's gaze is locked in place when she registers what has transpired. Her green energy explodes into being as the bridge princess backs off from Yuugi and smacks the oni right to the face.
"YUUGI I HATE YOU!" she yells at the oni before running down into the cave. Looking after the fleeing Parsee, Yuugi rubs her cheek.
"What was that about? I better go after her, clear this misconception up.." she says out loud. The girl oni Suika can barely manage to hold a giggle.
"Lover's quarrel...." she says with a teasing grin until Yuugi grabs her by he horns and gives the smaller oni a good shake.
"Quiet you."

With Yuugi now goig back to her subterranean home, Suika too heads out into the surrounding forest to look for new things. Byakuren thinks about the strangeness that just happened, and that she didn't even get to say anything. Opting to leave the oni and bridge princess to their own devices, she takes off with Ichirin and Unzan. As they rise above the treeline, a few spots represent themselves for exploration

A. That curious yellow area in the plains

B. The town by the sea

C. The Scarlet Devil Mansion
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A Follow the yellow road?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Let's let our "mistress" know we've done our job as a good servant.