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ADV [とろとろレジスタンス / Toro Toro Resistance] / もんむす・くえすと!前章 ~負ければ妖女に犯される~ / Monmusu Quest! (RJ074254)

Re: Monster Girl Quest

There seems to be a divide here, with something like 4 groups:

Group a) Genuinely is disgusted by people that like prostate tickling and by prostate tickling itself.

Group b) Genuinely is disgusted by prostate tickling, but has no strong opinion on people that like it, and only strongly feels that they'd rather see less of it in the game than more of it.

Group c) Genuinely is not disgusted by prostate tickling, but has no strong opinion on people that like it, and only strongly feels that prostate tickling is both relevant to their interests and would like to see more/same amount of it in the game.

Group d) Genuinely is not disgusted by prostate tickling, has a strong opinion on people that dislike it, and is missing the point that there can be two kinds of people on disliking a sexual fetish: those that want to ban it, and those that simply don't personally like it.

Group a) and d) forget two points: the game caters to sexual fetishes, nominally in quantity to those interested in them. You will see giant titty monsters because a certain quantity of people like them. You will see femdom scenes because a large quantity of people like them. You will see x other scenes, where x is some constellation of a fetish or fetishes, because a certain quantity of people like them.

You will see abhorrent flesh monsters that don't even possess proper female genitalia or multiples of 15 of them, and eat you alive with their vagina(e), then digest you in their womb, because a certain amount of people are fucking insane and why is this even a fetish?

The important part is that group b) and c) are standup gentlemen, while group a) and d) are harshing my fucking boner, so GTFO and show me the best fetish of them all: some fucking fluffy tail.

also group E who don't care about this pointless mumbling and waits news abouut paradox.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Holy shit, can people not fathom the idea of LOOSELY tangential conversation?

Game about sexual deviance --> conversation about sexual deviance outside the game

You're not speaking of the game which is bothering me and others as you have stated. Hentai game thread for hentai game comments, yes?

If you want to speak about or complain about others complaining about complaining of people complaining, I don't think this is the right place for that.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

also group E who don't care about this pointless mumbling and waits news abouut paradox.

I was only including people that are actually a part of the discussion. There's also group f) Invisible pink unicorns that vomit toxic rainbows, but I didn't think it necessary to include them.

Not caring is a perfectly legitimate position, and an admirable one!
Re: Monster Girl Quest

You're not speaking of the game which is bothering me and others as you have stated. Hentai game thread for hentai game comments, yes?

If you want to speak about or complain about others complaining about complaining of people complaining, I don't think this is the right place for that.

don't forget large thermet conversations about faping and ass fucking:)
op dogie styile at youtube
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

There's also group f) Invisible pink unicorns that vomit toxic rainbows, but I didn't think it necessary to include them.

Not caring is a perfectly legitimate position, and an admirable one!

one question how do you know the unicorns are pink?
Re: Monster Girl Quest

one question how do you know the unicorns are pink?

Because I believe they are, and believing is the most important thing to making magic work.

Omg.... somebody plz think about the monster girls

I think about them quite often.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Dammit! Everytime I think there's another update it's more about this random topic Lol
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Dammit! Everytime I think there's another update it's more about this random topic Lol

Eh, that's what Dargoth's blog is for. Once Paradox is out I will open a new topic just for it and ask for people to behave and stop with this nonsense -.-
Re: Monster Girl Quest

You're not speaking of the game which is bothering me and others as you have stated. Hentai game thread for hentai game comments, yes?

What exactly ARE "hentai game comments?" Do you know?

Here. I'll show you literally 99% of "hentai game comments" that occur if we refuse to accommodate such abhorrent behavior as genre-relevant discussion:

  1. "how doo i instlal ?? witf no supprort wind95? `?"
  2. "Hey this is pretty good"
  3. "I don't think this is very good"
  4. "where do u find the giga dildo???????????"
  5. "Can someone send me the entire game, but with the translations already injected, and a fullsave folder in case I get stuck, and maybe a custom script to give me more gold on demand?"
  6. "Following in the wake of the developer's seemingly thoughtless decision to implement a patch that totally gutted Anal Fiend AoE DPS, here is version of my list of balance changes that need to go through if the developer intends for Anal Fiends to ever have a chance in group PvP against competent Semen Swallower spec'd players. I have itemized and alphabetized the... [continues for several paragraphs]"
  7. [after days, weeks, months, or even years of silence] "where the fak is the giga dildo???????????????????????????????????????????????????"

There is very little to actually talk about if you limit the discussion to the game in question. It just ends up being "troubleshooting for people who have literally never seen a computer before: the thread".

And if you need me to hold your hand all the way to the end of the thought process, the reason that it's a bad idea to pigeonhole threads into hyperspecificity is that, by doing so, you end up with a forum full of dead threads about individual games. If you cull conversation (and thus, community interaction and identity), you will kill a forum like this. You can only do the nazi "ONLY DIZKUSS ZE ANGELZ WHO ARE SUCKING ON ZE VEINERS 8====D" shit on very large, very high-volume forums that can sustain themselves exclusively using other boards.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

What exactly ARE "hentai game comments?" Do you know?

Here. I'll show you literally 99% of "hentai game comments" that occur if we refuse to accommodate such abhorrent behavior as genre-relevant discussion:

  1. "how doo i instlal ?? witf no supprort wind95? `?"
  2. "Hey this is pretty good"
  3. "I don't think this is very good"
  4. "where do u find the giga dildo???????????"
  5. "Can someone send me the entire game, but with the translations already injected, and a fullsave folder in case I get stuck, and maybe a custom script to give me more gold on demand?"
  6. "Following in the wake of the developer's seemingly thoughtless decision to implement a patch that totally gutted Anal Fiend AoE DPS, here is version of my list of balance changes that need to go through if the developer intends for Anal Fiends to ever have a chance in group PvP against competent Semen Swallower spec'd players. I have itemized and alphabetized the... [continues for several paragraphs]"
  7. [after days, weeks, months, or even years of silence] "where the fak is the giga dildo???????????????????????????????????????????????????"

There is very little to actually talk about if you limit the discussion to the game in question. It just ends up being "troubleshooting for people who have literally never seen a computer before: the thread".

And if you need me to hold your hand all the way to the end of the thought process, the reason that it's a bad idea to pigeonhole threads into hyperspecificity is that, by doing so, you end up with a forum full of dead threads about individual games. If you cull conversation (and thus, community interaction and identity), you will kill a forum like this. You can only do the nazi "ONLY DIZKUSS ZE ANGELZ WHO ARE SUCKING ON ZE VEINERS 8====D" shit on very large, very high-volume forums that can sustain themselves exclusively using other boards.

I think you are over exaggerating it. Of course that in every topic there is a need for troubleshooting, since machines vastly differ from one another and there is always new people who want to start playing the game. That's part of discussing the game, the technical aspect of it.

There is also always people who are lazy or unwilling to play the game and will ask for a full save file. While this is not part of discussing the game, it is directly related to the game.

In any game that there is Loli and/or Shota, there will be a bunch of people asking for someone to PM them the link, instead of looking for them or just pming OP, who usually has a link. These need to be put down, but unfortunately we don't have that many mods.

While these are common problems and are present, they are only a very small part of the topic, not that 99%. Check this one: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26349

And yes, topics will die eventually, especially the ones that aren't that good to start with or not that popular. But here is the thing, if every topic was a rant house of how much you hate the fetish present in it, it would be a never ending toxicity party.

In order to avoid that party, it's good practice to limit the conversation to the game itself. While you can talk about the fetishes, since MGQ is mostly that, you shouldn't judge others, you can talk all about how the Devs went overboard with the whole Vore, or Anal Insertion, or whatever kind of fetish isn't to your liking, but you CAN NOT say that anyone who likes said fetishes are sick people, whom need treatment.

So things like:

Dude under no circumstances anyone (unless they are gay or really really really really weird, the kinda weird guy who starts shootings at school) would feel aroused by anal rape.

and your answer to him:

13 year old detected

are not helpful for the topic, nor is it healthy for the community.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

I always find it odd that it descends into a spiral of "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT," "Why don't you just not respond to us?", "BECAUSE IF YOU POST, I HAVE TO RESPOND, BECAUSE OUTRAGE."

And then a mod wanders in and wonders how the human race still exists.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

It's funny to see these types of online arguments. It typically devolves into the "deal with it" type of nugatory rhetoric on either side...

"I enjoy this but I don't like the X aspect of it."

"Some people actually like X so stop complaining that X is in it and deal with it."

"I'm sorry, but I'm free to express my distaste in X so YOU deal with it."

"Well I'm free to express my distaste in your distaste so deal with it."

"Right back at you."

...and the viscous cycle continues. The internet is so wonderful.
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