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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

So did everyone else lose the save function after getting on the ship:confused:
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Aside from anyone who still complaining or disappointed, i still find MGQ Paradox enjoyable, reuse of CG, why not? And it's not like 50% is reuse anyway. The storyline also is good for the beginning. You can't expect the INCREDIBLE story in just part 1. If you remember MGQ part 1 also didn't really have major impact at first, Part 2 have.

They are really trying to focus more on the gameplay! And i really love it because it remind me of Suikoden by recruiting monster girls! I do believe somewhere there will be separate storyline and ending regarding you choose Alice or Illias or any major character later.

I really find it is very rude to say this game as trash when someone just find it not in their expectation...

Its funny becouse the complainers wanted a game fulled with succubus and etc, nope get that Loli Melon girl straight in you face with some slugs.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Its funny becouse the complainers wanted a game fulled with succubus and etc, nope get that Loli Melon girl straight in you face with some slugs.

DOn't know about slug, there is about three slugs, one normal, one nun and one boss, nothing much else ;)

chimeras though...sheesh
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

From the cg rips on exhentai i still don't see half the monsters that were shown on the dev blog

Most of those are probably part 2, or part 3, monsters. The entire series is going to have over 500ish monsters or something right? So it'll probably be 150 (Gotta catch 'em all!) every part or so.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Most of those are probably part 2, or part 3, monsters. The entire series is going to have over 500ish monsters or something right? So it'll probably be 150 (Gotta catch 'em all!) every part or so.

...he's never done that before
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

What??? This is part 1???


How long did it take Tor to complete this one? 1.5 years since MGQ3?

I was under the impression paradox was some cute side story and that's the end of it. But three parts?

I also see there are some gameplay issues but nothing cheat engine can't fix :p.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Jesus, Nanabi is really hard, gonna have to grind
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Jesus, Nanabi is really hard, gonna have to grind

you don't have to grind that long I beat the game just be at lvl 17 but once you get on the ship there might be a save glitch that does not let you save the rest of the game.
I know that happen to me:confused:
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

you don't have to grind that long I beat the game just be at lvl 17 but once you get on the ship there might be a save glitch that does not let you save the rest of the game.
I know that happen to me:confused:

I haven't had any trouble with non-optional bosses yet, Nanabi and the Succubus Idol are crushing me pretty easily though. Might be because I'm on Hard difficulty though.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

What??? This is part 1???


How long did it take Tor to complete this one? 1.5 years since MGQ3?

I was under the impression paradox was some cute side story and that's the end of it. But three parts?

I also see there are some gameplay issues but nothing cheat engine can't fix :p.

and this one was rushed, so i expect the other parts will take a year +/- to complete
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

anyone know how to get to 3 tartarus?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I dunno why grinding would be bad for an RPG game.

Isn't that supposed to be a natural content for it?
Most HRPGs nowadays just gets you to go around collecting H-scenes, but this one has you to work for the H-scenes and the game itself.
Its actually proving itself to be a "Hentai" and a "game".
In which case I enjoy both.

I just think that too much of the games nowadays has made peeps too lazy to even bother playing its "game" portion and just go straight for the H-stuff.
But if you do, it loses its meaning of being an H-game and the excitement of beating the game is gone.

The game is not "Monster Girl Quest" its "Monster Girl Quest: Paradox"
So there would be no point if the game is 100% alike the first game

Now think about the rehashing of CGs.
Frankly, MGQ is an HRPG that I played for the story and the gameplay... the H-stuff, felt more like a bonus to me... so its fine by me.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

how do you find the save folder for this game I can't find it:confused:
pfft that max lvl save is bull none of the party are max lvl
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Save folder is in the main game folder... File extension is .rvdata2

Illias had me hooked from the first few seconds of her appearance. It's really hard to choose between the two knowing what happened in the previous trilogy and knowing illias true nature but I have a feeling she will change drastically in this trilogy while traveling with Luka. Luka stuck with Alice for three freaking games, I think this time he should stick with Illias, and I also need a change -_-.

The way Illias has a complete 360 turn around in the way she talks and acts when things don't go her way is too cute :p. Her reaction when gazing at her body with the magic mirror was too good after trying to strike Luka down with static electricity. "Oooh magical mirror of the heavenly world, appear before me and--- SMALL!"
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I dunno why grinding would be bad for an RPG game.

Isn't that supposed to be a natural content for it?
Most HRPGs nowadays just gets you to go around collecting H-scenes, but this one has you to work for the H-scenes and the game itself.
Its actually proving itself to be a "Hentai" and a "game".
In which case I enjoy both.

I just think that too much of the games nowadays has made peeps too lazy to even bother playing its "game" portion and just go straight for the H-stuff.
But if you do, it loses its meaning of being an H-game and the excitement of beating the game is gone.

The game is not "Monster Girl Quest" its "Monster Girl Quest: Paradox"
So there would be no point if the game is 100% alike the first game

Now think about the rehashing of CGs.
Frankly, MGQ is an HRPG that I played for the story and the gameplay... the H-stuff, felt more like a bonus to me... so its fine by me.

Its not that grinding is a bad thing, on some RPGs it is done very well, your characters level up and advance in powers and what not at a good pace, you can overlevel if you wish.

Take chrono trigger for example, you can very well just keep heading along the path and not have to stay in one area fighting enemies for an hour to level up to the required level, you can just keep going the path given to you and fight whatever gets in the way and you'l be pretty nicely leveled throughout it, with enemies not too powerful nor too weak, but evenly balanced towards you.

Now paradox, my god its bad in my opinion, because the grinding just takes so long, and I have to keep grinding at a location for some time without moving forward, it becomes boring and repetitive.

Not only that but when you finally get evenly leveled to survive the next area, you have to grind in there until you're ready for the next area, and so on and so forth, for example Illias port, north.

I am lvl 10 right now, I did some grinding there to get from lvl 7 to 10 sure, now Im at treasure cave, and for some god forbidden reason there are the mimic girls one shotting everyone in my party, that just forces me to grind more in order to fight them, which just adds filler time to it.

not only that but there are some enemies that are just annoying to fight normally, that do too much damage in too short time even on NORMAL, god forbid PARADOX...

that just makes you stay in that area and grind until you can survive the next, thats the progression, get somewhere, stop, grind, I don't feel like I am moving forward, im just doing exactly what i've been doing the entire game since the beginning...which bores me out.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I can go into the four bandits cave, but can't find them. The innkeeper lady says I'm too low level to go fight the harpies. Not sure what I need to be doing. I got to illiasburg, got the key to the land of the dead, and not sure where I need to go now. I've seen the first camp scene, but that's it.


I'm sorry you can't handle a signature that's intellectual and dynamic. Perhaps you can handle capitalization, if helped?
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Hi, i have reached harpy village and i looked at the fast few pages and they said to search everything before meeting nero at the top.

Can anyone clarify what is 'everything' I have entered every building and read at least the notes in 2 buildings.

However nero still doesnt appear at the top building?? Or do i need to do the amira/bandit event first?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :):)
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I can go into the four bandits cave, but can't find them. The innkeeper lady says I'm too low level to go fight the harpies. Not sure what I need to be doing. I got to illiasburg, got the key to the land of the dead, and not sure where I need to go now. I've seen the first camp scene, but that's it.

you need search for amira. ask guy near enter the city about bunny he says find amira talk to couple vilagers one of them say that she is at blacksmith, there guy say she had no weapon to modify it so she at weapon seller guy there say she is had no money so she go to gambler at top of city he says she went to ilias temple go there talk to guy who changes races etc he says he didnot seen her, when return back to city vilagers will be saying that bandits probably kidnaped her the you need to win them at their cave.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

you need search for amira. ask guy near enter the city about bunny he says find amira talk to couple vilagers one of them say that she is at blacksmith, there guy say she had no weapon to modify it so she at weapon seller guy there say she is had no money so she go to gambler at top of city he says she went to ilias temple go there talk to guy who changes races etc he says he didnot seen her, when return back to city vilagers will be saying that bandits probably kidnaped her the you need to win them at their cave.

The guard at the gate was the only person I hadn't talked to again. Go me. Thanks.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Anyone else having a problem with Luka Hp for some reason his Hp doesn't lvl past lvl 2 and its been there for a long time is there a particular way to lvl Hp most of the other characters are HP lvl 9-10 without me doing anything I though it was because I didn't change his class from hero but after I change it to warrior still doesn't do anything

also just wondering should I keep him in the hero role or is it better to change between classes?