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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Tokis current status:]
HP: 5
AP: 7
Magic: Lv.3 Charm magic
Perks: Lilim (?), Queen of Ropes (?).

[Irids current status:]
HP: 4
AP: 4
Magic: Critical Mass
Perks: Creeper (?), Slave (?)

Once again, the avatar editor let Toki changed the clothing of herself or Irid if she wanted to, Irid looked about the room, now sufficiently calmed down as she tugged at her collar.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She checked her status for a moment, blah, and then went for the avatar editor, giving herself back her original outfit, consisting of her jeans, heels and bikini, whilst upgrading Irid to something more...fashionable... it was up to Irid to pick.

after that, the would be on their way to journey further.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid seemed quite indifferent about changing her clothing, all she did was regenerate her old clothing that wasnt torn up, how boring, leaving the break room they found another door had formed in the corner, going through it they found themself in what looked like a abandoned part of the lab, as grass had grown through the floor and was about waist high, nearly obscuring the short Irid from sight.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Toki noticed that irid had taken the boring way out, but simply shrugged it off as they continued on. She then noticed the next section was taken over by plants...and took Irid's hand as they continued on. She didn;t want to get seperated here.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid hesitantly kept a hold of Tokis hand as she looked around, Toki eventually came into a clearing, there were several different kinds of flower on the ground, most of them seemed to have a purple or white colour scheme, except for one which was red, they were all styled like roses.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She noticed the clearin, and stared about a little...carefully poking the single red rose...she kind of wanted it. And so she began to pluck it.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The flower didnt react to Toki plucking it, it was in almost pristine condition, Irid was curiously looking at a purple flower poking it and yawning.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She then decided it was safe, and plucked the rose very carefully, lifting it up to take a whiff of it.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

There was nothing to puff gas into her face, no ambushing vines, it was just a sweet smelling rose, Irid yawned and was sitting on the ground, idly rocking back and forth.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She was honestly expecting a fight of some kind, but nope. she loved that all the more. she then put the rose into her bag, pulled Irid out of dreamland, and then continued onward.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Going into the next room with Irid, Toki found herself in a more core part of the lab now, there were several vials dotted about in racks, all labelled in categories and some labelled individually, there was a table in the center with a IV bag presumably for the liquids in the vials to be placed into, as the IV Bag did indeed end in a syringe, maybe Toki could have some fun with Irid here for a bit...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She smiled devilishly as she saw the neat little toys. she then escorted Irid to the table and placed the IV needle in her arm <3
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid hesitantly followed and laid still on the table, Toki hooked up the injector into her wrist making Irid yelp a little in pain, Toki could see a whole manner of categories to choose from...

[Personality Stimulants]
[Wild Cards]
[Species Swapping]
[Appearance Mutagens]
[Aphrodisiacs and Misc.]
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She checked through her options, taking a look at both personality stimulants and species swapping...those seemed interesting
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Personality stimulants were ofcourse true to their name, most of them labelled after certain personalities like [Lewd], [Shy], [Feisty] and even a couple of foreign terms like [Tsundere] and [Yandere] the species swappers seemed to be based around mythical creatures or monster girls, with things such as [Lamia],[Arachane], [Bee Girl], [Cat Girl] and [Slime Girl]
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She smiled softly, wondering about her possibilities...and then chose Yandere, and Arachne.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Ofcourse the ones specified werent the only ones available, there were several ones for some monsters she never even heard of, never the less, Irid was kind of frightened, worrying if something could go wrong.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Deciding to herself for a moment, she kind of liked the current Irid, and decided not to change up her personality, and instead went for the full list of species, and the appearance mutagens...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Species available:]
[Arachane], [Cat Girl], [Wolf Girl], [Mummy], [Mosquito Girl], [Ghost], [Roper], [Succubus], [Yuki-onna], [Slime Girl] and so forth, literally every monster girl available was here, there is also the ability to take a monster you`ve encountered and personify Irid into a monster girl version of it, use your imagination]

[Mutagens available:
[Cat Ears], [Cat Tail], [Wolf Ears], [Wolf Tail], [Futanari], [Angel Wings], [Insect Wings], [Demonic wings], [Naturally Pale Skin], [Fangs], [Lamia Tail], [Arachane Abdomen], [Harpy Wings], [Naturally produced slime]
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She made her decision shortly, deciding to give Irid a playful and loving persona whilst making her into a futanari cat-girl <3