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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

What came out from behind the wall was slightly scary, a bud was on the ground, the woman stepped into it, Toki saw a vine enter her lower lips and she barely responded as the vine was brought up to a high spot, then she realised what it was, it was a massive tree, with several buds all around the branches, with several writhing tentacles, the woman moved her arm and the tentacles followed her lead, they all had black corruption marks running along them "Yes....You will all kneel to me when i corrupt you senseless!" she said, Irid drew her spear, Taku drew her scythe, they both looked at Toki and nodded, preparing as vines started to spread across the previously pure white chamber.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

noting that this female was incredibly whacked in the head, she nodded briefly to her team mates. The first target was to cut down this tree...that way, they could fight this woman on equal grounds. she would then attempt with Taku to combine their strike into a scything flurry that would take down the vines.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki fails to hit, Taku gets a normal crit! Irid fails to hit, Queen Corruption Seeder gets a normal hit on Irid]

[Toki gets a normal crit, Taku fails to hit, Irid fails to hit, Queen Corruption Seeder gets a arousal hit on Taku]

[Toki fails to hit, Taku gets a arousal crit which becomes a normal crit, Irid gets a normal crit,Queen Corruption Seeder fails to hit]

Q.C.Seeder 6/18 HP, N/A AP

Taku 5/5 HP, 5/6 AP, Grappled, -1 to attack rolls.

Irid 2/3 HP, 3/3 AP, Grappled, -1 to all rolls.

The battle begins with a flurry of well timed strikes by the three allies, the woman giving out a audible scream of pain, she coils vines around Taku and Irid in response to try and bind them.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Toki and friends managed to make a great effort that left her friends bound by the vines of the woman. Toki would then attempt to free her friends with her own flurry of slices, then aiming to resume their attack on the scientist's tree of corruption.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki gets a normal hit, Taku gets a normal hit, Irid gets a normal crit! Q.C. Seeder gets a arousal crit on Irid!]

[Irid reaches critical mass and explodes, dealing 1 damage to Q.C. Seeder and ending the fight]

Toki and taku manage to combine their slashes to do more damage, having off vines and tentacles left and right, eventually Irid is grabbed again however, her clothing is torn as she gets a tentacle roughly jammed into her lower lips, getting a surprised moan from her, Litzy can see a bulge travelling through the tentacle about to enter Irid, thankfully however they manage to cut the tentacle doing so before it reaches her, dropping Irid on the ground, the giant tree monster started to shake, as did the scientist who controlled it "Wh-wh....how-" eventually the monster shook and couldnt handle its own defeat by Taku and Toki, Irid ran behind Toki, Taku was busy getting up a umbrella, and she stood beside Toki with it, putting her arm behind her back, the giant tree exploded, catapulting strange black slime everywhere, the three were unscathed thanks to Takus umbrella though.

They travelled back to Takus room to have a rest, Taku now technically could take control of the facility, but for now they needed to rest for a bit, Taku giggled"Look who got the final hit in~" she said, the three were lying on her bed and Taku was sitting inbetween Irid and Toki, she was gently running her finger up and down Irids cheek, ellicting a blush from her "I-It was nothing..."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

as the fight ended, she nearly collapsed from fatigue, but was overwhelmed with a sense of curiosity...not much had been explained as to what exactly was going on, and most of the truth had disappeared along with the head scientist. overall...it felt incomplete as a whole. to the point at which she was simply staring off into space...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Taku looked at Toki, noticing her plight "Whats the matter Toki? Dont you feel satisfied?" she asked, picking up Toki and dusting her off.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Hell no, I don't. I feel like there's still more to be done..." she noted as she was picked up. She simply kept staring off
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Taku, thought for a second, then smiled "Ah, you wanted to explore it fully correct?" she asked, Irid sat up and looked around as Taku walked off, a couple of minutes later, she came back with her hands behind her back as the ground was shaking, nearly making Irid fall over, after a few minutes it subsides, "I Just randomized the labs layout" Taku said, smiling under her facemask "You wanna go do exploring with your friend now?" she asked.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She squeaked as the floor cracked and seemed to fall away. she then grinned slightly.

"Sure. I would love to explore. but what's different this time?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Taku laughed, then took a serious face suddenely "Everything", she then went back to her cheerful manner "Have fun~!", she said "Miss scientist you defeated probably isnt down for the count knowing her, call on me whenever you find leads on her somewhere else" Taku said, taking her facemask off she blew a kiss to Toki before turning into dozens of tiny bats, all of which flew out the nearest window into the night sky....
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She smiled softly as the kiss was blown to her, but then realized she was starting over. greaaat. more losing fights... she shrugged it off.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid looked around and stood up, walking over to Toki "W-What are we gonna do now...?" she asked in her normal stuttery tone, pulling on her collar a little bit.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She didn't really have a reply for Irid, other than to kiss her briefly to get her to chill out. she then began to look about the room for what her choices were. they would need to start somewhere.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid blushed briefly as Toki lowered her facemask and sudddenely brought her into a kiss, shaking, she wandered off, they were still in the boss room so the only way out were the double doors they came in through, Irid walked over to a bit of the black slime the scientist left behind upon...explodiong, she sat and poked it, the slime having the same properties as jelly.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Don't touch that stuff." she cautioned to Irid, instead leading her out of the double doors to progress further.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid groaned in response, obviously still not happy being collared and led around like a dog, when Toki pushed through the double doors she found herself in what looked like a narrow maintenance tunnel, the hall was so small Irid couldnt squeeze past her, it lead onward to another room, this one had four small air ducts, all with a sign above them, probably pointing to the room they lead to, Irid got on her knees and looked into one of the ducts.

[Cryo Chamber]
[Future Developments]
[Vial Storage]
[Experimentation chamber]
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She went through and into the next room, taking note of the signs. At the least here, Irid wouldn't be wandering as easily. She then decided to take the path to the future developments wing. Now that Taku was in control, perhaps she would encounter more humans...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid almost never noticed Toki taking the air duct to future developments, yelping in surprise she followed after her, after some duct crawling Toki landed in what looked like a cave like area, there was discarded scaffolding and metal plates lying about, however on the walls and floor there were discarded wrist and ankle shackles, meaning some slavery was probably done to create more sections of the lab, Irid was looking around, distracted by a shiny piece of metal.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She noted the derelict surroundings about her, and then began to search about for the slaves that had obviously been used to build this area. It was time she found out a little more about this place.