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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

After some snooping about all she found was a key and a few potted plants about the room, Irid explored a bit too, she didnt find anything of interest though, scratching her head she looked at the machine room, her curiosity taking over her again, a few minutes of Toki not seeing her go off later, she came back after a fresh jolt of electricity, in her different persona, she made it look like she hadnt moved at all, still searching behind a flowerpot.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She continued to search about, and found a key.

"hmm...a key. any idea as to what it opens?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid looked over at her and walked over "Probably opens up a locked door somewhere around here" she said, looking at the double doors in the room "And i think i know what..." she said, motioning to the doors.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she nodded, noting that somehow, Irid had been hit with lightning. that meant she had run off, but she wasn't going to complain about it...

she then approached the double doors, and used the key, hoping that there was something interesting here.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The key turned with a satisfying click as it opened the door, what greeted them was a very strange sight, it was what looked like plains at night, with a full moon out they could spot the occasional gravestone too, Irid was just as confused as Toki was.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

wasn't this supposed to be a lab? Either way, she progressed steadily, holding her scythe at the ready...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid looked around, keeping a spear ready, almost on cue, thunder struck the ground near them, what this heralded were hands grabbing out of the graves as what looked like zombiefied females clambered out the ground, all of them turned their attention to the two tresspasers and started to shamble towards them...

Zombie Group A 3/3 HP, 3/3 AP

Zombie Group B 3/3 HP, 3/3 AP

Zombie Group C 3/3 HP, 3/3 AP
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She liked this so far...zombies? too easy, considering that they were typically slow, and that Toki carried a scythe. She would begin by swinging wide, going for a grim reaper-esque style of killing.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki gets a normal hit on group A, Irid gets a normal crit killing Group A! Group B fails to hit, Group C get a normal hit on Irid]

[Toki fails to hit, Irid gets a arousal hit on Group C, Group B fail to hit, Group C get a normal crit on Irid]

[Irid reaches critical mass and explodes, dealing 3 AP points worth of damage on Group B, killing them instantly!]

Z. Group C 3/3 HP, 2/3 AP

The battle starts fairly quickly with the first group going down easily, however the second group grab at Irid and bring her to the ground, tearing at her repeadetely, however Irid gives out her ever faithful pre detonation noise before Toki sees flying zombie limbs and a passed out Irid on the ground, however there was still one group left...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She raced through them like lightning, swiping off heads at a million miles per hour...she then noticed the living bomb Irid go off, sending parts everywhere...Toki herself grinned as she noted the last group approaching, spinning like a top, and racing through the center of this one, too. She felt as though this scythe was her thing now...screw spears...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Toki fails to hit, Group C get a normal hit]

[Toki fails to hit, Group C get a arousal hit]

[Toki gets a arousal hit, Group C get a arousal crit!]

Toki 4/5 HP, 3/6 AP, Tight Hold, -3 to all attacks.

Group C, 3/3 HP, 1/3 AP

The battle continues, however the zombies get a tight grip on Toki, pushing her to the ground as they start to mindlessely tear her clothes off, one zombie groping her breasts roughly.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She did, however, trip as she began her attack, finding herself having her clothing taken off, her breast being groped. She was, however, enjoying this now more than she used to, getting sustainance from it...she did, however, attempt to escape violently.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Tokis struggle fails, zombies fail to hit]

[Tokis struggle suceeds, zombies get a arousal crit!]

[Toki reaches orgasm!]

[Toki gets a normal crit, ending the battle!]

The violent struggling eventually gets Toki free, however she is pinned again as the zombies tear off her clothes completely, two hold her arms down while once grabs a hold of her sides and thrusts her face into Tokis crotch, starting to lick and suck at her slit, paying attention to her clit, another zombie mounts Toki, rubbing her breasts roughly before lowering herself for a sloppy french kiss, all this pleasured Toki to the point of orgasm, feeding the zombies, however a gore splattered arcing swing of her scythe later defeated the remaining zombies.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

being taken down by the enemy horde, she felt herself being held down by two of them, one kissing her as another gave her flower much needed assistance with her lips. she had to admit, though it was cold, they were powerful, quickly driving her to the blissful madness of orgasm. she then felt herself almost being lost to the horde, but only just, swinging her weapon violently toward them, and then swiping them in two.

She then stood up, walking over to irid and tickling her until she had awakened.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid whimpered and then started to giggle, more tickling was applied as she started to laugh and roll from side to side "N-No please no more~!" she said, eventually waking up, she sat up groggily, her eyes half shut.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She smiled back at her...

"we...need to get out of here..." she noted, picking up Irid and heading back through the doors and into the room with the machines.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Thankfully the door they came in through was still eerily siting at the top of a hill, taking them back into the machines "W-Why are we here again?" she asked in curiosity.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"because it's quiet at least, and i'm somewhat sure that these things aren't activated...plus...there don't seem to be other humans here..."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid shrugged, yawning and about to fall asleep again.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she smiled and let her sleep, while she herself decided to see what was on tap here as far as machinery. she walked about in an attempt to find a control panel or at least a guide to what was in here...