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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki fails to hit, Irid gets a arousal hit, ? gets a arousal hit on Toki]

[Toki reaches orgasm!]

[Toki gets a arousal hit, Irid fails to hit, ? casts charm magic on Irid]

[Toki fails to hit, Irid fails to hit, ? fails to cast magic on Toki]

Toki 5/5 HP, 5/5 AP, Orgasm, -1 to all rolls.

Irid 3/4 HP, 2/4 AP

? 7/10 HP, 4/10 AP

The battle continues, ? managing to get another charm magic off on Irid this time, making her blush slightly and have a slightly confused look, however the woman takes advantage of Tokis momentary distraction and suddenely pin her to the ground, brushing some hair out of her eyes and giggling "Here let me help you with that~" she said, then Toki felt the womans hand slide down her panties and suddenely plunge her two fingers into her wet lower lips, ellicting more moans of pleasure from her "Such a dirty little thief..." the woman said, taunting Toki as her fingers expertly worked her flowerpot, eventually this brought Toki to her heavenly orgasm, Irid stood dumbfounded "Jesuschristhatonlytooklike7seconds"" she muttered to herself.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Wh-Why aren't you helpiiiiiiiiiiiinnnng.....!!!"she groaned to Irid, cumming hard onto the female's fingers. in return she figured this girl had some...BDSM thing going on, and attempted to flip her over and grapple her whilst giving her a vicious spanking on the backside...she needed it anyways for treating her in such a nasty little way...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[No combatants hit]

[Toki fails to hit, Irid fails to hit, ? casts charm magic on Irid]

[Irid reaches critical mass!]

As soon as the pink shockwave hit Irid, her eye twitched and her entire body shuddered, her electric aura started to pick up as she almost hunched over into a primal stance, ? was slightly distracted by this, all Irid had to say was...


[Irid explodes dealing D3 arousal or HP hits!]

[Irid deals 3 AP points of damage!]

Irid then erupted into a electrically charged explosion, powerful enough to nearly knock ?s shirt off, "How intriguing..." she said in response, although Irid was still standing there, holding her head, her hair and eyes were back to their natural colour, Irid looked around for a second, then realised what was happening, giving a yelp of surprise then hiding behind a overturned table.

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Toki causes a normal hit, ? fails to cast magic]

[Toki fails to hit, ? does nothing...]

? 6/10 HP, 1/10 AP

Toki couldnt help but be awestruck at this sudden explosion from Irid, albeit she was dissappointed when the old Irid came back and she ran for cover, however ? looked at Toki, smirking under her facemask, using the situation to her advantage, she slowly slipped the torn shirt off, letting it hit the floor, showing she was wearing a black bra underneath "You look tired, you seem to be into this stuff..." the woman said, her tone changing to a more fliratious one, "I Can promise you a lot more fun like that if you come quietely..." she said in the same tone, running her hand down her stomach in a sensual way.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she had to admit, she liked Irid at times...but to be honest, escape was never in the agenda. She felt that this new individual had it going on, to say the least, but she wasn't entirely convinced just yet. She then ignored the lovely set of breasts in front of her, and reached in between the female's legs, feeling that she herself was a fair bit turned on as well...

"How about the idea of 'Convince me more' instead?" she asked as she attempted to plunge her fingers into the female's panties and rub at her love button.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid was watching Toki from behind a table "T-Toki what are you...?", the woman moaned in surprise, with Toki pleasuring her she felt the need to do the same, taking her facemask off, and then kissing Toki softly at first, then turning it into a very passionate french, her tongue dancing with Tokis as the two lost themselves for a few seconds in pleasure, eventually she retracted the kiss, Can i take that as your giving up~?" she asked.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"An invitation to join us. why don't you come along?" she asked to the female, "You aren't bad, lovely, but c'mon...you know you wanna leave some of that boredom behind"

she smiled and punctuated this with several more pumps of her fingers into the girl's honeypot, softly withdrawing her hand to lick away at the collective juices that stuck to it...she then offered them to the other female before whispering...

"Plus that one over there is a major masochist...if you know what I mean..."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Rolling to see what happens...]

[Toki faills amidst for the womans charm magic]

The woman moaned as Toki withdrew her hand, and looked over at Irid, who whimpered and hid further behind the barrels "You make a interesting proposition but..." the woman quietely said, holding Toki close, she used charm magic once more, albeit laying it on her voice to make it more compelling "I think i should be the one in control here...dont you agree?" she said, her hand slipping into Tokis flowerpot again and hitting the pleasure button.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

feeling another blast of this female's charm magic, it was incredibly hard to think right now...but her brain hatched an idea, just in time. she then smiled softly, making her eyes go seemingly blank...

"Y-Yes...you should be in charge....c'mere...." she groaned out loud, bringing the girl in for a deep kiss, submitting to the girl's will as she gently gestured the scythe from her hand. at the same time, her free hand was still on hers, which she would then swing about with an intense burst of speed to impale the girl upon it.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki fails to hit, ? sucessfully casts charm magic]

The girl unfortunately had noticed Tokis plan, and brought her hand up, grabbing the scythes handle and tossing it away, placing her hand on the back of Tokis head her hand glowed and gave the last bit of charm magic needed to fully control Toki "There, dont you feel better~?" she asked.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She groaned out softly, her will falling away from her as she submitted to the woman's touch...she was utterly charmed now, and unable to resist her...

"Y-Yes....much better...." her hues going blank for real this time...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The woman smiled and pet Toki, putting her facemask and shirt back on "Now, would you mind going after the little creeper for me?" she said, handing Toki her scythe back, Irid whimpered and kept the spear ready, hoping she wasnt having to fight her friend.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Of course..." Toki replied, her eyes turning to that of the woman's, and then approaching her former friend. There was, however, hesitation, as she did not strike to kill, only to knock her out. HOwever, her attacks were much stronger this time, due to her out-of-control state...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Toki gets a arousal hit, Irid fails to hit]

[Toki gets a normal hit, Irid fails to hit]

[Toki gets a arousal crit!]

[Irid reaches critical mass, but cant finish off Toki]

The battle ended almost as soon as it begun, Toki managed to cut off lower parts of Irids shirt, revealing her panties, giving out a startled cry, Irid tried hiding it, but failed as TOki cut her panties away entirely, Irid tripped and landed on her back, trying to scramble away from Toki, but backing against a wall, whimpering.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she continued, stripping away the girl's clothes to nudity, and then picking her up by her neck before giving her a brief kiss on the lips. Tokiko then turned about to see the other female, holding up the defeated one.

"She's no longer a threat." she added, licking her lips tenaciously.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The woman smiled, clapping as her scythe vanished "Very good, now follow me"

After leading Toki through several hidden pathways and passages, Toki finds herself in a very fancy looking place, she was introduced to the woman who was named Taku, and Taku had lead Toki to a special room "Since you did so well Toki...you may use this room for a hour with your friend" Taku said, gently placing Irid on a bed in the room, as TOki looked around her she could see a variety of equipment, vibrators, gags, wooden horses, even a few caged monsters "Have as much fun with her as you want~" she said, waving as she left the room and shut the door and Irid was left alone with Toki, Irid started to wake up however...
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

smiling maliciously, she turned to the female just before she left

"Can I get some new clothing, Dear? I can't show her who's boss when dressed like this" she asked with a smile. she then turned to the girl that was waking up, aiming to put a ballgag into her mouth, and then use her ill-gotten shibari skills from her lifestyle choice of being a thief to bind the girl tight
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid whimpered as Toki slowly applied the ballgag, her whimpers becoming muffled as she was unable to speak, a quick bind with a rope demon later left Irid vunerable, she was left on her knees, her wrists behind her back and the rope demons two smaller ropes spreading her lower lips as Irid shook in a mix of pleasure and fear, Toki had a new set of clothes for her pushed through what looked like a clothing duct for her to wear.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she put on the new clothing, loving how it fit over her...that and it was quite stylish as well.

She then turned to the girl, seeing that she was nice and bound. she then placed Irid on the nearby wooden horse, and picked up a large, red vibrator from the shelf nearby.

"To be honest...I always did figure that you were into this...especially with me in charge...so why complain?" she asked, "Now...gimme a nod...do you want it?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Irid gave out a muffled moan as she was placed on the wooden horse helplessely, upon Tokis question she blushed and shook her head, hoping some sense would get into her head soon.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she smiled and kissed the girl's cheek, beginning to rub the vibrator along the girl's slit as she gently rocked the wooden horse back and forth with her leg...she at the same time gave her a convincing pinch to the nipple...

"Change that answer up, sweetie...i'm into giving pain too..."