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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

Bakan's inexplicable choice to continue his conversation with Orgrosh several minutes after it had seemingly ended and they had started walking would initially earn a noncommittal grunt from the orc, who seemed to not want to discuss it further now that they had more immediately pressing concerns, and when she couldn't turn to face him because they were walking. When he brought up his dishonorable act, however, she coldly brushed his hand from her shoulder and grunted; "Enough! Now is not the time.... Do not speak of this in front of others again." His compliment toward her prowess in battle would seemingly merit no response save for a simple nod of acknowledgement, but from then on Orgrosh would remain largely silent, and being in the very back of the line behind her Bakan would be unable to directly address anyone else in line.

How he would cover Rhep's face with his cape from so far away notwithstanding, Bakan's reaction to the foul stench would field nods and murmurs of agreement from everyone else, even Artis who had gone silent since they'd left.

When they passed beyond the sewers and began to enter what seemed to be crypts, Aria would chuckle and shake her head from the front of the line, her answer echoing back to him down the narrow tunnels; "No... No! Certainly not down here, this isn't the Necropolis! We honor our dead in Cheydin... And besides, the only undead in Badaria would probably be controlled by a sanctioned necromancer rather than some hedge mage lunatic like you'd expect to find in Crolia or the Amazon! No, it's just that most dislike the stench of death!"

All too soon the smell of decay would overwhelm the stench of sewage, the loamy earth often visible above their heads sometimes crumbling onto them. Rats, worms, and other vermin known for decay appeared and vanished, and they passed threw as many earthen tunnels as stone ones as they went from crypt to crypt. Aria never let them linger or took them beyond the gates into the places where bodies were kept, but more than once Bakan would feel a chill pass through him and his skin crawl, or would feel as if someone or something was observing him from just beyond the periphery of his vision. The graveyard tunnels took them half an hour and began to wind, the passageways increasingly difficult to navigate, but they never crossed the same place, each crypt unique by its markings at the very least.

Before they left them, however, Aria suddenly came to a stop, resulting in a traffic jam behind her that resulted in a number of exhaled grunts running down the line, one guard falling over as he almost tripped on Rhep, and Bakan smacking into Orgrosh's back and rebounding off, though one of his hands accidentally ended up on the orcish warrior's soft, plump rear in an effort to keep from accidentally falling forwards and making the traffic jam worse. "Quiet!" the guardswoman called in a hushed whisper, and then a second later added; "There's... Something moving... Up ahead!" They were in a narrow stone corridor connecting a crypt foyer to a tomb of some noble family or another, a chamber ahead and a chamber behind. Bakan was free to offer a suggestion if he so wished, but if he did not Aria would begin to creep forward, and the line would begin moving again after her in an equally cautious advance.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was a bit shocked that Orgrosh did not wish to speak of it in front of the others. Perhaps it was an issue of trust, but Bakan didn't think it would matter to them. Regardless, it did not seem to him like the conversation had ended. Quite the opposite, silence hung in the air during their walk in addition to a pause in the progress of their venture through the sewers. It seemed to him like words could still be shared for lack of anything else to talk about or react to, but Bakan just shrugged, deciding that the situation was too misleading for him to tell that he was not supposed to say or do anything in light of what was presented before him. What was truly inexplicable was the odd pause when they could have just kept moving. Bakan felt angry at the obnoxious nature of awkward pauses.

"Sorry. Didn't think it mattered if others heard." Bakan said honestly, apologizing to Orgrosh with a shrug, knowing that the conversation hadn't actually ended (since Bakan began talking right after they began leaving the room where Bakan healed himself). Rather, Orgrosh simply did not wish to speak further. It wasn't Orgrosh's fault, because he felt angry. He wasn't sure what he was angry at. Almost like a tiny voice in the back of his mind, saying things all on it's own, though he was sure that was likely just another crazy tick in the back of his mind to pair with whatever murderous intent was there. Or perhaps it was the same entity. Regardless, he merely ignored it.

Still holding Rhep in his arm, keeping her close unless she wanted down, it was easy to cover her mouth. Bakan wasn't sure why some supernatural force was trying to make him think this task difficult. She was right there in his arm, the cute little goblin. And his cloak was anything but short as well. Covering her mouth to hide the scent unless she fought the idea or decided to walk on her own, Bakan continued through the sewers.

"I think someone is following us, though that wouldn't be a big surprise would it." Bakan said off-handedly, before Aria noted movement up ahead and Bakan bumped into Orgrosh from behind, somehow getting a handful of her ass. She didn't seem to mind though, so he didn't either. "Aria, do you think you can hold the front? I'll protect the rear as best I can." Bakan asked her, looking behind the group and moving backwards, going on full defense and preparing to guard in case something shot out of the darkness before he could see it.

Bakan goes on Full Defense, gaining +30 dodge and resistance, as well as a +15 bonus to perception.

In addition, he prepares to use Spirited Defender(Or is it warrior now) in the event he manages to react to any oncoming harm. He spends 10 EP to increase Dodge and AV by 10, blocking any allies behind him from harm if they would be in the event he moves out of the way.

However, he DOES NOT use it UNLESS he sees an incoming threat. He does not waste his minimal energy remaining.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Fine

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

Perception: ???

Rhep had dismounted Bakan's arm when it was time to go, as she was completely unable to do anything in that position and so was Bakan.

When the group was stopped in the catacombs, Aria simply replied; "Yeah! Hold back there!"

She would advance forward while Bakan gazed back behind them, holding his hammer at the ready and Orgrosh at his back. Nothing moved but a rat as Aria advanced ahead, quickly moving out of sight, but the more he looked back and held still the more he felt as if he was being watched. The longer he gazed down that dark corridor, the more it seemed as if something was happening, but the only sounds did nothing to warn of danger.

Tiny clawed feet moving as rats scurried about, the slight rustling of the settled earth above their heads shifting, the heavy breathing of the men and women behind him... And the clack of Aria's boots fading as she advanced toward whatever she'd supposedly seen. He didn't see it when her light dimmed as she turned a corner, but he did hear her surprised gasp, and then.... "Kenneth!?"

Aria backed into view again, and a distraught looking Kenneth came stumbling into view a moment later. "Shit... Musta... Got turned around," he mumbled, breathing heavily as if from exertion. There was blood on his temple, and on his side, but he didn't seem to be moving as if injured if Bakan looked. "How... Did I get all the way here? Fuckin..... Where's Mara!? Is she here?" Aria quickly replied; "No... No she was with you!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was shocked to see Kenneth, but seeing him just made him more uncomfortable that they weren't making progress. "Start by telling us what happened, Kenny! And by the way, we've still got to keep moving!" Bakan insisted. Otherwise, given the circumstances all he could do was stand around and continue what he was doing before, extra wary now that Kenneth had appeared.

Bakan wasn't entirely surprised that something went wrong, he was expecting it. How and when would always be a surprise, but not much of one. Given the destructive force that those people packed before, Bakan only grimaced while accepting the unfortunate likelihood of Mara's demise. Or perhaps she was the traitor. There's no way of telling. In fact, it felt like the forces that be were just making him stay in an unsafe location for longer than necessary. Every second he spends not moving towards Dove, one of the only safe places he can think of right now, only makes him more uncomfortable and sure that if a follow-up attack was coming, they were just giving it more time to fester and come at them.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Stunned

Kenneth: Prone, Stunned, Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

Perception: Universal Failure

Resistance: ??? Wins

"Mara just.... We were walking, everything seemed fine, and she just went ballistic! Then some fuckin... Creature came out of the shadows, and after breaking Thomas' nose she fuckin ran off!" Kenneth blustered angrily. "Is anyone else hurt? And did you see what was it that attacked you?" Aria asked sharply, but Kenneth shook his head and replied, "not sure, but I don't think so. Nobody got it bad, and I went after Mara while the rest cleaned themselves up. I think I lost her at some point though. I've got no worldly idea what that thing was, it was big and dark and came screeching out of the shadows at us, but it went down to a volley of shots and then just... Evaporated."

Aria frowned before glancing back at the rest of the group, especially Artis, before turning back to Kenneth. "We ought to keep moving. Why did she run? Do you think she saw the monster and panicked?" Kenneth could only shrug, "beats me. I wasn't looking at her when it happened!" Aria frowned and glanced back again, finally saying; "Lets get moving. We can figure that out and send out some search parties for her later."

Nothing had changed down the corridor that Bakan watched in the time it took them to have their conversation, and that did not change as they started advancing down through the tunnels again, Kenneth staying near Aria at the front of the line. The other guards were all glancing around nervously now, and even Orgrosh in front of Bakan and Rhep near the front of the line seemed put off by the strange happenings. They passed through the catacombs for about ten minutes, moving with all possible haste while keeping their formation as Kenneth and Aria occasionally exchanged brief murmurs of conversation.

And then, as they entered a tomb with a wide chamber, the lights went out. Blackness suddenly closed in around them with no warning, and startled gasps and scrapes of movement quickly turned to chaos as over a half dozen voices erupted in questions. "Quiet!" Aria said in a raised voice, and the guards all went silent. "Sneaky mage is playing trickses," Rhep announced suddenly in an almost comically solemn voice, and then there was a crash of movement as a presence entered Bakan's senses. Kenneth's voice sounded in a loud grunt placed alongside the sound of an impact, followed immediately by a soft thud as a body hit stone, and then Rhep let out a shriek alongside another thud followed by a second sound of impact.

"ISHNU ALTOS!!!" Aria suddenly cried out, and the darkness was banished, leaving the scene playing out in the front of their line left in stark relief. Mara was standing there, pinning a soldier against the wall by his throat with one arm, now clad in tight dark leathers that clung to her skin tightly. Aria was standing a few feet away, holding up a glowing blue pendant while her lantern sat discarded on the floor and her blade was held at the ready. Kenneth and Rhep were both down and unmoving, leaving only a single soldier between a cowering Artis and Mara. The woman had frozen when the light appeared, and after a moment she whispered; "Shit..." There were still people in Bakan's way if he wanted to get to her, or to Artis, but he could try to push through them if he liked. He and Orgrosh were stuck behind another soldier, who seemed to be stunned near the mouth of the tunnel leading out into the chamber.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Maybe... Was Mara really the assassin?" Bakan pondered, finding that odd, recalling Artis' story of how he met Mara. He had discounted Mara as being less likely to be the assassin since she had such a background with him. "She was in the best position for it, though even that doesn't make sense. If she's really one of them, then wasn't there better times to kill Artis before we got down here?" Bakan wondered aloud, before shaking his head and moving onwards. Lot of things didn't make sense right now, though even still, they had to get to Dove's place asap.

Minutes of walking went on. Bakan figured that since Kenneth got here first, Mara couldn't be one of them, right? If so, he was behind Mara and yet got here first. So she had to have gone elsewhere. Further walking had him convinced that was the idea, unless she was screwing around for one reason or another, since they were as vulnerable as they were going to get now. They were also quite vulnerable before, right after the attack happened and all the soldiers were confused. Artis was unconscious. No, something had to have happened to her otherwise. It made absolutely no sense for her to have waited this long before making her move, on top of everything else he heard.

That's why it surprised him.

He expected an attack, though the pure darkness was one that he didn't expect. "The assassin!" Bakan called out in alarm in answer to the questions the soldiers let out, which were silenced by Aria. Then sounds came, Bakan's heart was racing quickly, because there was an army of soldiers between him and where the sounds came from. They were clearly under attack, and all it took was the sounds of thuds for Bakan to be charging forth, shoving aside stunned soldiers in his way. When the lights came back on, Bakan saw Mara. All it took was seeing her in that unusual outfit, and he was casting his magic using the remains of his spirit. "Disappear from my sight, behind a wall of light!" Bakan called out, encasing Mara inside a square block of his magic. Though with her arm gripping the soldier's neck, it meant her arm was stuck there for the time being.

If that is successful, Bakan would step forward to speak to Mara in a bout of anger. If not, then fuck.

Shoving over a confused soldier, Bakan would step forth with angry stomps, his wings a blazing red fury as he directed his hammer at her arm gripping the soldier's throat, the side with the pointy bits. "Let go of his throat or I will break you like a candy bar." He warned her, and would follow suit unless she released her grip. "Any questions I ask, you'll probably lie to me or won't tell me. The little goblin you hit back there is my best friend. You're working for the people who killed that man's family and many more. I'm not expecting you to feel regret, I'm listing the reasons I have to want to KILL you." Bakan declared angrily. "I'm sick and fucking tired of the horrible creatures in this world that pretend to be people. You have five seconds to convince me not to take out my frustrations on you." he declared his ultimatum.

If she said nothing, or made no attempt to convince him, Bakan would strike her. And unlike with the one man who got away, who raped that girl a few days back, he'd make sure she was dead.

Otherwise, if she started giving good reasons not to be just another pointless asshole out to ruin lives, "Get me some rope, and a lot of light. Get me something to seal her too while you're at it." he said whether she was conscious or not. "She's going to help me kill the Nicoletti, whether she wants to or not."

Holy Wall for 8 EP and 3 upkeep. 38+20=58 Resistance Mara will have to pass to escape the barrier around her.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 26/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP, Upkeep = 3, Wall of Light +20

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

Kenneth: Prone, Fine (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

Resistance: 12 + 58 = 70 vs 72 = 9 + 43 + 20, enemy wins

Shoving his way through the soldiers in the dark, Bakan would find himself standing over Artis just as the darkness was banished, leaving him almost face to face with Mara. The sudden appearance of that light, followed by the sudden appearance of the box of white light around her, leaving her stuck with one man pinned against the wall and her wrist trapped in Bakan's energy barrier, she was seemingly trapped there. She turned her head to glare at him for his threat, but released the man who collapsed against the wall, coughing and grasping at his throat as he tried to slide away.

"I only need to give you one," she stated slyly, and then suddenly her voice changed. It wasn't as dramatic as one might expect, the shift making her voice higher but deeper, a slight change in tone. "You can't!" she said, and then simply dissolved into tendrils of blackness that suddenly streamed through the hole that had been left by her wrist like a serpent through a tube, coiling around Artis, and then Bakan, and then through their lines. One of the soldiers lashed at the chord of shadow with a knife, as did Orgrosh with her fist, but the blade passed through it harmlessly, and Orgrosh' fingers found no grip as it streamed through them. Even when Aria raised her fist again and repeated her mantra, causing another burst of light, the shadows were unperturbed as they shot off into the dark. Contemptuous laughter echoed down the tunnel for a single second a few moments later only to vanish instantaneously.

"Shit... Uhhhnn... What the fuck was that!?" Kenneth grunted as he got up to his elbows and knees, and Rhep seemed to be stirring as well, sitting up and rubbing her head. "Whuh! Anyone get number of that ogre?" she grunted, rubbing her forehead. "How did she get out?!" Aria declared in frustration, "and... Mara!? How? Why?" It was Artis who answered her, in a hollow tone; "That.... Wasn't Mara. Couldn't have been.... It's not possible!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

'How fucking annoying.' Bakan sighed, failing yet again to accomplish something on account of something being stronger than him.

"It doesn't fucking matter." Bakan said to Artis and Aria's needless surprise and awe. The assassin being the one closest to her target is the oldest trick in the book, even he knew that. "Next time she shows up, she knows she will be killed. So let's just hurry up and go and be prepared in case she decides to take a second shot." He said, standing on the route Aria was headed.

(Bakan obviously dispels the wall of light, and doesn't really give two shits about any minor things that happen along the way unless he can do something about it. So if nothing else happens on their way there, skip to their destination.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

With nothing more to discuss, the group hurried off, leaving the threat of the assassin behind. Aria would lead them through more catacombs, tombs, tunnels, and another section of foul sewer before they finally arrived in Dove's basement, according to the captain, which was empty and deserted and very dusty with lots of old, fancy furniture. "Well... We're here. Lets see if we can find someone," Aria suggested. No one objected to that idea, but she made sure to seal the entrance they'd come through before they left the basement. The place seemed to be empty except for Paul, who they only found after they started shouting, and the butler didn't seem surprised at all as he walked up to them from around a corner. He saw them all to the main hall, and told Bakan that Cory wanted to see him and that Sarah had gone off on her own, and that Dove had talked to Samarta and then left while she was up in the room she'd been given. Orgrosh excused herself to her own room briefly before leaving to go and find Sarah, the guards all stayed with Artis while Paul went and made sure that they hadn't disturbed anything in the basement, and Bakan was left to his own devices for a while.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

'I should get some rest, it's been a long, shitty day.' Bakan thought to himself upon arrival before he was given a recap of the situation by Paul. Apparently Sarah was still off trying to do as he asked her. If Orgrosh let Bakan know she was looking for Sarah, he'd tell her that at the very least, she'd have to be careful. She's an orc alone in a city that doesn't like the idea of orcs. If there's any trouble walking around in town, she'll attract it like a magnet. "If you think you can handle it, I'll trust you. Otherwise, I'll come along once I see what Cory wants. Even then, I'll come after you regardless just to make sure misfortune didn't grab your heel." He said to her.

With Rhep not doing anything unlike the others, Bakan looked to her. "Wanna go see what Cory wants?" he asked with a smile, scratching her head as if she were a pet. "Speaking of, where's Rebecca?" he'd ask Paul before the butler left. If no one knew where Rebecca was, then that was Bakan's priority to find her. If she was fine, Bakan would head off to see Cory.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

Orgrosh would nod her understanding to Bakan's suggestion that she be careful, but would still depart on her own to search for Sarah.

Paul, before departing to clean up the basement, said that Samarta had Rebecca with her.

Rhep, in the meantime, would grab Bakan by the crotch and pull him upstairs after he'd found out where the raccoon was, and off they would go to see Cory. They arrived in the lavish bedroom that Dove had lent them to find her standing beside the mirror, brushing her hair while clad in a thin white maternity gown that left her swollen breasts and even more swollen belly both readily visible through the thin material. She turned to Bakan as the door opened, but her expression shifted to a neutral one as Rhep walked in with him.

"So.... Did it go as poorly as the look on your face suggests?" she asked heavily, putting aside her hair brush and giving Bakan a searching look.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was relieved to hear that Rebecca was still okay. He wanted to see the little fluffy coon to see how she was holding up here. Hopefully she's eating well. Hopefully she's happy. Hopefully she's excited about becoming human again, removing whatever curse was put on her. Bakan felt excited, for certain. If this was all successful, it'd be the first thing that went well without any hitch. All he can think about is Rebecca's words of thanks in his head. A moment of being appreciated by someone he helped. The thought alone made him feel all mushy inside.

So, when Bakan walked into the room, it wasn't with a frown. As far as he was concerned, the events with Artis never happened. It was a miserable experience filled only with more failure, best forgotten.

"I got Artis back alive. That's all that matters. I didn't manage to contribute much, to be honest, asides from stopping some giant dragon head made of shadow from killing everyone. I guess that's something." he said, shrugging off the topic with disinterest, before walking towards Cory and seeking her for a gentle embrace. "We chased off the assassin when she appeared. She was apparently some girl who worked at a brothel and became close to the guy I was supposed to protect. Which is odd... Because that really sounds like she was dedicated to her job. She even had scars on her." he said, appreciating for a moment such dedication to one's job.

"How are you, though? And how's the baby?" he inquired. "I bet it's a boy." he said hopefully. "I'll name him Little Baka... Maybe I'll work on the name though."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

"Then she probably wasn't even who you think she was," Cory reasoned, "scars are easy to fake for a shapeshifter, and if they're an assassin I don't suppose they'd be beyond interrogating someone so they could impersonate them better. It's what I'd do." She returned his embrace more gingerly than she might have before her long exile, and sighed in response to his questions about the welfare of her and their child. "We could be better," she began bitterly, but then sighed again and added; "But we could be worse I suppose. At least we're someplace warm and civilized for a change."

She eyed him speculatively for a moment after pulling away, and then sighed for a third time. "I think you probably ought to work on that name, yeah. I... Haven't had time to get a mage to tell me which gender it's going to be yet, and I don't know if that's even something you can ask for in Badaria. Anyway...." She glanced at Rhep, who was still hanging at Bakan's hip with a mischievous grin, and sighed once more. "You said you'd fuck her again, didn't you?" Rhep grinned and nodded, earning another sigh and a shake of her head. "Fine. But not in here," she continued as she looked back at Bakan, "the butler prepared a room for everyone, so you can just pick one of them. You'll get the rest of your punishment from me... Later."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When Cory mentioned that she could have been a shapeshifter, Bakan sank. The expression on his face was easy to read. He never once thought that it could have been a shapeshifter. Not once. Come to think of it, this worked on him in the past too. Shapeshifting was truly a dirty thing, a mental warfare that Bakan was not used to fighting. He just sighed and let that failure slide.

Though at the mention of fucking Rhep, Bakan held his hand out in protest. "I did not say that! I just promised her that I'd do something for her as a reward for promising me that she would survive." he said in her defense. "If she wants that... Well, I guess I didn't think about my request and reward before I said it, but at least that raises an important issue that I've been thinking about." he declared, a bit ashamed that he left himself completely open to be used sexually by Rhep. "Cory, I may be stupid, infuriatingly so, but I'm not without my decency. I would be happy to love and bed you only, I'd ask for nothing else. However, there is one who would directly oppose that wish..." he declared, thinking of Janne in this case. "She is a member of the Fey, and has been my tormentor since I was a young adult. She was the first to damage my ideals of stoicism and monogamy by taking care of me, indicating my flaws in life, and taking my innocence in a way that scarred my memory. She appears often, increasingly so when I need aid. There is little doubt that she will go away, as getting reactions from me seems to be her favorite pastime." he announced to her.

"Rhep, help me find the door." he said, before looking back at the silhouette of Cory behind him. "I came to the conclusion that with her around, you will always have that angry look on your face, and I will feel awful knowing you are displeased. So, I figured... Perhaps you can persuade her? As one woman to another? Her soul is linked to mine, so she will appear when I think of her. Whenever you are ready, let me know. If you succeed, then we can strive for monogamy in this perverse world..." he sighed. "If you think I am pathetic for this, you are correct. I've tried to stop her myself." he said, before motioning to leave the room.

"Also, my glasses broke, I can barely see. If possible, ask around to see if someone can get me a new pair? I'm pretty much blind, everything's blurry..." Bakan said with a weak laughter.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

"You not thinking things through seems to be a common problem," Cory replied dryly with a roll of his eyes that Bakan, sans his glasses, wouldn't be able to see. She then fixed him with a flat look as he mentioned his issues with women. "While it would certainly be nice if you could actually make that promise... You keep making obligations to beings that think of sex more like currency or social contracts than they do in any sort of intimacy. Samarta is a succubus, and while in a place like Acheron I'm sure she could find someone else to feed off of easily enough, this is about the worst place in the world for her. I'm not sure about the alraune, but Rhep and presumably Orgrosh aren't exactly going to stop trying to get into your pants unless you marry me. As for the faerie... Let me worry about Janne. Next time I see her, she and I will need to have a... Talk."

Rhep grabbed him by the hand when instructed to help him to the door, and the last thing Cory said to him as he was led out was; "I'll talk to the butler about getting you some new glasses." And then the door closed, leaving him alone with Rhep. "Rhep want pay for not dying!" the little goblin said with a broad grin, "and me want.... You! All night!" She started dragging him towards another door, likely leading into a bedroom, and if he let himself be pulled inside Bakan would be commanded; "Now.... Strip!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Well, forgive me for having a romantic mind. And I've never been to Acheron, so I wouldn't know. Ashloriel always told me to stay away from that place." Bakan said with an exhausted sigh before being led out by a horny goblin, out of that room and into another as she made the magnitude of her demand clear. Bakan's face was firm as he looked at her, making sure they were in the bedroom first. "You want me all night? Granted," Bakan accepted her demand, though upon her command, Rhep would find Bakan's hands touch her shoulders. "I made a promise after all. However... Be careful with that demanding tone, because I'm your chieftain or what have you, right?" he reminded her. And if he was able, he'd pick her up and bring her to the bed, which was hopefully noticeable enough as a bed in a bedroom. He'd set her down on her back a bit roughly. Somehow, this felt natural to him. He wasn't sure if this foreign culture was rubbing off on him, or if he was just extremely frustrated and angry over the events of today. Either way, for once in a long time, he felt in a dominant mood. "That means you have to oblige my wishes. And you've done well, for the most part. Quite well." he said with an earnest smile. "So you've earned this, but don't push you're luck. You might be adorable, but that only goes so far." he instructed Rhep.

His hand went to her attire that she wore, seeking to peel them off completely unless at this point she was struggling or thrashing. In which case he'd simply let her do as she wished while sitting back. Otherwise, he'd continue to be assertive. He'd peel away her armor and clothes until the little green goblin was in naught but her birthday suit. Smiling at her, he looked right at her face with intent. "Remember that you said all night, Rhep. Remember that well~" he said, before gripping her legs and spreading her thighs apart as he dove forth, putting his face to her nethers. First, he started with immediately attaching his lips to her clit, sucking on her point with gradually increasing strength before letting her go with a wet pop. It was a start, but it was just a tease. Rhep was quick to just want to jump into sex, so she needed to be taught some patience. "I prefer to take things slowly, so you will just have to tolerate it. But don't worry," Bakan said, shedding his own armor and making himself nude and getting into the bed, laying on the bed as he took Rhep and placed her on top of his torso with her facing the ceiling. With her back to his front, he held one arm around her torso and arms while the other hand went to between her legs, petting along her pussy and teasing her clit by running his finger around the point of pleasure. "I promise that you'll enjoy this way far better, especially once I'm done taking it slowly." He declared, before leaning his head up just a bit, and catching Rhep's ear with his tongue, licking along it in a manner exactly as he recalled Janne doing it to him. If it worked the same way, then Rhep should be getting closer to hysterical levels of teasing pleasure. Such was his intention.

Bakan found himself calming down as he did this. It was a nice feeling after the nonsense before. Teasing Rhep, listening only to the sounds she made as he touched her and nibbled on her ear, Bakan began to find a peace of mind that he had been longing for after quite some time. Which was odd, since sex usually stressed him out immensely. Maybe it was because it was with Rhep? The goblin was following him around ever since the tower fell, and loyally fought with him. That had to be it. It was because there wasn't any issues with this. Hell, he was actually completely willing for a change. That was probably a helping factor. Perhaps Bakan wasn't the best at being the dominating side, given how one bit of resistance or fuss will probably make him let her go. But he had to play the part of her chieftain right? So, he decided to do so.

Once he had gotten Rhep sounding plenty aroused and frustrated, possibly even halfway to cumming with his motions, he would withdraw his tongue and fingers. Her just getting wet wasn't good enough, after all. She needed a lesson in patience. After all, the longer lasting the session was, the more enjoyment there is to be had. And if they just fucked like rabbits, then both would be tuckered out before the hour passed. So, after a bit of service to the goblin, Bakan figured Rhep would be more than willing to return the favor. "Alright, your turn." he said, letting Rhep free, but not lining her up with his length. Instead, adjusting himself and her such that Rhep slid off of him to lay on the bed before Bakan flipped over. He adjusted himself to something closer to the 69 position, even though the size difference was evident. He put his hard, larger length to her face and all it would take was an open mouth before Rhep would let his hips down, sliding his length into her mouth while his enlarged balls were on full view to her. If Rhep seemed to have any troubles with his length, he'd adjust. Otherwise, she was to get his length sliding down her throat while he put his hand to her pussy, using his index and pinkie to part her vaginal lips before slipping his middle and ring fingers into her pussy, slipping them in and out while curling them inside to poke at a certain area he learned existed during his times with Janne. While fingering Rhep, he'd bounce his hips up and down, trying to be the best top he could be to Rhep's bottom as he fucked her lips.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

Rhep was taken aback by Bakan's reversal and reminder that he was her superior, but as he lifted her and threw her onto the bed she seemed even more excited if anything. She couldn't seemingly get her clothing off fast enough, exposing her perky breasts, round ass, and wet, pink pussy in short order before she let him dive between her legs. The brief tease against her clit made her groan passionately, but though she planted her feet on his shoulders to encourage him to continue he was allowed to pull away. She watched him pull of his own clothing with wild hunger, especially once his engorged cock was exposed for her viewing pleasure.

"Big... It's big~" she cooed hungrily as she watched it bobbing and growing, before being laid on top of him so that Bakan could apply his fingers onto the goblin's drooling flower. Even while she was denied the object of her attention, however, she moaned happily as he fingered her, squirming her hips and leaving her legs spread in the air, her head tilted back so that he could see the expression of ecstasy on her face while nibbling on her ear. There was anything but resistance on Rhep's part in return for Bakan's teasing of her clit, which caused her to writhe her hips up into his touch, urging him to do more.

She offered a hopeful look when he finally rolled her off, but when he moved her into the 69 position rather than she gave a pleased moan. He would feel her grasp his shaft with both hands and plant a kiss on the tip, but his push into her mouth caught her by surprise and caused her to gag as he slid his cock down her throat. That didn't stop Rhep from moaning with pleasure, however, and she stroked his rod into her mouth with one hand as he felt her tongue squirming against his hard flesh and her other hand reached up to his ass to urge him to push deeper down. Her moans were now tactile against his manhood as he began to fuck her with his fingers, her inner walls squeezing his digits tightly as her juices leaked onto them.

It wouldn't take long at all for Bakan's fingers to bring Rhep to an orgasm, especially as he curled them to rub up against her g-spot, but his decision to tease her for a more extended encounter would be just as easy to make happen. She bobbed up to meet the movements of his hips in the meantime, taking his edging in stride. Her hand jerked him steadily in time with those thrusts as well, and once her lips finally met her hand at the base of his rod while the tip was pushed deep down her throat the hand urging him to fuck her face deeper would make instead move to begin gently kneading and rubbing his swollen balls, encouraging them to build up their supply of seed even more. As pleasant as her tight throat felt, however, Bakan would have Rhep on the precipice of orgasm long before he was likely to spill his seed, leaving her efforts increasingly erratic as she bucked up into his hand, encouraging him to finish her.

Whether the wait was long or short, Bakan would be in complete control by that point, able to make Rhep cum once or more if he so chose, and able to switch positions before he himself erupted for the goblin, who do whatever he wished in the pursuit of such. If he simply continued as is, Rhep would moan happily as she felt him pulse into her mouth, eager to swallow his seed to the last drop or let it coat her entire body, depending on his preferences, and would jerk him with one hand and massage his sack with the other to make sure that his balls were fully emptied.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was a bit shocked, but not surprised, when Rhep actually put her hands on his ass to encourage him to shove his cock deeper down her throat. Perhaps it was because it was a new experience. On top, and dominant, it was a bit exciting to be in such a position if only because of how new it was. Though it also came with quite a bit of pressure. The spotlight was on Bakan. The dominant one was the one who took action. When it always came to sexual things, Bakan would just be enjoying a beautiful view of nature before a large pair of Janne's breasts would fall onto his head. Everything usually went downhill from there, in every meaning of the phrase. There was something humiliating about someone just randomly dropping their breasts on someone's head. Janne probably thinks this as well, being the sadistic evil that she is. Yes, she knows what she does. She knows it's cruel, so that's why she does it.

But tonight wasn't about Bakan's living nightmare personified. It was about the adorably simple goblin before him. He had so many words to share but wondered just how to share them with her. There came the problem of the same race issue as before. He just didn't know how a goblin processed things. All he could conclude was that it was via sex, so Bakan tried to reciprocate using 'her language.' After she came, and became putty in his hands, Bakan turned about to face her directly. Making a gesture she made to him, Bakan lunged downwards and planted his lips upon her own, kissing her deep and wrapping his arms around her smaller body to hug her close to him. "Thank you, Rhep." He said to her while kissing. "I don't know why you help me as much as you do, considering how I screwed up. But..." He trailed off, rolling them over to put her on top, lowering her hips to grind his cock between her legs. The head of his dick sliding along her wet folds as he bucked his hips, encouraging her to get into position to take him inside of her before he'd begin bucking into her pussy if she willed it. "I won't forget it." he promised not to overlook her aid.

Hands on her ass, Bakan would let a likely eager Rhep get to mounting his crotch, letting her take a dominant stride if she willed before moving his hips in tune with her motions, thrusting into her as she went down and pulling back as she lifted to make their love making fast and passionate. Her folds wet with her own excitement and his spit, the meeting of their flesh together would create the lewd noise of sex for them both to listen to in addition to their lustful moans. It didn't take long for all of this to end up with Bakan feeling a pleasure build up, an indicator that he was about to cum. With a deep groan he announced it. "Rhep... I'm gonna cum!" He declared, not that he was warning her at all as he was soon bucking up into her hips with such force and gusto that Rhep would be standing on her feet from how high up he pushed her as his balls throbbed and began pumping their contents into her naughty folds.

Once he was done cumming, the situation was now in her hands to continue on. Basking in the afterglow of releasing himself inside of Rhep's body, Bakan looked up at her with a bit of a smile. If only he had his glasses on so he could see her clearly... Though for some reason, the vague suggestion of the shape of her body and his pink flesh connecting with her own was enough to excite and arouse him, keeping him hard even after he came.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Prone, Fine

More than anything, when Bakan pulled his length from Rhep's mouth without cumming and flipped their position, putting her facing him, she seemed confused. Doubly so when he embraced her, though she returned his kiss eagerly and began to grind on him, rubbing her pussy against his abdomen and trailing down towards his crotch as best she could in that position. The tight hug stopped that, but she only looked at him in perplexed arousal until he rolled over and put her on top, at which point she moved as quickly as possible - which was quite swift - to mount him.

Her pussy was over the tip of his thick tool in mere seconds, her nether lips rubbing over the head of his cock, which was still slick with her saliva. Her descent was swift and intense, the outline of his cock just barely visible as it stretched the tiny goblin's folds, which gripped him like a vice all the way from his base to the very tip as it pressed through her cervix. Moaning in ecstasy, Rhep rested for only a moment before she started bucking on Bakan's lap, obviously loving every second of being so incredibly filled.

Her outward reaction to their coupling was loud and exuberant, unsurprising but fully passionate as she moaned while bucking on him, her tight ass bouncing against his balls while her inner walls gripped his manhood like a vise. Every upward stroke was an open invitation to spurt his seed into her, and every few moments her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her inner walls contracting around him almost made that invitation a demand. His announcement that he was about to cum only made Rhep pound her tiny body onto him faster and harder, and when he exploded inside of her the goblin let out a low howl and started grinding, letting her back and forth milk his seed out into her unprotected womb until he had given every drop.

Rhep collapsed forward once their orgasms had finally ended some moments later, panting against his chest while her hips gave the occasional twitch, and her cum filled pussy continued to twitch around him. She seemed satisfied, at least for the moment, but feeling him remain hard inside of her made Rhep begin to twitch back and forth, letting her inner walls resume stroking his manhood while she recovered. After a few moments, however, she climbed off and shifted aside, sitting down next to him and leaning down to suck on the tip of his rod, moaning at the taste of their mixed release on his rod. She bobbed down as far as she could, taking about a third of his cock into her mouth before he was prodding against the back of her throat, and then let both hands down to both stroke him and massage his balls.

The tiny goblin would suck him off that way, doing her very best to please him, and even though she was no comparator for the likes of Samarta, Rhep was ever enthusiastic in her efforts. She would continue until he came, and then swallow down every drop of his seed and then some, unless Bakan opted to make her do something else. Rhep was fully submissive by that point, and if he seemed intent on a third orgasm she would use her mouth, hands, breasts, pussy, or even her ass, whichever he chose, until she was too exhausted to continue or he was satisfied. Contrary to the norm, Bakan was the one in control this time, and he could choose how things continued, or if they would, and when they were done Rhep would merrily cuddle against his side and promptly pass out, her pussy leaking some of his seed but much of it still trapped inside of her.


Should he rest with Rhep beside him, Bakan would awake the next day to a knock on his door, and if he let the intruder enter he would find Samarta slithering in... Now clad in a maid's uniform that she had somehow got to fit around her despite her serpentine lower half and bloated pregnant belly, now with a plate of breakfast for him and for Rhep. "Good morning!" the naga said cheerfully as she slithered over, putting the tray down and spreading legs out from underneath it so that it could be used as a table.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

It was a crazy night. He let Rhep ride his cock until she looked tired, helping to get all that energy and frustration out of her system while still bucking his hips upwards into her and putting one hand on her side to lean his thumb over and rub her clit as she rode him, stimulating her to cum faster and reach that point where she was satisfied. All while his mutated balls shot load after load into her pussy to the point where he lost count after five loads. And somewhere along the way, it suddenly made sense immediately. The only one Rhep ever lusted for was him. Even in the presence of other partners, even the supposed dragon born Dove, Rhep seemed to only have eyes for one. The proof was in the pudding. It's just that this was the only way the little green girl could communicate it. Realizing it, Bakan blushed deep, before leaning up as Rhep got tired, and tackling her to the bed, kissing her deep, a gesture she responded to it seemed.

After that, he'd get her on her knees, and grab her wrists to lift her upper body up while driving his length into her folds from behind, slapping his crotch against her ass while sheathing himself entirely into her body. He pulled out and quickly repeated this process, fucking Rhep until he came, leaning into her, pressing her against the bed as he pumped more cum into her pussy.

It all ended at some point. When? Bakan didn't know. All he knew is that he passed out laying with Rhep and weakly grinding against one another before simply just passing out. He wasn't even sure if he took it out of her before he fell unconscious. So they probably fell asleep still connected.


Such was his morning. He woke up, feeling like he had spent the entire day doing hard labor. Hard labor with his hips. Still, he felt as if Rhep had sucked all the stress out of him, in addition to other things. A fact he'd normally enjoy before a knock was heard, and Samarta was walking in on her own, causing Bakan to throw a fuss and cover himself as she walked in. "Samarta!" Bakan called out the serpent's name. "Why are you wearing that? Have you become servant to this place?" he inquired, concern on his face. "In addition, what about... Your nature?" he just realized when he saw her that it had been a little while since she last got some energy. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry, so many things happened and I didn't remember to care for you." he said, though he also pondered the other possibility as he relaxed a bit back into his bed. "Or did you, uh... Find someone else..."

While it should be fine if Samarta simply found another source, it still bugged him, when it absolutely shouldn't given everything that's going on. It wasn't the desire for sex that made him a bit touchy with the thought. Far from it, he was drained in that regard. Rather, it was a certain desire to be needed that inspired him, and a certain realization that he might not be needed that depressed him. Whatever her answer, Bakan would either smile and promise to help if she needed it, or frown while still nodding to her. "Thank you for the meal, but... I don't think you should be moving around like that, serving people and what not. And... Goodness are you sneaking melons around or did your belly grow astonishingly fast?" Cory was surprising, but this more so. He wasn't sure who was going to have their set first, to be honest.

'Oh fuck.' What was he going to do with the children? How much would Cory strangle him if they all looked like little serpent Bakans? 'Oh shit...'