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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 9/88, PP = 38, EP = 41/54, Status = Ouchies

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Attack (Bakan) : Hit!
Damage: 7 + 6 + 37 - 4 = 46. The Lady has taken a total of 54 damage.

Attack (The Lady) : Hit.
Damage: 6 + 5 = 11 * 8 = 88 - 23 = 65 damage. Armor's at 20/50 TP.

Attack (Cory) : Automatic Hit!
Damage: 2 + 6 + 24 = 32 * 2 = 64 - 4 = 60 damage. The Lady has taken a total of 114 damage.

The Lady quirked an eyebrow at Bakan's sudden odd behavior, but as she concentrated solely on him Bakan noticed that Cory had made it all the way around her, and stood about ten feet away from her, waiting for an opportunity to strike. As he slowly pushed himself to his feet, she placed a hand on her hip and stood slightly to the side, "Yes, cute. C. U. T. E. Cute. That's you~! And you'll be twice as cute once I dress you up like a-" She was cut off from her planning as suddenly went berserk, laughing and screaming at her as he charged with his hammer held high.

She looked taken aback, frightened even at the change that had taken over him, and she did nothing to stop him as came forward, his hammer swinging down upon her as soon as she was within range. She was knocked back a step from the blow much as Bakan had been a moment earlier, his hammer having smashed her right in the face, and she grabbed at her head in obvious pain, blood leaking between her fingers. She stumbled aside, letting out a low, pained cry, and then turned back toward Bakan.

She pulled one hand away from her face, allowing Bakan to momentarily see her broken nose, which his hammer had flattened and which was now leaking blood down her face. "IDIOT! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU DON'T JUST GO AROUND HITTING PEOPLE IN THE FACE WITH A HAMMER! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" She screamed, her voice slightly lower due to her broken nose. The demon's hand suddenly shot forward, an orb of blood red fire appearing in her hand before exploding.

Bakan had just enough time to close his eyes and mouth and bring an arm up to shield his face against the blast meant to incinerate him, and his entire body was swiftly engulfed in the magical flames that his foe had called upon. Searing pain came from all over his body, Bakan's armor offering little protection against the powerful attack. When the flames cleared from around him, Bakan was blackened with ash and reeked to high heaven of brimstone, the pain from his burns almost enough to make him drop unconscious, but the Lady seemed surprised that he was up at all. Clutching at her broken nose, she stuttered; "Wha.... What are you!? How can you still be alive after tha-"

She was cut off again, this time by Cory's blade sliding into her back, piercing through her ribs right where her heart should have been. A look of horror was upon Cory's face, the woman having no doubt seen Bakan incinerated and probably thinking that he'd been reduced to dust, but upon seeing him still standing a look of awe and relief washed over the woman's face. That look only lasted a second, however, as the demoness that she had just impaled turned on her and backhanded her hard enough to send her tumbling ten feet away. Through gritted teeth and in a voice filled with pain, the badly wounded demon lord muttered; "That. Hurt." It seemed that she had momentarily written Bakan off, as she was lurching toward the still dazed Cory, no doubt about to exact vengeance upon her former minion for the sword still sticking out of her back, but giving Bakan a momentary opening.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Seeing the magic coming at him, is was all Bakan could do to raise his hammer in an effort to mitigate the damage, to little avail. He let out a cry of pain as the flame seared his body. Falling to his back, he was unable to even stand after the blast of power as his rage was consumed along with the flames. It took all his strength just to look up, and see Cory attack from behind. The look on her expression told her all he needed to know about what just happened, as his heart would sink in his chest.

He was still too weak. Cory was even worried for his sake because of how unreliable he looked. He briefly thought that the Lady was dead with that, but as she turned to face Cory, he let out a gasp, growling as he forced himself to stand. Teeth clenched as his body made him want to scream in pain, he attempted to bury his pain under a loud scream of pain and agony. Willing himself to move his body, he lifted his hammer to his side, and swung horizontally, attempting to slam his hammer right into her back.

His body trembled, and his pain made him want to give up and collapse. But while he still had a little strength left, he would will himself to fight so long as Cory was in danger.

Bakan tries to use the last bit of his strength to save Cory!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5
Damage: (+32) +10, +3, +19 (Heavy Specialist + Knight + Body)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Bakan's Stats:
Speed: 19(15)
Dodge: 32
Armor: 11(23)
Resistance: 19(+10 Against succubus powers)
Perception: 19
Stealth: 11
Grapple: 38
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 9/88, PP = 38, EP = 41/54, Status = Ouchies

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Attack (Bakan) : Hit!
Damage: 4 + 1 + 37 - 4 = 38. The Lady has taken a total of 152 damage.

The Lady has been defeated! Bakan gains 8 experience!

Bakan's hammer, swung with the last of the strength in his body, slammed into the demon lord's side with a loud crunch, hitting her right in the hip. He could feel as much as hear the woman's hip bone break, and she let out a quiet yelp followed by a gurgle as she was flung aside from the power of the blow. When she landed, she skipped across the stone floor, tumbling end of end as several wet crunching noises were heard, and when she finally came to a halt just shy of the wall of the room she didn't make a move. A pool of blood, bright red against the white stone of the floor, slowly spread out from her prone form.

Cory, seemingly still stunned, took a moment to regain her feet. She glanced at the fallen demoness, and then at Bakan, and then back again before finally moving over to him as if to help him. "Are you alright?" She said, her voice a low, harsh whisper. Other than Cory's voice, her footsteps and their combined breathing, the room was dead silent. "You're burned pretty bad.... Can you heal yourself like you did before? Will that work on burns like these? I've never seen anyone stand up to hellfire like that, especially coming out of lord..." Despite the worry that filled her voice, even Bakan was able to detect a hint of awe in Cory's tone.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

After making his swing, Bakan didn't have the strength to ensure that he had successfully defeated her. Asides from the searing pain that overpowered him and dropped him to his hands and knees, he felt a pang of guilt over what he just did to a woman. Panting, and heaving, he extended an arm out towards Cory as she approached him to try and help him. Gritting his teeth, and then holding that hand to himself, he let the healing magic come forth from his hand, and wash over his body. Whether those burns really could be healed by his magic or not, it was all Bakan could do. Healed or not, he fell to his side, and rolled to his back, panting heavily into the open air.

"I'm still not strong enough..." he whispered, out of breath even still. Even his lungs were burning from the hellfire that was unleashed upon him, though a little less so if he could actually heal himself from it's powerful effects. "I'm sorry you had to help me... Cory..." he said to her, sounding ashamed. "You're free now... And so are the others..." He coughed from where he lay on the ground, absolutely refusing help. "Please leave me here... Someone like me, who would be crushed so easily... Is not worth anyone's time..." he announced through ragged breaths, the guilt of his failure to defeat the Lady heavier than the pain she inflicted upon him. His victory wasn't his own, either. In truth, he had lost against her. It was Cory who saved his life. For that, he cursed himself. Unreliable, weak, naive... Someone who was truly not worth his promises was he.

He glanced over at his hammer. It looked fairly ruined now. The fire degraded the cheap material, and now it's lifespan resonated with his own strength. Crumbling, fragile, and scarred. Just like himself, he would have to fix the hammer, and make it strong. Until then, he had to lay on the floor of the Lady's throne room, drowning in his own shame of weakness until he would have the strength to stand. By this point, he perfectly expected Cory to agree with his sentiments, and be gone from the room. She had gotten what she wanted most of all, and he had proven capable until now. Now, he was no longer the man he displayed himself to be, a strong and dependable man. Now, he was just a ragged animal. His clothes were torn, he earned more scars from the burns, slight, but still there. And he was just a pathetic heap on the floor. Even the most pathetic of creatures could happen along, and kill him now.

It was an unbearable state of utter weakness.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 51/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Bakan's healing magic worked across her burned body, his charred skin regaining its color and most of the pain receding away. He still ached, but the severity of his wounds was minimal compared to they had been a moment ago as he flopped onto the ground. Cory knelt next to him, checking his injuries, but the demoness paused in her examination to looked shocked at his words. Shocked, and then angry, as she stared at him like he had just said something that was highly offensive.

"What the hell are you talking about? You won!" She said, her irritation readily apparent. "You survived a blast of hellfire from a demon lord, and then still managed to strike her down! I could never have done that on my own! So what if I helped? Did you honestly expect me to stand there and let you do all the fighting?" Cory was still glaring at Bakan as she sat on her legs, remaining with him despite his expectation that she was simply going to leave. "Besides.... I do seem to be out of a job. I don't think that it's really a very good idea to try and go back to Acheron after what I did, and I was thinking..."

She trailed off and smiled slightly, despite the fact that she was still shaking, "I'd like to do some traveling, and being an adventurer always did strike me as an interesting career choice. Maybe I could travel with you for a little while?" Cory looked at Bakan hopefully after delivering her request, waiting for his response.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was caught off guard by her reply. Not only wasn't she disgusted with him, she was praising him. She gave him credit for what he survived, and cared not for the fact that she had helped. By her words, it was his victory. He turned his head, looking up at her with one eye, as the other was shut from the burn on his face, now only a swollen red mark that would heal over time. His wounded expression was almost like that of a young boy who was being scolded for acting foolish. Though, he did flush a bit in slight frustration at how she insisted that she shouldn't have simply let him fight alone. "I made a promise to you... That you could rely on my strength, and rest easy. I respect a woman's strength, I do. But I only wish to see them use their skills in battle only when they absolutely have to. In those cases, the men protecting them either failed to protect them, or were never there to begin with. By what I promised, Cory, I did fail. For a moment, you were in grave danger. Danger I was too weak to stop as I was engulfed in flames. To protect you, I'd have fought both dragon and lady on my own... And won, if only I wasn't still so weak." he replied with a grimace.

He heard her plight. She was now without a way to make a living, and Bakan was responsible. Gritting his teeth, Bakan pushed himself up with a groan, shakily getting to his feet, only to stand straight, and put his hands to the front of his legs to make a bow to her. "I meant everything I said to you this far. So that you can live a proper life, not like that of a highwayman or scavenger, I promise I will do all that I can to ensure you a long, happy life. I will lead you to a society that you can live peacefully in, and be married into. If not, I will make that society myself for you. You have my word. I promised I would see things through, and I meant that. I will provide you the ideal life, or die trying. As well..."

He lifted his head, smiling at her, "I will teach you how to become a fine, respectable lady, an idol for all young women to look up to. So that not only will you become apart of a happy life, but you will be able to teach others how to live happily as well. And if I dare say, you are already well on your way!" he told Cory happily, giving her a goofy grin despite how horrid his face looked.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 51/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Cory gave Bakan a flat but patient look as he continued to deride his performance, and she let out a sigh before saying; "Be reasonable. A demon lord and a dragon aren't things that a man should be expected to defeat alone! Especially not right after one another! Besides, I was in danger in both battles merely by being present. That dragon could have breathed fire as we came up the stairs, or the Lady could have used a spell against both of us at once. Because of you I didn't take anything more than a scratch today, despite all of the fights that we were in together. And I'm not a helpless damsel, Bakan! I might not be able to take a hit like you can, but I've been fighting since I was old enough to hold a sword. Even if I don't like that it's necessary, I can still defend myself. You protected me just fine when it counted, and expecting more of yourself than that simply isn't practical."

As he pushed himself to his feet, Cory smoothly rose up from her sitting position as well, offering him a hand up as he seemed to be momentarily shaky on his feet but not forcing any help upon him. Her flat look remained following his promise to see her to a "society that you can live peacefully in, and be married into," but she offered no complaint at the time.

She managed to return his smile when he raised his head, though a more perceptive man than he might have recognized that the expression was forced, "I suppose that's not a bad idea.... I really never did learn much etiquette." She glanced over at the Lady's corpse, and then approached it, retrieving her sword from the dead woman with a fiarly sickening slipping noise and briefly pausing to scoop up some of her blood into a vial. "So, whats say we start looting this place, hrm? You did promise me a nice dinner after all!"

(Bakan gains 1 Demon's Blood.)
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan frowned back at Cory, a red flush appearing on his lips as she continued to argue against his belief. "It's hard for me to see you as anything other than a helpless damsel after you... After you... Kissed me," he said the last part quickly, as if trying to hop over it, "As any man who's had responsibilities placed on his shoulders whether by his own doing or another's, one of the most important thing is protecting women! It's instinctual, that's how important it is!" he insisted. "And whether you're a helpless damsel or not... Any amount of danger you're exposed to... Is putting my promise at risk. So as far as responsibility goes, Cory, you are not responsible for protecting me. And the need to do so simply means that I'm incapable of the task myself." He stated firmly. "But, since you insist otherwise, I have no choice but to keep getting stronger, so that I 'will' become strong enough to protect you well enough so as to keep you safe."

He waved his hand dismissively at her in the event she rose complaint again, not desiring to hear it. "Besides, I would respect your wishes to be treated as more than a helpless damsel, but being as beautiful as you are, I cannot see you as anything other than such." he concluded, before searching about the room. Checking behind flags, under the carpet, under the throne, behind the throne, on the arms of the throne, every pillar... Bakan's nose sniffed for even a scent of treasure, a certain, slight scent given off by denarri.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 51/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Perception (Bakan) : Failure. He rolled a 1, and as such I decide that Bakan is distracted in an appropriate manner.
Perception (Cory) : Success. Cory rolled a 20. The dice amuse me, sometimes.

Bakan may take 50 denarii from Cory if he likes. The swine. :p

Any protest Cory might have raised was soundly quashed as Bakan called her beautiful, at which she smiled and blushed brightly. Letting the matter drop rather than argue further, Cory turned and began to search the Lady's corpse for any valuables while Bakan started on the throne room itself. Despite being an audience hall, the room contained little of interest, and he found himself increasingly distracted as he subconsciously shot glances in Cory's direction, and at one point, as she was bent over on her hands and knees while facing away from him, he found himself simply unable to look away for a moment.

"I found something!" She said suddenly, and got off of the floor and came over to show Bakan a small bag that she had apparently found on their defeated opponent. She tossed it into the air and caught it twice, causing it to jingle suggestively, "Sounds like money!"

Cory then glanced sideways at the door behind the throne and said; "I've never been up here before.... I wonder what's in there. There's probably something valuable!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

While making his search, and finding himself glancing at Cory, he passed it off as himself just looking around, and noticing Cory while he was at it. But when she got on all fours, he felt blood rush to his head and groin. The fact of what he did last time she was in such a sexy position still in his memory made the view extra deadly. When she found the pouch, and made her announcement, Bakan spun a full 180 degrees away, feeling extremely guilty. "Forgive me, Ashloriel," he whispered quietly, so that Cory wouldn't hear him. However, the jingle of money immediately cured him of his embarrassment as he turned, grinning to Cory.

"Nice job!" he announced, giving her a thumbs up. However, he made no attempt to take it from her, unless she was of a mind to give it to him. Then, he turned to the door behind the throne, and immediately ran towards the door with a jog, "It might be her bedroom, so there's sure to be something nice inside, like jewelry!" Bakan announced with high expectations as he eagerly opened the door!
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 51/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

Cory beamed and pocketed the money before following Bakan over to the door. When it was opened, it did indeed prove to be the Lady's bedroom, complete with a large, lavish bed and accompanying furniture, all of which might possibly be brimming with treasure. In fact, Bakan could already smell the sweet scent of coin lurking somewhere within the room, he only had to find it, and Cory seemed eager to help him do so.

Then, there was a thunderous roar from just beneath them, and the tower began to shake violently. "Looks like somebody wasn't happy when they woke up!" Cory said quickly, worry evident in her tone, and it proved to be quite justified as pieces of rubble began to fall from the ceiling. It was small at first, but a single thunderous crash below them caused a section of the floor just below next to the veiled, four poster bed to crack and bow inwards, as if its support had been removed. Another titanic roar followed another, similar crashing noise a few moments later, and another section of floor collapsed slightly. "That's not good.... Is it trying to tear the tower down? Maybe we should go back down the stairs Bakan!" Cory said, somewhat more fear evident in her voice than there had been present before, and with the tower's rumbling growing increasingly powerful by the second her concerns might be justified.

Bakan was left with the choice between seeking safety for himself and Cory, or searching for treasure. Either way, he would have to move as quickly as he could.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan gave a start when the tower started to shake under the wrath of the dragon's assault. Once it was apparent that the tower was going down, Bakan turned to Cory, fearful of what harm might befall her. "Yeah! It's not worth it!" he shouted, before taking Cory by her arm, and running out the way they came. "He's justified in what he's doing, but he should at least let us get out first, the damn jerk!" Bakan growled as he ran as fast as he could. Although he would quickly notice Cory wasn't quite running as fast as she could. "Run ahead of me, Cory!" he shouted to her, "Don't wait for me!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 19/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 23/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Injured

Resistance: Bakan fails. WHY DICE! WHY WON'T YOU ROLL HIGHER THAN A GOD DAMN 2 FOR BAKAN!? Cory doesn't though. Thankfully.

Resistance: 3. You rolled a 3. And this time, Cory rolled a 4, so you get no mercy.
Damage: Bakan and Cory both take 32 fall damage.

Resistance: Double success this time.

Cory didn't seem to need any further convincing, as she ran beside and then ahead of Bakan as the rumbling of the tower increased around them. Larger chunks of the ceiling began to fall from above and sections of the floor began to cave inwards as more support pillars were knocked out, but the two of them reached the stairs before anything could fall that might endanger them. Cory glanced back once to make sure that Bakan was still behind her just when she reached the steps, and seeing that he was right behind she started sprinting down the circular iron steps. That was where things began to get tricky, as the rumbling of the tower caused the metal supports to bend and wobble dangerously. They heard a thunderous crash from below, followed by a roar that gradually receded away, and that was when the real danger began, for a moment later the tower began to rumble thunderously, causing the steps to shake so violently that their footing was threatened.

Cory paused momentarily during one particularly bad shake, grasping at the railing for support, and Bakan was forced to momentarily pause in his own run or risk bowling her over. It was as he was helping Cory steady herself that a particularly powerful rumble caused Bakan to be thrown against the railing, which snapped under his weight, and on the violently shaking steps, Bakan was suddenly without support as he teetered on the edge, about to drop to the ground some seventy feet below. Cory, a look of open panic on her face, reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling Bakan back from the precipice at the last second, and a push from him got her moving down the steps again. The two of them raced to the bottom of the stairs as quickly as they could, and found themselves on the dragon's level a moment later. Half of the floor had caved in, and half of the support pillars were collapsed or simply gone, with more set to fall at any moment. There was no time to summon Ashloriel, not without risking the angel being caught in the collapse of the tower as well at least, and as such Bakan and Cory had no choice but to move on.

They sprinted across the collapsing room, catching a glimpse of the night sky outside through the hole that the dragon's exit from the tower had created which was sadly too high for them to reach. Their only hope now was the set of stairs on the opposite side of the room, which they couldn't even see from where they were now due to collapsed columns. Both Bakan and Cory took up their run again, the slightly faster and lighter demon moving ahead and picking out a path, while Bakan moved as quickly as he could and pushed aside any falling debris that might have gotten in his way. It seemed, for a moment, that they would reach the other side of the room without incident. Then, however, a section of the floor gave out beneath Cory's feet, and Bakan was too close to her to avoid going down with her even if he would have allowed her to fall alone.

The two fell into the harem, Cory landed and bouncing along the floor while Bakan caused a small crater where he fell, the impact momentarily stunning him and knocking the breath from his body. For a few precious seconds, Bakan couldn't move a muscle as his body fought for air and his mind tried to get back into working order. All that he could do was feel the tower shaking beneath him, and the occasional piece of rubble bouncing off of his armor or face, though his glasses thankfully protected his eyes from harm. Out of the corner of Bakan's fading vision, he saw Cory propped up on her elbows and knees, the impact of the potentially erotic pose mitigated both by his own pain and by the look of pain on the woman's back. Blood was pouring out of her nose, and she spat a small amount out onto the floor just as Bakan's hearing suddenly returned, signalling with it the return of his ability to move.

Cory took a moment longer than he liked, as the tower was still collapsing around them, but as he picked up the stunned demoness he had a moment to examine his surroundings. They were in the harem area, though it was only barely recognizable with all of the debris from the floors above. None of the slaves were present, which was hopefully a good thing, as otherwise it meant they were already buried in rubble. "I'm alright... I'm alright... Lets get out of here..." Cory wheezed, and began limping toward the exit, her pace quickly picking up until she was moving almost as quickly as before despite her injuries. Their footing was unstable, and sections of the ceiling had caved in where the dragon had caused support pillars to collapse above, but they made their way to the exit quickly enough. The three sisters were gone, the line they'd been bound with having been cut by something, and he and Cory got down the next set of stairs without further incident.

They found themselves in the maze again, but the floor at the bottom of the steps had collapsed into a ramp that sloped down into the next floor, and he and Cory went down that without bothering to try and get through the winding tunnels with the structure collapsing on top of them. It was as they arrived on the floor where Bakan and Cory had first encountered the Lady and fought those soldiers, who were also missing, that they heard a thunderous crash from above. The rumbling of the tower redoubled, momentarily locking them in place as they both stumbled at once, until they were clutching against one another in a desperate bid to retain their footing. "The ceiling!" Cory cried suddenly, and Bakan saw the ceiling above them buckling inwards.

That got them moving again quickly enough, and they scampered down the stairs, Cory leading Bakan all they way down to the base of the tower even as the entire building seemed like it was about to collapse on top of them. As they were almost at the bottom, a loud screech from above warned them that the rusted stairwell was about to give away, and the two of them made it off just in time as the entire mess came crashing down, becoming little more than a pile of rusted metal behind them. The sound of the dragon's roar from outside, accompanied by the continued thundering of the tower around them didn't give them much time to contemplate on what they had been standing on a moment ago, and they were off once more.

This time, it was a straight shot for the large door of the tower, which had been torn off its hinges and lay discarded right next to the open portal that was their salvation. Cory sprinted for it as quickly as her wounded body would allow, outpacing Bakan somewhat, but out of the corner of his eye, Bakan suddenly spotted movement. Turning his head slightly to the left, he spotted a goblin, none other than the female one whom he had seen at the card game where he had also met Cory. She was kneeling next to a fallen stone, her back to Bakan, but he could see another thin green limb sticking out from under the rock, as if another goblin had been crushed beneath the stone. She didn't seem to be going anywhere, and that meant that she would likely be killed when the tower collapsed, which could happen in mere moments as the dragon seemed to be continuing its assault on the building. If he wanted to, he could divert from his path in order to grab her and carry her out, but it would mean a few more seconds in the collapsing tower.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan saw his life flash before his eyes as he nearly fell from the staircase before he was pulled by Cory. But there was no time for thanks as they quickly tried to make their escape down the stairs, and into the large room where they fought the dragon. Shoving and rolling over the debris, the sudden cave in that dropped Bakan and Cory to the floor below slammed him on his back, and Cory on her front. His vision going black, seeing naught but stars, the debris hitting him still reminded him of the danger he was in. Though he felt like every bone in his body was broken, he continued to remind himself that Cory was in danger. That drive alone was enough to bring out the last reserves of strength he had to stand, and help her to her feet. His left arm hung limply at his side after his attempt to stop his fall left his arm feeling broken, and so he used his right to help her up, while still holding onto his hammer.

He could feel wet blood on the back of his head from where he struck his head on the ground, but he couldn't spare a moment to tend to it. "Fight through the pain, keep running!" he shouted through his own growl of pain. Although he said that, he saw the goblin girl sitting in place, next to a large chunk of debris. Seeing the arm sticking out from underneath, he knew very well what had happened, and why she wasn't moving. Though Cory ran for the odd portal in place, Bakan diverted his path, dropped his hammer, and used his right arm to pick up the goblin girl over his shoulder, and limp as fast as he could for the portal.

Forsaking his ruined weapon which had served him for so long, he traded it to save the girl's life.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 19/88, PP = 38, EP = 34/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 23/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Injured

The goblin let out a startled yelp as Bakan lifted her off the floor, but went limp afterwards in his grasp. His hammer left behind, Bakan ran for all he was worth as the tower collapsed around him, but it seemed that fate was finally smiling on him somewhat. He cleared the doorway into the cool night air beyond to find Cory standing beside the fountain with the weeping angel. She was alone, and nursing her injured leg as she stood against the stone of the fountain, and there was no sign of any of the others who had been within the tower. A thunderous roar followed by an even louder series of cracks drew Bakan's attention back to the tower, and he watched as the dragon smashed the last of the outer support columns. Cracks appeared along the stone structure, and within moments it tipped, and then collapsed away from them. The ground shook with the force of the falling tower, and the dragon took off into the air and simply flew away, quickly vanishing into the night.

When the noise and the shaking was all over, Cory said; "Are you alright Bakan? Your arm..... And where did you get her?" She gestured toward the goblin that Bakan was carrying, who was seemingly unconscious at the moment. "Put her down, lemme set your other arm so that you can heal it, and then I'll have a look at her," Cory said soothingly, pressing one hand against his back and gently pulling him over toward the fountain. It had somehow survived the destruction of the tower unscathed, but the figure of the weeping angel had its back to him now.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Watching the dragon soar off, Bakan was setting the goblin girl down next to the fountain even before Cory said anything, before his body tipped over, and he collapsed on the ground in pain, holding his left arm in his hand tenderly as he tried to fight through the pain. "I saw her looking at her companion, crushed underneath some rubble. She was unmoving... She would have been crushed along with him..." he explained, before looking to his arm, "It broke during the fall... I need to concentrate... Or else I'll be unable to heal it." he answered her other question. Clenching his teeth, and gasping in short breaths as he fought with the stress of the pain, Bakan waited for Cory to move his arm, before quickly motioning to heal it back into it's proper place.

"I hope everyone else made it out okay... I should have known the dragon would have went berserk like that... Damn it." he cursed.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Injured

(Gain 2 exp for exiting the tower.)

Cory knelt beside Bakan as he fell, worry evident on her face, but as much as it obviously pained her to she nodded and quickly worked to set his arm, the pain severe but nothing he hadn't dealt with before, and then she backed away, checking the goblin as he magically healed his arm. It was painful, but the bones knitted back together under his magical power quickly enough. The area around them was still, and Cory came over a moment later to check on him, saying; "She'll be alright, she just fainted." After she had made sure that he didn't have any other severe injuries, Cory grabbed him by the chin and kissed him deeply on the lips, her tongue invading his mouth for a moment as she held him in the embrace of her mouth.

She pulled away after a moment with a sigh, and then soundly collapsed beside Bakan, nuzzling her way beneath his unbroken arm. "I think that was enough excitement for one day," she murmured quietly, sounding almost as if she was about to fall asleep beside him. Then, her voice even lower, "I hope they all made it too." It occurred to Bakan then that, though he might wish that those in the tower had survived on general principle, Cory had probably known quite a few of them. Many of those they had fought along the way had referred to Cory by her first name, after all, and she had known the three sisters names at the very least. "There was no way that you... That we could have known what would happen, Bakan. Even if there was, what could we have done to stop it?"

After a while, and perhaps a few more applications of healing magic upon himself and Cory, the strength had returned to Bakan's body. They could leave whenever they liked, as there was nothing else here for either of them, but Cory wasn't moving until he decided to.


The goblin suddenly awakened with a start, causing Cory to jump with fright and clutch at her sword, which lay discarded at her side. She jumped to her feet and looked around, her gaze settling upon the tower for a moment before she turned toward Bakan and Cory. "You pulled Rhep out of the tower?" She spoke in a flat, neutral tone, and it was impossible for Bakan to determine merely through her tone whether she was angry or thankful to him for that. Cory glanced up at him, waiting to see if Bakan would answer with wide, concern-filled eyes.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Turning his head to Cory as she kneeled over, he gave similar surprise as before when their lips met once again, although this time, it wasn't that surprise over the fact that she'd do such a thing. He was just shocked that she had such a desire to kiss him after what just happened. To kiss him so passionately, and not long after before, the feelings behind these gestures were overpowering. For the longest time, he had held lust for Ashloriel from afar, keeping himself restrained for her. But the desire coming from Cory's lips was not restrained at all. She held such feelings for him, and she was apparently not one to hide the fact. The kiss was entirely dominated as her, and as such, his own oral organ could do nothing but follow her lead, hesitating only when he tasted the copper flavor of her blood still in her mouth.

With her snuggled up to him after the kiss, Bakan slowly began to realize himself, just how locked together Cory and himself have become. After what happened, he would have imagined himself tending to his own wounds, and resting in solitude. But now, Cory was of a mind to cuddle up next to him, and share his company. Of all the little adventures he found himself on... He wouldn't have guessed that he would find himself in a situation like this... With a woman who seemed to be developing affections for him.

With the awakening of the goblin, and Cory giving a start, Bakan slowly pushed himself up with an exhausted groan. He was certainly eager to get a nice rest sometime soon. Although Cory was alarmed, Bakan looked calm. And he felt calm too. He didn't have any reason to suspect that this girl would attack him. Although, when she asked her question, Bakan turned his head from this goblin girl, apparently named Rhep, and to Cory, before looking back to her with a confused expression. "Uh..." he directed his voice of confusion more to Cory's concern than to the goblin, before tending to what the goblin had asked.

"Yes... I did..." he answered slowly, before he twisted his lips a little. "I'm sorry about your companion... But... If I hadn't grabbed you..." he trailed off, unable to look at Rhep as he described the event of her companion's death. Be it brother or just friend, Bakan felt that he was important to her in some way. He wasn't sure what he could do to make up for her loss, other than blame himself for it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine

The goblin continued to stare at Bakan with a flat look for a few moments, her expression unreadable. Even after he himself looked away, Rhep continued to stare at him, but finally she lowered he gaze, and then turned back to look at the tower for a moment. "You pulled Rhep out of the tower.... Rhep would have died, were it not for you." She paused, and sighed heavily, "thank you, human. If not for you, Rhep would be dead, with her mate. But..."

She rounded on Bakan again, and now she looked angry as she said; "But, it is because of you that Rhep now has to live like this! Rhep's husband is dead, her honor destroyed, and her hope of earning a decent wage is gone! Your coming caused Rhep to lose everything... Even all of her stuff is gone!" The diminutive woman turned her glare upon Cory, "why you so cuddly with the human that caused us to lose all our stuff, Cory?"

Her glare hardened as Cory frowned back at her, and before Cory could reply Rhep continued; "You slept with human that caused the dragon to break tower, make all of our friends get hurt! Mistress always said that Cory was a whore and that her whoring would cause trouble someday, but Rhep never believed it until now!" Cory, who had up until then been quite patient, reacted to being called a whore in a fairly predictable manner. She became angry, tensed, and half shouted in return; "Excuse me!? What did you just call me, goblin!?"

Rhep quite calmly replied; "Rhep called Cory a whore, because that is what she is. Cory sleeps with human, and then Mistress dies, fortress is destroyed, slaves all run away, and Rhep's husband is dead. All because Cory couldn't keep her legs together! Cory will be punished when we get back to Acheron!" Cory, reverting to a frown as she continued to cuddle up against Bakan, simply replied; "I'm not going back to Acheron, Rhep. I'm tired of working for slavers and sociopaths, so instead I'm going to travel with Bakan! He's honorable and selfless and heroic, and with him I won't have to fight unless I think it's right anymore!" Rhep looked quite skepticle about all this, but said nothing in return, merely grunting and turning to walk over toward the rubble of the collapsed tower.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Do not hold Cory responsible for my actions!" Bakan shouted sternly as Rhep seemed to be pinning all the blame on her, standing up, and quickly making his way to the front view of the goblin, though not blocking her way, he was of a mind to make the situation clear to her. "The one who killed the lady, caused the dragon to go berserk, and ultimately is responsible for your special other's death was me. It was by no fault of her own that these things happened." he stated with resolution.

Taking a knee so he wasn't towering over her, he looked to Rhep directly, offering his hand as a peace offering. "I understand apologies aren't enough, so... To make up for your loss, all you need to do is ask, and I will try and make it up to you." he informed her honestly. Of all the things he supported, having a dedicated love was among them. And as someone who broke that, Bakan would do his best to mend what he had broken.