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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Cory didn't seem to mind Bakan's rough treatment in the slightest, as she unleashed a loud moan when his teeth rubbed against her sensitive button. Her body began to quiver with pleasure immediately upon receiving his attentions, but her lower half remained still, allowing him to continue without any motions that might cause his teeth to press any harder on her. The grip she had in his hair quickly tightened to the point that it was painful, and a moment later her quivering turned into a full on quake, her entire body shaking violently as she let out a drawn out scream of passion. Once her eyes had come back from rolling into the back of her head and the shudders had stopped, she slowly lifted herself off of Bakan's face, not saying a word.

Then, she flipped around and came down again, only this time her front came down as well, and though he couldn't see it, Bakan felt it as her lips kissed the head of his cock, and her tongue flicked out against the sensitive head. Her flower was still in Bakan's face, within easy reach of his mouth if he desired to pleasure her again, but regardless of his choice in that matter Cory didn't tease him for long. Her mouth descended onto his length, taking every inch of it in, and even though it went all the way into her throat she didn't gag in the slightest. The demon's head bobbed steadily upon Bakan's manhood, swallowing every inch and then going back up until her lips were just kissing his head, until he released all of the tension she had caused while riding him by cumming into her mouth. Her head receded to the tip, and her hands stroked him until she had taken every drop of his semen. Once more she swallowed down all of his cum, and lifted herself off of him completely.

Cory climbed off the bed, saying not a word, and silently dressed herself once more. She didn't so much as look at him as she pulled on her pants, and then her bra, and finally her armor. After putting her sword belt back on, Cory paused, and grabbed Bakan's wrecked boxers, and then simply walked out of the room without another word, closing the door behind her and leaving Bakan alone, still tied to her bed.

~~~~~One Hour Later~~~~~​

Bakan, despite any struggles on his part, hadn't been able to get out of his bindings, and was still tied to her bed and naked when Cory walked into the room once more. "Get dressed, the Lady would like to see you, and I still owe you a tour of the place," she said, her tone neutral. She untied the silk bindings on his feet and stowed them away, and then opened the manacles on his wrists. Finally, she tossed his underwear at him, which were as good as new.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Rather than a session of intimacy, to Bakan, it was more like a battle. He licked her with all the effort he had to offer, and her painful grip only taunted him further. He ravished her womanhood, and little to his admission or knowledge, began to become used to it. Her taste and her feel against his tongue and lips became more familiar the more he was in contact with it. This sense of familiarity stuck with him, and subconsciously allowed him to better find all of her sweet spots. In fact, a part of him was actually starting to find a liking to this... Until a mental imagery flashed into his mind of Ashloriel, and broke him from that thought process. He sank into deep thought, despite the pain on his scalp from her pulling his hair, it wasn't the worst he endured, after all. He considered if this was him betraying Ashloriel in a way. Would she desire to lay with a man who had lain with a demon?

'She probably wouldn't feel betrayed because she never thought of me romantically to begin with,' Bakan thought to himself, crying in self-pity, before lifting his spirits right back up with his next thought, 'At least a stern lecture is better than betrayal.' Although thankfully, his moment of depression was internal, and the woman on his face wouldn't witness the man underneath her crying as she orgasmed.

She lifted off his face, which came as a great relief to Bakan. He would have gotten up himself, more than ready to be rid of this situation, before she placed herself right back down, and got a mouthful of his crotch once more. For this, Cory would be rewarded with a slightly high pitched yelp from Bakan, and then a vindictive repayment to her own genitals. Although his motions matched her own, round 3 of their session ended with Cory's victory. Bakan tried his best to pleasure her and outlast her, but in the end he ended up unable to endure her soft lips, and voracious tongue. Tensing as he climaxed, and milked for what he was worth to her, Bakan felt a pit, or void, develop in his stomach. 'Corruption or not, her drinking such a thing from my body makes me feel tainted...'

Left on the bed, Bakan offered no words to her either as she dressed, took his underwear, and left. Alone on the bed, he tested his restraints, before finding it useless. He contemplated seeking aid from one of his summoner contracts, but decided against it, preferring to wait and see if Cory would return, as he assumed she would, as she took his underwear after all. 'That thought disturbs me,' he thought to himself. He assumed she was going to be a while, and although the position was uncomfortable, he figured he'd get some rest, and shut his eyes...

When next she walked in, he awoke with a start. Untied, and unshackled, he caught the underwear thrown at him, and rose from the bed with a huff at being told the news that the Lady wanted to see him. Slipping his underwear on, and then his pants, he quickly tried to regain himself. "Good!" he announced with an angry huff, "I'm going to give her a piece of my mind about the things that go on in this place!" As he said that, it was clear he was upset, and eager to do something about what had upset him, getting his loose, dark green shirt on, as well as his breastplate, he picked up his hammer and gripped it with his right hand, holding the pole close to the head, ready to use it as a walking stick, and follow Cory to meet with the Lady, and let her know how improper, no, how outrageous it was to endorse her female soldiers to perform such activities!
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

(Also, forgot: Bakan has gained 40 corruption.)

Cory stood next to the door as Bakan redressed, and said nothing, a neutral expression held on her face even as he displayed his anger. When he was dressed and ready, she turned and walked out of the room, leading him back the way they had come, at least until they had reached the top of the stairs. Then, she paused and turned to him, and said; "I know you wanted to make sure the villagers were alright, so I'm taking you to them first." She didn't phrase it like a question, and immediately starting walking again, taking a path down a corridor that he hadn't yet seen.

It was a filthy and decrepit as everything else he'd seen since he got here, showing signs of the ancient structures age and abandonment, and the air here was stale and dusty. Footprints in the grime on the floors showed signs of recent movement, however, and Cory kept to that path. Eventually, the two of them reached a door along the right side, and Cory opened it and started up a flight of narrow stone stairs, not even pausing to glance back in Bakan's direction. It was dark, but his demon guide had lifted a stone attached to one of the torch scones as she had walked down the previous hallway, and used it to light their way. It was only a short path, and Bakan found himself in another room like the one that he had met Cory in, only slightly smaller. The two goblins he had seen earlier were present here, both of them apparently supposed to be on guard judging by the helmets and armor they wore, and the swords at their sides. Both of them were also fast asleep, leaning against the wall and snoring audibly. Cory grunted as she passed the two, going into a door that took them up a long ramp that was lined with more glowing crystals.

At the top of that was another door, this one closed, but she opened it and stepped through. A few more corridors later, and she opened a door but did not step through, instead holding it open for Bakan to look through. It seemed to be a barracks of some sort, and inside were were three rows containing six cots each, about half of which had blankets and pillows on them. A group of young men were gathered around a table, playing cards, and they only glanced in Bakan and Cory's direction, shooting the demoness scowls as they spotted her but not saying anything before they turned back to their game. None of them were in chains, or showed any signs of injury or abuse, and there was no lock on the door. It even had windows, though no light streamed in through them, darkness having fallen after he had entered the tower.

Cory closed the door after Bakan had gotten a good look, and said; "Satisfied?" Her voice was still carefully neutral, but for some reason she looked troubled.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan didn't reply to her announcement of their planned destination, he was still upset with her and her mannerisms ever-so recently. At first he would have preferred to go straight to the source of what he saw as a problem with this little area of it's own society, and confront the Lady and what she seemed to endorse in her own territory, but finding out if the villagers were okay was something he had to do. They at least had to know that their folks back home missed them, and wanted them home. And so, Bakan let Cory lead the way through the corridors, through the stale and dusty hallways, and through the dark stairs, coughing as he went past all the dust of the old fortress.

As Cory opened the door for him, he stopped her from closing it just for a moment as he leaned in, and addressed the men in the room. "Excuse me, sorry for the intrusion," he apologized beforehand, "I was sent here by your friends and relatives, because they wish for your return," he announced to them, keeping his foot by the door so Cory couldn't shut it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Cory backed away from the door, letting Bakan keep it open without complaint but not joining in on the exchange. As he spoke to them, the men once more dropped their card game and turned toward him, though this time they only wore frowns rather than scowls. "Ahhh, they're worried over nothing!" One of them said.

"Aye, we're alright here. Twas by our own choice that we came here!"

"Tell 'em we'll be back when the work is done, and with more coin in our pockets than our little village has ever seen!"

There was a round of appreciative laughter, and Cory tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at him, "Satisfied now?"
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan let out a sigh, before shrugging as he scratched the back of his head, "Oh well, it would have been nice to collect a reward... At least enough for a meal..." Bakan grumbled, complaining as he'd now have to figure out how to earn enough coin to feed himself, or chance scavenging the forest for food... And if he was desperate, ask Ashloriel for a meal, which would be a rather pathetic act, to summon an angel just to be fed.

Shaking it off, and regaining his stern attitude as Cory inquired as to his satisfaction, Bakan nodded with only an affirmative grunt in reply, actually averting his head completely from looking at her. When she was to his left, he faced to the right, waiting for her to lead the way once more.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"If you're hungry, I can get you something before you leave. We don't really close the kitchen here, since we have to keep watch through the night as much as the day." Cory offered upon hearing Bakan's complaint.

Regardless of his answer to it, she then led him over to a door that opened into a spiral staircase, and began ascending it ahead of him. It was made of very old iron, and squealed in protest as they put their weight upon it. Cory didn't seem worried about it even when rusted chunks of it began to fall off of it, some of them as large as Bakan's closed fist. One of them struck him on top of the head, and a lot of rust got into his hair.

They reached the top, and Cory led him through another door into a large, well lit chamber that seemed to be empty save for a great deal of dust and . "She should be here... Ahh, she's already here." His demonic guide said, and then gestured toward a woman who was descending a set of wide marble steps toward the two of them, a squad of six guards dressed in uniforms similar to the one that Cory herself wore walked behind her in neat rows. The Lady of the castle wore a long, elegant blue dress that only barely concealed her massive chest, and hugged her hourglass figure tightly. Two long bull horns curled around her head and pointed in the same direction as her wide crimson eyes, and her long silky blue hair was done up into a bun that rested between her horns. Bat-like wings extended from her back, and they looked large enough to bear the woman's weight.

As soon as his eyes settled upon her, Bakan found himself unable to look away from her, the beauty of her unnatural form captivating him even after his treatment at Cory's hands. "You're drooling." Cory muttered under her breath, and it was then that the woman reached the bottom of the stairs and began to speak, her voice as captivating as her appearance. "You are the one who arrived earlier this night, yes? The adventurer, come to face our evil, drive us from the keep and free our captive peasants?" She said, and then laughed richly, placing her hand over her mouth.

"I hear that you have been.... Occupied, by one of my soldiers, eh?" She glanced at Cory, who was at this point standing stock still and maintaining a flawless poker face. "I hope that you enjoyed her attentions.... And that she hasn't tired you out completely." Turning back to Bakan, she smiled menacingly. "I do prefer that those I meet with be... Energetic."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When Cory told him that she could feed him, he turned to her with a flushed expression, his face mixed with shame and embarrassment. "Don't just suddenly act polite to me!" he snapped back. "I'd rather a polite and proper lady feed me than someone like you!" he stated, maintaining his cold disposition, following her to the spiral staircase that made him think for a moment as he looked at it. 'I wonder why this staircase makes me think of Idian? Perhaps he is somewhere similar, right now?' he wondered, his brother's intuition kicking in for a moment, before he ignored it for now, continuing onwards up the stairs.

Once a fragment of metal struck his head, he was stunned for a moment, before he shook his head like a dog, shaking the rust off, and the chunk, without paying it too much mind. He was rather thickheaded, as he just displayed when that fragment challenged him. But Bakan wasn't so prepared to face his next challenger, when she came walking down the marble steps, bearing such an... overly healthy body. He was a bit shaken by this, a part of his worried of what was to come. 'Ogre, Hellhound, any ugly manner of beast would have been fine! Why must my enemy look like this!?' he thought to himself with deep vindication for the forces that be fate.

He received a comment on his drooling, which Bakan quickly turned to Cory, shouting, "I'M NOT!" before turning back to the Lady. Her wishes that he 'enjoyed' Cory's attentions, and for his energetic attitude, brought out a rather furious side of him. "Do you really intend to say this while under such a title as Lady!? You are no lady! I know what a lady is, and you are not one!" he stated loudly. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with this place, but women can come in a variety of personalities. However, I've never seen something as outrageous as this in all my travels!"

With that, he raised his hammer, holding it defensively, instead of offensively, facing at the supposed 'Lady' with a deep frown. "You may be glad to know I am very energetic, and all of my energy will be spent this night giving you a STRICT lesson on manners! I'll teach you how to be a proper lady, even if I have to beat it into you!" he announced.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Bakan's shouting at the Lady of the keep caused the six guards to rest their hands on the hilts of their swords and drew a look of horror from Cory. The Lady lifted a hand to her lips to cover her smile, also causing her chest to puff out. "Oh my.... A strict lesson you say?"

The demoness let her hand drop from her face, no longer covering her smile. "Well, good sir, I find myself wondering why a fellow such as yourself, who is apparently so well versed in how a proper lady should act, is holding a weapon and yelling at a woman who has offered him no offense. I am afraid that I will have to pass on your lesson. I am a busy woman, you see, but I think I can find time in my schedule for you later tonight..... In order to educate you on how a gentleman should behave in front of a lady."

Then, the demoness turned around and started up the stairs, while her guards moved around her, drawing their swords and forming a defensive wall in order to block Bakan's path to her. "See that he comes to my chambers intact enough to be usable." The noblewoman said over her shoulder, and the line of guards started forward while fanning out, their blades held low. Bakan couldn't see much of their faces through their helmets, but their gleaming red eyes were visible even through their face-guards.

Another rasp of steel being drawn sounded to Bakan's right, and a glance showed that Cory had drawn her rapier. She had taken a step away from him, and her body was oriented half toward Bakan and half toward the soldiers. She still had her poker face on, and Bakan had no other clues to go on for determining what the woman's intentions might be. The guards were already past her anyway, and formed a semicircle around Bakan as they prepared to attack, none more than ten feet away.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Puffing his cheeks out in frustration, he barked at the Lady angrily as she turned to leave her guards to subdue him, "No offense!? Rape is an offense!" he shouted to her, before preparing himself as the six soldiers approached him. Grunting and taking a cautious step back, it seemed like he was cornered with no means of escape with the women surrounding him. Bracing his foot back, he desperately tried to swallow the fact that his opponents were women. He had done nothing but protect women for years, and through every attack ever made by the forces from beyond. 'And now the ones who are attacking are women themselves!? What the hell went wrong!? Women have a specific role, just as men do!' He shook his head, 'No... I won't be made into a victim! These are the same women I've defended! It's time I remind them who their protector is!'

Lifting his hammer, and directing it at them, he announced, "It's a million years to early for any of you to defeat me, Bakan Jeru!" he declared, before suddenly dashing forth, and bringing his hammer down to bonk the women on the head, seeking to knock them out rather than kill them.

Bakan attacks one of the dirty women!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5 + Body(38)/2
Damage: (+13) +10, +3 (Heavy Specialist + Knight)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Edit: After further consideration, he also fights defensively, sacrificing 10 to-hit and adding it to his dodge.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 82/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Scratched

Attack (Bakan) : 8 + 53 - 10 = 51 vs 45 = hit!
Damage: 7 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 3 + 19 - 5 = 43 damage! Bonked right into unconsciousness, it seems.

Attack (Soldiers) : 2/5 Hit.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 17 - 23 = 3 damage per strike. Armor is at 37/50 TP.

Stealth: Corry wins!
Attacks (Cory) : All Automatic hits!
Resistance: Cory wins!
Damage: 3 + 4 + 24 - 12 = 19 * 2 = 38 - 4 = 34 damage! She doesn't quite kill her. But she's on the ground, and her sword is across the room.

The Lady paused and glanced back at Bakan following his shout, and gave him a positively frightening smile, the look akin to a predator staring at prey that it was about to eat. She continued up the stairs, her hips swaying beneath her form fitting blue dress, as the soldiers closed in on Bakan. They didn't recoil from his shout, and one of them quickly came to regret this decision as his hammer slammed directly into her head.

His first target was leveled to the ground, her helmet coming off from the power of the blow and rolling aside as she collapsed. A very pretty young girl with long red hair had been beneath it, but Bakan only had a moment to note that before the others started swinging at him. He deflected one sword off the handle of his hammer, sidestepped another, and a third glanced harmlessly off of his armor. The fourth strike came from behind, and for a second Bakan was afraid that the woman might have skewered him where he stood, but the tip deflected off his breastplate and only scraped the bottom of his right arm. The sudden pain makes him stiffen, and he narrowly avoids having his eyes cut out as a sword passes in front of his face, getting him a cut on his face for his troubles.

As his gaze fell on the one who had almost taken out his eyes, he spotted Cory moving behind the enemy soldier. The raven haired demoness moved so silently that Bakan doubted that he could have heard her footsteps even in a dead quiet. The soldier never saw it coming. Cory's rapier tore into the back of his attackers leg, and blood fountained out of the woman's knee. She fell, and Cory kicked her in the back, forcing her to the ground while she quickly slashed at the woman's wrist as well. "Stay down." Cory said as she kicked the other woman's sword across the room, and two of the soldiers who had been attacking Bakan turned toward their unhelmeted fellow, one loudly shouting; "Traitor!"

The Lady paused and turned to see Cory facing two other guards, and grinned again. "Oh Cory.... Such a naughty girl! Your mother would be proud." She turned and continued upstairs, quickly approaching the door at the top of the stairs, but before she left she shouted over her shoulder; "I look forward to seeing the both of you in my chambers later tonight!"

The battle had been reduced to two against four, with two going after Bakan and two turning to face Cory. The one that Bakan had struck was out cold, and the one that Coru had struck was crawling aside, trying to reach for her sword which was a good twenty feet away. They would have some time before they had to worry about the wounded woman again, it seemed.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Quickly downing the first girl, and noticing her beautiful face, he became even more disgusted and outraged by this situation. Blocking one attack, and dodging the others, the glancing blows against Bakan were met with a loud shout as he survived their first attack relatively unharmed. "I don't want to hurt any of you, and trying not to kill you is a pain, so stop with this unladylike behavior and stand aside!" he commanded them, before they refused to listen, and approached him once more. "Damn it, unreasonable...!" he cursed.

But then, Cory suddenly stepped in to his aid, catching them, as well as him, by complete surprise. Staring at her with awe for only a moment, he realized, 'Cory is... Taking my side?' Seeing her in danger, Bakan quickly dashed past the two guards facing him, and skidded to a halt, standing a little to the front and side of Cory, as if covering her from attack. Glancing back at her, he quickly uttered, "Truce!" he announced to Cory, before facing the four remaining women, letting the wounded one be, and striking at the first one to dare come within range of his hammer.

Bakan defends Cory, and attacks another dirty woman!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5 + Body(38)/2
Damage: (+13) +10, +3 (Heavy Specialist + Knight)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Bakan forsakes 10 to-hit and protects Cory for 10 extra Dodge.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 67/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Cut up a bit

Attack (Bakan) : 12 + 53 - 10 = 55 vs 45 = hit!
Damage: 6 + 4 + 37 - 5 = 42 damage! Three down.

Attack (Soldiers) : 3/3 Hit Bakan.
Damage: 6 + 5 + 17 - 23 = 5 damage per strike. Armor is at 16/50 TP.

Attacks (Cory) : All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 24 - 12 - 5 = 12 * 3 = 36 damage! Again, not quite down, but pretty badly wounded.

"Truce." Cory grunted in agreement, trying to maneuver around Bakan as the man blocked the soldiers from reaching her. The demons didn't seem to mind that at all, as they immediately started swiping at him with their swords. Acting in concert when he was off balance, each of them left minor wounds on him, and one slash across his shoulder cut one of the straps to his armor as well as drawing a little blood. "Stand aside? Never!" One soldier spat as she left a cut on Bakan's left forearm. As the fourth came in, however, Bakan slammed his hammer into her head, and she ended up lying on the floor, her helmet crushed and fallen from her head.

"We know where our loyalties lie, unlike the little traitor halfblood!" Another spat as she stuck him just above the knee. None of the wounds were noticeable on their own, but they were starting to add up, and that broken strap had left his breastplate looser than he normally would have liked. "Drop to your knees, and we will leave you enough of your souls left to crawl up to our Lady's chambers and beg her forgiveness!" The one who had snapped the strap on Bakan's armor spat. Cory grunted wordlessly at her, slipped under Bakan's arm like a snake, and struck the soldier three times, every slash going past her guard and leaving bloody marks on her torso. None were fatal, or even truly dangerous on their own, but the woman stumbled back and hissed in pain, the other two moving to cover her.

"I can handle myself. Watch yourself, or one of them might get in a lucky hit!" Cory growled, having placed herself beside Bakan. The soldier that his hammer had struck in defense of Cory was lying in a heap on the floor, and the one that Cory had crippled had barely risen to her feet, and was still making for her sword. For now, it was only three against two, and one of the three was barely standing.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Traitor!?" Bakan exclaimed, "What she's doing is preventing someone from being raped! All of you are traitors to womankind everywhere!" he announced, flinching as he was struck by their attacks, and even letting out a squeak as a strap of his breast plate came loose, his off-hand going to grab it quickly as if he was a girl who had her bra line cut. "Don't aim for something like that!" he scolded them, "Damn you accursed women, show some shame for what you do! You're all very beautiful, you don't need to do something like this!" he insisted, but then he was cut just above his knee, causing him to enrage. "THAT DOES IT!" he shouted, "I'M GOING TO PUNISH ALL OF YOU!" he declared, before raising his hammer, and oppressing them so that if they continued to try and fight him, it would do them little good.

Bakan fights more to overwhelm than to harm, swinging at the perverted women!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5 + Body(38)/2
Damage: (+13) +10, +3 (Heavy Specialist + Knight)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Giving up 15 to-hit for 15 dodge, they shall not make him nude!
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 66/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Cut up a bit

Attack (Bakan) : 20 + 53 - 15 = 58 vs 45 = hit!
Damage: 5 + 7 + 37 - 5 = 44 damage. One more down.

Attack (Soldiers) : 1/3 hits!
Damage: 6 + 1 + 17 - 23 = 1 damage. Armor is at 10/50 TP.

Attacks (Cory) : All three still hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 24 - 12 - 5 = 14 damage per hit.
The two wounded ones go down, and the last one is injured.

Bakan couldn't see their faces, but the demon soldiers all hesitated for a moment as he grabbed for the strap of his armor and berated them for their behavior. "She betrayed her oath to Acheron, and her own kind by disobeying our Lady's orders!" One said, and then rushed toward Bakan. She was the lucky winner of a hammer blow to the head, and with a loud bonk she dropped to the ground in a heap. The girl who had lost her sword had found it again, and awkwardly limped back into battle and rushed at Bakan from the side, cutting one of the side straps on his armor. Luckily it was one of the ones on the opposite side from the other one that had been cut, but another good strike or two and his breastplate was going to need a few hours of work to repair.

Luckily the wound he received was only a scratch, and no other blades found him at all thanks to the warding swings of his hammer. Cory, meanwhile, capitalized on Bakan's distracting nature to slam the hilt of her sword onto the back of the head of the soldier who had scratched Bakan, sending her back to the ground. This time, she didn't get up. The other wounded one tried to strike at the other demoness while her back was turned, but Cory turned the sword aside and punched forward, the guard of her rapier hitting the woman between the eyes and sending her to join her sisters in the land of unconsciousness.

That left the one that had spoken, whom Cory gave a contemptuous look and a quick thrust to, scoring a shall wound but also forcing her to back off from the two of them even further. "I swore to serve Acheron. I don't see how attacking and enslaving random passersby serves Acheron, particularly when we were ordered to not do just that from the Queen herself."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan quickly met with his attackers, proving to them that his skill in combat made them all look like green horns. This made Bakan feel a little proud of himself, all of his journeys were finally paying off, and thankfully during such a crucial moment! Holding his hammer in both hands, stepping towards the woman in powerful strides, he added more after Cory's speech, lecturing the woman. "Once you and your cohorts recover, I want you all to reconsider what you're doing with your lives. Live honestly, and perhaps you'll be able to find love that will stay with you, and love you in return," he said, before swiftly dashed forward, and lightly struck the demon on the head.

Once all of the demons were defeated, Bakan turned to glance at Cory, a mix of frown and flush on his face as he regarded her. "I still haven't forgiven you for before... But... Thank you," he said with a slight cough to cover his embarrassment, covering his mouth with a balled fist. "You may be an unrefined and perverted woman... But you're not all bad, I suppose." he said, sending mixed messages, before turning to where the Lady had gone.

"You should flee from here, Cory. No doubt they will seek to cause you great harm. I'm going to go deal with the Lady myself, there's no need for you to endanger yourself further for my sake. It's a man's job to protect women, after all. Even from themselves, in this case." he said, stepping forth towards where he'd seen the Lady retreat.

"I'll be on my way back to that town once I'm finished. If you need help... Wait for me there," he told her as he placed his palm to his chest, summoning a glorious, glowing light to his palm as his scratches began to heal right before her eyes.

Bakan heals himself back to full health, stopping short of his max in case he'll end up wasting some of his heal.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 84/88, PP = 38, EP = 51/54, Status = Got some scratches

Attack (Bakan) : 6 + 53 = 59 vs 45 = hit!
Damage: 5 + 7 + 37 - 5 = 44 damage. Bakan is victorious!

Healing: 3 x 6 = 18 HP restored.

Bakan also gains 6 experience. He's also entitled to 6 doses of demon's blood if he wants to harvest them. He doesn't have to kill them to do it either. Treasure!

The last of the warrior women fell to Bakan's hammer, crumpling to the floor, and Cory sighed and wiped her sword on one of the fallen women's uniforms. She glared at him incredulously as he spoke, but before she could reply he turned back in the direction that the Lady had gone and started off. He could practically feel the demon woman staring at him incredulously as he told her to flee, and he also heard her footsteps following him up the stairs as he healed himself, the majority of his wounds sealing themselves and leaving naught but stains on his garments. The scratch on his nose persisted however.

"Alright, first of all." Cory began angrily as she caught up with Bakan, "Perverted? Liking sex is not perverted! It's what healthy adults do!" she paused in front of him, forcing him to either stop or bowl her over, and pointed a finger at him, rapping him gently on the nose as she continued; "I'm not fleeing from anywhere. She knows that I rebelled, and if I don't help you deal with her she'll report me to the Acheron officials, and say whatever she damn pleases about my actions. They'll send an assassin, and I'll have my throat slit in the middle of the night after a very short life spent on the run. So, I'm not helping you, you're helping me. Understand, paladin? "

She let that sink in for a second, and then added; "And thirdly, you'd get yourself killed up there with out me. You don't know what's ahead of you, nor do you know what the Lady is capable of. I hope you've got some more tricks up your sleeve besides just healing, because she's not an opponent to be taken lightly. She's a Lord. Do you know what that means, Bakan? She can do things that you are I couldn't imagine... And if we aren't careful, she'll take the both of us, and suck the souls right out of us. If we're lucky. She might add us to her "harem" instead if we aren't."

She sighed, and then moved out of Bakan's path, instead choosing to walk beside him. "Look, I stuck my neck out for you, so just humor me, please? I'll try to warn you about anything before we reach it, but I've only been up this tower a couple of times. She's probably all the way to the top by now."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Just when I raise my opinion of you, you dash it the moment after!" he announces, recalling his anger from before. Then, he stands in front of her, just as she did him, and pokes her nose with his finger with a lecturing tone. "Let me tell you something, temptress," he gave her a title just as she gave him, "Healthy adults DO NOT have sex with someone they just met on the same day! That's what animals do! Women who are real ladies have sex only when they find a reliable and strong gentlemen that will help her raise her children."

Unlike her, he didn't let that sink in before continuing, "And secondly, I would never help a pervert like you! As far as this goes, I'm merely saving you, which is a man's obligation to a woman in distress. On those grounds, if you want to follow me around, there's something you need to understand."

He leaned in, pushing his forehead against her own, staring into her eyes, "SOMEONE AS LASCIVIOUS AS YOU HAS NO RIGHT TO LECTURE ME!!!" he shouted, before turning, and storming off after the Lady with a fury. "It'll be a million years before I'll accept that disgusting ideal of sex!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 84/88, PP = 38, EP = 51/54, Status = Got some scratches

"Yeah? You sound like one of those nitwits from the church of the Star God. What about women that don't want to have children at all, huh? What about women that don't need, or just don't want a man's help? How do they fit into your idea of a proper lady?" Cory replied to Bakan's back, obviously not thinking very highly of what he'd said.

The demoness shook her head, and then sighed as she moved to follow after him anyway. "The floor above us is laden with traps in case someone like you should attack the tower. I don't know what all of them do or where all of them are, so keep alert. You won't be saving anyone if you're dead." The stairs narrowed as they rose up, and led to a set of rich double doors made of polished wood. They stood open, and beyond lay a wide chamber, the right half of which had another set of iron stairs, while the left had a section of chains. "She took the lift up. No surprise there. I don't think she'll be lowering it back down for us, so I guess we're stuck with the stairs. Go on hero, you can lead the way if you still want to protect me."

The climb up the steps wasn't any different from the last set of iron stairs, and Bakan and Cory reached the top a short while later to find themselves in a narrow hallway that curved gently around. "Watch the walls. In fact, you can let me go first if you want, I can probably spot the traps better than you can." Cory said, and all trace of reproach was gone from her voice; it sounded like the demoness was genuinely trying to be helpful.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan suddenly laughed at her question, as if she had walked right into his trap, "I'm glad you asked, pervert," he addressed her with her new title, looking back to glance at her, "Those women, who do not need men, and who do not desire children, are called... True Maidens! The very woman I use as an example for the rest is the most pure, and the most powerful woman I have ever seen. Someone like you could never compare to a woman of her stature. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone that lays eyes on her falls in love with her majesty in an instant, that's just how wonderful she is. And you..." he turned to her again, growling, "And it was a woman like you that defiled me before I could confess my feelings to her! Now the slim chance that she'd consider me is gone!" he announced, turning back as he visibly started to appear depressed. "She deserves better than a man who can't avoid the clutches of dirty women," he said, pinning Cory once again as a dirty woman.

Taking the lead in front of her despite her mention of traps, he only confirmed what she had said. "I'd be nothing but a coward if I let a woman take the lead and check for traps. It'd be much better if you found somewhere safe, though, instead of right behind me. I can't protect you if you're so close to danger," he told her, before taking careful observation of the room, and walking slowly, stopping dead in his tracks if he saw anything remotely suspicious.