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TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Look girlie, now's your chance to heal a broken heart. One that you yourself broke. You claim to be good and stuff, so help this poor thing that you put into this position in the first place by rejecting her so publicly. Her coming here now and calling you out, is your fault. Accept the blame she's placing on you, and apologize to her properly. There's no reason to be mean to her, just because you were shy and embarrassed at getting horny from her pheromones. It was a perfectly natural response to seeing a big fat cock like that, that wanted to pop you open and plunder that sweet cunny."

Paris grit her teeth, feeling the first of the fairies try to sway her. "Damn it... You won't stop until I'm fucked thoroughly, will you!?" she exclaimed.
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Mmm... probably not, but this poor girl is obviously in pain, and it would do no harm to you in the long run that I can see, and you have the potential to make a new ally here. Besides, you could use a good thorough fucking, as could Tatui too, both of you need to get laid, it'll be good for you both. If this were an enemy that would wish to rape you senseless and enslave you or something, then I would be behind you one hundred percent in fighting it. But this... there's no harm in indulging in some pleasure in private I don't think."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Nah, say her than you are a virgin and it was her fault. No one sane try to fuck others after just some few words. If she want to mate then she must be nice, kind and earn it"


If not works punch Wumpus until she accept to understand your point of view
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Huh? She is blaming you for her trying to pheromone you? Pah, it isn't your fault, y'know."


"Lets hope she calms down. It would be a shame to harm someone simply over the heat of the moment."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA


"The fuck? First she tries to cheat by using her pheromones on you, and now she's blaming you for her own stupids mistake? Did someone drop her on her head when she was little, or something?

Make it clear that you are in no way responsible for her own mistake.

...Though I guess it won't hurt to be a little nice to her, so give her a bit of advice. Something along the lines of 'Next time you want to have sex with someone first get to know them and let them get to know you too. Then ASK them if they are interested in having that kind of relationship with you. Do NOT try to cheat by using your pheromones on them right off the bat - the next person you try that on might not be as nice as me.' Something like that. And if she decides to ignore your advice... well, that'll be her own fault.

If she refuses to be reasonable and leave you alone despite your attempt to be nice: Punch her and Smite her 'til she gets the message."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

Paris: HP 100 SP 100 RP 100
Class: Mage Knight Lv.5 [Strength: A(5) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: B(3) - Sexuality: E(1) - Willpower: B(4)]

Tatui: HP 80 SP 140 RP 80
Class: Noble Witch Lv.5 [Strength: E(1) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: A(5) - Sexuality: C(3) - Willpower: B(4)]

Smite: Costs 20 SP. The spirits from the earring materialize and blast the enemy with magic, dealing damage equal to Paris' Willpower-d6.

Ignite: Costs 60 SP. The spirits set the enemy on fire. Every round during combat, the enemy takes Wisdom-d6 damage, whether or not Paris wins the roll.

Heal: Costs Half SP. The spirits grant mercy onto Paris and restore her well being. Once between events, Paris may use up half her current SP to restore her HP for that amount.

Main Status
Physical State: Healthy, but bruised
Mental State: Sane.
Sexual State: Virgin. Not interested in sex.

Secondary Status
Penetration(Pussy, Ass, Mouth): 0,0,0
Licked(Pussy): 0
Licked(Breasts): 0
Touched(Self): 0
Touched(Others): 0
Cum (Pussy, Anus, Mouth, Outside): 0,0,0,0
Mliked: 0
Pregnancies: 0
Offspring: None

BIO: Paris was raised by adventurers. When she came of age, she accidentally took one of the artifacts her parents found and wore it. It was a cursed earring that caused her to be under the effects of mind control by little spirits known as the entities of chaos. Under their command, she went to the Academy. After but one semester, Paris was overwhelmingly popular. Love notes came from all over, some more suspicious than most. In the end, the spirits controlled her into accepting two notes at the same time, much to her dismay. One note belonging to a beautiful noble mage. The other belonged to a Yaziri, whose gender was unquestionably futanari. When she met with Wumpus, the Yaziri, Wumpus used her natural race's ability to seduce Paris with pheromones. Paris overcame Wumpus and rejected her. Meanwhile, she accepted the note from the noble, becoming her partner while trying to put the shame at the academy behind her.

Paris puts her foot down. "Wumpus! All the things that happened were not my fault! I understand that you're a member of the Tazari and are frowned upon for your nature, but I didn't, and still do not, wish any ill will upon you." she stated, trying to convince Wumpus.

Paris' Wisdom 3 vs. Wumpus Strength 4
Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Paris deals 30 RP to Wumpus!

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Paris deals 22 RP to Wumpus!

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Wumpus deals 26 HP to Paris!

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Wumpus deals 22 HP to Paris!

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Wumpus deals 12 HP, Paris deals 11 RP

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Wumpus deals 30 HP

Wumpus Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(3d6)+0:
Wumpus deals 32 HP!

Paris couldn't convince Wumpus, and was struck down.

Paris, as much as she tried, couldn't seem to speak reason to Wumpus, and was promptly struck hard enough to lay Paris flat on the ground in a single strike.

Though after Paris was struck down, Tatui tried to protect her ally from violation. "You're beyond reasoning with, half-demon! You cannot just greedily demand lovers!" she declared. "Do not dare strike Paris again!" she challenged Wumpus, as the demon was ready to face her next.

Tatui Casts Ignite on Wumpus! -60 SP

Tatui's Strength 1 vs. Wumpus' Strength 4



Wumpus deals 30 HP to Tatui
Tatui deals 23 damage to Wumpus from Ignite



Wumpus deals 38 HP to Tatui.
Ignite deals 15 to Wumpus.

Tatui casts Heal! She recovers 40 HP



Wumpus deals 46 damage to Tatui
Ignite deals 18 damage to Wumpus

Tatui casts Heal! 20 HP restored



Tatui deals 12 damage to Wumpus!
Ignite deals 23 damage to Wumpus!

Tatui casts Heal! 10 HP restored



Wumpus deals 28 damage to Tatui!
Ignite deals 25 damage to Wumpus!

Wumpus has been defeated by Tatui!

With a fiery blast, Tatui unleashes hellfire upon Wumpus, blasting the powerful and sexual demon back away from Paris. The witch stood, heaving out a sigh, before pondering how to deal with the two knocked out girls before her. Having not spent any of their power, the spirits had enough energy to mind control Tatui's decision.

Tatui decides Wumpus' ultimate fate.
A) Leave her.
B) Kill her
C) Capture her and take her along.
D) Mount her cock (Willpower, Tatui will resist the earring's magic)
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA


"That's enough. Let's just go. Hopefully that idiot demoness will get the message this time. If not, something more... drastic... might be required next time..."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

One spirit lingers by Paris as the others focus on Tatui. "Kid, you've got guts. I like that. But your reactions have been a bit...extreme since you found us. Don't blame ya, some of these guys can be right assholes. But there is something to what they've been saying. There are things out there in the world. Things that will steal your cherry, and when they do it will be far, FAR worse than anything that girl Wumpus tried. So when you wake up think about what she wanted, because there are worse ways to lose it then to someone who loves you, even if it's only puppy love."

With its piece said hopefully into Paris's subconscious the spirit leaves to join the others. "Hey Lady, you should capture the girl. Better to keep her from in sight then have her skulking after you two, and maybe you can help her learn how to act in public."

(C - Capture and take her along, and try to get Paris a little less prudish.)
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Oof, one hell of a punch from her... But good job on dealing with her. We should probably get out of here though before Wumpy bump here wakes up, or people come to investigate the noises and get a wrong impression!"


"Sooo... Think we should heal her up? I don't think having the one carrying us around KOed on the floor is advantageous for us."

Lets go for a heal when we can, hm?
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Kroot! Kroot kroot! Murder her! Rip open her throat open and watch her blood leak. Take her head off KROOT! Blood and fun! Blood and fun!"

The fairy figure bounces and swims, floating in front and around, making crude gestures to slicing throats open and then pulling heads off! "POP! KROOT AN POP!"

B - Kill her.
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"(sighs)... you fool, there's literally no reason to fight her when you don't have to. Whatever happens is on your head, and you deserve it."

After Tatui knocked Wumpus out: "This girl, I swear. Don't you dare kill her. She doesn't deserve death you fools. Take her with you and you can all have some makeup sex later after you're both healed up. Like one of the others in here said, there are many things that are far worse than Wumpus here, ones that won't be gentle like I'm positive she would, and they won't be nice enough to stop if you say it hurts, or let you go when they're done. Getting her as a friend and ally will be good for you both, because you'll have someone to relieve your stress with whenever you both need it. And you can also teach her that there's a time and place for sexual matters, and that place is in private, if you can get some privacy that is."

Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"I am pretty sure we should take her and heal her, who knows what problems she might also have after igniting her 5 times, this also gives us an opportunity to teach her some manners, don't need to be cruel either in that part either."

Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

*sigh* I still say we should just leave her, but IF we decide to take her along, at least tie her up first - just in case she wakes uip in a bad mood..."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"No, don't you dare tie her up. Just talk with her and try to get her to understand. Tying her up makes her believe that you're scared, and will make her think that she can jump you when you least expect it."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Should we really give her another chance? i guess we should and if she really still won't get it then i guess we wouldn't have anymore choice on this matter.
I really hope this wouldn't backfire."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Time to put in practice your bondage and kidnap lessons"

Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Of course we should give her another chance. She's likely to keep chasing us if we don't, and if she doesn't, then she might try what she did on someone else, and they might kill her, when she doesn't deserve it. So take her with you."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"It will be a lot more difficult for her to jump us if she's tied up..."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"This is more about exploring her heart and shyness, if she is really acting like this because she is desperate or just don't know how to get something she wants otherwise, then after these steps also not tying her up i.e. showing some trust, she might start rising some question marks in her head, of course there is not guarantee she is that type but it worth a shot."
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"There's no reason to tie her up, when showing a bit of trust can go a long way to getting her to calm down, to where we can teach her some things, and learn why she wants us so badly. But trust goes both ways though, if you expect her to trust you in any way, then you must be willing to trust her too, likely you'll need to be willing to trust her first."