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Time to get classy


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Good evening gentleman/ladies.

  1. Get out your drink of choice.
  2. open 3 tabs on your favorite browser.
Stolen from

For those complaining that the rain is too loud, the Youtube version on a loop.

Re: Time to get classy

By jove dear boy, I do say this is quite classy indeed.
Re: Time to get classy

*Walks into the room with a box*

Monocles! Get your shiny, brass monocles right here!
Re: Time to get classy

Monocles? BAH!

*shoots Phoenix with a rifle*

Good old Winchester.
Re: Time to get classy

*Deflects the bullet with a monocle before pulling out two monocles attached to each other with a fancy chain*

I would suggest you put your gun away sir, for I know monocle-fu and am fully armed.
Re: Time to get classy

That so, eh? Well old chap, won any wars with your monocle-fu recently? One shot down at least 17 Gerries in one's Spitfire only yesterday!
Re: Time to get classy

Is that so? Well, I suppose that is at least half-decent. Of course, it doesn't come close to when I managed to get an armored battalion to surrender to my monocle-fu last Tuesday.
Re: Time to get classy

I do say, you cannot have a good bout of monocle-fu without a decent tophat old boy. I do suggest a fine fabric, and try to wear something swaggy with it.
Re: Time to get classy

Classy levels are at Spy.
Re: Time to get classy

All of the gentlemenn speaking through sylfaen text, raise your hand, as you stand amongst the most classy and leisurely of gentlemenn.

Bigger font size means bigger dicks by the way. Behold my enormous font size.
Re: Time to get classy

Are you saying Cappy has a big dick?
Re: Time to get classy

Cappy used Book Antiqua. Like you.
Re: Time to get classy

You only mentioned font size in regards to a big dick. The font type only applies to his class. Therefore, you're wrong and now have lost your class.
Re: Time to get classy

Oh, I see what you mean now. Mine's bigger though.

Don't worry honey, I forgive you for this unnecessary outburst.
Re: Time to get classy

Classy people don't have outbursts. They're just mildly surprised.
Re: Time to get classy

All of the gentlemenn speaking through sylfaen text, raise your hand, as you stand amongst the most classy and leisurely of gentlemenn.

Bigger font size means bigger dicks by the way. Behold my enormous font size.

I believe the relationship to be inverse
Re: Time to get classy

To my knowledge, originated on /b/ a few days ago. Just in case anyone was wondering, which they probably weren't.

Re: Time to get classy

I found it on facepunch, where it was stolen from reddit
Re: Time to get classy

I do believe "Verbose" threads where around on this "Four-Chan Bee" that you speak of, though verily I decline any such knowledge otherwise, I do believe what this thread needs is a good bit of tea and pastries, perhaps some baked fineries, such as scones. Yes, perhaps I should bring some scones.