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Blue Water Inn

The man stroked his beard and looked at Sylvia and her companions with interest.

"Gold is gold, my lady. You'll find room here with us. Is this just for yourself or are your other friends staying as well?" He pocketed the coin and moved to place some utensils down in front o Sylvia first, and then the others she was with, assuming they'd be at least paying for a meal.

"Silver to hunt the werewolves, eh? Now that does mark you as an adventurer, as much as your coin suggests you're a foreigner. Don't be alarmed by that, we rather like travelers in an establishment such as this. Hrmm... well yes, there is a smithy at the town square. A man named Grygori can make silvered weapons. Has done so in the past with bolts and arrowheads and such. I'm sure he could give your axehead a go, but it wouldn't be cheap."

He again brushed his beard and held up a finger.

"Well I'm not sure the reason. The Wizard of Wines vineyard is our supplier, on the road south of Krezk and north of Yesterhill. I'd really like to know what's happened to the shipment. People in Barovia rely on good wine to get them through the day. For some sad souls, it's the only reason to go on living. For me - it's my business. You seem like strong types, and you say you're willing to tackle on werewolves? If you care to investigate a simpler matter than that, and get my delivery of wine to me, I'd give you all free room and board here for as long as you liked. I might even have a word with Grygori to bring the price down on that silver too."
Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Vallaki Gates then Blue Water Inn
Tags: Esvele, Sylvia

Sylvia's solemn answer had Vita looking at her before bowing her head for a moment. Horns lowered as she accepted that implied oath.

"Only the abbot being the beacon of light? I find that ah hard to believe when I am speaking to one who is flowing with light." Vita's words came out smoothly even as she pursed her lips. The tiefling going into small thought at the moment before seeming to come to a decision. "Would you be willing to tell me about the ah Abbott? Of how he preaches?" Vita forced herself to look more firmly at Esvele, doing a job on herself to push the anger away and leave it.

Hearing the words coming from her companions and feeling the looks, Vita nodded her head as she just hunkered downwards to keep herself quiet, out of sight as much as she could and tried to not bring attention to herself. This is the usual reaction her mother told her about. For places where she went too, this is the common.

Keeping quiet as she listened and watched the townsfolk, she looked at the hats. Brown and more black. A pile of colors that were dreary as the land itsef. And the price for the dreary things were just flat out nonsense to Vita's mind. "The hats they have here. Nngh. They are ah, so dull." As Vita looked at them even as Esvele drove the cart, going to and fro.

"Good to see you." Vita spoke, feeling relieved to be inside and away from all those looks. "Wolf steak?" Vita perked up at the word wolf and the taste of meat. Eating meat IS uncommon and that they are having it so available! But for that price... 1 whole electrum just for that steak, she couldn't spend money on something like that. That was like... like 300 copper for a steak!

A man quickly came forward, talking about a delivery and going to take their orders for them. Sylvia interjecting and asking. "Oh!" Vita startled as utensils as placed down in front of her as she colored slightly. Having been lost in thought about that wolf steak and idly listening to Sylvia's words and his replies before interjecting into the quiet. "Ah um, good sir, do you know of any ah huntsman that be willing to ah help us in hunting wolfs? And ah um, I am ah ready to order."

She waited a beat for the man to respond. "I'd like some ah beet soup along with eggs and the um, purple ah... wine?" Vita questioned softly looking at the man hoping she got some of that right. She knew they offered beat soup! Along with a deal with it. Vita looked at Ireena, wondering if she is going to order anything or if the noble girl wanted her to order.
(50 copper = 1 electrum. )

Blue Water Inn - Taproom

"Ah very good," The man said, making a mental note of the tiefling's order. "My wife Danika makes the soup daily. We've a small holding lot in the back, and we grow the root vegetables ourselves. The bread is a sourdough we make as well." He then adds a response to her question about hunters.

"And yes, we have several hunting groups that sell wolf meat to us. Our most regular suppliers usually come in for dinner, so if you're here later tonight I can introduce you to them. Their names are Szoldar Szoldarovich and Yevgeni Krushkin. Dangerous work, hunting wolves in these parts. Plenty of the beasts around, but they range in packs and often as not, the wolves here hunt man just as much as man hunts them.... are you by chance interested in a room here? If so, you can save some money on your dinner."

Ireena sets a hand on Vita's lap.

"The price isn't unreasonable. I think we can afford a gold for the pair of us, especially if it includes meals."

"Urwin! My good man! Another cup of the Dragon Smash, if you please!" Says the half elf man in the purple entertainer's hat. He seems to be voraciously eating through a wolf steak.

"I'll be right with you, sir," The proprietor responded, still waiting to hear from anyone else who wanted food.
Blue water inn

Sylvia mused. Not cheap wasn't good for her, as she wasn't rich. She also wasn't a merchant. "Shipment you said? So we'd need a boat?" She pondered. "As tempting as a free place to stay while I get my bearings sounds... What if we look into the matter but find that the wine has been destroyed or the wizard is going back on the agreement you had, does your offer still stand if we check on your delivery best we can but can't reach the result you hope for? I mean, not to be pessimistic, but something could have happened to the wizard as well to so delay this shipment." Sylvia was however, methodical in her consideration of things.

She then glanced over to Vita. "Hiering a professional hunter to help track what we search for is actually a pretty good idea.. though considering the kind of wolves we hunt and unless you are much richer than I myself, I'm not sure that'd work out.. we have to disclose the actual danger of this hunt to them and I doubt any would be crazy enough to help us for a few gold coins afterwards." She mused, noting the hesitance about paying a gold piece here and there and concluding the others weren't swimming in gold either. Though she decided she could find common ground in everyones, exspecially Vita's shared desire to confront the wolfish beasts.

"And anyway, before I risk any confrontations I have to make sure my weapon can truly harm the creatures. I doubt they are looking for a nonviolent sollution and that suits me just right." She nodded. For her the first goal would be the smith, perhaps while the others delivered Ireena to the church. As far as Sylvia was concerned this was a safe place.
"Er... no. No boat. Shipment's just a phrase... er, delivery would be a better term," Urwin corrected. "And it's not a wizard that runs the vineyard. It's just a name from back when it was founded. Meant to make it sound unique. Look, I'm a business man. I need my wine. If you can get the ship-- deliveries back on schedule, then that helps me make money, and I can pay you back from those profits. If I don't have wine to sell, then I'm not gonna have the money to help you or anyone."
Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Blue Water Inn
Tags: Urwin, Ireena

"Then a room for both of us." Vita decided then with Ireena's input, smiling at her. The hand in her lap is now even as a small idea that she had festering in the back of her mind about... playing a game in the streets of Vallaki like she did in her village. Albeit with this festival preparations going on it'd be... awkward and exciting!

None of those thoughts showing, she continued talking with the newly discovered proprietor called Urwin. "Ah payment for their services rendered... I think ah should have enough gold to at least get them interested and leading us to ah, our dooms?" She frowned as she spoke, unsure of exactly what price the hunters would demand. She rifled around in her pouch of coins, taking out payment for her room and Ireena's. "This should cover it? And ah, a little bit extra for um information..." As she pulled out a gold coin and a smattering of silver coins.

"Do you um ah, have any idea on the prices the ah hunters require to be hired? Um, if they are hired to hunt the more dangerous beastial wolfs that turn into men?"
"Your homeland seems to be so alien that I couldn't even begin to guess what I need to explain to you. Does nothing truly strike you wrong with the notion of arresting someone for answering a guardsman?"

When Vita asked of the Abbott, Esvele returned her look, speaking steadily. "He doesn't preach, not really, but I've seen him work miracles. Closing grevious wounds with only a touch is the least of his gifts, and they say he's curated the Abbey for centuries, yet he still looks as youthful as when I came to him so many years ago. More than anything, though, I believe in his compassion. He unhesitantly offers aid to all, and even the most dire of sinners can come to him to find salvation. As I'm sure you've all noticed by now, most of us that inhabit this land are so beset by terror that some will trade their own kin for a reprieve from it all. But the Abbott is among the kindest men I have ever known, and that kindness has endured through decades and decades of this place. I don't mean to say that Ireena isn't a dear, if that's what you seem to be thinking, but... to me, she is perhaps a hearth, to keep the night at bay and warm those near to her, and the Abbott is the signal fire in a lighthouse, to help me navigate and find the way through hard times, to salvation." Esvele glanced through a shop window as they passed. "Well... since these hats don't seem to be working out, how about a bonnet?" she asked Vita, pointing.

At the inn, Esvele cleared her throat as talk of rooms and meals flew. "Given our circumstances," she eyed Vita and Ireena, "And that Father Petrovich follows the Morninglord as I do, I don't think we'll need rooms here tonight. However, given that the first meal of the day is the most important - and that it's nearly noon, as I recall - I think we ought to eat well. Please, steaks and Red Dragon for all four of us. Well... two pints, for me." The nun laid three gold coins out on the table in front of the innsman.

"I don't suppose you could tell us anything about Lord Vallakovich's Blazing Sun festival, then? And, mm, that fellow in the corner, with the jester's garb. Might you know who that is?"
Blue water inn

Sylvia remained thoughtful. She was not too fond of the idea of fetching wine for the currently offered reward, moreso if it turned out the shipment had been lost, then again, she'd have to find out the pricing for the silver axe first. After a moment of consideration she regarded Esvele.

"Hmnn yes, quite the strange world I found myself in. Answering a guardsman is just proper, of course. But questioning them? Why that'd get you arrested and potentially.. re-educated in one of Lord-Führer Drakovs glorious work-camps.
Didn't you notice it? Vita didn't just answer, she opposed the guards assesment of her being a demonspawn. You couldn't just do that in Falkovnia, the authority is right and you are in the wrong."
She nodded.

"My land is not as.. dreary as this, certainly. We have beautiful fields of grains basking in the sun, - I swear I haven't seen the sun come out even once in all my time here- and more.. order. On the streets here I saw so many civilans just.. seeming idle. a few merchants I can understand, but it seems as if the average person is not working even twelve hours a day for the glory of.. err.. oh right." She seemed uncertain for a long moment, before continuing: "Thinking about it, I've never heard about this place. I remember myself not wanting to die and fleeing south of Lake Kriegsvogel.. I should have passed into Richemulot, a land they say that treats everyone equal, even their leaders, or Borca, filled with cowardly aristocrats, those are people that rule by birth and not military right and might, can you imagine that?" She shook her head. "But it's all a blurr... Not that it matters, I can't go back either way..."
(Borca actually borders to Barovia, in particular Krezk and mount Baratok, but that's 2nd edition stuff, so leaving it up to DM how much of those old borders remains true)

"Further, I've not met many clerics in my land, religion is considered a waste of manpower, but the one we arrested once was all on about forgiving us and us not knowing any better, so I guess that's how usual clerics are? This abbot sounds more like the man we arrested." Sylvia brushed her chin, looking at Esvele. "I believe the priest was executed for blasphemies against our Lord-Führer, the only proper punishment of course, though something about that never sat right with me. He just.. seemed to be no threat.."

She crossed her arms. "And further, I guess the more I reflect upon my country with a few things Bella said in mind, the longer I'm away the more I start to wonder. You said the lord of this land is wicked beyond redemption, yet, from birth on I have learned to trust in the authorities. If we don't have order, what do we have?
However... as much as part of me fears this is just the dishonorable deserter in me speaking, .. but if the lord of this land Barovia can be evil, then so could be ..."
She closed her hand into a fist, closing her eyes. "I shouldn't think like this. It's not allowed. And anyway, it wouldn't matter.."

Perhaps she had just spoken to herself, but she felt like getting this off of her chest. Then, however, she raised her hand. "I don't mind the steak, but please, no wine, water will do. Wine err.. dulls the senses. Improper for a warrior." She said, almost timidly smiling for a moment.

"I too would like to know more about the festival. If attendance is mandatory we need to make sure to observe proper decorum."
The Blue Water Inn - Taproom

Urwin took the gold, and the extra silver, holding it in his hand and looking from it to the tiefling and back again, before pushing the silver back.

"Information is free to paying customers, young miss. Especially for something you'd find out from just speaking with the hunters when they get here. You see they hunt during the day. No sane man in any profession travels by night in Barovia. They'll set you what they deem a reasonable wage for guiding you - but these are hunters of wolves, not werewolves. They've no death wish, so expect a high price if you're asking them to use silver on a lycanthrope."

Urwin looked from side to side around the room and bent closer to speak in a hush.

"Besides which, the werewolves are allies of the Devil Strahd, he whose undead roam the lands feeding upon the blood of innocents. To strike against the werewolves, or the Vistani, who are his spies, is to invite the wrath of the Devil. And you must be careful of speaking too loudly of hunting them, for there are sympathizers with the Dark lord who live in Vallaki. None here under my roof, I'm sure... though some people keep their true selves well hidden. I advise you to be careful about who you trust."

The proprietor then turned to regard Esvele, and took her money as well.

"I might add that the church here in Vallaki is not all that big, and does not contain beds for visitors to sleep on. You'll find my inn a much more restful stay than a hard pew - if that was your intention.... hrmm... ah yes, the festivals."

Urwin sighed and again glanced around at the people at the bar, evaluating if they'd heard the subject being brought up.

"The Baron Vallakovich... he has the notion that keeping happy is the way to ward away the evil of Ravenloft. He holds festival after festival in a constant effort to enforce happiness. Don't let him hear that you don't think it's working. Excessive unhappiness can get you time in the stocks, wearing those donkey masks, and the Baron's brute, Izek Strazni - the fellow with the unholy looking arm - will look to do you some pain as well. The Festival is set for the first night of the full moon in three night's time. The town's crafters are busy with the constant preparations."

He looked over his shoulder to the man in the fancy purple hat and colorful uniform.

"Festivals attract wandering entertainers. That man is my only other guest at the moment. Calls himself Rictavio - some sort of 'ringmaster' for a traveling circus. Says that he got separated from his troupe in Nova Vaasa and is waiting here for them to catch up. His circus wagon is over a the stockyard, as colorfully painted as is his costume. For an entertainer, he can be remarkably abrupt at times though."

He shrugged and moved on.

"I'll go get your orders prepared. Remember - no badmouthing the festivals. The Baron pays coppers for anyone who snitches on people showing 'malicious malcontent' towards his ideas."

As they waited for their food to come, there came a muttering from the table where Rictavio sat, holding a quill and his own bottle of ink. The entertainer was busily writing in a thick leatherbound volume, but eventually he spoke up, without lifting his eyes from his paper.

"Those wolf hunters won't be able to help you against werewolves.. you're wasting your money. Silver's the right idea, if killing them is your only intent. I don't suppose you realize how dangerous it is, going off to hunt a lycanthrope? You'd need a good reason or a deathwish to do it."

Rictavio paused and the half-elf took a deep drink of his wine.

Urwin returned shortly with bread and wine for everyone, and the promise of the soup to follow, with the steaks on their way. Medium-rare unless anyone preferred their's differently.
Blue water inn
Tag: Urwin, Rictavio, Vita, Esvele

Sylvia was about to say something about caring little whose wrath she incited, after all whoever used those beasts was certainly no good man, but what the innkeeper said next had her hesitating.
"Keeping happy by law? That's.. I mean, I guess you mean like kind of laughing in the face of the enemy happy? I can understand that.." She suggested, looking at the entertainer with disdain. The very idea of entertainment for entertainments sake was antithetical to a Falkovnian. And the man questioned their motives too?

"They attack innocent civilans on the streets, thats reason enough. Apparently people here are too busy being... entertained to take care of the matter themselfs. But perhaps the creatures let you pass if you tell them a funny story and maybe do a bit of juggling." She crossed her arms. She wasn't usually one to mock people but she didn't like this whole attitude. Everyone seemed to try their hardest to ignore the problem. If any wolf-creatures dared threaten Lord Drakovs lands there'd be a full squad plus Talon send out within the hour, no doubt.. but she wasn't at home anymore of course.

She grumbled something and repeated her request for water when presented with the wine, not even for ideological reasons, a soldier did get drunk after a victorious mission, but for rather special health concerns that actually made her emberassed to openly talk about. She didn't like appearing weak, not a good thing to be for a soldier after all. "It does seem dangeorus though. The wolfmen must outnumber us and I doubt I can handle more than two at a time even if my weapon works properly again. A guerilla fight to lower their numbers is the only strategically sound option." Struggling against a strange hat still hat left some scars in her pride.
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Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Streets of Vallaki then Blue Water Inn
Tags: Esvele, Urwin, Ireena, Sylvia

Hearing Esvele wax on about the abbot. Speaking of him in a way that just declared him a saint. A strong mountain with a beaming orb at the top that lit the way. That showed HOPE is here. Compassion is here. Do not look down at yourself and see despair but instead! See what you have! See what you can improve! See how you can climb! Look up! Look Forward! And COME! Vita looked at the Esvele. Her yellow orbs shining with excitement at her as a eager hopeful smile bloomed on her face. "Your abbot is resolved. Full of strength!" As Vita giggled softly as she smiled at Esvele "He must be blessing for this land. I hope to meet him one day with introductions." Her voice full of excitement at that prospect. "Ah um, eheh." She flushed a bit in her, showing of excitement. "Um Bonnets? Any of them in ah... Soft yellow? Or pale blues?" As she looked to at the bonnets Esvele is pointing out.

"Mmmm" She hummed for a moment before she asked another question "Is it easy to be friends with the ah others in ah The Abbey? Any ah glowing tidbits like the abbot?"

The conversation Sylvia and Esvele were having about the guards assesment of her, she definitely refrained from jumping in. From what she garnered from how Sylvia had talked with her already, she'd no doubt be swatted and punished to the largest extremes by authority.

Urwin returning the coin of silver back to her. That is a nice surprise. Still his words on how the hunters were going to require a steep price had her brow furrowed. "Ah. Thanks for the ah warning." As Vita thought for a moment even as Urwin spoke some more to the people around the bar and specifically at badmouthing the festival. "Thanks again!" Vita spoke uneasily at hearing about snitches on any unkind words about the festival.

That is certainly a recipe for disaster and from how the guards acted... She is pretty certain that someone aimming for easy money would just point her out as a bringer of misfortune.

Rictavio spoke up. Sylvia adding her own two coppers. "Ah have a good reason to hunt them. As ah simple as that." She looked at the half-elf. "Do you know of any ah trackers then in this town that'd be ah best suited for finding the ah wolfmen?" A small needling question, some hostility and some genuine curiousity mixed into her tone.

"Gu-er-ila?" Vita questioned with that word. That sounded like some sort of knightly stance. "Ah hopefully a fight can be avoided and instead only a ah slaughter of them." Vita's voice taking a dangerous tone as she said slaughter.
Blue water inn
Tag: Vita

"Gue-ril-iah." Sylvia emphatized. "It's a combat strategy in which numerically or materially far inferior troups strike at key strategical positions of an opposing force without risking direct conflict. In our case, we cannot simply waltz into the literal wolfs den, not without knowing how many we are dealing with. We could deal with them five on three, but at a cost for you two and we'd be three now.. presuming Esvele accompanies us as well there." She added. "I also disagree with the idea of slaughtering them. A true warrior should not fear to fight a strong opponent, but cutting down the defenseless, even if they are wicked, makes us no better than them. Not to mention there is little honor to be gained in a victory like that. If you just want to mindlessly inflict pain on them for whatever they did to you, you're closer to joining than to destroying them." She nodded, then focused on her steak, grinning and cutting off large slices of meat which she wolfed down, revealing that she'd been quite hungry, without complaining much about it. Falknovian citizens were used to having an empty stomach after all..
"Is it easy to be friends with the ah others in ah The Abbey? Any ah glowing tidbits like the abbot?"
"No," came Esvele's terse reply. The nun took awhile to elaborate, and had to take a deep breath to compose herself before she did. "I'm not the only one who treasures our privacy. Though I've been there for so long, I think even now some of them regard me still as an outsider."

"You seem very unconcerned with whether or not the gateman's assessment of Vita was accurate or not, though I suppose if you expect them to throw her in a mine someplace for 'questioning' him, right or wrong ceases to matter. Frankly, your homeland seems even worse than Barovia in some ways. At least here it's monsters and beasts that crush the soul, not our fellow men. At any rate, despite her 'questioning' the man the discussion was perfectly civil. Perhaps you ought to speak with one of the guardsmen we happen by to enlighten you of the differences between here and there?"

Esvele sniffed. "Now that I think about it, though, the good Lord Vallakovich might take offense to all of his subjects being so perturbed whenever we pass. I really think you should reconsider getting one of those bonnets, Vita. There was that grey one we passed by... that wasn't so bad really, was it? And we can find some flowers for you to weave into a nice wreath, to cover whatever little lumps your horns would leave. If nothing else, I could do a little trick to change the color, I think... a little bit like that trick I did for Rovana and her 'rum'. Morninglord, what swill."

Esvele glanced over her shoulder, and beckoned the group lean in, leery of the jester's ears. "The ones we ran into knew where we would be and we'd never even seen them before. I don't doubt our enemy knows our movements, and even if he didn't, those wolves almost certainly have their bestial counterpart's eyes, ears and noses, whereas none of us, as far as I know, are accomplished woodsmen in the slightest. I don't think we ought to entertain the idea that we'll be able to catch them unawares."

"Now, as for these 'guerilla tactics,' they sound a lot like a fancy way of saying 'ambush' to me. I don't see how an ambush and a slaughter are all that different, though. When you get down to it, they're really both just killing them when they don't expect it, aren't they? Not that I would be opposed to it if it were possible - these beasts are stronger than us individually and more numerous and I don't think convincing them to the path of penance is feasible. As for honor... well, I am of the opinion that the only honor that matters is the honor of living to shine the Morninglord's guiding light another day."

"And lastly, I would like to remind all of you of all the unpleasant fellows who want to catch us alone and unprotected. Alone in these rooms would be a fine time for that blueberry bitch to come and murder us, and I'm not sure the gentleman running this establishment would risk incurring the wrath of your pursuer,"
Esvele whispered, nodding to Ireena. "The chapel here, cramped and bedless that it might be, should protect against him, and our unity ought to protect against her. We'll just have to speak with Petrovich and invest in some few layers of bedrolls."

"Speaking of which, though... our work was to escort you here, as I recall, but now that we've made it, what exactly will you do? Do you know the Lord well enough to expect he'll take you in, or...?" Esvele asked, addressing Ireena. She glanced at Vita, too - she was obviously quite attached to her.

"Wine only dulls the senses if you're not used to it." Esvele took her cup and raised it, once they'd broken up, and Sylvia re-iterated her desire to remain teetotal. "Thankfully, I am not. Looks it's three pints for me."
Blue Water Inn - Taproom

The half-elf smirked at Sylvia's attempts to mock him and his chosen profession.

"They tend to not be so obviously mauling citizens on the streets, usually, oh noble one. They prefer to pick people off on the road - much like their bestial counterparts, a werewolf operates in a pack and picks off the weak and the lone traveler. Driven by rage they may be, but they are not without cunning in their hybrid form. But what would I know... being but a humble entertainer who has traveled these wild forests all my life? Surely I must defer to your extensive knowledge."

There was little in his voice that suggested he thought overly much of Sylvia's knowledge, but he quickly shifted his gaze to Vita who seemed to hold his interest much more.

"You speak with reservation but also determination - now that sounds like an actual reason to hunt a lycanthrope, far more than some typical soldier's bravado." The carnival entertainer took something out of his colorful coat pocket and tossed it onto the table in front of Vita. It was a packet of scented leaves bound together by a leather cord.

"Wolfsbane."Rictavio said. "If you're wanting to find a werewolf den, you'll need to subdue a werewolf and question it. Convince it - preferably under pain of death - to lead you back to the den. A truly fallen soul in the grip of the curse is driven by a strong survival instinct. Weaken it's willpower by forcing it to ingest wolfsbane, and you'll be able to coerce it. What you find at the den however, you should be prepared for an intense fight."

The entertainer leaned back and took up his glass of wine, eyeing the travelers to see what they made of his comments.


Ireena's ears perked up at being addressed by Esvele, and she leaned in to whisper an answer so that none but those at the table could hear.

"I have only seen Father Petrovich once, and that was when he visited Father Donovich in Barovia village after Doru and the mage assaulted Castle Ravenloft.. I-I suppose I should go to him and figure out if he will allow me to take sanctuary within the church. It is sanctified ground... the bones of St. Andral make it holy, or so Father Donovich told me before he was driven to grief. I would much rather not have to announce myself to Baron Vallakovich. He never got on with my father, and it may be that the less people who know my true identity the better. I could take up a nun's habit and stay in the church until the Devil gives up his search for me. But..."

She glanced over at Vita.

"On the other hand, I have to accept that Strahd may pursue me even unto the church. In that case, I'd rather die with a sword in my hands than to allow him to make an undead bride of me... and standing with those that I honor and care about."

Urwin returned with all the food and drink, which was cooked well and tasted quite nice - paired with the wolf-steak, the Dragon Crush Wine was a deep red, fruity and with warming tannins that coated the throat in a pleasant finish. Esvele would acknowledge it as a quite fine vintage, and in this dreary land, it was a stirringly positive thing. Perhaps Urwin wasn't far wrong about it bringing people out of their perpetual depression.

However, it wasn't short on alcohol, and three pints would test the nun's limits.

[Con check, DC 15, otherwise you're drunk, and will suffer disadvatage on checks requiring coordination. Also, drunk roleplay opportunities...]
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Blue water inn
Tag: Esvele, Rictavio, Vitaish

"On the other hand, in Falkovnia you wouldn't have to fear beasts while simply traveling the streets through the wildernis." She then crossed her arms, albeit more pouty than angry almost. Well, her pouting was intimidating enough on its own. "It's far more strategical than a simple ambush. It's.. more... warfare like, ok?
As for them being stronger individually, well, I'm willing to put that to the test."
She nodded, determinedly. "I'm pretty sure I can hold one for a while. They were easily enough tossed about last time. It's no different from holding an angry wolf.." She then pondered. "Well, penance would be best of course, I still think such beastial might could serve well if it were not tainted by wickedness, one of the Falkführers-.. high ranking officials in my land, actually experiments with beast-men as potential soldiers. A shame..
Anyway. I'd be far more fond of the matter if it was a glorious battle rather than a.. hunt."
She decided on a new term.

"Blueberry? We didn't fight any berries... ooh I get it." Sylvia nodded and tapped her chin. True actually, just being on her own was kind or risky if she remembered Morgantha.. "I can sleep pretty much anywhere... though a comfortable bed would be nicer."
Sylvia raised her brow at Esvele's drinking. Now she was quite certain that this one wasn't a nun by birth. But something to consider later. She peered over to the elf, after taking some time to digest what he had said:

"If they pick off the weak and helpless they aren't just wicked beasts, they are cowardly wicked beasts. Also you'd do well not to mock a soldiers bravado. A group of properly well trained men would take care of this beast issue proper.. not that I care if you approve of my reasons or not."
She looked at the leaves the well prepared elf had donated, picking one up and dropping it, coughing after sniffing on it.
"Ugh.. I don't like this stuff one bit. I get the need for interrogation, but now we're poisoning people?" She brushed the picked up plant-leaf away from her, not hiding her aversion to it as she glanced over to Ireena next, having little to add and instead deciding to brood and munch on her steak, eyeing both Rictavio and the wolfsbane-plant suspiciously, if unsure what to say for a long moment. She couldn't just endanger others because she didn't like a certain approach, after all. "I mean, I get they're not -people- but I'm certain we can do better. They'll need commodities for both wolf and man, so it shouldn't be that hard to track them down in the wildernis. I primarly learned to track enemy soldiers, but I bet I could keep up with a wolf-hunter, the principle is the same. Really, if we question a wolf-man by force how likely is he to tell the actual truth compared to leading us into a dangerous ambush? I doubt anyone here is trained in proper interrogation." She posed, disliking the poison and interrogate the captive route in general, and something hard to describe about this wolfsbane-plant on a more personal level.
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Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Streets of Vallaki; Blue Water Inn - Taproom
Tags: Esvele, Urwin, Ireena, Sylvia

Esvele's answering of her question. Vita winced slightly at how Esvele just... clammed up. Oops. She basically almost stepped on a cat's tail there. Yup. "If its ah, any consolation, I ah view you as a friend? Not like ah, bestie forever friend but still ah friend." Vita tried before flushing, coming off as some fairweather chit. "Ah, um does the abbey have fancy pictures with the ah manuscripts? I ah, remember one of the travelling ah priests that, came to my village, showing an ah, book with something called ill-um-in-nated" She eunicated clearly that word "words. They were ah pretty to look at." Vita hoped that subject change would be taken in good grace.

Esvele mentioning that trick with the bonnets had Vita's eyes widening. "OH!! Oh! That! Ahhh. Thanks!" Vita's smiling at that suggestion. As she looked at the displays of bonnets again. She looked for a plain one with only slightly change of colors at the edges that were a bit darker then the rest of the black. "Ah hello! How much is this?" She held up a bonnet, listened to the shopkeep but decided to not haggle as long as the price isn't higher then 3 silver. She nodded her head and just paid straight up.

The tiefling's yellow orbs blinked, blinked again, and blinked for a third time at Sylvia's words. "I don't ah view those creatures as ah worthy of having honor." Vita spoke sharply. "I ah do not imagine them giving me anywhere near the uh same respect as ah you are giving them in this ah conversation." As the tiefling's tail swung behind in her irritation, long slow sweeps. "And no, ah don't want them in pain. I want them as ah dead as quick as possible. Just. Dead." Vita huffed as she looked away from Sylvia. "Thank you for ah telling me what that word ah means. Do you ah, think that using a ah guerilla strategy will be ah useful against ah." She lowers her voice "Strahd?"

Esvele's words ringing in her mind as she nodded at the nun. Gladdened by the fact that someone shared a similar opinion of what she had on the beasts. The half-elf also adding his two silver to the conversation further. Vita nodded her head as she looked at Rictavio. She searched his face for any lies. To any onlookers, and even Rictavio, it looked like the tiefling is checking Rictavio out. Anyone looking deeper then that shallow superficialness would see that the tiefling is trying to see if she can trust him at face value.

(Insight check on Rictavio to see if he has any ulterior motives for offering this advice. Also yes Vita is also checking him out.)
Roll: 20 + 0
Ugh. What a waste of a roll. A 20 on this. Ugh.

She looked down at the scented leaves on the ground even as Syvlia spoke up about poisoning. "Ah. Hm. Sylvia" Vita spoke the definitely orderly soldier's name with a lilting question in it. "Imagine if ah, the ah wolfman were rebels in your uh land. Traitorous, treasonous, betrayers. Would you ah give them any honor and respect while ah hunting them down? The crimes that they ah commit are sadistic? Where they murder and kill only for the ah pleasure?" As Vita just looked at Sylvia, waiting on how the Soldier would respond to this line of questioning.

Vita smiled at Ireena at her words. Curiousity bugging in her mind about St. Andral which she swatted it away. "Thats..." The tiefling smiled as she leaned towards Ireena, rubbing against her shoulder and, enveloping her with a side hug. "Ah I'll be there by you all the way." Vita adding her own words and leaving it as simple as that with her verbal promise of support.

Urwin's returning with the food and drink, Vita leaned back upright in her chair, preparing to dig into the yummy food that is placed before her. She didn't stab into it yet and eat as she looked around at the table, lingering on Ireena, before trying to mimic Ireena's stately way of eating. She sipped at her wine, savoring the taste.
Blue water inn
Vita, primarly

Sylvia nodded to the Tiefling. "I didn't say they had honor. I said that them lacking honor doesn't mean we can be no better." She then chewed on her steak thoughtfully. "I have no idea what this Strahd is capable of. By what you told me so far he's a vampire yes? We are told quite a bit about different undead, Darkonian's use them quite a lot, but a vampire is basically a Rückzugsgrund. A reason for retreat that doesn't shame an individual soldier, meaning unless you are prepared for that kind of battle and outnumber the creature ten to one the strategy is to regroup and call a Talon.. - an elite soldier. And if he is the lord of this land, of course none can compare to the KingFührer, but if this Strahd comes even somewhat close in individual ability or military might well, as much as I would like to do something about an evil ruler that allows his land to be overcome by beast-men like this, I'm but a lowly soldier. A woman, even. Moreso, as this world and the nun are tireless to remind me, this is a land I understand little about." She explained with a dejected shrug.

She rubbed her chin at Vita's next question. "Well, Vita, I want to apologize. Had I known you felt so strongly about the wolfmen I'd not have brought up the potential upside of .. " She decided to keep the rest of this vague, the bar had ears, exspecially this particular elf-man.. "Well, anyway. Betrayal and disobediance is the worst crime imaginable, at least in Falkovnia. It's a crime against nature itself. Every citizen is the property of Lord Drakov, so the very idea of going against his will... plus anyway. Everyone is content. There is no such things as rebels and traitors and everything else is slanderous rumors planted by our enemies." She nodded determinedly... then shook her head. "Well.. that's what we are told anyway. I guess if I, a proper soldier of the Falkeneinheit can be led astray by this cursed blood of mine and fear for my life, less well trained civilians surely can too. As for dealing with those traitors.. Well.. obviously they'd have to be captured and executed. I'd still not want to have to cut them down when they're defenseless, or poison and.. interrogate them, not if there are any other better options at all.
See, that's what I dislike about this place. No one about seems authorized to give any -orders-. If you are commanded to do things you don't have to worry or question whats proper to do so much all the time. You just do things. How do you deal with this constant uncertainty?"
She shot back at Vita. "You want vengeance for something I guess and that is fine, but at what point will you be satisfied? Because Vengeance is about making sure that no one will have to suffer through something as bad as you did. But Revenge is about yourself, including inflicting things as bad as what happened to you on others. I'd gladly aid your vengeance but for that I'll request you not let thoughts of getting your revenge guide your actions." Sylvia nodded calmly.
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Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Blue Water Inn - Taproom
Tags: Sylvia

Sylvia's rebuttal is long. The soldierish woman having a way with words as if use to needing to explain her justifications and reasons. Vita crushed the hint of guilt she felt underneath the brimming red heat of fiery anger. "Strahd ah looks like he cares not as long as his people obey." Vita giving a glance at Ireena making sure she had this correct.

"Ah, I'm gonna ignore the fact that your ah, King blesses the use of ah vampires." A disturbed look on Vita's face at that thought. "My father only ever said 'Ah man's as good as his word and a woman is ah as great as her household.' To me, I am ah honoring myself and." Vita frowned as she realized something "Those beasts by going after them. Because ah giving them enough respect to ah hold power over me and..." Vita growled in her throat at those thoughts.

Vita breathed in and then slowly out as she looked at Sylvia and her dejected shrug. "Your ah words are helpful. I'd.. most likely go ah charging in at the first of wolfman when ah am ready." As the tiefling just sat in her chair, not offering more as she listened to the rest of Sylvia's words that were meant to answer her questions.

The answer to her questions about betrayal, treason and how she'd act. Sylvia seemed like she is dodging to answering the questions but instead just takes her time to answer. As if giving it good thought. "Ah assume that those traits and rebels are part of a bigger group that is ah causing trouble to warrant interro-gations. And ah other, things? ERm ah, dealing with constant uh what? Being unsure? Ah, well just be doing what you are doing now. Just do something and ah keep going. Thats how um ah, I got here right now. Just ah doing things with no bigger plan than that. Well... On ah deeper thoughts ah got here because of my ah quest for vegeance? No, vengeance is ah wrong. It's ah... Ah that word for when justive must ah be served! Retribution! Ah yes! Quest of Retribution against ah the wolfmen. Ah don't want to go out forever on a quest of vengeance forever and ever and ever to make sure others ah don't suffer like ah I do? I... rather be ah selfish and have a family then be forever ah on the move like that." Vita shrugged.

"I'm not ah going to be on a forever ah quest to kill ah werewolves. I just want the ones that ah destroyed my village. I want them ah gone. Want them unable to ah harm me anymore. Want them unable to ah keep my mother." As Vita looked hard at Sylvia. "If you had your ah, King killed in front of ah you by someone else's hands. How far ah you willing to go? This is ah just imagination." As she looked at Sylvia.
Blue water inn
Vita, primarly

Sylvia listened to Vita, about to correct her on a misunderstanding when.. she blinked, with big eyes, at Vita's final example. "Bwahahaha.. ooh that's a good one." She reached out, patting Vita's back with a heavy smack and a shaking of her head. "Haaah.. sorry, you don't know my land, so you don't understand how rediculous that idea is. Someone killing Vlad Drakov, right.. and next thing, they'll paint the sky purple and make another sun to shine in the night. Just thinking about it is... heh." Sylvia calmed down after a long moment with her chuckling at Vita.
"Anyway. I get where you are coming from. How far would I be willing to go if my comrades or close family members were killed infront of me? Well, as far as justice would allow me to go, with a bloodied nose on top, but no further. I guess your village has been attacked by the werewolfs and your mother abducted? I understand the urgency.. certainly, all beasts complicit in this all should be punished. That said." She pondered, looking at Vita more seriously for a long moment.

"You know, I've seen it in other soldiers, the way you act right now." She mused, regretting she had no wine to swirl as she pondered how to put what she wanted to say into words. "Don't mindlessly charge into your retribution because you are hurting. Letting your emotions, letting what those creatures did control you only makes you vunerable. You can't undo what happened by recklessly attacking the beasts. Trust me.. I know how it feels to want to. Frankly, even right now I'm burning with anger at the evil witch hunting us, at those beasts for tricking innocent travelers.. " Sylvia gritted her teeth. "But.. I can't challenge any of them to a proper fight, right now." She admitted.
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Blue Water Inn - Taproom

[Vita can minus 3 cp for the bonnet.]

Ireena nodded to Vita and smiled wanly.

"Hopefully it won't come to that. We should go see Father Petrovich once our meal is done. I suppose I don't want to get in your way, if you intend to track down those wolves."

As the party talked, the room began to lose a few customers and some new ones came to replace them. Urwin moved about, and a little boy, whose face seemed similar enough to Danika and Urwin as to mark him as their son, went about setting cutlery. Danika came from the back room with a bag and placed the satchel at Rictavio's table. The half elf nodded in acknowledgement and took the parcel, downing the last of his wine. He stood up, gathering his book, quill, and stoppered ink bottle, and then paused by the group.

"The stories are full of sad heroes who follow the path of vengeance. It seldom ends well for them. If you're not going to use that, I'll take it back." he motioned towards the wolfsbane, noting Sylvia's disdain for it.

"And as for the Falknovians... They kill elves on sight there. Well, at least the soldiers do. Funny to hear someone talk about cowardly monsters, yet not to recognize the same traits in Drakov's lackeys. At least werewolves have the excuse of a curse for their murders."