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Thirst (TentariX)

Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Sneak = failure.

Miko managed to sneak down the stairs and even make it to the ground floor, however she ends up doing something that gives her away. Whilst moving her foot accidentally hits bottle that had been hidden in the shadows. Once it began rolling and making little noises the figure of a dog instantly turned to face her and began barking a very loud, intimidating bark that echoed throughout the entire factory. The figure quickly reaches for something, and suddenly the entire area becomes visible because of a strong blue light suddenly coming from the lantern. In the light she is able to make out what the twp figures look like.

The beast was a big looking dog, resembling a husky. It's fur coat seems well groomed and a nice shade a black and white. It's eyes are a strange bright orange color, almost glowing. The female seems to be a petite figure, her breasts fairly small and shorter then Miko in height. She seemed to be standing at a little under five and a half feet tall, her dog almost meeting her shoulders it height. She wears something similar to other woman found in this town, revealing red robes, however over them is a thick looking black cloak, and a matching black hood. On her belt is a short looking silver sword and a few glass vials filled with who knows what.

" Oh look doggy! It's another human. " She says in a rather unworried voice. " Hello human, what are you doing in this factory all by yourself? " she asked. By the way she was calling Miko "human" there was a good chance she herself was a demon, or a fey. But more likely a demon, seeing how she is with a demonic dog and everything.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

OH FUCK! Miko thought as her foot hit the bottle and she heard and saw it rolling along the floor and once she heard the dog bark she readied her sword before the brilliant blue came out and blinded her for a few seconds until it dimmed down allowing her to see her guests. The dog might be a problem, but its owner looks kinda small, I don't have my crossbow, so I'll have to play it safe and smart. She thought as she slowly made her way towards the duo with her sword at the ready. "If you must know, I was just recovering from giving birth. I don't want any trouble, and I'm really not looking for a fight." She said calmly and on guard, she hoped she could either defeat the demoness and her dog or convince them to leave so they wouldn't happen upon her unintentional victim who was still recovering upstairs from her recent fuck fest.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

" Oh really? Did one of the towns residents have it's way with you? "she said before laughing a bit to herself from amusement. " Well anyways I am rather tired and looking for a place to rest for the night. You don't mind if I stay here do you? You don't, well great! " she said, not even giving Miko a chance to speak before she began doing as she pleased. The woman began walking, her dog still keeping it's watchful eyes on Miko, however she stops, short of entering the break room. " Oh, human! " she says as she turns to face the girl; " I need a favor from you. Something really easy and simple. Ill even pay you if you do this for me. Interested? " She asked in a cheerful, almost unreadable voice.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"Well, I guess it's better then fighting....." She saids after the girl finishes. "And yes I was attacked by some tentacled thing earlier." She saids with a slight blush on her face. "If you don't want to fight me and aren't a threat I don't suppose I have a problem with you staying, as long as you keep your dog under control." She saids keeping a watchful wary eye on the demon hound. "It depends..... What kind of favor do you have in mind?" She saids as she follows the demon back into the break room. I hope I can keep her pacified and from hurting the poor woman I fucked silly a while ago, I just can't leave her unattended here in this factory where anything could sneak in and ravage her all over again. She thought to herself as she felt her cock get hard thinking of the memory of fucking the curvacious woman after she had birthed her off spring the previous night. That along with the sex she had with the first woman when she first arrived at the factory, letting a small moan and getting a tingle.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

" Oh don't worry, my doggy would never do anything bad! Right doggy? " she asked the beast, who seemed to give a bark out in response, as if it understood the girl. She continues to adore her pet, patting it and even giving it a quick hug. She stops once Miko asks about the favor.

" Well, here's the thing human. " she started as she stood next to her dog, patting it on the head; " My doggy here is, as I'm sure you can tell, a male. Like other males it likes to, well, fornicate. It's been a while since it's been able to do so and it's starting to whine about it. " she said, taking a pause to pet her dog some more. The demoness doesn't seem to take notice to Miko's erection, nor anything else happening to her body. If she actually did notice it would seem she really did not care all too much.

" Anyways, ill be happy to pay you back some how if you can help me with this little problem. I'd deal with it myself, but then he'd be humping me all the time and I'd have a litter of puppy's trying to do the same thing. I'd rather not have that. " she says. " So, what do ya say human? " she asked, her voice sounding hopeful.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko stood there blinking somewhat dumbstruck at what the demoness had asked for a few moments before replying, "Y-you want me to.... to..... f-fuck with your d-d-dog.......?" Miko looked down to the dog for a few minutes before looking back up to the girl then looking back down to the dog and back up again; she continued this for a few moments, actually thinking seriously about the matter, before replying; "Uhm......... I don't know......... I know Ive been fucked by demons, other women, and a tentacle thing....... but...... a dog?" She gently put her sword down on the ground and sat up on the table in the breakroom crossing her legs and stroking her chin, heavily pondering over the matter and the request the young demon girl had made. Well, it would be a good thing to have a demon owe me one in case I get into some serious trouble later on....... and that tentacle thing was definitely weirder then a dog....... It is just sex after all...... She thought to herself before replying, "O-okay. I'll do it."

She then hopped off of the table and slowly walked up to the dog and petted it behind its ears a little bit before kneeling down on the floor in front of it, spreading her legs so it would have easier access to her flower and spread her sex lips out before saying, "J-just in the pussy okay. No anal....... just yet anyways."
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

" Yay, I promise you won't regret this! " she cheered. As Miko approached and began to pet the beast, feeling the soft fur behind it's ears, it seemed to begin to catch on, licking the girls hand after she pet it. Once down on the ground with her butt in the air and her nether regions exposed the dog was about to mount her, but was stopped by the demon's surprisingly strong hand. " Oh human, mind telling me what you want? Like, your greatest desire? I can't promise anything, but I know a person who might be able to help you out. " she stated. " Oh, and my names Raven. I'm a scout! " she said with pride, as if she had a really important, meaningful job.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"My greatest desire? I've never really thought about it......." She saids thoughtfully as she looks over her shoulder to the young demon. "I've never met my parents, I've always lived with my cousin who trained me to be an assassin. It wasn't till I hit 13 that I found out I wasn't fully human as my hormones hit me really hard and I started to think about men all the time. I was always really horny and a lot of the other girls were jealous of me attracting the boys and called me a whore. It was to the point to where it was too much for me, and I eventually dropped out of school and joined the thieves' and assassin's guilds and trained to become a ninja." Miko said sadly as she recounted her past; "I've never really fit in with humans, I guess that's because I'm part demon. I'm a succubus. So I guess I want somewhere to belong and truly fit in. I want to erase my human side and be full blooded demon like my mother or father." She finished before beginning to play with pussy a little bit, wetting it for the dog's member to slide in easily; moaning softly as she did.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

" Oh, that's it? " Raven asked after Miko finished her story that didn't seem to have much effect on the girl. " You just want to be a demon? No flying castle or pet hell fang? " she asked, her childish tone making it hard to figure out if she was being serious or not. " Well, that's no problem. Tomorrow ill take you to meet my mom, she'll grant your wish. I'm going to go lay down now, come find me when you finish up doggy!" With that the weird black haired girl left the beast and Miko by themselves, walking over to the break room that the bucket of water had been in. No longer being held back by its master the dog quickly lets an excited bark out and mounts the ninja without hesitation, it member already rock hard and pressing against her pussy lips. This was more then enough to, if it wasn't already, make Miko's member just as hard.

The beast slowly begins to prod her entrance, the thick corded member getting wet from leaking pussy juices. After a moment of doing so the demon dog pulls his member back as far as it can go, then rams it into Miko, making her yelp out! Letting a low sound out the beast begins to fuck the succubus, his demonic meat pumping in and out of the girl at high speeds as her flower wraps around it, the pleasure enough to make her cry out in pleasure. As this happened, the girl could feel something entering her, the same dark thing that had given her these new mutations she'd developed.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"AH FUCK YES!" Miko yelped out in excitement as the dog's large thick cock drove into her drooling pussy lips. Oh, god! It feels so good! I can't believe I'm getting off from being fucked like a dog! It's like I'm just an animal too, but it feels so good! I'm being done doggystyle by this hound! Miko thinks to her self as she begins to drool from the pleasure, using one hand to rub her shapely tits for a while before running her hand down her belly and finally to her crotch to stroke and jerk off her now rock hard member. "ARF! ARF! RRRRR- ARF! WOOF WOOF WOOF!" Miko begins barking and howling out like a dog, getting completely into the act of being fucked from behind on all fours like she was this dog's bitch, giving into the pleasure and thrust and bucking her young nubile hips back and forth violently, nearing her climax. "ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF RRRRRRRRRR_ RUFF!" She continues to bark out.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

The fucking session goes on for a little while longer, the beast on top of her panting it a low growl as it continued to thrust it's rock hard member in and out of her soaking pussy. Soon enough both parties reach their limits and howl out as they orgasm. The beasts member explodes in Miko's warm tunnel, it's cum filling in her womb. After that the dog pulls out and gets off of the woman, and begins walking off as if nothing had happened, leaving the ninja by herself in the factory room as it headed to where Raven had gone. Now Miko could do as she pleased, however sleeping until morning might not be a bad idea.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko woke up early in the morning as the sun's rays entered through an old window in the factory and shone in her eyes. She was still somewhat sore from when the dog had penetrated her earlier in the night, and still groggy from awakening. She slowly stumbled her way over to the break room where Raven had slept and found the dog lying next to her. After she made sure both were asleep she went back up to office to check on her earlier acquaintance.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

When Miko awakens the following morning she does find Raven and her dog together, however the pair are not asleep. Quite the opposite, as Raven is up and speaking to her dog. Raven can't make it all out, but she hears something about her mother. When the woman steps into the break room "doggy" gives a bark, and Raven turns to greet her. The girl was far more visible now then the night before. Her features and clothing were much easier to see. " Good morning! " she says cheerfully, " Thanks again for what you did last night. I've never heard my dog bark so much..." she trails off, referring to the odd barking she had heard. " Anyways, would you like to head off now? Now's a good a time as ever. "
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko stops suddenly as Raven's dark lets out a bark, alerting the demon girl to her presence. She scratches her chin as a large bead of sweat drops down her face when Ravens mentions the barking, "Heh, heh, heh, yeah......." She saids embarrassed as she remembers her lack of control during her fucking last night. "And uhm........" She begins to say as she remembers her companion from before she met raven, not sure she should tell the demoness about the woman, but also not wanting to leave her here defenseless; "Uh..... If it's....... not too much trouble......." she adds, finally deciding to tell her about the guest, since she would be leaving her defenseless after she had fucked her silly and unconscious, "I have an....... acquaintance. That I uh..... "was intimate with", before I met you. I lost control from urges and fucked her unconscious. I would feel bad just leaving her here to be fucked by some other demon or something, since it was my fault shes out cold to begin with. Could she come along with us?" She asks politely and uncertainly as she goes to sit down on the table across from the little demon girl.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Raven blinks, then looks away as she begins scratching the back of her head. After a brief moment of silence she looks back; " Are you sure you want to bring her with us? We're kinda going to a rough place... I mean, it's my home and I love it and everything, buuuut I don't think this person would get along so well. She might be better off here." Raven stops and glances at her dog who had been watching the entrance before quickly looking back, " Besides, I'm not sure this human would want to venture into the place known as hell. If you really want to though, we can bring the human..." Raven then trails off.

It was up to Miko now. Forget about the woman and head off, or go up and try to bring her along.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko put her finger to her chin in deep thought; Hmmmm....... I don't think she is the kind to work with demons and she might be pissed and attack for me having fucked her before. I don't really want to kill her, and she probably wont go down easy. I probably better leave her here. She thought to herself before replying, "Nah. I don't think it would be a very good idea, Raven. If you and your dog are ready, I just need to get dressed and I'll be right behind you."

Miko quickly gets whatever clothes she can find on and reappears back in the break room before Raven replying, "Okay. I'm ready whenever you are."
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Miko is able to get dressed without any problems. After getting her armor back on and returning to the break room she see's Raven waiting there with her dog, the same cheery smile being formed by her lips. The demon dog eyes were now friendly, unlike when she first saw the dog's hostile orange eyes. " Great, let's go!" Raven says to Miko after she speaks; " Just follow me, I know the way. " The the then walks out, going past Miko and out into the main factory building. Soon enough her, the dog, and Miko were all outside, the sun shining over the ruined town. There were currently no signs of any hostile creatures.

" Ever wonder what this town looked like before my kind got here? " Raven suddenly asks Miko curiously, as if expecting some sort of a serious answer.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko squinted her eyes as she walked out into the bright sunshine after so long, and after adjusting her eyes, she bent over to pet Raven's demon dog, scratching it's chin and scratching behind it's ears; now that the hostility had worn off - of course, having sex with it probably helped out alot on that part.

"Alright, Raven." Miko said agreeably enough following her and the dog's lead. Miko put her finger to her chin again in somewhat serious thought, "Hmmmm. This place is pretty big. I imagine it was most likely some major city. Full of carraiges, busy people, tall buildings and bussling businesses. There were probably schools, factories, jails and all the usual things you would find in large city. It's hard to imagine what it was like, when I was born the demons had already taken over. My mom was an Amazonian ninja who was raped by a demon but ended falling in love with him. But he was killed before I was born, and my mother was killed shortly after leaving me with my aunt and cousin. At least that's the story I've been told." She saids as the trio continue walking down the road on their way to meet Raven's mother.

"What do you think it was like beforehand, Raven?" Miko asked honestly curious as to how the petite little demon would answer.
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Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

The dog licks Miko's hand at the sudden scratching and petting, pleased with the attention. Raven herself seemed interested in what Miko went on about. Really, half the stuff the ninja brought up was mostly unheard of to her. The other half was mostly just things she had only heard of. Still it was all very fascinating to her, and her red eyes sparkled with interest throughout what she was told. " Wow, that's all really neat! I think we have jails back at my home. Are jails here filled with orgy's? " she asked curiously, " Hmm, well anyways it doesn't matter. Soon enough this entire planet won't look much different from home. The girl only shrugged when asked about what she imagined it was like.

After a bit more walking throughout the empty town the pair soon found themselves on a road. Ahead of them was a very large portal, fiery and looking like it would lead to the plains of Oblivion. There were also a pair of dead ogres laying in front of them, right next to what looked like a humanoid figure fully clad in steel armor. The person wielded a great sword, one long and thick, stained in blood.

Looking at Raven the girl seemed to be petrified, practically shaking in her boots as her seemingly innocent red eyes looked out to the armor clad person. "Doggy" seemed to be doing the same, growling at the opposing figure. It didn't seem to notice the three yet, and possibly wouldn't if they tried to hide instead of engaging it.
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Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko stood trembling slightly looking at the large armored figure in front of the gate before she turned to Raven asking, "What do you think we should do? He looks huge and powerful. Do you think we could beat him if we tried to take him together?"

((Short post is short, but Ill wait for Raven's answer and maybe Ill have more to put :p ))