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Things you're going to hell for.

Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I don't know. Are you so creepy that on Halloween you dress like you normally do, and kids are too scared to come up to your house, and can't say trick or treat? Do people stare at you when you walk by?
I try not to be such an ass on forums and such. It doesn't work. :(
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Hah, no problem Oni.

I've considered counseling, if only to deal with the rage outbursts. Seriously, I get so blinded by my anger that I don't even remember why I do things after the fact, nor the deed itself.

Anger huh? I think I had that once...

I practically never get angry. It's very hard to get me worked up about anything really. It's a blessing I guess. Though tending to be rather un-emotive about things in general can make me seem distant and like I don't care about anything. Which isn't true. So there's a downside. I'm the kind that keeps it pent up and doesn't release it I guess, if that how it works.

On the rare occasions I do get angry about something, things tend to go quiet very quickly. People know somethings wrong. It's just so unusual to see me like that. I don't get aggressive even then, just furious to the point that last time it happened I (honestly) lost my vision for a while, along with all strength in my legs and had to sit down before I fell over. My arms felt like they'd go through the wall if I tried to move them, and I got a massive pain in my sides.

It actually ended the argument at the time. My family realised things had gone too far if I'd reacted like that. Quite a freaky experience.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I own a set of the cards. I had nothing to do with the design.

And I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned it to you before, Aika.

Pimp: The Backhanding.

Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Pimp: The Backhanding.
I find that game terribly offensive! XD

Anywho, I have a horrible history of flirting with people I'm not the slightest bit interested in, just so that they'd do/buy things for me. I knew it was wrong, and I always felt guilty about it, but it was just so tempting sometimes.

I really try not to do it anymore though, so maybe if I'm lucky I'll only end up in purgatory. I just hope it's not Tentacle Purgatory. o_O
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I find that game terribly offensive! XD

Very good. Allow me to quote the disclaimer from the rules:

"Some people may find the themes and characterizations in this game disturbing or offensive. They're correct. If you don't find it offensive, we'll try to get you in the expansion so you don't feel left out."
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Haha anger, got me plenty of that. Currently I'm resisting the urge to punch my younger sister (she's 11) in the face because she's playing and being loud.

@Tassadar: I dont have the halloween thing, but I definitely get stared at and most of the conversations I have with my friends end after I've said something pretty bad. Case in point: One of my friends and I are extreme lolicons and when I said to him 'Since when did girls start looking so lolilicious?' He just stared at me for a few minutes then said, 'Please never say that ever again.'
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Haha anger, got me plenty of that. Currently I'm resisting the urge to punch my younger sister (she's 11) in the face because she's playing and being loud...

haven't you ever heard the phrase make love not war?
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

haven't you ever heard the phrase make love not war?


I don't think Oni does incest, much less actual pedophilia >.>
Re: Things you're going to hell for.


I don't think Oni does incest, much less actual pedophilia >.>

God no, not with my sisters anyway, they're far too revolting :p
Re: Things you're going to hell for.


And awesome, I made it into a sig! YES XD


I'm definitely going to hell for many things. Mostly because I want to, what with all the people I admire being there (I'm betting, anyways).
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

After a lot of thinking, I found that at the moment I have nothing I'm ashamed of, with the only thing that may possibly send me to hell being some 7-8 years ago... Or something.

I had irregular bouts of complete rage too, they kinda got me in trouble in high school. I got so pissed I made some other kid crap his pants, and since it was the crappy emergency building because they fucked up and had a small 300-400 students too much, the walls were made of hardened cardboard or some kind of thin wood, and I punched a hole in one of them(Not a big deal, everybody could do that, but it did get the point of me being pissed across.) I was then held down by the teachers.

Oh, and now I just can't get pissed at anything, and don't show any emotion at all. I'm told it can be creepy sometimes.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Meh. I don't really show that much emotion either, but I also have a reeeeeeeeally long fuse. Hell, the only time I've ever actually hit someone was on accident. They 'bucked' at me, so I leaned back and threw my hands up to block because I thought - them being who they were - I was gonna get punched. So, I accidentaly knocked him in the jaw, causing him to bleed.

I profusely apologized, while my fellow classmates just went 'OOOOOOHHHHH!'
Then the teacher walked in, I explained what happened, and as the teachers knew the kid was trouble, mine believed me, and carted him off to the counslers/security while I got to stay in class. Never saw the kid again, though I think I stunned the shit outta him by hitting him. I also believe that's why I didn't get immediately decked >.<
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I've done that too, hitting someone while simply trying to dodge or block. In general I never got into real fights though. I was the kind who had trouble sticking up for him self. Not because I couldn't, I was quite confident I could take these fools, but I couldn't bring my self to start anything physical.

There was this one time, where these pair of morons at the back of the class by the door had been kicking me in the shins under the desk when I had to get past their table. They'd been giving me no end of petty trouble lately. The teacher asked me to go fetch something, and on the way out, they did it again. It was one of the times I snapped. So I grabbed their desk and shoved it pinning them against the wall, and kicked it hard into them.

I continued out of the room to fetch the books, the teacher stood stunned for a moment before giving them both detentions. He didn't even know what they'd been doing, but knew I wouldn't do something like that without reason. It was quite satisfying.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

No one has ever been brave enough to start a fight with me. People have tried to mug me though, which is hilarious in itself. Why would you try to rob a man in the middle of the night, walking through a park in sweatpants? What the fuck is he going to have on him, gum?
Rant will end now.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

The only thing I think I'm going to hell for is the fact that I no longer feel guilty about things I did in Iraq. I don't really care that I put a bullet through a 12 year olds brain which kind of scares me. Mainly because I can deal with guilt I understand that, but I don't like the idea of not caring anymore. I doubt if any of you would understand exactly what it's like, but maybe you could actually understand about not caring anymore. It's really only been bothering me since veterans day when someone saw me downtown in my field jacket and wished me a happy veteran's day, which made me realize that I didn't care anymore.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

The only thing I think I'm going to hell for is the fact that I no longer feel guilty about things I did in Iraq. I don't really care that I put a bullet through a 12 year olds brain which kind of scares me. Mainly because I can deal with guilt I understand that, but I don't like the idea of not caring anymore. I doubt if any of you would understand exactly what it's like, but maybe you could actually understand about not caring anymore. It's really only been bothering me since veterans day when someone saw me downtown in my field jacket and wished me a happy veteran's day, which made me realize that I didn't care anymore.

You know, that is somewhat disturbing. I can't say that I know exactly what you feel upon that realization because I've not been through that myself, but I can say that there's no way it should be a pleasant one.

Granted, there is a few things that I have knowledge of that sometimes bother me when I get reminded that I don't really care about them anymore, but that's something entirely different.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

It's a psychological defense mechanism to help people cope with traumatic events; kind of the opposite of post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead of constantly re-experiencing things in their mind, the person will instead form a psychological block with their emotions and the events. What DMRonny is experiencing isn't wrong in anyway; I cannot truly imagine what people go through in war, and coping with the experiences is the best that a veteran can ever really hope for.

For any doubters on this, here's an r/l example of such a thing. In my Psychology class last semester we had a female professor from another college come and speak with us about her childhood. From and 6 to 16 she had been beaten, psychologically abused, and was forced into a multigenerational family prostitution ring. When she was 10, she sought out the help of a nun (her family went to church every Sunday) and got a meeting with a social worker while the family thought she was in Sunday School. She explained everything that had happened to her to the worker in a very straightforward and non-emotional manner. When she was done, the social worker called her a "little bitch" for "making up such incredible lies".

Emotional distance doesn't really mean that you don't care.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

True. Blocking things such as Ronny's experience is a psychological mechanism. That doesn't mean it's not going to feel disturbing, though. Some might not find it as such, but others could.

Not everyone is the same.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

It also bothers me that other veterans don't seem to feel this way, at least not the ones I've talked to. They act more like I'm a freak or a psycho because I don't feel bad. Of course it could be a weird sort of jealousy I guess because they don't want to be bothered by it anymore. I feel a little better having said something to someone not a veteran though.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

It also bothers me that other veterans don't seem to feel this way, at least not the ones I've talked to. They act more like I'm a freak or a psycho because I don't feel bad. Of course it could be a weird sort of jealousy I guess because they don't want to be bothered by it anymore. I feel a little better having said something to someone not a veteran though.

The only veteran I know passed away a couple months ago (my great grandfather fought in WWII, I believe he took part in the D-Day invasion). He was kind of the same, though - the war happened, he was back, and that's all there was to it.