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Things you're going to hell for.

Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Damn wait you mean I'm not already in hell, and it's going to get worse. Oh well at least they have cookies.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Me? If anything because I'm so full of cotridictions I make my self sick. I feel guilty for everything i do. Because no matter what, I hurt someone. And let's just leave it at that. This isn't the place for me to air my dirty laundry. i can do that with my counselor.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Me? If anything because I'm so full of cotridictions I make my self sick. I feel guilty for everything i do. Because no matter what, I hurt someone. And let's just leave it at that. This isn't the place for me to air my dirty laundry. i can do that with my counselor.

aww, but I'm a counselor :D
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

If you don't mind listening to me cry and sob about how useless and horrible i am, then I'll air it all out. But not here in public.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

If I did mind that stuff, I'd never make it as a psychologist.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I've considered counseling, if only to deal with the rage outbursts. Seriously, I get so blinded by my anger that I don't even remember why I do things after the fact, nor the deed itself. Only starting at what I've done with shock in my eyes. I'm probably going to hell for almost killing my brother with a punch to the throat and by god I DID intend to kill him. Granted I was younger, but I still get just as mad over stupid things (football game? video game? Oh yeah, I rage pretty bad.) There have been other times I've hurt someone with the intent to kill, but generally the rage subsided before I could do any real damage.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

That would probably help. I might be going to hell for liking you so much(j/k), so don't go and get yourself fried by the Electric chair. I'd miss ya.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Oh yeah, I live in Texas don't I :S

I haven't tried to kill anyone in a while, though I did almost get into a bar fight.

I'm going to hell for lying to my parents and everyone who I care about in order to maintain a series of images, a set of personalities that when combined could possibly give you an idea of what is, essentially, me. I lie whenever I think it'll make my life the slightest bit easier. I lie to get my way, and I've gotten pretty damn good at it over the years - so good that I convince myself of the lie (which in itself is a strength).

I wish this thread wasn't becoming serious. Quick, someone do something funny, I'm coming down with a case of the emo.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.


Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I am now viewing this page in lolcat.

Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I started a life of crime in pre-school/play school (Whatever you want to call it) when I brought home an awesome painting of a tree that I didn't do. I got high praise for it, and have felt guilty about it all my life since my mum still has it framed in her room.

I don't believe I've ever done much wrong since then. Spare being generally deceiving to hide my falls and secret side.

And for having pictures like this on my hard drive. -_-

Kept under the memes folder, in a hiden & acer bio encrypted sub folder titled Aids. Some things, just have to be archived no matter how terrible.

Thanks Squid, I lost that pic before and I wanted to get it again.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I'm going to hell for being creepy in real life, and an arrogant asshole on the internet.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Aww, comon. Who's more comfortable with their self than some douche with purple hair?
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Let's see...Things I'm going to hell for...

...Well, there is the ownership of a card game that's apparently designed with offending people in mind. (I happen to find it hilarious myself, but others might not.)
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

By ownership do you mean you designed it or you simply own the cards?

And what is it called?
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I own a set of the cards. I had nothing to do with the design.

And I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned it to you before, Aika.

Pimp: The Backhanding.