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Things that make you want to cry

Re: Things that make you want to cry

I don't why, but that Calvin and Hobbes one really got to me...

Perhaps it was seeing a favorite character like him have his soul crushed by the "wonders" of modern medicine. Seeing the connection between them snap like a taught wire. See the love dwindle away because of some fucking pills.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

How about this Calvin and Hobbes one? Source is someone on DeviantArt, whom I've forgotten. :(

Re: Things that make you want to cry

Oh dear God Aika...

how anyone could read them without feeling something is beyond me. I was crying after the second paragraph.

Wewt, that means I'm heartless!
Re: Things that make you want to cry

@ Twisted: I always prefered the Nine Inch Nails version of Hurt for some reason. Nothing against Johnny Cash... just preferred NiN version of Hurt.

@ Goldstein: The first one was sadder, but that one was well thought out as well.

@ Oni: I always knew that.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Actually you know what almost makes me cry is the fact that none of those actually affected me. I mean I can tell they're sad, but they didn't do it for me. I remember crying at my step-dad's funeral (which was weird because we didn't get along and I cryed more than everyone else). After that I can't remember crying at anything. I wish I could though, it always helped to have a good cry when I was younger.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I stopped being able to cry right after my nan died. Since then these eyes o' mine havent leaked tears, except for when I'm freaking tired and the tired tears leak out. That was about 8 years ago, and I've gotten more cold because of it.

And you always knew I was?
Re: Things that make you want to cry


This scene. Every fucking time.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Meh. I don't cry much these days, since I don't really sweat the little stuff anymore. Why care if it doesn't majorly effect your life?
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Well my problem with it is that I don't even cry for the major things anymore. I honestly feel like I'm dead inside sometimes, I've also been accused of it IRL. Sometimes it's nice to not be affected by the little stuff, but sometimes it is.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Actually, I only cry from touching scenes in movies... Wall-E, shrek, Titanic, Schindlers list... But I don't usually cry from events in my life... My uncle died, who was sorta like a second father... and due to circumstances that meant I lost my cousin for about 4 years aswell. I was a lonely child 'til I was thirteen... He and I were like brothers.

After that, it seems, nothing is as sad as that time. Back then there weren't enough tears, but now... I don't need 'em anymore.

Strange isn't it?
Re: Things that make you want to cry

@ Twisted: I always prefered the Nine Inch Nails version of Hurt for some reason. Nothing against Johnny Cash... just preferred NiN version of Hurt.
Understandable. I probably prefer Cash's version over NiN's because I've listened to Cash, but never really listened to any NiN. Connects to me more that way
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Not very many songs get to me... but "You're still the one." and "I don't wanna close my eyes" always will.

As far as movies go, Schindler's list, RENT, and quite a few others but it's always specific scenes that get to me. Like when Mufasa died in The Lion King. There are times when I try not to cry, but the tears always come out anyway.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Despite the things I said tugging at me... I don't actually cry often. Even at my grandfather's funeral right after I got back from tour. Some movies get to me, but not many.

Attonement had one scene that made me cry. It was when James McAvoy first went to the French beach with all the soldiers stranded there, and it had a close up of this one blonde kid's face, who looked way too much like my fucking cousin...

The other was Paschendaele. The end of that one got to me as well.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

300, Windtalkers, Braveheart all got me going.
Enma's flashback in Hell Girl also got the water flowing. Also, the end of Urotsukidoji III almost got me.
Also, Hugo's death in Gunnm.

Also, the end of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I have so many emotions ripping through me during Braveheart. I've been told by those with English heritage that they can't watch the movie with me... I get too beligerant.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Not very many songs get to me... but "You're still the one." and "I don't wanna close my eyes" always will.

As far as movies go, Schindler's list, RENT, and quite a few others but it's always specific scenes that get to me. Like when Mufasa died in The Lion King. There are times when I try not to cry, but the tears always come out anyway.

The only songs that have ever come close are Gary Jules cover of Mad World, and the song "Love you to Death" by Kamelot. The music video for the later sucked though.

As for movies, none. Unhappy endings just make me angry, not sad, and 9 times out of 10 I start laughing my ass off when a main character dies.
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Re: Things that make you want to cry

I have so many emotions ripping through me during Braveheart. I've been told by those with English heritage that they can't watch the movie with me... I get too beligerant.

I take it you're of Scottish descent, then.

The scene when SGT Pilla gets hit in Black Hawk Down almost gets to me as something similar actually happened to me. That's about as close as I get for movies. Though I used to cry at The Velveteen Rabbit when I was little. No music I know of as even sad songs tend to make me feel better.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Yeah I'm partially Scottish descent.

Black Hawk Down... that was a good movie. I rather enjoyed it, and some scenes were just... well like Ronny said, shit happens.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Black Hawk down has gotta be one of the best movies ever... I don't like watching it... 'Cause it's too real... But it's a great movie... And the celtic opera is just perfect.