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Things that make you want to cry

Re: Things that make you want to cry

It was banned from polish TV because the conservatives thought it would make the new generation gay.(Something about the purple one having a purse)

Also, it has been established people stopped making good cartoons somewhere between the angry beavers and the first pokemon movie.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I never had the Nickelodeon channel. Bizarrely when I think back to my childhood I get Dukenukem.

I was pretty certain teletubies was a global nightmare?
Re: Things that make you want to cry

It was brought to America.

And yes, generations do scream that the one after them is shitty, but I think this is the first time where we look back and thought it was worse cuz it's just so gayly.

Re: Things that make you want to cry

I've driven past the filming location for teletubbies in a bus once... I think it was germany or poland or something. Might have been wales or teh states too though.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Funnily enough I had a similar thing in my mind when I clicked this thread albeit related to music rather than cartoons.

Avril Lavigne. I used to like her a lot back before I started listening metal almost exclusively(that would be... 3 years ago? 4? I'm not completely sure). I still thought her a decent artist. Then I heard Girlfriend and it made me want to puke(the first time I heard it was with the video...which was even worse). It's as crappy as worst that Britney Spears has done. Right now I'm listening one of her older CDs and it's still pretty good music, although the lyrics seem to be too much directed for teenager girls for me to really appreciate much. It saddens me that a good artist would start making such shit. Even worse, it's probably more profitable, so she's unlikely to turn around.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I loved the old Avril Lavigne. Fuck she lived about a half hour away from where I do.

Regardless, I hate where's she's gone with her music direction lately as well.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Funny thing you mentioned Girlfriend too, have you ever heard the song she ripped it off of? Some 50s or 60s band made it, called it Boyfriend (I think). Change the genders around and have her sing as much of the backup lines as she can, and there you have it.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

To Sin's remarks about the whole childhood issue. For me, it's a matter of them taking something I loved as a child and turning it into, as Mo put it, an enormous pile of ass. These things were integral to my early years and seeing them being bastardized (in my opinion, anyway) makes me sad. Maybe it's a good thing the younger generation gets a different "version" of things. Then they can have theirs and we can have ours and we can argue about which is better. Still, it's also usually the case that when they do "modernize" something, it usually is *not* for the best (Underdog, Alvin and the Chimpmunks, anyone?)

True. But that's not what we're saying. We're saying kids these days aren't as happy as we were because what we had now sucks. I mean fuck. You can't even hug other kids now.

@Oni: No, it aired in America. I didn't even know it had scarred another nation's children.

The US is getting uberconservative and it scares me sometimes. It's healthy for kids to play in dirt, for crying out loud. And good god, I hated the Teletubbies. I tried watching it once. Once. Granted, I am not a 1-3 year old but seriously, wtf? Went back to Blue's Clues after that. At least that was educational. And I've got something on par with the Teletubbies for scarring children.


It was banned from polish TV because the conservatives thought it would make the new generation gay.(Something about the purple one having a purse)

It's a magic bag not a purse. At least that was the defense. In the States, the argument was that the symbol on the top of it's (his?) head is a triangle and it's (he's?) purple, two symbols strongly associated with the homosexual community. Whatever. My hate of it stemmed from the fact that it was a Teletubbie. There's my prejudice, right there.

Funny thing you mentioned Girlfriend too, have you ever heard the song she ripped it off of? Some 50s or 60s band made it, called it Boyfriend (I think). Change the genders around and have her sing as much of the backup lines as she can, and there you have it.

What? You mean someone famous is incapable of coming up with a wholly original idea and must therefore rip off an idea that has come many years before them? ABSURD!
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Raped child hood and ruined series? Three words. Sonic the Hedgehog. Amirite?
Re: Things that make you want to cry

What? You mean someone famous is incapable of coming up with a wholly original idea and must therefore rip off an idea that has come many years before them? ABSURD!


On a related note, has anyone noticed that a lot of movies nowadays are recycled stories and ideas?
Re: Things that make you want to cry


On a related note, has anyone noticed that a lot of movies nowadays are recycled stories and ideas?

I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Yeah... a lot of movies are old ideas. Either comics, epic poems, older movies, books, etc. etc.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

That is why I stopped watching movies unless I hear from at least 5 different persons that it's a good movie, complete with arguments.

On a related topic..


Games, these days most of them seem to suck, what happened to the command and conquer series? It used to be great, and I remember hours of fun with just building a base, I've spend at least 10 hours just building a base in Tiberian sun, red alert 2..Etc, But I also have tiberium wars(That's the third in the series), and total gameplay I got out of that is between 5-8 hours.

What happened? Where did games go wrong that a small aspect of an old game used to be more entertaining then a full game now? Even in depth things are different, if you actually look for it, Tiberian sun has a lot of depth, special cases, and things that actually need the player to think about how to do things. The newest..It's just making a lot of units and then sending them in the opponent's general direction.

Where did my games go?
(And related to that, who decided RTS games needed walls taken out? That's just an idiot move, it's like removing airports from a flight sim, it could work, but it's really not the best idea.)
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Re: Things that make you want to cry

Man, I loved the walls in Red Alert, added defence was always the best.

My hate of it stemmed from the fact that it was a Teletubbie. There's my prejudice, right there.


You forced my hand, Copper. :D
Re: Things that make you want to cry

The walls are gone? Holy crap. Your right. I hadn't even noticed. I still remember building planed concrete fortresses on the original C&C to test out with my brother. Though you still get to use walls in Supreme Commander. Widely ignored and forgotten about, but still surprisingly valuable with a bit of creativity.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I remember with Yuri's Revenge, I made a maze of walls with the mini gun turrets and mind control towers protected in small squares of walls. Fucked over all my friends until they all decided to rush me with everything they had xD
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Company of Heroes is a brilliant RTS game. Newer too. WWII based I know, but there is plenty of depth in the strategies one uses. Units act like they would in real life. Tanks take more damage when they get hit in the back, you can destroy their engines, the tank machine gunner, destroy the main guns. Germans can conceal their anti-tank guns for ambushes, your infantry will run into cover...

And the builder units can actually somewhat defend themselves. They can get flamethrowers, place sandbags, tank traps, barbed wire, build bunkers.

I really can go on about this one.

Really, if anyone be looking for a good RTS game now that C&C3 has kind of let us down, look into Company of Heroes.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

Hrm, that does sound like a really good game. I may look into getting that.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

I've been meaning to get that game ever since I heard of it, but as it turns out, stores near me never actually have anything I want to get, and it was the same with that game.
Re: Things that make you want to cry

That's why I bought a Top Loader recently. Those of you who don't know, it's basically a console system that allows you to play NES/SNES games while loading them from the top. The big part about it is that it won't break down as easily, so you could probably own it for fifty years and it'll still play well.

Anyway, I started popping in my old games, and HOLY ASS THESE GAMES ARE HARD. Look what today's done to me! My old gamer reflexes are nowhere near as fast as when I was ten or so! I could beat every level in Donkey Kong Country within a day because of how good I got! Now I pick up the controller again and I can barely make that jump on the second damn stage!

That's what's making me cry: The fact that games these days suck the skill out of me and leave me a horrible gamer compared to what I used to be.