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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Damn. I had hoped I could make a joke eventually about this game having every possible sonic character except Sonic!
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

apparently sonic is going to be the next character in this update >.>

Sorry, but your information are wrong.

Sonic is for 4.0, so, is just for a far, far, far future. As I read in their forums that, first will be Cream(in the next version), then Sonic. :D

I read that one of the developers is a fan of Sonic character, that why he is the next.

I am quite happy, at last a Badass male character in a ROR, hallelujah! :D

Is not something you see everyday! Finally something original :D

My problem is every time they add a new character or feature, it means progressing forwards will be more difficult or take longer. Each new stage needs to be made compatible with every single character etc.

Rather than building sideways, they need to push forwards, finish the damn thing, and then go about building sideways.

Well, a building need good foundations to be a skyscraper....:p
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Baw, oh well. On the bright side, Amy will finally have her way with him when the girls become rapists.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Wait, if Sonic will be in it, won't he just be getting raped?

Y'know, since there are no, ahem, female enemies?
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Wait, if Sonic will be in it, won't he just be getting raped?

Y'know, since there are no, ahem, female enemies?

They'll be female enemies for stage 3 (probably a mermaid) and stages after that
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8


Official Wii Port Thread:

That's right, folks. With all the great things happening today, what with the 3.0 release and FC Barcelona destroying Manchester United, I think it's time I revealed my new project.

Wait, Project X on the Wii?

Yep. Thanks to some timely advice by some people at GBATemp, I was finally able to port this awesome game to an awesome console. Project X is fully playable on the Wii. It was a bit of a struggle, because I could NOT access any of the game coding or in-game files, but in the end, I finally managed it.

What's Cool in Wii Port V1.0?
- Full Functionality with Wiimote, Wiimote/Nunchuk Combo, Classic Controller and Gamecube Controller!
- Everything works just like the PC version
- Faster Loading Times!
- In-Game Screenshot Function! (Varies, depending on controller, check Options)

What Needs to be Finished?
- Channel for the Wii Menu. Have Had several failed attempts at it. I'm still looking into it. ATM, the game is only accessible through the Homebrew Channel.

In order to play this game, you will need to have the Homebrew Channel installed on your Wii. To find out how to install this, I recommend for all the information you need.

Youtube Showcase:

Download Link:

Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

While I praise your ingenuity and in no way wish to demean your work, was it really necessary to port this to the wii?

Maybe I'm just too conservative when it comes to this, but I really dislike the idea of having porn on my consoles. I'm even quite displeased with all the nudity being thrown around in main-steam games anymore (thank you god of war, as if boobs are going to make up for your horrible story and recycled gameplay).

Anyway, congragulations on the fruits of your efforts.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Why WOULDN'T it be necessary to port it to the Wii?!

"Yo dawg, we heard you like playing with your Wii, so we put a porn game on your game system so you can play with your wii while you play with your wii"

..... or something along those lines.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

"Yo dawg, we heard you like playing with your Wii, so we put a porn game on your game system so you can play with your wii while you play with your wii"

You sir, have just won the game.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

...Wait, isn't it common practice to finish a game before porting it?
Also, needs more lesbians. Other than that, looking good.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

I wish there was a save file somewhere or cheats that would unlock all the galleries and such. Playing a game 5 times just to unlock a gallery is a little silly.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Mod hack conversation from paws:

Thenone: LOL I just beat the game got bored and hacked in some cheats of my own. Very simple code. I only changed the strength, health and specials. I don't like the preggy stuff,
And the cum coming out of the navel bit is kinda wierd. I also have all the .gif files as well. Here is one from the loading screen XD.

Anon: Can you share the hacked version maybe? :3

Thenone: Sure why not. It now gives you 2000hp 2000sp
and speed raised on all the players. Oh yeah
99 lives in arena and story mode. If you can't beat this game now. You need to stop playing games all together. But really this is so you can get to the smut faster. :D

Darkfire edit - Sorry, special request from the auhor. No links allowed.

And that's about it. And I'm not gonna mod this
any further.
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Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

I wish there was a save file somewhere or cheats that would unlock all the galleries and such. Playing a game 5 times just to unlock a gallery is a little silly.

thats why the advice posted was beat the game once and reload that save file 5 times.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

Mod hack conversation from paws:

Thenone: LOL I just beat the game got bored and hacked in some cheats of my own. Very simple code. I only changed the strength, health and specials. I don't like the preggy stuff,
And the cum coming out of the navel bit is kinda wierd. I also have all the .gif files as well. Here is one from the loading screen XD.

Anon: Can you share the hacked version maybe? :3

Thenone: Sure why not. It now gives you 2000hp 2000sp
and speed raised on all the players. Oh yeah
99 lives in arena and story mode. If you can't beat this game now. You need to stop playing games all together. But really this is so you can get to the smut faster. :D
And that's about it. And I'm not gonna mod this
any further.

I dont want to be rude, but I cant aprove a hacked version of my game, Im working to make a line of difficult gameplay, and i would like to keep the game, as a game, not just a gallery of gif animations just to make the people fap. I did a more accessible gallery and i still dont understand why the people still wants to hack the game, i dont really mind the people unpack the game for curiosity, but if you hack the game, please keep it just for yourself, i dont want hacked versions around the net, as i say, my game is a game, with porn, but a game after all, and as you all can understand, i feel a bit sad that people just want the animations and dont put any attention to the rest of the game. So, if anyone can talk with this guy and take the file down, I will be grateful. Thanks.
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Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

I dont want to be rude, but I cant aprove a hacked version of my game, Im working to make a line of difficult gameplay, and i would like to keep the game, as a game, not just a gallery of gif animations just to make the people fap. I did a more accessible gallery and i still dont understand why the people still wants to hack the game, i dont really mind the people unpack the game for curiosity, but if you hack the game, please keep it just for yourself, i dont want hacked versions around the net, as i say, my game is a game, with porn, but a game after all, and as you all can understand, i feel a bit sad that people just want the animations and dont put any attention to the rest of the game. So, if anyone can talk with this guy and take the file down, I will be grateful. Thanks.

I can understand your reasoning, and Im sure one of us will probably get him to remove it, but as long as there is somebody out there who decides they are bored one day and picks apart or rearranges a game, its going to happen.

But they did this because they played it long enough to enjoy the game, meaning they ENJOY what you do, so they ENJOY finding more ways to play your game, even if some of them are...unorthodox.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

I can understand your reasoning, and Im sure one of us will probably get him to remove it, but as long as there is somebody out there who decides they are bored one day and picks apart or rearranges a game, its going to happen.

But they did this because they played it long enough to enjoy the game, meaning they ENJOY what you do, so they ENJOY finding more ways to play your game, even if some of them are...unorthodox.

I understand that, and as i say, i dont mind people taking a look or try to modify some things, but i just ask to not upload hacked versions around, or the people instead waiting for the real game, they will wait just for the hacked version and play freely, and for that, instead a game, i do porn gif animations, and i dont get bothered to fix bugs, make new fighting moves, or things to make the game more enjoyable.
Re: Project X - current version demo 2.8

But they did this because they played it long enough to enjoy the game, meaning they ENJOY what you do, so they ENJOY finding more ways to play your game, even if some of them are...unorthodox.

The game have a Gallery mode for that motive, for people enjoy the porn part.

So is pointless hack the game.

If hacked versions of the game start to pop out, we will serious think about if we will still continue to do public releases of the game and release the game only when is complete.

Like Zeta said, is more easy for us make a gallery of GIF's than a whole game.