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The Works of Toonpimp



Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Way to prove me wrong. *slowclap*



Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Guru bringin' back the slow clap?

EDIT: *ACK* Like hell I hit 'submit'.

@JohnDoe: Alright, let's judge TP's work not based on his personality.

*compares Cracklevania 2 to a few random flash games and a few random flash movies on Newgrounds*

Wow.... holy.... dude, this shit sucks. Big time.
Not to say you said otherwise, of course.

Yeah, he has one or three games that are actually good (a lot of people seem to like Showtime Rhonda... personally, I only like Polly's Tale and Cracklevania), but for the most part, his games are shit.

Anyways. Yeah, we can't really judge his work based solely on his personality, but we can't NOT judge his work based on his personality at all. His shitty personality is reflected in his shitty games.
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Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

It's contagious... *slowclap*

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Im just going to point this out right now and throw in my two cents in that I can confirm since me and Nykka talk a lot to each other that Toon Pimp was commissioned an undisclosed but significant amount in united states currency for Nykka's game and then he quit on it and turned it into Cracklevania 2 making Nykka the main character. I was excited for this demo as it showed that it was really coming together and that Nykka commission was getting nearly done. Then he goes and stops working on it after throwing a rant to his fanbase about it. So essentially thats it for the game unless he has a change of heart or is paid again.

I don't know how to make flash games but I do know how to write tabletop games as a comparison and it is hard as all hell. It is insanely hard to make a balanced and entertaining game from scratch and somehow by some bloody miracle I somewhat accomplished it in the now defunct Labyrinth of Broken Virtue. I say somewhat for a reason as it wasn't balanced, the rules were not clear as mud and no one else could possibly run a game besides me due to it being a mess. Yet people loved it and wanted to play it because they found it interesting. Unfortunately because of the imperfections I had to put it down for the moment so I can make a 2.0 version and it is taking a long time to work on.

I know where Toon Pimp comes from in a sense and I can respect the fact that it takes a good amount of effort to make a game but what I dislike is the fact that he backed out of a game he was commissioned on, merges it into another variant and then quits outright leaving Nykka with an outright broken promise and that to me is unacceptable.

I'm sure a lot of people have harped on this point but I do not have sympathy for someone like that. I mean If I was ever commissioned for a tabletop game to be written up and play-tested and balanced, then at the very least deliver on what was given, and if you can't then give a refund to the poor person. The worst part isn't the game wont get made but because the people that actually did donate to him now have nothing to show for their hard earned cash that they gave him. On a plus side this has motivated people to learn how to make it themselves.
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Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!


Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Thanks Wonderboy. Hilarious. Secondly *shudders* Need brain bleach for I am soiled.


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I really actually wonder why people bother making toonpimp topics when the outcome is always the same.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Boredom, lack of sleep, maybe some alcohol.

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

And also because it probably gets these results mayhaps.


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Not true, obviously a written contract is the best way of recording it, but not every written contract is necessarily enforceable, and there is also such a thing as a verbal contract, or a part verbal part written contract.

It is harder to prove, but not impossible by any means; for instance in some cases conduct following an agreement can be used as evidence that there was an agreement.

If you agree to sell me a house, I pay you by selling mine and then you renege it's fairly clear that written contract or not you are in breach.
True, but its impossible to prove the terms of the agreement.

Say you pay me to build a house, I sell you the house but don't install a toilet or kitchen sink, you can't prove that a toliet and sink were included in the verbal agreement.


Jan 2, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Why a TP thread? Because rants you agree with are awesome.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

People, or at least me, LOVE raging. Besides, a little forum rage never hurt anybody.


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

It hurts my rep, lol.

Yeah, i can't argue with the quality of C2, since as it is now it's bad, still, it's a scrapped project, it's obvious that it would be a failure.:)
For the rest, putting aside the few decent games, it's pretty much the average stuff you find hentai related, depnds on your personal standards, it's not like there is much good stuff(hentai related) on newgrounds...
Might not look like it, but i'm NOT trying to prove you wrong, just speaking my opinion.

@Laughing Hyena
Nicely put.:)

I'm never following your links ever again...:(


Demon Girl Pro
Sep 27, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

It hurts my rep, lol.

I'm never following your links ever again...:(
You know what that means Wonderboy, right? You get to mess with his mind! :D Go make some threads with some really awesome stuff that contain a mix off horrifying and awesome to make for the ultimate love/hate relationship!!

I'll give you a cookie if you do~~~ <3
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Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Cookies?! Aww man! I LOVE cookies! There is however one small problem...

I'm too busy to mess with his mind right now, I'm messing with so many... Hmm, but it seems I have an opening... Mmm, yes, let's see... How about this coming Monday, or next Thurday. I think I can slot him in there somewhere.


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I'm gonna have someone else check them for me, then send me the link via email, it won't be your link anymore so it's gonna be safe...:cool:


May 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I come from a neutral position in this land of World of Sexcraft, heh.

I've noticed with TP's games a lot of recycling with his resources. While this would be a good thing in programming (code reuse is a back saver), I feel that it makes his game lack in content. For this reason, I'm not much of a fan of his work.

However, when I see a new game posted on the forums, I give it a shot just so I can hold an honest opinion. So, saying that, I'll now download this game and try it out.

Edit: I can see this is continuing from the last demo with this character. I like the fact that he's finally managed to make his platform jumping considerably better, that's a big plus in my book. The level design so far is good, and assuming that this is a demo, the lack of monsters is understandable. If he wasn't being such a child, I'd say I'd be looking forward to the full release of this game; however from what I hear, it sounds like it won't be coming. (lull innuendos).
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Demon Girl Master
Sep 26, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I don't make an comment for certain reasons...just lurking around for boredoom.

But...i overheard that the Hyena guy was gonna take a copy from CC2 and finish it, is that right?

(sorry for my behavior last time...i was cranky for personal reasons i shouldn't brought up that day, i very apologize)

Anyways...i liked CC2 for being a jerked Demo. But the monsters seriously lacks a lot there. I hope least more will be in there. And a lot more places to go. AND that the last boss IS Sexually interactive. CC1 was just bullpoop. It contained fairly good animations and rest for being a really Low-End Flash Game. He does it good at the demos and start ups...then he breaks a promise and kicks you in the back, with little for you to say before he takes up a gun and yells you to run far away. Probably using his cash on something...less promiseful? Who knows?

Least, i hope someone finishes that CC2...was a good demo and a high expected Flash Game.

Good luck to you guys, sorry i didn't take too much comments...don't want to start a fight again, if that would happen.
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Jungle Girl
Nov 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

hello fellow game lovers i have just joined ur lovely forums and well i came across this thread and honestly i have some stuff to say u can eather like me for my honesty or hate me for it. It does not matter to me eather way. As far as toonpimp i like some of his games and dis-like some. I don't like his rudeness to his fans but that is not going to stop me from looking on his site for free games. I would never pay for 1 of his games becuse i do not feel they are good enough to pay for. How ever there is 1 game maker i would pay for games from if i had the cash to do so and that game maker needs no intro but i'll tell u who it is anyhow its Toffi his work is the best i have found anywhere and i am waiting very quietly for his next game. I go to his site every few days to see if there is any updates becuse he is worth the time and at least he keeps his fans in the loop. As for TP i may go there 1 time every week and a half and that is becuse unlike Toffi he does not really letting ppl know nothing about whats going on. The best way i can put it is TP is like a slave and Toffi his master if only he could learn from Toffi i think he could improve his games alot. That is all i have to say. Take it how u will. Thx for ur time

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Tentacle Monster
May 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

hello fellow game lovers i have just joined ur lovely forums and well i came across this thread and honestly i have some stuff to say u can eather like me for my honesty or hate me for it. It does not matter to me eather way. As far as toonpimp i like some of his games and dis-like some. I don't like his rudeness to his fans but that is not going to stop me from looking on his site for free games. I would never pay for 1 of his games becuse i do not feel they are good enough to pay for. How ever there is 1 game maker i would pay for games from if i had the cash to do so and that game maker needs no intro but i'll tell u who it is anyhow its Toffi his work is the best i have found anywhere and i am waiting very quietly for his next game. I go to his site every few days to see if there is any updates becuse he is worth the time and at least he keeps his fans in the loop. As for TP i may go there 1 time every week and a half and that is becuse unlike Toffi he does not really letting ppl know nothing about whats going on. The best way i can put it is TP is like a slave and Toffi his master if only he could learn from Toffi i think he could improve his games alot. That is all i have to say. Take it how u will. Thx for ur time

you have there,
a flaw

mister TP,
never learns,

he's way too high..