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The Works of Toonpimp


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Plus the fact that it'll be frowned upon, since it's a 'bad' topic. Courts don't like porn:(


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Hmm... another TP thread? And it turned to argument? And seeing as most people have the same opinion that he's an asshole who is unreliable, greedy, with a fanbase full of 12 year olds (don't believe me? Read his forums) who come to argue with terrible lines like "You do better" And "At least he didn't make two games, promise a third then disappear" I don't know what there is to argue about. You either hate the guy, or you don't.

By the way *cool shades* I hated Toonpimp before it was cool.


May 30, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Hmm... another TP thread? And it turned to argument? And seeing as most people have the same opinion that he's an asshole who is unreliable, greedy, with a fanbase full of 12 year olds (don't believe me? Read his forums) who come to argue with terrible lines like "You do better" And "At least he didn't make two games, promise a third then disappear" I don't know what there is to argue about. You either hate the guy, or you don't.

By the way *cool shades* I hated Toonpimp before it was cool.
I'm inclined to agree with you... I've been with the TP forum for near 3 years now and frankly, The forum has gotten lax. Almost no traffic, A bunch of whiny lurkers, and constint bickering. TP's attitude of 'fuck everyone but me' has gotten better, mostly cuz He's found that people, mostly morons, don't like relentless abuse.

It's a shame about the CV:2 game. It did look good. And not to sound like a typical TP forum member, but a demo every 4 months is better than promises of a game for 3 and a half years.

I'll say it once more for everyone to hear. The forums need to be joined. I've offered this many times but no one takes note. Many asspiring gamemakers on both sites have alot to learn if they pool their resources. Everyone always wanted a team to get together and make games collectively. This is how we do it. I'd be the first to offer my services if others would commit to joining the team.


Jul 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I don't hate tp (although he is abit of a douche sometimes), but I don't like this game alot tbh.

Maybe it's because I got abit spoiled by games like fairy fighting or nanocrisis or angel girl ..., I dunno but cv 2 just doesn't do it for me.

If it stays they way it is now, im not gonna be looking forward to it, and it certainly isn't worth paying for.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

It's a shame about the CV:2 game. It did look good. And not to sound like a typical TP forum member, but a demo every 4 months is better than promises of a game for 3 and a half years.

I'll say it once more for everyone to hear. The forums need to be joined. I've offered this many times but no one takes note. Many asspiring gamemakers on both sites have alot to learn if they pool their resources. Everyone always wanted a team to get together and make games collectively. This is how we do it. I'd be the first to offer my services if others would commit to joining the team.
That 3 and a half years remark, that aimed at Linemarvel, ToonPimp, or someone else? Or just nobody in particular? Just wondering.

What exactly do you mean by 'The forums need to be joined'? Just so I'm clear on what you mean by that.


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

He wants to merge ULMF and Toonchamp, like that would end well.


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

A bit confused but i get your point, but i'm not into hugs, a handshake will...hmmm...nevermind.

I don't like or hate toonpimp, i just don't care, what i would like is for people not to judge his work based on his personality. The children can't be made to pay the parents mistakes!:cool:


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

If we combined, it would cause a schism! "Good" people would leave it because they'd hafta deal with Toonpimp fans (who I'll always imagine as Justin Bieber clones... Thanks gamesguru...)

I personally thought CV2 had potential. Too many empty rooms, not enough variety. Oh, but i definitely am partial to the nurses, for a few reasons...


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

He wants to merge ULMF and Toonchamp, like that would end well.
It's not so much the 'what' I want to know, so much as the 'how'.


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

A bit confused but i get your point, but i'm not into hugs, a handshake will...hmmm...nevermind.

I don't like or hate toonpimp, i just don't care, what i would like is for people not to judge his work based on his personality. The children can't be made to pay the parents mistakes!:cool:
You need a life-saver with your fail boat. You're leading a straw man where your assuming what peoples conclusions so you can present a false argument. I dislike him specifically for his personality, and also said he has great potential, but his lack of enthusiasm for his own work is his downfall, among others.

I already don't like you; fall into a vat of acid and stop wasting my resources.


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Okay I didn't get the children saying but I'll shoot down your "Don't judge on his personality."

Say a new resturant opens up, you go in there and order lunch, you pay and then stand at the counter and wait.....and wait...after about 20 minutes the cashier comes back and says, "Yeah they didn't feel like making that sorry." or "We just changed the price on the food, we'll need you to pay again." -Finally- they bring your food out and throw it down in front of you. "Here you go, fuck off fag." you point out someone's kid got sick and made a mess in the floor. "Shut up! I don't want to hear anything out of you!" Then he slaps you across the face and flips you off. I'm willing to bet that no matter how good the damn food is you'll never be going back there.


Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Wow, Vina, that was awfully, erm.. well.. Awful of you...

Merging TP's forums and ULMF would be like merging a diamond and a piece of coal. An amazing achievement, but it seriously downgrades the diamond for a not so significant upgrade of the coal.

And yes... I did just call ULMF a diamond. Ulmf has been slowly and surely shaped, it's been under pressure removing it's many flaws and making it stronger.

I cannot say alot about TP's forums because I'm not a member there, but the little I've seen tells me that a few of the users have potential, but the ones that do are drowning in an ocean of morons. It's the youtube chat of forums.


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Aww... we're a diamond? Yay! I've always wanted to be a really, really, condensed pencil point!


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

You need a life-saver with your fail boat. You're leading a straw man where your assuming what peoples conclusions so you can present a false argument. I dislike him specifically for his personality, and also said he has great potential, but his lack of enthusiasm for his own work is his downfall, among others.

I already don't like you; fall into a vat of acid and stop wasting my resources.
Awww, you break my heart.:rolleyes:
Since i don't know what you are calling a "false argument", and i'm not sure the sentence that's included into makes much sense, i'll refrain from shooting at random trying to hit your point, at least till you make a reasoning that goes beyond the simple "You're wrong go take an acid bath".
Anyway, in my opinion you are missing the point of the discussion, i couldn't care less about what you think of toonpimp, and i'm pretty sure i never said people should like him either, so: "What the fuck are you talking about man?"

Okay I didn't get the children saying but I'll shoot down your "Don't judge on his personality."

Say a new resturant opens up, you go in there and order lunch, you pay and then stand at the counter and wait.....and wait...after about 20 minutes the cashier comes back and says, "Yeah they didn't feel like making that sorry." or "We just changed the price on the food, we'll need you to pay again." -Finally- they bring your food out and throw it down in front of you. "Here you go, fuck off fag." you point out someone's kid got sick and made a mess in the floor. "Shut up! I don't want to hear anything out of you!" Then he slaps you across the face and flips you off. I'm willing to bet that no matter how good the damn food is you'll never be going back there.
This is the restaurant you are talking about:

Your point is proven wrong as a simple over-exageration of a not necessary direct interaction with the being defined as toonpimp, next!


I've been on his forum, as a lot of people that dwell in ulmf have, and i don't really see much of a difference than here or hongfire or any other forum, there are nice people, stupid people and lurkers, it's not like it's a den of freaks, like this isn't a sanctuary of saints...
About the joining, i think shadowman was referring more to a joint effort between programmers and artists on both forums to make a group effort to make games, not a fusion of the 2 forums.
Last edited:


Tentacle Monster
May 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

spoiler'd to avoid visual clutter, refers to JohnDoe, may contain nuts

open at own risk
Awww, you break my heart.:rolleyes:
Since i don't know what you are calling a "false argument", and i'm not sure the sentence that's included into makes much sense, i'll refrain from shooting at random trying to hit your point, at least till you make a reasoning that goes beyond the simple "You're wrong go take an acid bath".
Anyway, in my opinion you are missing the point of the discussion, i couldn't care less about what you think of toonpimp, and i'm pretty sure i never said people should like him either, so: "What the fuck are you talking about man?"
when you try to place hypothesized variables of conclusions, they are neither true or false, you make claims, and if your assumption of other's peoples conclusions are false, then your argument is false useless and strangely agitating. it is not even a safe assumption but an unrefined summary of your ideas on the matter

This is the restaurant you are talking about:

Your point is proven wrong as a simple over-exageration of a not necessary direct interaction with the being defined as toonpimp, next!
such reference even if unnecessary alleviates boredom while reducing variable clutter(no, your arguments aren't amusing nor helping clear things out)

I've been on his forum, as a lot of people that dwell in ulmf have, and i don't really see much of a difference than here or hongfire or any other forum, there are nice people, stupid people and lurkers, it's not like it's a den of freaks, like this isn't a sanctuary of saints...
there is a difference..
About the joining, i think shadowman was referring more to a joint effort between programmers and artists on both forums to make a group effort to make games, not a fusion of the 2 forums.
obvious point, but clarifying might have been this necessary..
the tendency of your posts to be unrefined/irrational/deluding
makes me :mad:

and no, drowning you in acid wastes your material resources, and provides little amusement,
i suggest being raped by a big rabbit with horse cock,,
boy do they vibrate!


Demon Girl
Aug 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Its my understanding that any commisioned works (and TP was commisioned for nykka's game) are protected under consumer protection laws.
However unless theres a written contract with the full terms of the agreement laid out you're going to find it nearly impossible to win a legal battle
Not true, obviously a written contract is the best way of recording it, but not every written contract is necessarily enforceable, and there is also such a thing as a verbal contract, or a part verbal part written contract.

It is harder to prove, but not impossible by any means; for instance in some cases conduct following an agreement can be used as evidence that there was an agreement.

If you agree to sell me a house, I pay you by selling mine and then you renege it's fairly clear that written contract or not you are in breach.


Sep 11, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

It is true that this thread should be about toonpimp's work, not his personality. And you are right to point out that the restaurant analogy doesn't quite work in this instance (although I loved the analogy) because you don't HAVE to interact with toonpimp in order to play his games. As long as his extremely douchey personality doesn't start affecting his work, it's not relevant to discussions about his work.

However, what many people here (including myself) are arguing is that his personality DOES affect the quality of his work, therefore it is relevant. It's been, what, a year since he started working on this game and if this crappy demo is all he has to show for it, then we can certainly point to his laziness and asshattery as a reason why.

As a side note, I don't agree that he is in any "breach of contract" because it's extremely unlikely that he would even agree to a contract with his fans when under the donation setup he can continue to get paid by people too stupid to realize he's not going to do it.


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

However, what many people here (including myself) are arguing is that his personality DOES affect the quality of his work, therefore it is relevant. It's been, what, a year since he started working on this game and if this crappy demo is all he has to show for it, then we can certainly point to his laziness and asshattery as a reason why.
And what i'm arguing is that many people, not necessarily including you, judge the quality of his work solely on their opinion of the developer. I'm against those who exagerate their concept, not those who point out it could be better. Indeed if he was more dedicated he could do better, but that's for him to decide, still the fact it could be better doesn't justify those that call his work trash.

the tendency of your posts to be unrefined/irrational/deluding
makes me :mad:

and no, drowning you in acid wastes your material resources, and provides little amusement,
i suggest being raped by a big rabbit with horse cock,,
boy do they vibrate!
What are you? 10 years old?
This kind of comments only bring down the quality of the conversation, if it makes you so angry don't read it, if you have something to say at least make it relative to the topic.
Besides little petty personal attacks like this are much more "unrefined/irrational/deluding". ;)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Besides little petty personal attacks like this are much more "unrefined/irrational/deluding".
Um... way to see the irony the message was trying to convey... *slowclap*



Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Normally I'd agree with you Guru, but in this case... I just don't feel like dragoon had irony in mind when he wrote that.