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The Works of Toonpimp


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I get easily excited, but your games are really enjoyable. the Princess of the Ring actually... nailed one of my fetishes X3. Just a little lamentable they're just poses in a 3D designer thing, but can't have the best of everything though.

Do you even have a donation bin though?


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I swear someday I'll donate. Don't give up hope.

And haha. Toffi wants criticism. It's too bad there isn't any we can give you, Mr. I Make Kickass Games.


Sep 11, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Anyone who does tell him gets flamed and banned
So true... It's kind of bizarre to wade through his forums. Anyone who says anything short of total praise for toonpimp is treated VERY harshly. Then people bitch about how "ignorant" the "lurkers" are.

Oh, and Toffi, if you're looking for criticism, then I'd complain about the difficulty of the final boss in fairy war 1. She raped me in more ways than one if you get my meaning.

Still, aside from my inability to win fighting games, love your work. :)
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Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

My thoughts. There are some good games he made; and if he really puts his mind into it, he can make some decent games. But his behaviour is just... judging from his recent games, way too arrogant. The problem seems to be that in his furry-community nobody told him how his games really are.

Personally I'm always looking for bad reviews/opinions of my games, cause they are the best way to improve my work. Sure, you can't please all (especially with fetish-driven works), but as long as the criticism is justified, you can always make things better.
Don't worry, everyone always tells him what they think about his games, thats why he's always pissed off with his "fans".:rolleyes:

Thing is everyone is different, if i come at you and tell you your games suck, be it for the damn mechanic animations, or the poor gameplay, (besides gettin flamed by all your fanboys) you must admit it wouldn't feel nice at first, but since you seem to be a patient man, you would probably find in it a source of inspiration to make your next game better, or argue about tecnicalities, or even might be sorry about it. Now, not everyone reacts like that, expecially when a criticism is expressed in a hostile way. He's been around for a long time and he's got a lot of hatred aimed his way in the years, the fact that he dwells in the furry realms only make it worse(cause most people see furry and say shit outright, a lot think furry is for fags). Adding to this, he is actually releasing stuff, which is more than most of the people flaming him have the skill(as easy as making flash games can be it does require skill and time) or the patience to do. A lot of what goes his way is far beyond criticism, it's a sheer amount of personal offense.
Now, he is not a particularly nice guy to start with, so it's normal his reactions gets the way they are.


People call him an asshole cause he wants donations for doing "jack shit" and go all out calling him all kind of things and everytime this happens i find myself thinking why you don't see this hatred toward people like Swiss made( which wants USD $11.65 / EUR €8.31 / GBP £7.41, for laboratory of endless pleasure 3, which is bordering stick figures sex), everyone is at war with toonpimp, WTF?
There are gaming companies that want money for 5-10 badly drawn CGs, there are rpg maker games that have ridiculous story and gameplay for a bunch of nude pics that even a fucking 12 years old who has seen drawn tits for the first time couldn't fap to but are still sold on dlsite, there is trash out there that can't even be considered of erotic nature, but everyone hates toonpimp, WTF?
Everyone is at war with toonpimp so more people join the fun and you have a chain reaction that in my opinion is stupid and pointless. If you don't like his stuff, it's your probem, you didn't pay for it so wtf are you so angry about, you paid for it then you can only get angry at yourself for wasting your money. People donate to him cause they LIKE what he does, if they didn't they wouldn't donate, it's their money they do whatever they want with it. They know the guy, they know he's unreliable, if they still want to give him money there is a reason, but people complaining that he wants money for his works are nothing more than little trolls. We could as well talk shit about square-enix for wanting us to pay for all the stupid NDS remakes it's made lately...

Phew, now i feel better...hmmm...i think i'm getting influenced by AVGN...
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Hit the decks! A Toonpimp argument is gonna erupt again!

I wanna point out a couple things. The reason there's such controversy behind Toonpimp and not everybody else is the hypocrisy. The shitty game companies like Swiss are at least honest about their shit. They have a price, and they're sticking to it. We know it, we hate it, and we move on. Toonpimp on the other hand has been known to demand donations, or he'll withhold his work. That's not a donation. That's asking for payment. The war on Toonpimp is only this big because he's such an asshole about it. The fact that his work isn't that good to begin with is only the icing on the cake.

The whole "if you don't like it, then ignore it" argument isn't any good here either. We're obliged to point out stupid shit that people do, whether it's make a shitty flash game or pay for said shitty flash game. What's the point in even having a conversation if all everybody's gonna do is ignore everything that doesn't concern them? We rage because it's like having a kid; everything the kid does is reflective of what you are. Likewise, things that some perverts do reflect how we look as well. If some idiots think it's worth paying, then it looks bad for all of us. Who's judging us? Well... We are. That's just the way it is.

Finally, just because Toonpimp has had the dedication to release game after game doesn't mean he's entitled to a higher opinion. Toffi here isn't entitled to a higher opinion either. Hettie too. If Linemarvel were here, he wouldn't either. I completely agree with you that there's a lot of genuinely bad comments that go to Toonpimp's way, but among those are also just constructive criticisms. Ones that he never listens to. And I'm sure that he knew full well what he was getting into when he entered the furry domain. He should've been well-prepared for the insults that comes with the package.

I found that most people don't like Toonpimp, not because he makes shitty games, but because of the combination of the stupid fanbase and his inflated ego.

To be honest though, I'm actually in complete agreement with you. But you're playing devil's advocate right now, and I just wanna see this party get started.
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Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Wow... how could he do that to his friends?
Tee-hee. No, he has no friends. People are just resources to him. He's most likely bought stuff for himself rather then fulfill anything he's promised to do.


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I personally think that Fifi, Run Minerva Run, and Cracklevania 1 weren't that bad... Good variety... But all of them disappointed me in some way in the end.

Oh, and Toffi-sama, I'm ashamed to say this, but at one point, I hated your games. Mind you, this was way back when you had, like, 2 games out. I got so much rage cuz I could not figure out the controls... I had to press every key just to see what it did. But now I realize the error of my ways. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Oh, and you ARE a divine being.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

oh hai guiz lets see whuts up in the hentai forum toda-



Aug 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

De-activating personal cloaking device-

Toonpimp's completed games really only suffer in the gameplay area and story, it's mindless button mashing, and if Toonpimp wants to imitate Bobby Kotick in his game model style, let him and his mindless fans do so, for I shall wait until someone in ULMF [strike]pirates[/strike]liberates the game and puts it on rapidshare if he actually finishes a game and demands money.


Sep 11, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Don't worry, everyone always tells him what they think about his games, thats why he's always pissed off with his "fans".:rolleyes:

Thing is everyone is different, if i come at you and tell you your games suck, be it for the damn mechanic animations, or the poor gameplay, (besides gettin flamed by all your fanboys) you must admit it wouldn't feel nice at first, but since you seem to be a patient man, you would probably find in it a source of inspiration to make your next game better, or argue about tecnicalities, or even might be sorry about it. Now, not everyone reacts like that, expecially when a criticism is expressed in a hostile way. He's been around for a long time and he's got a lot of hatred aimed his way in the years, the fact that he dwells in the furry realms only make it worse(cause most people see furry and say shit outright, a lot think furry is for fags). Adding to this, he is actually releasing stuff, which is more than most of the people flaming him have the skill(as easy as making flash games can be it does require skill and time) or the patience to do. A lot of what goes his way is far beyond criticism, it's a sheer amount of personal offense.
Now, he is not a particularly nice guy to start with, so it's normal his reactions gets the way they are.


People call him an asshole cause he wants donations for doing "jack shit" and go all out calling him all kind of things and everytime this happens i find myself thinking why you don't see this hatred toward people like Swiss made( which wants USD $11.65 / EUR €8.31 / GBP £7.41, for laboratory of endless pleasure 3, which is bordering stick figures sex), everyone is at war with toonpimp, WTF?
There are gaming companies that want money for 5-10 badly drawn CGs, there are rpg maker games that have ridiculous story and gameplay for a bunch of nude pics that even a fucking 12 years old who has seen drawn tits for the first time couldn't fap to but are still sold on dlsite, there is trash out there that can't even be considered of erotic nature, but everyone hates toonpimp, WTF?
Everyone is at war with toonpimp so more people join the fun and you have a chain reaction that in my opinion is stupid and pointless. If you don't like his stuff, it's your probem, you didn't pay for it so wtf are you so angry about, you paid for it then you can only get angry at yourself for wasting your money. People donate to him cause they LIKE what he does, if they didn't they wouldn't donate, it's their money they do whatever they want with it. They know the guy, they know he's unreliable, if they still want to give him money there is a reason, but people complaining that he wants money for his works are nothing more than little trolls. We could as well talk shit about square-enix for wanting us to pay for all the stupid NDS remakes it's made lately...

Phew, now i feel better...hmmm...i think i'm getting influenced by AVGN...
Here's my take on toonpimp and why I hate him.

I am in complete agreement with you about all the other crappy games (the glorified CG collections, rpg maker crap, etc.) That's why I thought linemarvel was such a revelation when he made Jungle Girl. For me, and I'm sure for many of you, it was my first run or rape game, and it was so much better than anything else I had seen to that point. You know the story from there, demon girl came out and was even better, mystic girl was promised then lm disappeared forever.

Some time later, I ran across toonpimp. The first game of his I played was run minerva run. "This is great!" I thought. "Linemarvel has disappeared, but at least there's this guy. True, it's furry and the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, but you can tell he's trying."

Unfortunately, after releasing a few good games (fifi's fury, the underrated showtime rhonda, and the overrated but still good cracklevania) he put less and less effort into his games until he wasn't even finishing them. The last game he released was Kitty's Sugar Walls. The exact sort of game I hated so much that other people made.

This would be okay if he simply said he was lazy or was burnt out or real life came first. But he came out against his fans for not donating enough money to him. It's gotten to the point where everything is bitching about people not giving him money.

Say what you want about swiss made (I actually liked their Samus game) but at least they are up front about what they make and don't bitch out their fanbase. I hate toonpimp because he started out good, became crappy, and blamed his fans for it.


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I personally think that SwissMade started really good, then they started declining when they started making their games rely on shooting... Trackpad users suffer.


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I get easily excited, but your games are really enjoyable. the Princess of the Ring actually... nailed one of my fetishes X3. Just a little lamentable they're just poses in a 3D designer thing, but can't have the best of everything though.

Do you even have a donation bin though?
I must be missing out on some things, because I'm honestly unsure who Toffi is. Sorry. *chuckles nervously* Please enlighten me?


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Fairy Wars, Raped!, Princess of the Ring?


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I personally think that SwissMade started really good, then they started declining when they started making their games rely on shooting... Trackpad users suffer.
I have no idea wtf a trackpad is, but I completely agree on the whole SwissMade started good and went down the shitter thing :D


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Fairy Wars, Raped!, Princess of the Ring?
Oh! I love raped. Too bad it was so damn short with so little enemies. I'll give princess of the ring a try.

EDIT: Wait a second, is it that one where the chicks are in a wrestling wring? Then I'll try fairy wars

EDIT EDIT: Oh wait it's another one of those Vs games type things. I hate one on one fighting stuff like Street Fighter. >_<
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Feb 15, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Poor indeed. So you better donate me some money, or otherwise FW2 will never be finished.
Let's see, for each line of dialogue in the story, 5 $ will be enough.
Oh who needs a plot or a story? Just give me the animations :D

Nah but Toffi I love you. Crushed my heart when LineMarvel disappeared, sinned...I went to toonchamp...found a community here, not a bunch of worshipers with their heads so far up toonpimp's ass they'll never see the light of day again.

I played this new game and there is an invisible barrier I can't get past...oh well. (had to bring it back on topic....I don't like derailing too much)


Demon Girl
Aug 15, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I started to dislike Toonpimp after Konichi Chaos. Especially the whole time he was like "This is gonna be an episode game. I'll make other episodes of it, and sell it"
So for me, I was thinking "Selling an RoR game? This had better be some awesome stuff." Instead, we got a game that was crap compared to the rest of the stuff he made. The Sprites were bad, it was monotonous, and there was only one enemy. And he expected to be paid for it? Not to mention he's being a total douche horse and treats even his most fanatic fanbase like shit.
I mean really, I made a comment on his boards about how Kounichi Chaos seemed to be of lesser quality then the rest of his games and was pretty much insta-banned the next day.

Toffi makes way better games, and doesn't hold her games ransom for donations.


Jungle Girl
Aug 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!


Last time I remembered Konichi Chaos was a free game...well at least Episode 1 is. I don't think there are other episodes out yet, and the game was not all that bad to tell you the truth. A little different than just furry on furry action now you got a human player getting raped by furry's making the game a beastiality game or to be more politically correct a "interspecies erotica" game.

If you complaining about paying for a game from ToonPimp then don't buy the game. Wait for someone to upload and post a copy of the game of forums and other sites.

I get all my Zone Archive Games from Forums and such never paid for a subscription to obtain one of his games yet and I don't plan on to.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

@John Doe: The problem with Toonpimp is that he clearly has potential to make good games, if he stopped doing things half-assedly and started listening to critique.