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The White Void (Asmodean)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

Her armor shifted as she walked, the plates not making a sound from the movement despite their weight. It had taken her a while to get used to moving in the heavy armor, but Arina now felt confidant that she could move and fight in it just as effectively as if she were in nothing but light clothes. She could not disappoint her family or besmirch their honor, and she knew that in this town there were foes against whom she could prove herself further. As the White Void, she would bring swift and merciless death to the demons here.

She stepped out onto the small, rickety bridge that would take her into the Badarian town of Artmirst. It spanned over a small cliff that dropped into the river, and she knew from a map she'd been shown by a friendly adventurer that it would take her into the poor district surrounding the great machines that the Badarians used to produce things. The small bridge swayed in the wind, and the rain dripped through her armor and left her wet and cold.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas looked at the bridge with a an uncertain glance. She knew her armor maybe cause the thing to buckle from it's weight so she waited for the wind to die before tempting to cross. As she took slow step to cross she tested each board by placing more force in like she was trying to break them. With luck she would cross and not end up in the river below... colder and wetter then she already was.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

The planks seem sturdy, and even with the armor Arina thinks she should be able to cross without falling into the river. She only hears a creak from the boards once, as she passes over the center of the bridge. She reaches the other side without incident, and observes a bunch of small houses surrounding a large open area. There were small stalls scattered about, and Arina guessed that this might be some kind of market.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas looked back at the bridge and made an mental note to be careful around the center of it. She may very well have to leave this place by this thing. As she turned back to the market like area and was already unhappy with the set up.

The wide open area was just an area asking to be attack if she walked out openly but the houses would most likely make using her weapon too difficult to use well. The best path would to stick close to the walls of one of the houses to at least keep her back covered. She kept looking over the windows of the other houses keeping eyes out for any type of threat.
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Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

Perception: Success.

It seemed that Arina was going to get her first glimpse of the demonic taint early, as she spotted a strange humanoid creature creeping toward her from out of one of the stalls, its skin changing colors to match the surroundings. She had noticed just as she'd started toward her, and it was still ten feet away, having been hidden behind a stand with rotten fruit.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As she unsheathed her Nodachi, Arinas turned to face whatever the beast mave have been. With a snap of her wrist the long six foot blade came free of it's sheath with ease.

"Hiding in plane sight... Monsters without honor." She said aloud as she dashes in and slashes at the creature her weapon trying to take advantage of the long blade to keep herself from getting to close.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

If the creature was worried about her weapon or the ease with which she used it, it didn't show it, and it came in to attack even as Arina sent her first swing at it.

To-hit: 2 + 42 + 3 = 47 vs 28 = hit,
Damage: 11 + 10 + 4 + 3 = 28 damage.

Her first hit practically decapitates the demon, and it falls to its knees, and then to the earth, the thread of its neck barely holdings it head to its body as its foul blood spurts out onto the ground. A few drops splatter onto the greaves of her armor, but otherwise the demon is no longer a threat.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As her blade slashed through the monster's neck with great ease, Arinas give almost a look of shock at what had happened. Only a year ago, she had been barely swing the blade without falling off balance. Now she cleaved the head clear of a demon... or at least what she believed was a demon.

Arinas stepped back and gave the Nodachi a flick causing the blood on it to fly off. She had regained the focus as she started to walk towards the area the monster had been hiding. She was on the hunt now for more beasts.
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Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

The only thing on the stand the demon had been hiding behind was rotting fruit, showing no signs of other demons. Looking around, Arina can spot no signs of any other creatures, the area having been trampled flat by many feet long ago.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Finding only rotten fruit made Arinas... unhappy. Her first encounter with one of the beast and it barely stood a chance. How could she feel like she earned the title "White Void" if she could not truly be tested to he limits. She started to question herself as if coming here was really worth her time.

She lets out sigh as she sheaths her weapon. She looks about ab decided it would be best to keep moving. She starts to head deeper in to town hoping to find something more worth of her time.

(XP would be 2 for the stalker right?)
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38


Looking around, she could go in any of four directions. One followed the river to her right, another to her left. Two other roads lead into town, forward left and forward right.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Thinking more beast would be in the town it's self then the outer rim along the river she steps froward looking at the paths in to the town. She takes the path going in to the town on the right once again scanning the path as she walks. She may have killed that last demon as easily as she did but she shouldn't get overconfident. Overconfident has kill more powerful and wiser warriors then she was.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38

The road she walked down seemed to be heading away from the factories, as the towers were off to her left, but the housing remained small and poor. Many of the buildings were made of clay or even mud, with a few flimsy wooden shacks hear and there. The streets also became more desolate and haphazard, the filth of habitation obvious even now, and side streets shooting off all over the place. Here and there, Arinas spots the corpses of people and demons, indicating that there had been fighting in the area.

She found another battle up ahead, as four short demons wielding swords and spears exited a shack to her left, drawing their weapons and moving in to attack from only five feat away.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas walked slowly taking note of buildings around her as moved froward. She had decided she must have been in the slums of the city with how poor the area was. As she crossed the bodies of human who had died she stopped to close their eye and gave a soft prayer.

"May you find peace in the afterlife... brave soul."

She did this for a number of the bodies but stopped when she found one of the bodies seemed even younger then her. She the young man's eyes and give him the prayer too but she adds a soft kiss on his forehead. Her father said to do that for any man that had died and seemed to young to know the feeling of a woman. She just found it the best way to honor one who died so young. But what was odd was he still felt some what warm.

As Arinas continued to travel down the path she saw the small goblins come out of the hut. They looked like the demons that had been found with the humans early.

"You all shall die demons." She said in very angered voice as she pulled her Nodachi free of its sheath and used the momentum to try cutting one of the tiny demons in half.

(Hope you don't mind the the honoring the dead things. It's just something she would do. :p)

(edit: oh god the color... it burns X.x )
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38


To-hit: 18 + 42 + 3 = 63 vs 15 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 10 - 3 = 8 damage.

Arinas blade nicked something on the way to striking the demon, possibly the side of a house or something, which robbed it of some of its momentum and caused her blow to only cause a cut on the small demon through its thin armor. The goblins retaliate, snarling as they try to strike at her with their weapons.

To-hit: 18 + 28 = 46 vs 28 = hit.
To-hit: 19 + 28 = 47 vs 28 = hit.
To-hit: 18 + 28 = 46 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 - 20 = 0 damage.
Damage: 6 + 4 - 20 = 0 damage.
Damage: 4 + 3 - 20 = 0 damage.

Arina feels the two swords and the single spear strike her armor, but none of them penetrate to cause her any harm. The armor of the White Void was more than protection enough for such lowly creatures, it seemed.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As she feels the weapons strike her she winches at first expecting to feel some pain or at least a jarring blow to knock her off her feet but the armor held it's own and didn't give way to any of the attacks. She lets a shape gasp after not feeling anything.

With a tug on her weapon she pulls the weapon free of whatever it had gotten stuck on. Backing up so she can avoid wasting any of her strength on useless swings she decides to run the little monster through. She took aim for the one she had already harmed even if it was only a little.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38


To-hit: 5 + 42 + 3 = 50 vs 15 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 8 - 3 = 10 damage.

The goblin dodges out of the way of her attack, avoiding a killing blow in favor of a flesh wound on its side.

To-hit: 18 + 28 = 46 vs 28 = hit.
To-hit: 17 + 28 = 45 vs 28 = hit.
To-hit: 20 + 28 = 48 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 - 20 = 0 damage.
Damage: 6 + 4 - 20 = 0 damage.
Damage: 4 + 3 - 20 = 0 damage.

The goblins attacks once again fail to do anything against the armor of the White Void. She retracts her blade and prepares to take another swing at the lowly creatures.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Just die already... It will make it a lot easier on you and me." She said in an angered voice. She pulls back her weapon and swings it aiming for the little monster throat.

(damn house! move already so I can one shot this munchkin all ready :D )
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 38


To-hit: 19 + 42 + 3 = 64 vs 15 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 8 - 3 = 12 damage.

The creature is put off balance by Arina withdrawing her sword, and is unable to regain its footing before Arinas sword cuts through its throat, cleanly decapitating the demon.

To-hit: 6 + 28 = 34 vs 28 = hit.
To-hit: 17 + 28 = 45 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 6 + 4 - 20 = 0 damage.
Damage: 1 + 3 - 20 = 0 damage.

The other to creatures strike pointlessly against her powerful armor once more, doing no damage.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arina readies her weapon and aims a slash at the next little demon in line.

(Feel free to just go on a mass roll if they don't try anything else then attack. >.> Cause come on this is just get a little redundant. )