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The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino would appear beside her, and panicked as well, enough to make her magical girl form drop and left her standing with the clothes she had before and her red hair returned to black. Along with her phone. Pulling out the her phone she looked at the time and her eyes widened. "Umm, we were gone for half an hour apparently... Also uh, I think if you switch back to your normal form your clothes will come back."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Oh... That's handy..." Lan sweatdropped a bit at the bit of information Shiino gave her. She would then step out from the dumpster, close her eyes, breathe in deeply through her nose and exhaling calmly focusing her magic before suddenly appearing in her regular school uniform. She would then turn to Shiino before asking, "Seriously!? Thirty minutes? Damn... The night is still relatively young then isn't it...? I mean do you wanna hit the mall... Grab a bite to at WacDonald's... Or just come to my place and crash until you need to go home...? I REALLY wasn't expecting such a time dilation you know...?" She said scratching her head waiting for Shiino's reply...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Yah, I'm surprised to, I mean, a half hour? But I guess its better then us having been missing for days and days right?" Shiino said with a shrug, "But yah, we might as well go to your house, we got to hide that egg right? Though I don't really know how we're going to do that..."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Is there room in your backpack? Maybe we could grab a paper bag or something from the snack shop? Otherwise your guess is as good as mine, Shiino. Anyways, let's head home. I don't know about you but I definitely could use a good hot and cold showed after that whole ordeal..." Whether they had room in Shiino's bag or got one from somewhere else, the two magical girls would quickly be on their way back to LANs house. Upon arriving Shiino would call out cheerily, "M-O-M-!~ I-M H-O-M-E-!~" before entering the house and promptly kicking off her shoes, "Hey~ I brought Shiino along with me is that alright?~ Shes going to call her mom and let her know~" she sang out as she would quickly run up to her bedroom and gently lay the egg down on her bed before stripping down and jumping into the shower, blasting the cold water ,"B-R-R-R-W-L-!~ Gawd that's cold but I was needing it! Whoo!" She would let out before splashing the cold water in her face and rub it over her sore and lusty body, "Nothing like a cold shower get the Pervy thoughts under control! Ahhh~ Now let's get some heat~" she cooed before turning the heat up and let it run freely down her face, tits, belly and pussy before rubbing it all over her briskly and applying some of her favorite scented body wash over her and rinsing it off before stepping out of the shower and drying off. "Shiino~ Its tour turn of you'd like the shower~" she sang out to her best friend before flopping down on her back on the bed, not caring she was clad in only a towel...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

The two would not be able to find anything to hide the egg in. What they would find though was that no one on the street seemed to notice it, even as Lan carried it wrapped in her arms on the way home. She'd hear her mother give her a 'Welcome home' before she went up to the shower, and Shiino went to go park in Lan's room. Once the shower was free the black haired student would take her turn, and leave Lan to in her room with the plushie and the egg, both of which were on the bed beside her.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Geh... What a day... All that FUCKING paperwork... Then getting dragged into a video game... Then having to run from a bunch of molestermons... Then getting told I'm a magical girl and finally being knocked up in a cave by a Lucario...! I really wish I could say this was all a dream but judging by the egg and plushie on mg bed... I've got a sinking feeling I'm signed onto this gig for the long haul... Sigh... I wonder why noone commented on the egg though... She thought to herself as she rolled over on her side and began to snug her Lucario plushie while she waited for Shiino to come out of the shower...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

As Lan was snuggling the plushy, and the water was running, she'd feel a small burst of magic from the thing and then it didn't feel so much like a plushie anymore. Instead it felt warm, and she could feel breath on her neck, and if she opened her eyes she'd see that the plushie had turned into Lucario outright. The male pokemon looking a bit surprised at where it was, but didn't mind being hugged by Lan at all.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

H-huh...? Wh-wha-...? B-breath...? And this certainly doesn't feel like cotton or pollyester... Lan would think to herself before slowly blinking her eyes open to see a real life Pokémon sharing her bed with her.. Before crying out in shock and falling off her bed and ungracefully on her ass and back from the recoil of the shock "GAH! WH-WHADUFUK! LU!?" she would cry out the pet name for her pokelover, "WHAT IN ALL THE FUCKING NINE HELLS ARW YOU DOING HERE!? I WAS SHNUGGING A PLUSHIE EARLIER!" She would cry out in disbelief and shock before muttering frustrated and exasperated under her breath "I really gotta learn how to get this fucking magic shit under better control..."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Lan are you okay up there?" Came the voice of Lan's mother from the main floor. Judging by the way she was asking, it was likely that she didn't hear anything specific, just Lan shouting and falling off the bed.

Shiino meanwhile popped out of the shower and was in Lan's room in a moment, butt naked and looking like she was ready for a fight. Then she noticed the Lucario, who seemed to be a mix of confused and worried about Lan as it looked off the bed at her.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Y-Yes, mom... I just um... slipped off the bed! Nothing to worry about!~... Owww~..." She called to her mom downstairs while rubbing her sore head and ass from the fall. When she would see Shiino storm out of the shower as naked as the day as she was born, she would blush deeply, before elbowing the Lucario to turn away from her naked friend, "Put some clothes on, Shiino!" she cry out waiting for her to make herself decent and all the while pondering why the hell the plushie she came back with suddenly turned into the father of her... egg? It had been a very confusing and break neck speed kind of day for the young woman. From doing mountains of paper work, going to the arcade, being sucked into a game and impregnated; and now she was looking at real live Pokemon... in her bedroom... that used to be a fucking plushie! Fuck... I wish I was old enough to drink... she thought to herself clutching her head in pain from the confusion and bizareness that had been her clusterfuck of a day up to this point. Once Shiino was dressed she would turn to her friend and speak "Shit... Shiino, what are we going to do...? I already have no fucking clue how we're going to hide an egg the size of a fucking soccerball... how in the hells are we going to keep a real live god fucking damned Pokemon a secret!?" She bemoaned flopping onto the Pokemon's lap in exhaustion...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lucario would turn away at Lan's nudging and Shiino would rush back into the bathroom to grab a towel. Returning in just a moment with her clothes in hand and the Lucario was back to looking at the pair.

Then, luckily for Lan, all her answers would come in a burst of light in the center of her room. Right between herself, and the now towel clad Shiino. The light would materialize itself into...the togepi from before. "Togepi!"

Don't worry, the egg and Lucario here will be invisible to anyone who isn't a magical girl or a youma. The pokemon 'said' to the two, seemingly completely oblivious to the potential for its sudden entrance to be surprising, or that Shiino's towel had fallen off when she squeaked in surprise.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would facepalm as she would Shiino drop her towel showing all what her mama gave her for a second time as "Eep!"ed at the appearance of her Spirit Pokemon-guide-mentor-thingamafucker, Togepi bursting in from a flash of bright light in the midst of her room. While she didn't want to be cruel or overly harsh to her Pokelover, and not at all possessive, Lan would tweak one his ears to make sure he did not get any funny ideas about knocking up Shiino as well. She would then lob a pillow at the Togepi to teach him some manners as well, before turning away to respect Shiino's privacy once more. "Jesus, Shiino. You're a walking hard on, you know that!? Go back in the bathroom and dress quick, okay? And... that's... g-good to know... I g-guess... If nothing else it saves me from asploding my brain trying to explain shit to people... Well... If we took care of the arcade shit, or at least the Pokemon problem... What's next? According to your statement, Togepi it would seem there's at least a few more Youma out there than that Mewtwo. Also, th-there's other magic girls!? Thank Christ! That makes this thing a whole lot less of a nightmare to deal with. Do you know where they are? W-would they be willing to help us? I'd rather not play vidja or magical Orkin man, or woman as it is, all myself. You know?" She said, looking apprehensively over her should to see if her best friend was dressed and not giving any more boners...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Indeed, Shiino was very much a walking hardon judging by the warm and stiff rod Lan felt pressing against her back. Shiino would see past Lan and see what was poking her, 'eeped' and bailed back to the bathroom.

The Togepi though dodged the pillow, or more specifically the pillow just passed through it. "Togepi!"

"There are indeed other magical girls, though few of them have abilities like you do to deal with Youma that escape into the virtual realm. I can try to talk to the others that can, but for now assume you and Shiino are on your own. As for the next step, there will be an old console and a game delivered here tommorow, one of the other magical girls that can't deal with the realm of technology found it and I asked them to send it here. It will...likely be a significant task to drive it out just a word of warning."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Oooooh... Retro gaming... I hope it's not some ball busting hair pulling swear word inducing game like Ghosts n Goblins, or something like that... Otherwise you may as well consider me and Shiino to be a lost cause... But I love checking out older games. Newer games are nice and all, but every now and then, I like to delve into the past... What kind of console and games are we talking about? Also I'd rather tackle it here in our room. Than out in an arcade or some such. It's just more convenient..." Lan replied to the Togepi before turning her attention back to the odd warm poking at her back, "No offense Lu, but I'm really tired after everything today, okay? So when Shiino is out and decent hop into the shower and cool of a bit, alright? Besides, I'm gonna need my sleep to have clear and refreshed mind if I'm gonna tackle that console youma tomorrow. You can still share the bed if you want, just no nookie for now..." she stroking the Pokemon's back and snout in comfort and assurance. When Shiino was out she would turn to her friend, "Hey Shiino, I'm gonna head downstairs and grabs some snacks and drinks. Do you want anything?"
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)


"It used to be a copy of Final Fantasy, though its been warped drastically by the Youma inside it. Do not expect knowledge of the game to help you drastically for this one."

The Lucario would give a half dissapointed "Lucario." And got up from the bed, walking off to the shower without seemingly a care that his erect canine member was rather visible for both Lan and Shiino to see, causing a blush in the latter girl.

When Shiino recovered and plopped down on the edge of Lan's bed she said. "Umm, I could just use a drink and whatever you bring up for food. I should be heading home soon anyways."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would blow out a "ppphbt"-sigh through a pout, puffing her up from her face before muttering under her breath, "Ooof fucking course..." before patting her friend on the shoulder and slipping into her oink pajamas and heading downstairs. "Hey mom~ Imma gonna snag the pecori sweat and some of the left over cake for me and Shiino to munch on before she heads home, okay?~" she asked sweetly before snatching a bottle for her and Shiino as well as two plates and the pieces of cheesecake for both of them. She would stop and cut a piece for Lucario as well, to sweeten him up for being understanding about her wish to not do the deed tonight. She would then skip back up the stairs calling out to her friend, "Shiino! I've got the drinks and some cake for us! I got you a slice too, Lu! For being a good sport about me not wanting to do it again tonight! ~" she sang out before passing out the sweets and giving Lucario a peck on the cheek.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

The Lucario blushed at the kiss, and took the cake in his paws. Looking a bit confused about how to eat it, before opening his mouth wide and taking it all in with one go. Shiino would eat hers slower. "So do you want to meet up here tommorow after school and go into the game? Or do you want to wait for a bit before we try it?"
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Land would giggle as the Lucario would just enhale his piece of cake, taking a napkin and wiping its mouth for it and offering him a swig of picori. Upon hearing Shiino's question, she would chew her food a little slower and more deliberately in deep thought "Hmmmm... I don't know Shiino... Part of me feels like we ought to try to nip it in the bud as soon and quick as we can. Not only so we don't have to have the game and youma hanging over our heads forever; but also so we can make sure that the youma doesn't get any stronger. But on the other hand, if I get knocked up again, and this one proves to be more of a threat than the mewtwo, you'll be up a creek without me. I don't want you getting all preggers and shit too..." She would finish before hrming and groaning to herself in concentration and debate before finally turning to the other two in the room, "Togepi, Lu- what do you guys think that we oughta do?"
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)


Well, unlike the pokemon game, you should have ample opportunities to grind in this world. I warn you though it is also equally likely you will get pregnant more then once on this journey, it's something of an inevitability in this line of work. It's likely it will take either more then one trip, or you will have to devote a significant portion of a day here to finish the game and get to the youma there.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Well then... I would think then that we ought take this problem out ASAP then- if its going to be that big of an ordeal. Better to jump and do our best to resolve the affair or get as far as possible before having to call it quits- and keep the youma from getting any worse. I'll meet you over here, right after school Shiino, so be sure to get as much sleep as possible. Well have a long day ahead of us. Possibly more." She said finishing up her snack and running the dishes downstairs and tossin the bottles in the trash. If Shiino would head out behind her, she would give her friend a goodbye hug and run back upstairs. Once back in her room she would pick up her egg and hold it close to her before making a spot for the Lucario to lie down and nestle into bed with her and motion for him to come join her.